mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 08:51:59 +00:00
update to current version
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 449 additions and 64 deletions
@ -98,6 +98,10 @@ my $Distributed = 0;
# What file should we generate (defaults to "ChangeLog")?
my $Log_File_Name = "ChangeLog";
# Grab most recent entry date from existing ChangeLog file, just add
# to that ChangeLog.
my $Cumulative = 0;
# Expand usernames to email addresses based on a map file?
my $User_Map_File = "";
@ -107,12 +111,21 @@ my $Output_To_Stdout = 0;
# Eliminate empty log messages?
my $Prune_Empty_Msgs = 0;
# Separates header from log message
# Don't call Text::Wrap on the body of the message
my $No_Wrap = 0;
# Separates header from log message. Code assumes it is either " " or
# "\n\n", so if there's ever an option to set it to something else,
# make sure to go through all conditionals that use this var.
my $After_Header = " ";
# Format more for programs than for humans.
my $XML_Output = 0;
# Do some special tweaks for log data that was written in FSF
# ChangeLog style.
my $FSF_Style = 0;
# Show times in UTC instead of local time
my $UTC_Times = 0;
@ -150,6 +163,9 @@ my $Command_Opts = "";
# Read log output from stdin instead of invoking cvs log?
my $Input_From_Stdin = 0;
# Don't show filenames in output.
my $Hide_Filenames = 0;
# Max checkin duration. CVS checkin is not atomic, so we may have checkin
# times that span a range of time. We assume that checkins will last no
# longer than $Max_Checkin_Duration seconds, and that similarly, no
@ -184,6 +200,33 @@ my $logmsg_separator = "----------------------------";
### Everything below is subroutine definitions. ###
# If accumulating, grab the boundary date from pre-existing ChangeLog.
sub maybe_grab_accumulation_date ()
if (! $Cumulative) {
return "";
# else
open (LOG, "$Log_File_Name")
or die ("trouble opening $Log_File_Name for reading ($!)");
my $boundary_date;
while (<LOG>)
if (/^(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s+\d\d:\d\d)/)
$boundary_date = "$1";
close (LOG);
return $boundary_date;
# Fills up a ChangeLog structure in the current directory.
sub derive_change_log ()
@ -198,6 +241,12 @@ sub derive_change_log ()
my $msg_txt;
my $detected_file_separator;
# Might be adding to an existing ChangeLog
my $accumulation_date = &maybe_grab_accumulation_date ();
if ($accumulation_date) {
$Log_Source_Command .= " -d\'>${accumulation_date}\'";
# We might be expanding usernames
my %usermap;
@ -211,6 +260,11 @@ sub derive_change_log ()
my %branch_numbers; # Save some revisions for @Follow_Branches
my @branch_roots; # For showing which files are branch ancestors.
# Bleargh. Compensate for a deficiency of custom wrapping.
if (($After_Header ne " ") and $FSF_Style)
$After_Header .= "\t";
if (! $Input_From_Stdin) {
open (LOG_SOURCE, "$Log_Source_Command |")
@ -226,9 +280,11 @@ sub derive_change_log ()
# If on a new file and don't see filename, skip until we find it, and
# when we find it, grab it.
if ((! (defined $file_full_path)) and /^Working file: (.*)/) {
if ((! (defined $file_full_path)) and /^Working file: (.*)/)
$file_full_path = $1;
if (@Ignore_Files) {
if (@Ignore_Files)
my $base;
($base, undef, undef) = fileparse ($file_full_path);
# Ouch, I wish trailing operators in regexps could be
@ -267,14 +323,26 @@ sub derive_change_log ()
# can contain uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, `-',
# and `_'. However, it's not our place to enforce that, so
# we'll allow anything CVS hands us to be a tag:
/^\s([^:]+): ([\d.]+)$/;
/^\s+([^:]+): ([\d.]+)$/;
my $tag_name = $1;
my $tag_rev = $2;
# You can always tell a branch by the ".0." as the
# second-to-last digit in the revision number.
if ($tag_rev =~ /(\d+\.(\d+\.)+)0.(\d+)/) {
my $real_branch_rev = $1 . $3;
# A branch number either has an odd number of digit sections
# (and hence an even number of dots), or has ".0." as the
# second-to-last digit section. Test for these conditions.
my $real_branch_rev = "";
if (($tag_rev =~ /^(\d+\.\d+\.)+\d+$/) # Even number of dots...
and (! ($tag_rev =~ /^(1\.)+1$/))) # ...but not "1.[1.]1"
$real_branch_rev = $tag_rev;
elsif ($tag_rev =~ /(\d+\.(\d+\.)+)0.(\d+)/) # Has ".0."
$real_branch_rev = $1 . $3;
# If we got a branch, record its number.
if ($real_branch_rev)
$branch_names{$real_branch_rev} = $tag_name;
if (@Follow_Branches) {
if (grep ($_ eq $tag_name, @Follow_Branches)) {
@ -332,11 +400,11 @@ sub derive_change_log ()
# Non-trivial case: check if rev is ancestral to branch
elsif ((length ($branch_number)) > (length ($revision)))
$revision =~ /^([\d\.]+)(\d+)$/;
$revision =~ /^((?:\d+\.)+)(\d+)$/;
my $r_left = $1; # still has the trailing "."
my $r_end = $2;
$branch_number =~ /^([\d\.]+)(\d+)\.\d+$/;
$branch_number =~ /^((?:\d+\.)+)(\d+)\.\d+$/;
my $b_left = $1; # still has trailing "."
my $b_mid = $2; # has no trailing "."
@ -376,7 +444,8 @@ sub derive_change_log ()
# If have file name but not date and author, and see date or
# author, then grab them:
unless (defined $time) {
unless (defined $time)
if (/^date: .*/)
($time, $author) = &parse_date_and_author ($_);
@ -465,7 +534,8 @@ sub derive_change_log ()
# Ensure the message contains something:
if ((! $msg_txt)
|| ($msg_txt =~ /^\s*\.\s*$|^\s*$/)
|| ($msg_txt =~ /\*\*\* empty log message \*\*\*/)) {
|| ($msg_txt =~ /\*\*\* empty log message \*\*\*/))
if ($Prune_Empty_Msgs) {
goto CLEAR;
@ -525,7 +595,7 @@ sub derive_change_log ()
$qunk{'revision'} = $revision;
# Grab the branch, even though we may or may not need it:
$qunk{'revision'} =~ /([\d.]+)\d+/;
$qunk{'revision'} =~ /((?:\d+\.)+)\d+/;
my $branch_prefix = $1;
$branch_prefix =~ s/\.$//; # strip off final dot
if ($branch_names{$branch_prefix}) {
@ -571,6 +641,8 @@ sub derive_change_log ()
if ($detected_file_separator) {
undef $file_full_path;
undef %branch_names;
undef %branch_numbers;
undef %symbolic_names;
@ -641,7 +713,8 @@ sub derive_change_log ()
print LOG_OUT $ChangeLog_Header;
if ($XML_Output) {
print LOG_OUT "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n\n<CHANGELOG>\n\n";
print LOG_OUT "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n\n"
. "<changelog xmlns=\"http://www.red-bean.com/xmlns/cvs2cl/\">\n\n";
foreach my $time (sort {$main::b <=> $main::a} (keys %changelog))
@ -649,19 +722,21 @@ sub derive_change_log ()
my $authorhash = $changelog{$time};
while (my ($author,$mesghash) = each %$authorhash)
# If XML, escape in outer loop to avoid compound quoting:
if ($XML_Output) {
$author = &xml_escape ($author);
while (my ($msg,$qunklist) = each %$mesghash)
my $files = &pretty_file_list ($qunklist);
my $logtext = &pretty_msg_text ($msg);
my $header_line; # date and author
my $body; # see below
my $wholething; # $header_line + $body
$body = $files . (($XML_Output) ? "" : $After_Header) . $logtext;
# Set up the date/author line.
# kff todo: do some more XML munging here, on the header
# part of the entry:
my ($ignore,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday)
= $UTC_Times ? gmtime($time) : localtime($time);
@ -670,19 +745,18 @@ sub derive_change_log ()
if ($Show_Day_Of_Week or $XML_Output) {
$wday = ("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
"Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday")[$wday];
$wday = ($XML_Output) ? "<WEEKDAY>${wday}</WEEKDAY>\n" : " $wday";
$wday = ($XML_Output) ? "<weekday>${wday}</weekday>\n" : " $wday";
else {
$wday = "";
if ($XML_Output) {
$author = &xml_escape ($author);
$header_line =
sprintf ("<DATE>%4u-%02u-%02u</DATE>\n"
sprintf ("<date>%4u-%02u-%02u</date>\n"
. "${wday}"
. "<TIME>%02u:%02u</TIME>\n"
. "<AUTHOR>%s</AUTHOR>\n",
. "<time>%02u:%02u</time>\n"
. "<author>%s</author>\n",
$year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $author);
else {
@ -691,14 +765,51 @@ sub derive_change_log ()
$year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $author);
unless ($XML_Output) {
$body = wrap ("\t", " ", "$body");
# Reshape the body according to user preferences.
if ($XML_Output)
$msg = &preprocess_msg_text ($msg);
$body = $files . $msg;
elsif ($No_Wrap)
$msg = &preprocess_msg_text ($msg);
$files = wrap ("\t", " ", "$files");
$msg =~ s/\n(.*)/\n\t$1/g;
unless ($After_Header eq " ") {
$msg =~ s/^(.*)/\t$1/g;
$body = $files . $After_Header . $msg;
else # do wrapping, either FSF-style or regular
if ($FSF_Style)
$files = wrap ("\t", " ", "$files");
my $files_last_line_len = 0;
if ($After_Header eq " ")
$files_last_line_len = &last_line_len ($files);
$files_last_line_len += 1; # for $After_Header
$msg = &wrap_log_entry
($msg, "\t", 69 - $files_last_line_len, 69);
$body = $files . $After_Header . $msg;
else # not FSF-style
$msg = &preprocess_msg_text ($msg);
$body = $files . $After_Header . $msg;
$body = wrap ("\t", " ", "$body");
$wholething = $header_line . $body;
if ($XML_Output) {
$wholething = "<ENTRY>\n${wholething}</ENTRY>\n";
$wholething = "<entry>\n${wholething}</entry>\n";
# One last check: make sure it passes the regexp test, if the
@ -724,13 +835,48 @@ sub derive_change_log ()
if ($XML_Output) {
print LOG_OUT "</CHANGELOG>\n";
print LOG_OUT "</changelog>\n";
close (LOG_OUT);
if (! $Output_To_Stdout)
# If accumulating, append old data to new before renaming. But
# don't append the most recent entry, since it's already in the
# new log due to CVS's idiosyncratic interpretation of "log -d".
if ($Cumulative && -f $logfile_here)
open (NEW_LOG, ">>$tmpfile")
or die "trouble appending to $tmpfile ($!)";
open (OLD_LOG, "<$logfile_here")
or die "trouble reading from $logfile_here ($!)";
my $started_first_entry = 0;
my $passed_first_entry = 0;
while (<OLD_LOG>)
if (! $passed_first_entry)
if ((! $started_first_entry)
&& /^(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s+\d\d:\d\d)/) {
$started_first_entry = 1;
elsif (/^(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s+\d\d:\d\d)/) {
$passed_first_entry = 1;
print NEW_LOG $_;
else {
print NEW_LOG $_;
close (NEW_LOG);
close (OLD_LOG);
if (-f $logfile_here) {
rename ($logfile_here, $logfile_bak);
@ -763,6 +909,10 @@ sub parse_date_and_author ()
# summary that will include all the information the user asked for.
sub pretty_file_list ()
if ($Hide_Filenames and (! $XML_Output)) {
return "";
my $qunksref = shift;
my @qunkrefs = @$qunksref;
my @filenames;
@ -770,7 +920,7 @@ sub pretty_file_list ()
my %non_unanimous_tags; # Tags found in a proper subset of qunks
my %unanimous_tags; # Tags found in all qunks
my %all_branches; # Branches found in any qunk
my $common_dir; # Dir of all files, or "" if no common dir
my $common_dir = undef; # Dir prefix common to all files ("" if none)
my $fbegun = 0; # Did we begin printing filenames yet?
# First, loop over the qunks gathering all the tag/branch names.
@ -783,12 +933,26 @@ sub pretty_file_list ()
# little more compact by mentioning the directory only once.
if ((scalar (@qunkrefs)) > 1)
if (! (defined ($common_dir))) {
if (! (defined ($common_dir)))
my ($base, $dir);
($base, $dir, undef) = fileparse ($$qunkref{'filename'});
($dir eq "./") ? ($common_dir = "") : ($common_dir = $dir);
if ((! (defined ($dir))) # this first case is sheer paranoia
or ($dir eq "")
or ($dir eq "./")
or ($dir eq ".\\"))
$common_dir = "";
$common_dir = $dir;
elsif ($common_dir) {
elsif ($common_dir ne "")
# Already have a common dir prefix, so how much of it can we preserve?
$common_dir = &common_path_prefix ($$qunkref{'filename'}, $common_dir);
@ -843,22 +1007,22 @@ sub pretty_file_list ()
$filename = &xml_escape ($filename); # probably paranoia
$revision = &xml_escape ($revision); # definitely paranoia
$beauty .= "<FILE>\n";
$beauty .= "<NAME>${filename}</NAME>\n";
$beauty .= "<REVISION>${revision}</REVISION>\n";
$beauty .= "<file>\n";
$beauty .= "<name>${filename}</name>\n";
$beauty .= "<revision>${revision}</revision>\n";
if ($branch) {
$branch = &xml_escape ($branch); # more paranoia
$beauty .= "<BRANCH>${branch}</BRANCH>\n";
$beauty .= "<branch>${branch}</branch>\n";
foreach my $tag (@$tags) {
$tag = &xml_escape ($tag); # by now you're used to the paranoia
$beauty .= "<TAG>${tag}</TAG>\n";
$beauty .= "<tag>${tag}</tag>\n";
foreach my $root (@$branchroots) {
$root = &xml_escape ($root); # which is good, because it will continue
$beauty .= "<BRANCHROOT>${root}</BRANCHROOT>\n";
$beauty .= "<branchroot>${root}</branchroot>\n";
$beauty .= "</FILE>\n";
$beauty .= "</file>\n";
# Theoretically, we could go home now. But as long as we're here,
@ -869,12 +1033,12 @@ sub pretty_file_list ()
if ((scalar (keys (%unanimous_tags))) > 1) {
foreach my $utag ((keys (%unanimous_tags))) {
$utag = &xml_escape ($utag); # the usual paranoia
$beauty .= "<UTAG>${utag}</UTAG>\n";
$beauty .= "<utag>${utag}</utag>\n";
if ($common_dir) {
$common_dir = &xml_escape ($common_dir);
$beauty .= "<COMMONDIR>${common_dir}</COMMONDIR>\n";
$beauty .= "<commondir>${common_dir}</commondir>\n";
# That's enough for XML, time to go home:
@ -926,7 +1090,7 @@ sub pretty_file_list ()
# Collect the revision numbers' last components, but don't
# print them -- they'll get printed with the branch name
# later.
$$qunkref{'revision'} =~ /.+\.([\d])+$/;
$$qunkref{'revision'} =~ /.+\.([\d]+)$/;
push (@brevisions, $1);
# todo: we're still collecting branch roots, but we're not
@ -965,6 +1129,9 @@ sub pretty_file_list ()
$fbegun = 1;
$beauty .= substr ($$qunkref{'filename'}, length ($common_dir));
# todo: Shlomo's change was this:
# $beauty .= substr ($$qunkref{'filename'},
# (($common_dir eq "./") ? "" : length ($common_dir)));
$$qunkref{'printed'} = 1; # Set a mark bit.
if ($Show_Revisions || $Show_Tags)
@ -1045,7 +1212,7 @@ sub common_path_prefix ()
sub pretty_msg_text ()
sub preprocess_msg_text ()
my $text = shift;
@ -1055,26 +1222,221 @@ sub pretty_msg_text ()
# If it *looks* like two newlines, make it *be* two newlines:
$text =~ s/\n\s*\n/\n\n/g;
# Strip off lone newlines, but only for lines that don't begin with
# whitespace or a mail-quoting character, since we want to preserve
# that kind of formatting. Also don't strip newlines that follow a
# period; we handle those specially next.
1 while ($text =~ s/(^|\n)([^>\s].*[^.\n])\n([^>\n])/$1$2 $3/g);
# If a newline follows a period, make sure that when we bring up the
# bottom sentence, it begins with two spaces.
1 while ($text =~ s/(^|\n)([^>\s].*)\n([^>\n])/$1$2 $3/g);
if ($XML_Output)
$text = &xml_escape ($text);
$text = "<MSG>${text}</MSG>\n";
$text = "<msg>${text}</msg>\n";
elsif (! $No_Wrap)
# Strip off lone newlines, but only for lines that don't begin with
# whitespace or a mail-quoting character, since we want to preserve
# that kind of formatting. Also don't strip newlines that follow a
# period; we handle those specially next. And don't strip
# newlines that precede an open paren.
1 while ($text =~ s/(^|\n)([^>\s].*[^.\n])\n([^>\n])/$1$2 $3/g);
# If a newline follows a period, make sure that when we bring up the
# bottom sentence, it begins with two spaces.
1 while ($text =~ s/(^|\n)([^>\s].*)\n([^>\n])/$1$2 $3/g);
return $text;
sub last_line_len ()
my $files_list = shift;
my @lines = split (/\n/, $files_list);
my $last_line = pop (@lines);
return length ($last_line);
# A custom wrap function, sensitive to some common constructs used in
# log entries.
sub wrap_log_entry ()
my $text = shift; # The text to wrap.
my $left_pad_str = shift; # String to pad with on the left.
# These do NOT take left_pad_str into account:
my $length_remaining = shift; # Amount left on current line.
my $max_line_length = shift; # Amount left for a blank line.
my $wrapped_text = ""; # The accumulating wrapped entry.
my $user_indent = ""; # Inherited user_indent from prev line.
my $first_time = 1; # First iteration of the loop?
my $suppress_line_start_match = 0; # Set to disable line start checks.
my @lines = split (/\n/, $text);
while (@lines) # Don't use `foreach' here, it won't work.
my $this_line = shift (@lines);
chomp $this_line;
if ($this_line =~ /^(\s+)/) {
$user_indent = $1;
else {
$user_indent = "";
# If it matches any of the line-start regexps, print a newline now...
if ($suppress_line_start_match)
$suppress_line_start_match = 0;
elsif (($this_line =~ /^(\s*)\*\s+[a-zA-Z0-9]/)
|| ($this_line =~ /^(\s*)\* [a-zA-Z0-9_\.\/\+-]+/)
|| ($this_line =~ /^(\s*)\([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\/\+-]+(\)|,\s*)/)
|| ($this_line =~ /^(\s+)(\S+)/)
|| ($this_line =~ /^(\s*)- +/)
|| ($this_line =~ /^()\s*$/)
|| ($this_line =~ /^(\s*)\*\) +/)
|| ($this_line =~ /^(\s*)[a-zA-Z0-9](\)|\.|\:) +/))
# Make a line break immediately, unless header separator is set
# and this line is the first line in the entry, in which case
# we're getting the blank line for free already and shouldn't
# add an extra one.
unless (($After_Header ne " ") and ($first_time))
if ($this_line =~ /^()\s*$/) {
$suppress_line_start_match = 1;
$wrapped_text .= "\n${left_pad_str}";
$wrapped_text .= "\n${left_pad_str}";
$length_remaining = $max_line_length - (length ($user_indent));
# Now that any user_indent has been preserved, strip off leading
# whitespace, so up-folding has no ugly side-effects.
$this_line =~ s/^\s*//;
# Accumulate the line, and adjust parameters for next line.
my $this_len = length ($this_line);
if ($this_len == 0)
# Blank lines should cancel any user_indent level.
$user_indent = "";
$length_remaining = $max_line_length;
elsif ($this_len >= $length_remaining) # Line too long, try breaking it.
# Walk backwards from the end. At first acceptable spot, break
# a new line.
my $idx = $length_remaining - 1;
if ($idx < 0) { $idx = 0 };
while ($idx > 0)
if (substr ($this_line, $idx, 1) =~ /\s/)
my $line_now = substr ($this_line, 0, $idx);
my $next_line = substr ($this_line, $idx);
$this_line = $line_now;
# Clean whitespace off the end.
chomp $this_line;
# The current line is ready to be printed.
$this_line .= "\n${left_pad_str}";
# Make sure the next line is allowed full room.
$length_remaining = $max_line_length - (length ($user_indent));
# Strip next_line, but then preserve any user_indent.
$next_line =~ s/^\s*//;
# Sneak a peek at the user_indent of the upcoming line, so
# $next_line (which will now precede it) can inherit that
# indent level. Otherwise, use whatever user_indent level
# we currently have, which might be none.
my $next_next_line = shift (@lines);
if ((defined ($next_next_line)) && ($next_next_line =~ /^(\s+)/)) {
$next_line = $1 . $next_line if (defined ($1));
# $length_remaining = $max_line_length - (length ($1));
$next_next_line =~ s/^\s*//;
else {
$next_line = $user_indent . $next_line;
if (defined ($next_next_line)) {
unshift (@lines, $next_next_line);
unshift (@lines, $next_line);
# Our new next line might, coincidentally, begin with one of
# the line-start regexps, so we temporarily turn off
# sensitivity to that until we're past the line.
$suppress_line_start_match = 1;
if ($idx == 0)
# We bottomed out because the line is longer than the
# available space. But that could be because the space is
# small, or because the line is longer than even the maximum
# possible space. Handle both cases below.
if ($length_remaining == ($max_line_length - (length ($user_indent))))
# The line is simply too long -- there is no hope of ever
# breaking it nicely, so just insert it verbatim, with
# appropriate padding.
$this_line = "\n${left_pad_str}${this_line}";
# Can't break it here, but may be able to on the next round...
unshift (@lines, $this_line);
$length_remaining = $max_line_length - (length ($user_indent));
$this_line = "\n${left_pad_str}";
else # $this_len < $length_remaining, so tack on what we can.
# Leave a note for the next iteration.
$length_remaining = $length_remaining - $this_len;
if ($this_line =~ /\.$/)
$this_line .= " ";
$length_remaining -= 2;
else # not a sentence end
$this_line .= " ";
$length_remaining -= 1;
# Unconditionally indicate that loop has run at least once.
$first_time = 0;
$wrapped_text .= "${user_indent}${this_line}";
# One last bit of padding.
$wrapped_text .= "\n";
return $wrapped_text;
sub xml_escape ()
my $txt = shift;
@ -1096,6 +1458,10 @@ sub maybe_read_user_map_file ()
while (<MAPFILE>)
next if /^\s*#/; # Skip comment lines.
next if not /:/; # Skip lines without colons.
# It is now safe to split on ':'.
my ($username, $expansion) = split ':';
chomp $expansion;
$expansion =~ s/^'(.*)'$/$1/;
@ -1159,6 +1525,12 @@ sub parse_options ()
my $narg = shift (@ARGV) || die "$arg needs argument.\n";
$output_file = $narg;
elsif ($arg =~ /^--accum$/) {
$Cumulative = 1;
elsif ($arg =~ /^--fsf$/) {
$FSF_Style = 1;
elsif ($arg =~ /^-U$|^--usermap$/) {
my $narg = shift (@ARGV) || die "$arg needs argument.\n";
$User_Map_File = $narg;
@ -1193,6 +1565,9 @@ sub parse_options ()
elsif ($arg =~ /^-S$|^--separate-header$/) {
$After_Header = "\n\n";
elsif ($arg =~ /^--no-wrap$/) {
$No_Wrap = 1;
elsif ($arg =~ /^--gmt$|^--utc$/) {
$UTC_Times = 1;
@ -1225,6 +1600,10 @@ sub parse_options ()
elsif ($arg =~ /^--xml$/) {
$XML_Output = 1;
elsif ($arg =~ /^--hide-filenames$/) {
$Hide_Filenames = 1;
$After_Header = "";
else {
# Just add a filename as argument to the log command
$Log_Source_Command .= " $arg";
@ -1243,6 +1622,11 @@ sub parse_options ()
$exit_with_admonishment = 1;
if ($XML_Output && $Cumulative) {
print STDERR "cannot pass both --xml and --accum\n";
$exit_with_admonishment = 1;
# Or if any other error message has already been printed out, we
# just leave now:
if ($exit_with_admonishment) {
@ -1260,10 +1644,7 @@ sub parse_options ()
## Else no problems, so proceed.
if ($Output_To_Stdout) {
undef $Log_File_Name; # not actually necessary
elsif ($output_file) {
if ($output_file) {
$Log_File_Name = $output_file;
@ -1353,6 +1734,7 @@ Options/Arguments:
--stdout Output to stdout not to ChangeLog
-d, --distributed Put ChangeLogs in subdirs
-f FILE, --file FILE Write to FILE instead of "ChangeLog"
--fsf Use this if log data is in FSF ChangeLog style
-W SECS, --window SECS Window of time within which log entries unify
-U UFILE, --usermap UFILE Expand usernames to email addresses from UFILE
-R REGEXP, --regexp REGEXP Include only entries that match REGEXP
@ -1360,16 +1742,19 @@ Options/Arguments:
-C, --case-insensitive Any regexp matching is done case-insensitively
-F BRANCH, --follow BRANCH Show only revisions on or ancestral to BRANCH
-S, --separate-header Blank line between each header and log message
--no-wrap Don't auto-wrap log message (recommend -S also)
--gmt, --utc Show times in GMT/UTC instead of local time
--accum Add to an existing ChangeLog (incompat w/ --xml)
-w, --day-of-week Show day of week
--header FILE Get ChangeLog header from FILE ("-" means stdin)
--xml Output XML instead of ChangeLog format
--hide-filenames Don't show filenames (ignored for XML output)
-P, --prune Don't show empty log messages
-g OPTS, --global-opts OPTS Invoke like this "cvs OPTS log ..."
-l OPTS, --log-opts OPTS Invoke like this "cvs ... log OPTS"
FILE1 [FILE2 ...] Show only log information for the named FILE(s)
See http://www.red-bean.com/~kfogel/cvs2cl.shtml for maintenance and bug info.
See http://www.red-bean.com/cvs2cl for maintenance and bug info.
@ -1388,11 +1773,11 @@ information. Basic usage: just run it inside a working copy and a
ChangeLog will appear. It requires repository access (i.e., 'cvs log'
must work). Run "cvs2cl.pl --help" to see more advanced options.
See http://www.red-bean.com/~kfogel/cvs2cl.shtml for updates, and
for instructions on getting anonymous CVS access to this script.
See http://www.red-bean.com/cvs2cl for updates, and for instructions
on getting anonymous CVS access to this script.
Maintainer: Karl Fogel <kfogel@red-bean.com>
Please report bugs to <cvs2cl-bugs@red-bean.com>.
Please report bugs to <bug-cvs2cl@red-bean.com>.
=head1 README
@ -1401,11 +1786,11 @@ information. Basic usage: just run it inside a working copy and a
ChangeLog will appear. It requires repository access (i.e., 'cvs log'
must work). Run "cvs2cl.pl --help" to see more advanced options.
See http://www.red-bean.com/~kfogel/cvs2cl.shtml for updates, and
for instructions on getting anonymous CVS access to this script.
See http://www.red-bean.com/cvs2cl for updates, and for instructions
on getting anonymous CVS access to this script.
Maintainer: Karl Fogel <kfogel@red-bean.com>
Please report bugs to <cvs2cl-bugs@red-bean.com>.
Please report bugs to <bug-cvs2cl@red-bean.com>.
Reference in a new issue