mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 09:51:41 +00:00
Some more whitespace, and fixes for disappearing cvars.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 55 additions and 55 deletions
@ -276,9 +276,9 @@ CL_ParseDelta (entity_state_t *from, entity_state_t *to, int bits)
if ((!to->alpha) || (!to->colormod))
Con_Printf("fa: %d, fc: %d, ta: %d, tc: %d\n",
from->alpha, from->colormod, to->alpha, to->colormod);
if ((!to->alpha) || (!to->colormod))
Con_Printf("fa: %d, fc: %d, ta: %d, tc: %d\n",
from->alpha, from->colormod, to->alpha, to->colormod);
if ((!ent->alpha) || (!ent->colormod[0]) || (!ent->colormod[1]) ||
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ CL_ParsePacketEntities (qboolean delta)
while (1) {
word = (unsigned short) MSG_ReadShort (net_message);
if (net_message->badread) { // something didn't parse right...
if (net_message->badread) { // something didn't parse right...
Host_EndGame ("msg_badread in packetentities");
@ -418,10 +418,10 @@ CL_ParsePacketEntities (qboolean delta)
if (newindex >= MAX_PACKET_ENTITIES)
Host_EndGame ("CL_ParsePacketEntities: newindex == MAX_PACKET_ENTITIES");
CL_ParseDelta (&cl_baselines[newnum], &newp->entities[newindex], word);
@ -442,7 +442,6 @@ CL_ParsePacketEntities (qboolean delta)
newp->num_entities = newindex;
@ -665,13 +664,10 @@ CL_LinkProjectiles (void)
extern int cl_spikeindex, cl_playerindex, cl_flagindex;
extern int parsecountmod;
extern double parsecounttime;
CL_ParsePlayerinfo (void)
@ -893,9 +889,7 @@ CL_LinkPlayers (void)
(*ent)->scale = 1;
(*ent)->colormod[0] = (*ent)->colormod[1] = (*ent)->colormod[2] = 1;
// angles
(*ent)->angles[PITCH] = -state->viewangles[PITCH] / 3;
(*ent)->angles[YAW] = state->viewangles[YAW];
(*ent)->angles[ROLL] = 0;
@ -924,9 +918,6 @@ CL_LinkPlayers (void)
@ -1213,36 +1213,38 @@ CL_Init_Cvars (void)
"confirm quit command");
cl_allow_cmd_pkt = Cvar_Get ("cl_allow_cmd_pkt", "1", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"enables packets from the likes of gamespy");
cl_demospeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_demospeed", "1.0", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"adjust demo playback speed. 1.0 = normal, < 1 slow-mo, > 1 timelaps");
cl_autoexec = Cvar_Get ("cl_autoexec", "0", CVAR_ROM, NULL,
"exec autoexec.cfg on gamedir change");
cl_cshift_bonus = Cvar_Get ("cl_cshift_bonus", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, NULL,
"Show bonus flash on item pickup");
cl_cshift_contents = Cvar_Get ("cl_cshift_content", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, NULL,
"Shift view colors for contents (water, slime, etc)");
cl_cshift_contents = Cvar_Get ("cl_cshift_content", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE,
NULL, "Shift view colors for contents "
"(water, slime, etc)");
cl_cshift_damage = Cvar_Get ("cl_cshift_damage", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, NULL,
"Shift view colors on damage");
cl_cshift_powerup = Cvar_Get ("cl_cshift_powerup", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, NULL,
"Shift view colors for powerups");
cl_autoexec = Cvar_Get ("cl_autoexec", "0", CVAR_ROM, NULL,
"exec autoexec.cfg on gamedir change");
cl_demospeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_demospeed", "1.0", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"adjust demo playback speed. 1.0 = normal, "
"< 1 slow-mo, > 1 timelapse");
cl_warncmd = Cvar_Get ("cl_warncmd", "0", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"inform when execing a command");
cl_upspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_upspeed", "200", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"swim/fly up/down speed");
cl_forwardspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_forwardspeed", "200", CVAR_ARCHIVE, NULL,
"forward speed");
cl_backspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_backspeed", "200", CVAR_ARCHIVE, NULL,
"backward speed");
cl_sidespeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_sidespeed", "350", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"strafe speed");
cl_movespeedkey = Cvar_Get ("cl_movespeedkey", "2.0", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"move `run' speed multiplier");
cl_yawspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_yawspeed", "140", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"turning speed");
cl_pitchspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_pitchspeed", "150", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"look up/down speed");
cl_anglespeedkey = Cvar_Get ("cl_anglespeedkey", "1.5", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"turn `run' speed multiplier");
cl_backspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_backspeed", "200", CVAR_ARCHIVE, NULL,
"backward speed");
cl_forwardspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_forwardspeed", "200", CVAR_ARCHIVE, NULL,
"forward speed");
cl_movespeedkey = Cvar_Get ("cl_movespeedkey", "2.0", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"move `run' speed multiplier");
cl_pitchspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_pitchspeed", "150", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"look up/down speed");
cl_sidespeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_sidespeed", "350", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"strafe speed");
cl_upspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_upspeed", "200", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"swim/fly up/down speed");
cl_yawspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_yawspeed", "140", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"turning speed");
cl_shownet = Cvar_Get ("cl_shownet", "0", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"show network packets. 0=off, 1=basic, 2=verbose");
cl_sbar = Cvar_Get ("cl_sbar", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, NULL, "status bar mode");
@ -1252,22 +1254,28 @@ CL_Init_Cvars (void)
"new HUD on left side?");
cl_maxfps = Cvar_Get ("cl_maxfps", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, NULL,
"maximum frames rendered in one second. 0 == 32");
cl_timeout = Cvar_Get ("cl_timeout", "60", CVAR_ARCHIVE, NULL,
"server connection timeout (since last packet received)");
lookspring = Cvar_Get ("lookspring", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, NULL,
"Snap view to center when moving and no mlook/klook");
m_pitch = Cvar_Get ("m_pitch", "0.022", CVAR_ARCHIVE, NULL,
"mouse pitch (up/down) multipier");
m_yaw = Cvar_Get ("m_yaw", "0.022", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"mouse yaw (left/right) multiplier");
cl_timeout = Cvar_Get ("cl_timeout", "60", CVAR_ARCHIVE, NULL, "server "
"connection timeout (since last packet received)");
host_speeds = Cvar_Get ("host_speeds", 0, CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"display host processing times");
lookspring = Cvar_Get ("lookspring", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, NULL, "Snap view "
"to center when moving and no mlook/klook");
m_forward = Cvar_Get ("m_forward", "1", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"mouse forward/back speed");
m_pitch = Cvar_Get ("m_pitch", "0.022", CVAR_ARCHIVE, NULL,
"mouse pitch (up/down) multipier");
m_side = Cvar_Get ("m_side", "0.8", CVAR_NONE, NULL, "mouse strafe speed");
m_yaw = Cvar_Get ("m_yaw", "0.022", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"mouse yaw (left/right) multiplier");
rcon_password = Cvar_Get ("rcon_password", "", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"remote control password");
rcon_address = Cvar_Get ("rcon_address", "", CVAR_NONE, NULL, "server IP "
"address when client not connected - for "
"sending rcon commands");
show_fps = Cvar_Get ("show_fps", "0", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"display realtime frames per second");
show_time = Cvar_Get ("show_time", "0", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"display the current time");
cl_writecfg = Cvar_Get ("cl_writecfg", "1", CVAR_NONE, NULL,
"write config files?");
cl_predict_players2 = Cvar_Get ("cl_predict_players2", "1", CVAR_NONE,
@ -1280,26 +1288,28 @@ CL_Init_Cvars (void)
"Are players solid? If off, you can walk "
"through them with difficulty");
localid = Cvar_Get ("localid", "", CVAR_NONE, NULL, "FIXME: This has "
"something to do with client authentication.");
"something to do with client authentication."
"No description");
// info mirrors
cl_name = Cvar_Get ("name", "unnamed", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO,
Cvar_Info, "Player name");
password = Cvar_Get ("password", "", CVAR_USERINFO, Cvar_Info,
"Server password");
"Server password");
spectator = Cvar_Get ("spectator", "", CVAR_USERINFO, Cvar_Info,
"Set to 1 before connecting to become a spectator");
team = Cvar_Get ("team", "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO, Cvar_Info,
"Team player is on.");
rate = Cvar_Get ("rate", "2500", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO, Cvar_Info,
"Amount of bytes per second server will send/download to you");
"Amount of bytes per second server will send/download "
"to you");
msg = Cvar_Get ("msg", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO, Cvar_Info,
"Determines the type of messages reported 0 is maximum, 4 is none");
"Determines the type of messages reported 0 is maximum, "
"4 is none");
noaim = Cvar_Get ("noaim", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO, Cvar_Info,
"Auto aim off switch. Set to 1 to turn off.");
// Misty-chan: Initialize particles cvars. Seemed like a good place to put to me. Move as you wish!
R_Particles_Init_Cvars ();
@ -52,9 +52,8 @@ CL_PredictUsercmd (player_state_t * from, player_state_t * to, usercmd_t *u,
// Dabb: if there is no movement to start with, don't predict...
if(cl_nostatpred->int_val && !from->velocity[0]
&& !from->velocity[1]
&& !from->velocity[2]) {
if(cl_nostatpred->int_val && !from->velocity[0] &&
!from->velocity[1] && !from->velocity[2]) {
VectorCopy (from->origin, to->origin);
VectorCopy (u->angles, to->viewangles);
VectorCopy (from->velocity, to->velocity);
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ Sys_DebugLog (char *file, char *fmt, ...)
va_start (argptr, fmt);
vsnprintf (data, sizeof (data), fmt, argptr);
va_end (argptr);
// fd = open(file, O_WRONLY | O_BINARY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0666);
// fd = open(file, O_WRONLY | O_BINARY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0666);
fd = open (file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, 0666);
write (fd, data, strlen (data));
close (fd);
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ Sys_DebugLog (char *file, char *fmt, ...)
floating_point_exception_handler (int whatever)
// Sys_Warn("floating point exception\n");
// Sys_Warn("floating point exception\n");
signal (SIGFPE, floating_point_exception_handler);
Reference in a new issue