mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 18:01:15 +00:00
Added proper error checking and reporting with line numbers. Next:
Runtime errors and support for line number reporting with the error.
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 260 additions and 47 deletions
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "CompiledCode.h"
#include "Symbol.h"
#include "Scope.h"
#include "Error.h"
@interface Compiler: SchemeObject
@ -11,12 +12,12 @@
SchemeObject sexpr;
Symbol lambdaSym, quoteSym;
Scope scope;
Error err;
+ (id) newWithLambda: (SchemeObject) xp scope: (Scope) sc;
- (id) initWithLambda: (SchemeObject) xp scope: (Scope) sc;
- (void) compile;
- (CompiledCode) code;
- (SchemeObject) compile;
@ -18,9 +18,11 @@
lambdaSym = [Symbol forString: "lambda"];
quoteSym = [Symbol forString: "quote"];
code = [CompiledCode new];
err = NIL;
return self;
// FIXME: handle variable argument lists
- (void) emitBuildEnvironment: (SchemeObject) arguments
local integer count, index;
@ -47,6 +49,7 @@
for (cur = expressions; cur != [Nil nil]; cur = [cur cdr]) {
[self emitExpression: [cur car]];
if (err) return;
@ -74,10 +77,12 @@
if ([expression isKindOfClass: [Cons class]]) {
if ([expression car] == lambdaSym) {
[self emitLambda: expression];
if (err) return;
} else if ([expression car] == quoteSym) {
[self emitConstant: [[expression cdr] car]];
} else {
[self emitApply: expression];
if (err) return;
} else if ([expression isKindOfClass: [Symbol class]]) {
[self emitVariable: (Symbol) expression];
@ -92,7 +97,9 @@
} else {
[self emitArguments: [expression cdr]];
if (err) return;
[self emitExpression: [expression car]];
if (err) return;
[code addInstruction: [Instruction opcode: PUSH]];
@ -102,7 +109,9 @@
local Instruction label = [Instruction opcode: LABEL];
[code addInstruction: [Instruction opcode: MAKECONT label: label]];
[self emitArguments: [expression cdr]];
if (err) return;
[self emitExpression: [expression car]];
if (err) return;
[code addInstruction: [Instruction opcode: CALL]];
[code addInstruction: label];
@ -111,10 +120,15 @@
local Compiler compiler = [Compiler newWithLambda: expression
scope: scope];
local SchemeObject res;
local integer index;
[compiler compile];
index = [code addConstant: [compiler code]];
res = [compiler compile];
if ([res isError]) {
err = (Error) res;
index = [code addConstant: res];
[code addInstruction: [Instruction opcode: LOADLITS]];
[code addInstruction: [Instruction opcode: GET operand: index]];
[code addInstruction: [Instruction opcode: MAKECLOSURE]];
@ -128,16 +142,34 @@
[code addInstruction: [Instruction opcode: GET operand: index]];
- (void) compile
- (void) checkLambdaSyntax: (SchemeObject) expression
[self emitBuildEnvironment: [[sexpr cdr] car]];
[self emitSequence: [[sexpr cdr] cdr]];
[code addInstruction: [Instruction opcode: RETURN]];
[code compile];
if (![expression isKindOfClass: [Cons class]] ||
[expression car] != lambdaSym ||
[expression cdr] == [Nil nil] ||
[[expression cdr] cdr] == [Nil nil]) {
err = [Error type: "syntax"
message: "malformed lambda expression"
by: expression];
- (CompiledCode) code
- (SchemeObject) compile
[self checkLambdaSyntax: sexpr];
if (err) {
return err;
[self emitBuildEnvironment: [[sexpr cdr] car]];
if (err) {
return err;
[self emitSequence: [[sexpr cdr] cdr]];
if (err) {
return err;
[code addInstruction: [Instruction opcode: RETURN]];
[code compile];
return code;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#ifndef __Error_h
#define __Error_h
#include "SchemeObject.h"
@interface Error: SchemeObject
string type, message;
+ (id) type: (string) t message: (string) m by: (SchemeObject) o;
+ (id) type: (string) t message: (string) m;
- (id) initWithType: (string) t message: (string) m by: (SchemeObject) o;
- (string) type;
- (string) message;
#endif //__Error_h
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#include "Error.h"
#include "string.h"
@implementation Error
+ (id) type: (string) t message: (string) m by: (SchemeObject) o
return [[self alloc] initWithType: t message: m by: o];
+ (id) type: (string) t message: (string) m
return [[self alloc] initWithType: t message: m by: NIL];
- (id) initWithType: (string) t message: (string) m by: (SchemeObject) o
self = [super init];
type = str_new();
message = str_new();
str_copy(type, t);
str_copy(message, m);
if (o) {
[self source: [o source]];
[self line: [o line]];
return self;
- (BOOL) isError
return true;
- (string) type
return type;
- (string) message
return message;
- (void) dealloc
[super dealloc];
@ -6,10 +6,13 @@
@interface Lexer: Object
string source;
string filename;
integer linenum;
+ (id) newFromSource: (string) s;
- (id) initWithSource: (string) s;
+ (id) newFromSource: (string) s file: (string) f;
- (id) initWithSource: (string) s file: (string) f;
- (SchemeObject) nextToken;
- (integer) lineNumber;
#endif //__Lexer_h
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include "Lexer.h"
#include "Number.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "defs.h"
BOOL isdigit (string x)
@ -22,15 +22,17 @@ BOOL issymbol (string x)
@implementation Lexer
+ (id) newFromSource: (string) s
+ (id) newFromSource: (string) s file: (string) f
return [[Lexer alloc] initWithSource: s];
return [[Lexer alloc] initWithSource: s file: f];
- (id) initWithSource: (string) s
- (id) initWithSource: (string) s file: (string) f
self = [super init];
source = s;
filename = f;
linenum = 1;
return self;
@ -40,8 +42,13 @@ BOOL issymbol (string x)
local Number num;
local Symbol sym;
local String str;
for (len = 0; isspace(str_mid(source, len, len+1)); len++);
for (len = 0; isspace(str_mid(source, len, len+1)); len++) {
if (str_mid(source, len, len+1) == "\n") {
source = str_mid(source, len);
switch (str_mid (source, 0, 1)) {
@ -57,11 +64,15 @@ BOOL issymbol (string x)
case "9":
for (len = 1; isdigit(str_mid(source, len, len+1)); len++);
num = [Number newFromInt: stoi (str_mid(source, 0, len))];
[num source: filename];
[num line: linenum];
source = str_mid(source, len);
return num;
case "\"":
for (len = 1; str_mid(source, len, len+1) != "\""; len++);
str = [String newFromString: str_mid(source, 1, len)];
[str source: filename];
[str line: linenum];
source = str_mid(source, len+1);
return str;
case "'":
@ -77,4 +88,9 @@ BOOL issymbol (string x)
- (integer) lineNumber
return linenum;
@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ EXTRA_DATA = $(scheme_data)
SchemeObject.r Cons.r Number.r String.r Symbol.r Lexer.r Parser.r Nil.r \
Procedure.r Primitive.r Lambda.r Scope.r Instruction.r builtins.r \
Frame.r CompiledCode.r Compiler.r Continuation.r Machine.r Void.r
Frame.r CompiledCode.r Compiler.r Continuation.r Machine.r Void.r \
libscheme_a_AR=$(PAK) -cf
@ -5,9 +5,11 @@
@interface Parser: Object
Lexer lexer;
string file;
+ (id) newFromSource: (string) s;
- (id) initWithSource: (string) s;
+ (id) newFromSource: (string) s file: (string) f;
- (id) initWithSource: (string) s file: (string) f;
- (SchemeObject) readAtomic;
- (SchemeObject) read;
@ -1,56 +1,106 @@
#include "Cons.h"
#include "Parser.h"
#include "Nil.h"
#include "Error.h"
#include "defs.h"
@implementation Parser
+ (id) newFromSource: (string) s
+ (id) newFromSource: (string) s file: (string) f
return [[self alloc] initWithSource: s];
return [[self alloc] initWithSource: s file: f];
- (id) initWithSource: (string) s
- (id) initWithSource: (string) s file: (string) f
self = [super init];
lexer = [Lexer newFromSource: s];
lexer = [Lexer newFromSource: s file: f];
file = f;
return self;
- (SchemeObject) readList
local SchemeObject token;
token = [self read];
local SchemeObject token, res;
local integer line;
local Error err;
if (!token)
return NIL;
line = [lexer lineNumber];
token = [self readAtomic];
if ([token isError])
return token;
if (!token) {
err = [Error type: "parse" message: "Unmatched open parenthesis"];
[err source: file];
[err line: [lexer lineNumber]];
return err;
if (token == [Symbol rightParen]) {
return [Nil nil];
} else {
return [Cons newWithCar: token cdr: [self readList]];
res = [self readList];
if ([res isError]) return res;
res = cons(token, res);
[res source: file];
[res line: line];
return res;
- (SchemeObject) readAtomic
local SchemeObject token, list, res;
local integer line;
line = [lexer lineNumber];
token = [lexer nextToken];
if ([token isError]) {
return token;
if (!token) {
return NIL;
if (token == [Symbol leftParen]) {
list = [self readList];
return list;
} else if (token == [Symbol quote]) {
res = [self read];
if ([res isError]) return res;
res = cons(res, [Nil nil]);
[res source: file];
[res line: line];
res = cons([Symbol forString: "quote"], res);
[res source: file];
[res line: line];
return res;
} else return token;
- (SchemeObject) read
local SchemeObject token;
local SchemeObject list;
token = [lexer nextToken];
local Error err;
if (!token) {
return NIL;
token = [self readAtomic];
if (token == [Symbol rightParen]) {
err = [Error type: "parse" message: "mismatched close parentheis"];
[err source: file];
[err line: [lexer lineNumber]];
return err;
return token;
if (token == [Symbol leftParen]) {
list = [self readList];
return list;
} else if (token == [Symbol quote]) {
return cons([Symbol forString: "quote"], cons([self read], [Nil nil]));
} else return token;
- (void) markReachable
[lexer mark];
@ -16,11 +16,18 @@
@public SchemeObject prev, next;
BOOL marked, root;
integer line;
string source;
- (void) mark;
- (void) markReachable;
- (void) makeRootCell;
- (string) printForm;
- (string) source;
- (void) source: (string) s;
- (integer) line;
- (void) line: (integer) l;
- (BOOL) isError;
#endif //__SchemeObject_h
@ -136,4 +136,29 @@ BOOL contains (SchemeObject list, SchemeObject what)
[super dealloc];
- (BOOL) isError
return false;
- (string) source
return source;
- (void) source: (string) s
source = s;
- (integer) line
return line;
- (void) line: (integer) l
line = l;
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ string readfile (string filename)
local string acc = "", res;
local QFile file = Qopen (filename, "r");
while (!Qeof (file)) {
acc += Qgetline (file) + "\n";
acc += Qgetline (file);
Qclose (file);
res = str_new();
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ integer main (integer argc, string []argv)
parser = [Parser newFromSource: readfile(argv[1])];
parser = [Parser newFromSource: readfile(argv[1]) file: argv[1]];
vm = [Machine new];
[vm makeRootCell];
[vm addGlobal: [Symbol forString: "display"] value: print_p];
@ -47,12 +47,21 @@ integer main (integer argc, string []argv)
[vm addGlobal: [Symbol forString: "map"] value: map_p];
[vm addGlobal: [Symbol forString: "for-each"] value: for_each_p];
while ((stuff = [parser read])) {
if ([stuff isError]) {
printf(">> %s: %i\n", [stuff source], [stuff line]);
printf(">> Error (%s): %s\n", [stuff type], [stuff message]);
return -1;
comp = [Compiler newWithLambda: cons ([Symbol forString: "lambda"],
cons ([Nil nil],
cons(stuff, [Nil nil])))
scope: NIL];
[comp compile];
code = [comp code];
code = (CompiledCode) [comp compile];
if ([code isError]) {
printf(">> %s: %i\n", [code source], [code line]);
printf(">> Error (%s): %s\n", [code type], [code message]);
return -1;
lm = [Lambda newWithCode: code environment: NIL];
[lm invokeOnMachine: vm];
[vm run];
Reference in a new issue