mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 09:51:41 +00:00
Fix the features menu.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 82 additions and 54 deletions
@ -356,4 +356,73 @@
feature_options = {
Class = MenuGroup;
Messages = (
(initWithBounds:, $rect),
(addViews:, $views),
(setBase:, 4)
rect = "[0, 0, 320, 200]";
views = (
Class = Pic;
Messages = (
(initWithBounds:, $rect),
(setPic:, "\"gfx/qplaque.lmp\"")
rect = "[16, 4, 0, 0]";
Class = CenterPic;
Messages = (
(initWithBounds:, $rect),
(setPic:, "\"gfx/p_option.lmp\"")
rect = "[160, 4, 0, 0]";
Class = Text;
Messages = (
(initWithBounds:, $rect),
(setText:, "\"Features\"")
rect = "[54, 40, 64, 8]";
Class = Text;
Messages = (
(initWithBounds:, $rect),
(setText:, "\"--------\"")
rect = "[54, 50, 64, 8]";
Class = CvarToggleView;
Messages = (
(initWithBounds:title::, $rect, "\"Autorecord\"", $toggle),
rect = "[70, 60, 224, 8]";
toggle = {
Class = CvarToggle;
Messages = (
(initWithCvar:, "\"cl_autorecord\"")
Class = CvarToggleView;
Messages = (
(initWithBounds:title::, $rect, "\"Frag Logging\"", $toggle),
rect = "[70, 70, 224, 8]";
toggle = {
Class = CvarToggle;
Messages = (
(initWithCvar:, "\"cl_fraglog\"")
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
Group *video_options;
Group *audio_options;
Group *feature_options;
Group *control_options;
CvarToggleView *grab_mouse_view;
@ -65,10 +66,6 @@ CvarToggleView *lookspring_view;
CvarToggleView *lookstrafe_view;
CvarRangeView *mouse_amp_view;
Group *feature_options;
CvarToggleView *fraglog_view;
CvarToggleView *autorecord_view;
Group *player_options;
InputLine *player_config_plname_il;
InputLine *player_config_tname_il;
@ -287,25 +284,6 @@ MENU_control_options (PLItem *plist)
* Code of settings for special features of QF
Callback for feature settings
integer (string text, integer key)
CB_feature_options =
switch (text) {
case "cl_autorecord":
[autorecord_view toggle];
case "cl_fraglog":
[fraglog_view toggle];
return 0;
@ -319,10 +297,15 @@ DRAW_feature_options =
[feature_options setBasePos:x y:y];
[feature_options draw];
opt_cursor (x + 62, y + (Menu_GetIndex () * 10) + 60 + cursor_pad);
return 1;
integer (integer key, integer unicode, integer down)
KEY_feature_options =
return [feature_options keyEvent:key unicode:unicode down:down];
@ -331,42 +314,18 @@ DRAW_feature_options =
MENU_feature_options (PLItem *plist)
local Rect rect;
local id view;
local @param ret;
Menu_Begin (54, 70, "Features");
Menu_FadeScreen (1);
Menu_CenterPic (160, 4, "gfx/p_option.lmp");
Menu_Draw (DRAW_feature_options);
Menu_KeyEvent (KEY_feature_options);
feature_options = [[Group alloc] initWithComponents:0 :0 :320 :200];
if (plist) {
ret = object_from_plist ([(PLDictionary*) plist getObjectForKey:"feature_options"]);
feature_options = ret.pointer_val;
view = [[Pic alloc] initWithComponents:16 :4 :0 :0];
[view setPic:"gfx/qplaque.lmp"];
[feature_options addView:view];
view = [[CenterPic alloc] initWithComponents:160 :4 :0 :0];
[view setPic:"gfx/p_option.lmp"];
[feature_options addView:view];
view = [[Text alloc] initWithComponents:54 :40 :64 :8];
[view setText:"Features"];
[feature_options addView:view];
view = [[Text alloc] initWithComponents:54 :50 :64 :8];
[view setText:"--------"];
[feature_options addView:view];
rect = makeRect (70, 60, 224, 8);
autorecord_view = [[CvarToggleView alloc] initWithBounds:rect title:"Autorecord" :[[CvarToggle alloc] initWithCvar:"cl_autorecord"]];
[feature_options addView:autorecord_view];
rect.origin.y += 10;
fraglog_view = [[CvarToggleView alloc] initWithBounds:rect title:"Frag Logging" :[[CvarToggle alloc] initWithCvar:"cl_fraglog"]];
[feature_options addView:fraglog_view];
Menu_Item (54, 70, "cl_autorecord", CB_feature_options, 0);
Menu_Item (54, 80, "cl_fraglog", CB_feature_options, 0);
Menu_End ();
Reference in a new issue