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Controls settings menu
Copyright (C) 2002 Robin Redeker <elmex@x-paste.de>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
#include "Array.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "draw.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "key.h"
#include "options_util.h"
integer set_key_flag; // holds flag for the key-setting
// three global hashes for the main binding groups
Array movement_bindings;
Array misc_bindings;
Array weapon_bindings;
struct binding_s = {
string text;
string command;
string keys;
typedef struct binding_s binding_t;
binding_t [16] movement_binding_list = {
{"Jump/Swin up", "+jump"},
{"Walk forward", "+forward"},
{"Backpedal", "+back"},
{"Turn left", "+left"},
{"Turn right", "+right"},
{"Run", "+speed"},
{"Step left", "+moveleft"},
{"Step right", "+moveright"},
{"Sidestep", "+strafe"},
{"Look up", "+lookup"},
{"Look down", "+lookdown"},
{"Center view", "centerview"},
{"Mouse look", "+mlook"},
{"Keyboard look", "+klook"},
{"Swim up", "+moveup"},
{"Swim down", "+movedown"},
binding_t [4] misc_binding_list = {
{"Pause game", "pause"},
{"Tog. m.-grab", "toggle in_grab"},
{"Messagemode", "messagemode"},
{"Screenshot", "screenshot"},
binding_t [10] weapon_binding_list = {
{"Attack", "+attack"},
{"Next weapon", "impulse 10"},
{"Axe", "impulse 1"},
{"Shotgun", "impulse 2"},
{"Super Shotgun", "impulse 3"},
{"Nailgun", "impulse 4"},
{"Super Nailgun", "impulse 5"},
{"Grenade L. ", "impulse 6"},
{"Rocket L. ", "impulse 7"},
{"Thunderbolt", "impulse 8"},
(binding_t []) (binding_t binding)
new_binding =
local binding_t []newb = obj_malloc (@sizeof (binding_t));
newb[0] = binding;
return newb;
this function initializes the hashes for the binding menus
void ()
init_binding_hash =
local integer i;
movement_bindings = [[Array alloc] init];
for (i = 0; i < @sizeof (movement_binding_list) / @sizeof (movement_binding_list[0]); i++)
[movement_bindings addItem: new_binding (movement_binding_list[i])];
misc_bindings = [[Array alloc] init];
for (i = 0; i < @sizeof (misc_binding_list) / @sizeof (misc_binding_list[0]); i++)
[misc_bindings addItem: new_binding (misc_binding_list[i])];
weapon_bindings = [[Array alloc] init];
for (i = 0; i < @sizeof (weapon_binding_list) / @sizeof (weapon_binding_list[0]); i++)
[weapon_bindings addItem: new_binding (weapon_binding_list[i])];
Gets the string of the key, which is bound to a special binding.
bindnum is the number of the binding.
As a command/binding can be bound to many keys, you can get the second,
third, etc. key by giving the bindnum.
string (string binding, integer bindnum)
get_keyname =
local integer keynum;
local string keyname;
keynum = Key_LookupBinding(IMT_0, bindnum, binding);
if(keynum == -1) {
keyname = "";
} else {
keyname = Key_KeynumToString(keynum);
// cut away the "K_", thats maybe enough as description for now
//keyname = String_Cut(0, 2, keyname);
return keyname;
gets the keys for a keybinding-hash
void (Array list)
get_hash_keys =
local integer i,hlen;
local binding_t [] binding;
local string desc1 = "", desc2 = "";
hlen = [list count];
for(i = 0; i < hlen; i++) {
2003-05-23 20:12:38 +00:00
binding = (binding_t [])[list getItemAt: i];
desc1 = get_keyname (binding.command, 1); // first key bound to
desc2 = get_keyname (binding.command, 2); // second key bound to
if (desc2 != "") {
desc1 += ", " + desc2;
binding.keys = desc1;
Loads the kername for into the hashes
void ()
load_keybindings =
get_hash_keys (movement_bindings);
get_hash_keys (misc_bindings);
get_hash_keys (weapon_bindings);
* Binding settings
DESIGN NOTE (by elmex):
Every sub-menu for control bindings has its own hash for holding the
keybindings. Thats why there are three different functions, which shadow
the CB_MAIN_control_binding() function. They get the binding from the
correct hash.
The core function of all control_binding function.
It takes the binding as argument.
This function is called by the real callbacks.
integer (binding_t [] binding, integer key)
CB_MAIN_control_binding =
local integer retval = 0, bindcnt = 0;
if(set_key_flag) {
bindcnt = Key_CountBinding(IMT_0, binding.command);
/* we are not binding keys for more than one command
by the menu (maybe extended later) */
if(bindcnt < 2) {
Key_SetBinding (IMT_0, key, binding.command);
} else {
// else, remove a binding and assign a new one
Key_SetBinding (IMT_0, Key_LookupBinding(IMT_0, 1, binding.command), "");
Key_SetBinding (IMT_0, key, binding.command);
set_key_flag = 0;
retval = 1;
} else {
if(key == QFK_RETURN) {
set_key_flag = 1;
retval = 1;
} else if(key == QFK_BACKSPACE || key == QFK_DELETE) {
Key_SetBinding (IMT_0, Key_LookupBinding(IMT_0, 1, binding.command), "");
retval = 1;
return retval;
Callback for the basic control bindings menu
integer (string text, integer key)
CB_basic_control_binding =
2003-05-23 20:12:38 +00:00
local binding_t [] binding = (binding_t [])[movement_bindings getItemAt: stoi (text)];
local integer ret = CB_MAIN_control_binding (binding, key);
// fetch all keynames (possible to optimize.. but not very neccessary)
get_hash_keys (movement_bindings);
return ret;
Loading basic keynames when entering the menu
integer ()
CB_ME_basic_control_binding =
get_hash_keys (movement_bindings);
Draws the menu for the basic control bindins
integer (integer x, integer y)
DRAW_basic_control_binding =
local integer cursor_pad = 40, bind_desc_pad, hl, i;
bind_desc_pad = 120;
Draw_String (x + 20, y + 10, "Backspace/Delete: Del binding");
Draw_String (x + 20, y + 20, "Enter: New binding");
hl = [movement_bindings count];
for(i = 0; i < hl; i++) {
2003-05-23 20:12:38 +00:00
local binding_t [] binding = (binding_t [])[movement_bindings getItemAt: i];
draw_val_item (x + 20, y + 40 + ( i * 10), bind_desc_pad,
binding.text, binding.keys);
opt_cursor (x + 12, y + (Menu_GetIndex () * 10) + cursor_pad);
return 1;
Menu making function for the control bindings
void ()
MENU_basic_control_binding =
local integer i,hl;
Menu_Begin (54, 40, "Movement bindings");
Menu_FadeScreen (1);
Menu_EnterHook (CB_ME_basic_control_binding);
Menu_Draw (DRAW_basic_control_binding);
hl = [movement_bindings count];
for (i = 0; i < hl; i++) {
Menu_Item (20, 40 + i * 10, itos (i), CB_basic_control_binding, 1);
Menu_End ();
Callback for misc control bindings.
integer (string text, integer key)
CB_misc_control_binding =
2003-05-23 20:12:38 +00:00
local binding_t [] binding = (binding_t [])[misc_bindings getItemAt: stoi (text)];
local integer ret = CB_MAIN_control_binding (binding, key);
// fetch all keynames (possible to optimize.. but not very neccessary)
get_hash_keys (misc_bindings);
return ret;
Loading misc keynames when entering the menu
integer ()
CB_ME_misc_control_binding =
Draw the bindings for the misc controls
integer (integer x, integer y)
DRAW_misc_control_binding =
local integer cursor_pad = 40, bind_desc_pad;
local integer i, hl;
bind_desc_pad = 120;
Draw_String (x + 20, y + 10, "Backspace/Delete: Del binding");
Draw_String (x + 20, y + 20, "Enter: New binding");
hl = [misc_bindings count];
for(i=0;i < hl; i++) {
2003-05-23 20:12:38 +00:00
local binding_t [] binding = (binding_t [])[misc_bindings getItemAt: i];
draw_val_item (x + 20, y + 40+(i*10), bind_desc_pad,
binding.text, binding.keys);
opt_cursor (x + 12, y + (Menu_GetIndex() * 10) + cursor_pad);
return 1;
Menu maker function for the misc control binding
void ()
MENU_misc_control_binding =
local integer hl, i;
Menu_Begin (54, 50, "Misc bindings");
Menu_FadeScreen (1);
Menu_EnterHook (CB_ME_misc_control_binding);
Menu_Draw (DRAW_misc_control_binding);
hl = [misc_bindings count];
for (i = 0; i < hl; i++) {
Menu_Item (20, 40 + i * 10, itos (i), CB_misc_control_binding, 1);
Menu_End ();
Callback function for the weapons control bindings
integer (string text, integer key)
CB_weapon_control_binding =
2003-05-23 20:12:38 +00:00
local binding_t [] binding = (binding_t [])[weapon_bindings getItemAt: stoi (text)];
local integer ret = CB_MAIN_control_binding (binding, key);
// fetch all keynames (possible to optimize.. but not very neccessary)
get_hash_keys (weapon_bindings);
return ret;
Loading weapon keynames when entering the
integer ()
CB_ME_weapon_control_binding =
Draw the weapon binding menu
integer (integer x, integer y)
DRAW_weapon_control_binding =
local integer cursor_pad = 40, bind_desc_pad, hl, i;
bind_desc_pad = 120;
Draw_String (x + 20, y + 10, "Backspace/Delete: Del binding");
Draw_String (x + 20, y + 20, "Enter: New binding");
hl = [weapon_bindings count];
for(i = 0; i < hl; i++) {
2003-05-23 20:12:38 +00:00
local binding_t [] binding = (binding_t [])[weapon_bindings getItemAt: i];
draw_val_item (x + 20, y + 40 + (i * 10), bind_desc_pad,
binding.text, binding.keys);
opt_cursor (x + 12, y + (Menu_GetIndex () * 10) + cursor_pad);
return 1;
Menu maker for the weapons menu
void ()
MENU_weapon_control_binding =
local integer hl, i;
Menu_Begin (54, 60, "Weapon bindings");
Menu_FadeScreen (1);
Menu_EnterHook (CB_ME_weapon_control_binding);
Menu_Draw (DRAW_weapon_control_binding);
hl = [weapon_bindings count];
for (i = 0; i < hl; i++) {
Menu_Item (20, 40 + i * 10, itos (i), CB_weapon_control_binding, 1);
Menu_End ();
Main controls menu, for selecting the sub control menus
void ()
MENU_control_binding =
init_binding_hash (); // init the keybinding hashes
Menu_Begin (54, 60, "Bindings");
Menu_Pic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp");
Menu_CenterPic (160, 4, "gfx/p_option.lmp");
Menu_FadeScreen (1);
MENU_basic_control_binding ();
MENU_misc_control_binding ();
Menu_End ();