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// Currently using qw-client-glx -zone 1024 -mem 32 +set gl_max_size 256 +set vid_fullscreen 1 +_windowed_mouse 1 +set vid_width 640 +set vid_height 480 +cl_parsesay 1 +show_time 2 +cl_nostatpred 0 +exec glspeed-v3.cfg +set snd_interp 0 +timedemo overkill
// And these settings I get
// 1382 frames 80.5 seconds 17.2 fps
// on my Voodoo 3 2000 pci
// Draw the weapon model. Turn off to gain 2 fps
r_drawviewmodel "1"
// smooth vertex lights. Older cards set to 0 for a speedup.
gl_dlight_smooth "1"
// dimensions of displayed textures. 0 is normal, 1 is blurry, 2 isn't worth it
// 1 is pretty good for a decent speed up - you can still tell what you're
// looking at
gl_picmip "0"
// Set to 0 to turn off colinear vertexes upon level load. You'll be able to
// see through junctions of some objects and walls - will give you ~1 fps
// if you turn it off.
gl_keeptjunctions "1"
// How blurry is the player model? 2 makes them still identifyable, but speeds
// it up enough to be noticable. 4 is highest setting, 0 is default.
gl_playermip "0"
// Set to 0 to turn off most lighting. Generally you *can* leave this on
// with gl_dlight_polyblend set to 1 and gl_dlight_lightmap set to 0 and get
// absolutely NO hit in speed.
r_dynamic "1"
// Turn on freaky bubble lighting. Really really fast, use this with r_dynamic
// 1 and gl_dlight_lightmap 0 so you can see static lights on the map
gl_dlight_polyblend "0"
// Turn this off to disable dynamic lightmaps. Only has effect with
// r_dynamic 1 - Really, you only should use this with gl_dlight_polyblend 1
// Note turning this *OFF* nets me 5 fps more in overkill.
gl_dlight_lightmap "1"
// Lightmap texture components. 1 is greyscale, 3 is RGB, 4 is RGBA.
// I've heard 1 is fastest, 4 is faster on older DRI and 3 is faster on
// newer DRI. Comments welcome.
gl_lightmap_components "3"
// turn these two on to turn on fullbrights for all models - mostly useful
// in MegaTF/2k to see the proximity mines in dark places! If you don't play
// those, or stay out of dark places which go beep, turn them off to gain ~2 fps.
gl_fb_bmodels "1"
gl_fb_models "1"
// Rocket trails, smoke etc. Turn off to gain a LOT of fps in battles, as well
// as make it a hell of a lot easier to see your enemy.
// NOTE: Heck of a lot easier to use cl_max_particles to reduce
// how many you see instead of just shutting this off now :)
r_particles "1"
// How many particles can be seen in your vision? Default is 2048. 60 is just
// enough to see what is going on without slowing down at *all* on my
// old voodoo 1, so other systems likely can handle far more than this
cl_max_particles "512"
// Toggles lavaball and rocket fireballs, - 0 gives a bit of a speed up.
gl_fires "0"
// Speed at which the console background spins. Leave it off unless you like
// your console background to spin :P
gl_conspin "0"
// Alpha value for the console background.
gl_conalpha "0.6"
// Slide the console or stretch it.
gl_constretch "0"
// Lighting mode, 0 glquake style, 1 new style. Setting 1 is .2 fps faster
// but looks bad.
gl_lightmode "0"
// Sets the division value for the sky brushes. Higher is faster, generally.
gl_subdivide_size "128"
// Set to 1 by default. Fixes status bar flicker on some buggy hardware.
// Normally sane people set it to 0... Because it's a speed hit if it's on.
gl_triplebuffer "0"
// Set to 0 *default* to draw sky before anything else, 1 to draw it last, >1
// to not do it at all.
gl_sky_clip "1"
// The next four options can be set to 1 by the SERVER, so if it doesn't
// work, check that the server admin hasn't set them to 1 himself.
// Set to 0 to turn off quad/suit/pent screen filling color. 2 fps increase.
cl_cshift_powerup "1"
// Set to 0 to turn off 'bonus' flash, and item pickup flash. 2 fps increase.
cl_cshift_bonus "1"
// Set to 0 to turn off pain screen filling color. 2 fps increase.
cl_cshift_damage "1"
// Set to 0 to turn off water/lava screen filling color. 2 fps increase...
// However, it can be used to cheat in megatf/mega2k with flash grens/mines.
// Smart server admins would force this to 1 for quakeforge servers running
// megatf/2k. Older quakeworld servers couldn't disable gl_polyblend anyway.
cl_cshift_content "1"
// client's maximum fps allowed. 72 is the highest it can be set to
This took half the hair on my head. Just kidding: cl_max_particles now lives in *part.c - in GL it dynamically changes the amount of particles on the fly! Needless to say this is fun, and this is proboably the third cvar that uses the callbacks function at all - which IMHO is really a cool trick Taniwha. However I'm losing my SANITY in r_part.c - if someone could take a look, I'd be greatly appreciative. It should be obvious to any developer that I'm having a few problems. :P Basically the dynamic code is completely and totally disabled, and I hacked in code which *works* but shouldn't EVER EVER EVER be left there after we fix this as it is downright EVIL the way I implimented it. SW client does work, and does still work with +set cl_max_particles - however the hacks I made to get it to do that... *shakes head* Tread softly in there, it's a mess. Other notes of interest: I changed show_time so it archives its setting. Got annoyed with it. If someone finds this change to be bad, change it back. :) glspeed.cfg got updated with a setting of 60 for cl_max_particles. 60 works nicely, and doesn't use too much speed on my aging hardware, so I'm sure newer systems will just plain FLY with this on. I also changed the cl_maxfps setting as 72 is great if you aren't using a modem !.! due to the way cl_maxfps works, the higher it goes, the more data is sent to you by the server. This causes a heck of a lot of lost packets if you don't have the bandwidth OR if your card can't keep up with the framerate. Either of which is bad. I set it to 30, the default of the cvar is 0/32 so go figure out what works best for you I say. Let me know if this blows up in your face and ESPECIALLY let me know if you can fix the r_part.c problems! Misty-chan
2001-04-03 02:56:39 +00:00
// However, and this is important, setting it higher currently
// causes more packets to need to be sent. This is bad, so mine is set to
// 30 for the moment
cl_maxfps "30"
// Set to 0 to go faster, 1 is older mode and slower
// Or not. Some people say 0 is slower and 1 is faster.
// *shrugs* Pick your favorite I guess.
cl_sbar "0"
// If you set this to 120 your status bar will disappear completely and
// your fps will improve slightly. But I like my status bar.
viewsize 100
// Don't show gibs if set to 1. Should improve speed slightly if you're
// experiencing lots of gibs in battle :)
cl_gibfilter 0
// Don't show dead bodies if set to 1. Should improve speed slightly if...
// well, a lot of people are dying. Note in TF/Megatf/2k this is BAD TO USE,
// spies can feign and you won't be able to see them at *all*
cl_deadbodyfilter 0