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319 lines
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#include "Entity.h"
@class Bot;
@class Waypoint;
struct bot_data_t = {
string name;
float pants, shirt;
typedef struct bot_data_t bot_data_t;
@interface Target: Entity
-(integer)canSee:(Target)targ ignoring:(entity)ignore;
-(void)setOrigin:(vector) org;
@interface Waypoint: Target
Waypoint [4] targets;
integer flags;
vector origin;
integer b_pants, b_skill, b_shirt, b_frags, b_sound;
integer keys;
float items;
Waypoint enemy;
float search_time;
+(void)clearMyRoute:(Bot) bot;
-(void)followLink:(Waypoint)e2 :(integer)b_bit;
@class Array;
@extern Array waypoint_array;
@interface Bot: Target
//model modelindex
//frame angles colormap effects
//movetype solid touch <size> watertype flags think nextthink
integer keys, oldkeys;
integer buttons, impulse;
vector v_angle, b_angle;
vector mouse_emu;
integer wallhug;
integer ishuman;
float b_frags;
integer b_clientno, b_clientflag;
float b_shirt, b_pants;
float ai_time;
float b_sound;
float missile_speed;
float portal_time;
integer b_skill;
float switch_wallhug;
integer b_aiflags;
integer b_num;
float b_chattime;
float b_entertime;
float b_menu, b_menu_time, b_menu_value;
integer route_failed;
integer dyn_flags, dyn_plat;
float dyn_time;
Waypoint temp_way, last_way, current_way;
entity [4] targets;
entity avoid;
vector obs_dir;
vector b_dir;
vector dyn_dest;
vector punchangle;
float teleport_time, portal_time;
- (id) init;
- (id) initWithEntity: (entity) e named:(bot_data_t [])name skill:(integer)skill;
- (id) initFromPlayer: (entity) e;
- (void) preThink;
- (void) postThink;
- (void) frame;
- (void) disconnect;
- (void) updateClient;
@interface Bot (Misc)
+(bot_data_t [])name:(integer)r;
+(bot_data_t [])randomName;
@interface Bot (Physics)
- (void)sendMove;
@interface Bot (Move)
- (void)jump;
- (integer)can_rj;
- (integer)recognize_plat: (integer) flag;
- (integer)keysForDir: (vector) sdir;
- (void)obstructed: (vector) whichway : (integer) danger;
- (void)obstacles;
- (void)dodge_obstruction;
- (void)movetogoal;
- (integer)walkmove: (vector) weird;
- (void)roam;
@interface Bot (AI)
-(void)lost:(Waypoint)targ :(integer)success;
@interface Bot (Fight)
@interface Bot (Way)
-(void)get_path:(Waypoint)this :(integer)direct;
@interface Bot (Chat)
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
/* punchangle
* bot fake kick?
@extern .vector punchangle; // HACK - Don't want to screw with bot_phys
// --------defines-----
// used for the physics & movement AI
#define KEY_MOVEUP 0x001
#define KEY_MOVEDOWN 0x002
#define KEY_MOVELEFT 0x004
#define KEY_MOVERIGHT 0x008
#define KEY_MOVEFORWARD 0x010
#define KEY_MOVEBACK 0x020
#define KEY_LOOKUP 0x040
#define KEY_LOOKDOWN 0x080
#define KEY_LOOKLEFT 0x100
#define KEY_LOOKRIGHT 0x200
// these are aiflags for waypoints
// some overlap to the bot
#define AI_TELELINK_1 0x00001 // link type
#define AI_TELELINK_2 0x00002 // link type
#define AI_TELELINK_3 0x00004 // link type
#define AI_TELELINK_4 0x00008 // link type
#define AI_DOORFLAG 0x00010 // read ahead
#define AI_PRECISION 0x00020 // read ahead + point
#define AI_SURFACE 0x00040 // point
#define AI_BLIND 0x00080 // read ahead + point
#define AI_JUMP 0x00100 // point + ignore
#define AI_DIRECTIONAL 0x00200 // read ahead + ignore
#define AI_PLAT_BOTTOM 0x00400 // read ahead
#define AI_RIDE_TRAIN 0x00800 // read ahead
#define AI_SUPER_JUMP 0x01000 // point + ignore + route test
#define AI_SNIPER 0x02000 // point type
#define AI_AMBUSH 0x04000 // point type
#define AI_DOOR_NO_OPEN 0x08000 // read ahead
#define AI_DIFFICULT 0x10000 // route test
#define AI_TRACE_TEST 0x20000 // route test
// addition masks
// these are flags for bots/players (dynamic/editor flags)
#define AI_HOLD_SELECT 2
#define AI_WAIT 4
#define AI_DANGER 8
#define WM_UNINIT 0
#define WM_DYNAMIC 1
#define WM_LOADING 2
#define WM_LOADED 3
// editor modes aren't available in QW, but we retain support of them
// since the editor is still built into the AI in places
#define WM_EDITOR 4
#define OPT_NOCHAT 2
// -------globals-----
@extern Bot [32] players;
@extern float real_frametime;
@extern float bot_count, b_options;
@extern float lasttime;
@extern float waypoint_mode;
@extern float dump_mode;
@extern float direct_route;
@extern float sv_friction, sv_gravity;
@extern float sv_accelerate, sv_maxspeed, sv_stopspeed;
@extern Bot route_table;
@extern integer busy_waypoints;
@extern float coop;
// -------ProtoTypes------
// external, in main code
@extern void() ClientConnect;
@extern void() ClientDisconnect;
@extern void() SetNewParms;
// rankings
@extern integer (entity e) ClientNumber;
@extern void(vector org, vector bit1, integer bit4, integer flargs) make_way;
@extern void () map_dm1;
@extern void () map_dm2;
@extern void () map_dm3;
@extern void () map_dm4;
@extern void () map_dm5;
@extern void () map_dm6;
// physics & movement
@extern void() SV_Physics_Client;
@extern void() SV_ClientThink;
@extern void() CL_KeyMove;
// ai & misc
@extern float(float y1, float y2) angcomp;
@extern float(entity ent, entity targ) sisible;
@extern vector(entity ent) realorigin;
@extern float(float v) frik_anglemod;
@extern void(Waypoint e1, Waypoint e2, integer flag) DeveloperLightning;
angles is pitch yaw roll
move is forward right up
@extern void (entity cl, float sec, vector angles, vector move, integer buttons, integer impulse) SV_UserCmd;
@extern integer bot_way_linker;
@extern integer bot_move_linker;
@extern integer bot_phys_linker;
@extern integer bot_chat_linker;
#include "defs.h"