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Utilities for the options menu
Copyright (C) 2002 Robin Redeker <elmex@x-paste.de>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
#include "cvar.h"
#include "draw.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "key.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "Array.h"
2004-02-04 02:35:57 +00:00
#include "gui/Text.h"
#include "gui/Rect.h"
#include "gui/Slider.h"
#include "options_util.h"
@implementation MenuGroup
-(id) init
if ((self = [super init]))
current = base = 0;
if (b >= [views count])
b = [views count] - 1;
if (b < 0)
b = 0;
current = base = b;
- (integer) keyEvent:(integer)key unicode:(integer)unicode down:(integer)down
switch (key) {
case QFK_DOWN:
[self next];
return 1;
case QFK_UP:
[self prev];
return 1;
return [[views getItemAt:current]
-(void) next
if (++current >= [views count])
current = base;
S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-(void) prev
if (--current < base)
current = [views count] - 1;
S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
- (void) draw
local View cur;
[super draw];
cur = (View) [views getItemAt:current];
opt_cursor (cur.xabs - 8, cur.yabs);
2004-02-13 06:42:51 +00:00
@implementation CvarObject
self = [super init];
name = str_new ();
2004-02-13 06:42:51 +00:00
return self;
2004-02-13 06:42:51 +00:00
self = [self init];
str_copy (name, cvname);
return self;
2004-02-13 06:42:51 +00:00
str_free (name);
@implementation CvarToggle
Cvar_Toggle (name);
return Cvar_GetInteger (name);
@implementation MouseToggle
if (Cvar_GetFloat ("m_pitch") < 0) {
Cvar_SetFloat ("m_pitch", 0.022);
} else {
Cvar_SetFloat ("m_pitch", -0.022);
return Cvar_GetFloat ("m_pitch") < 0;
@implementation RunToggle
if (Cvar_GetFloat ("cl_forwardspeed") < 400) {
Cvar_SetFloat ("cl_forwardspeed", 400);
Cvar_SetFloat ("cl_backspeed", 400);
} else {
Cvar_SetFloat ("cl_forwardspeed", 200);
Cvar_SetFloat ("cl_backspeed", 200);
return Cvar_GetFloat ("cl_forwardspeed") >= 400;
@implementation CvarToggleView
[value setText:[toggle value] ? "On" : "Off"];
-(id)initWithBounds:(Rect)aRect title:(string)_title :(CvarToggle)_toggle
local Rect rect;
self = [super initWithBounds:aRect];
toggle = _toggle;
rect = [[Rect alloc] initWithComponents:0 :0 :strlen (_title) * 8 :8];
title = [[Text alloc] initWithBounds:rect text:_title];
rect.size.width = 3 * 8;
rect.origin.x = xlen - rect.size.width;
value = [[Text alloc] initWithBounds:rect];
[self addView:title];
[self addView:value];
[self update];
return self;
[toggle toggle];
[self update];
S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav");
- (integer) keyEvent:(integer)key unicode:(integer)unicode down:(integer)down
switch (key) {
[self toggle];
return 1;
return 0;
2004-02-13 06:42:51 +00:00
@implementation CvarColor
local float val = Cvar_GetFloat (name);
2004-02-13 06:42:51 +00:00
val = min_max_cnt (0, 13, 1, val, 1);
Cvar_SetFloat (name, val);
2004-02-13 06:42:51 +00:00
local float val = Cvar_GetFloat (name);
2004-02-13 06:42:51 +00:00
val = min_max_cnt (0, 13, 1, val, 0);
Cvar_SetFloat (name, val);
2004-02-13 06:42:51 +00:00
return Cvar_GetInteger (name);
2004-02-13 06:42:51 +00:00
@implementation CvarColorView
-(id)initWithBounds:(Rect)aRect :(CvarColor)_color
self = [self initWithBounds:aRect];
color = _color;
return self;
[color next];
S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav");
2004-02-13 06:42:51 +00:00
[color prev];
S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav");
2004-02-13 06:42:51 +00:00
local integer xl;
xl = xlen / 8 - 2;
text_box (xabs, yabs, xl, ylen / 8 - 2);
xl = (xl + 1) & ~1; // text_box does only multiples of 2
2004-02-13 06:42:51 +00:00
Draw_Fill (xabs + 8, yabs + 8, xl * 8, ylen - 16,
[color value] * 16 + 8);
- (integer) keyEvent:(integer)key unicode:(integer)unicode down:(integer)down
switch (key) {
case QFK_DOWN:
[self next];
return 1;
case QFK_UP:
[self prev];
return 1;
2004-02-13 06:42:51 +00:00
2004-02-04 02:35:57 +00:00
@implementation CvarRange
-(id)initWithCvar:(string)cvname min:(float)_min max:(float)_max step:(float)_step
self = [super init];
name = str_new ();
str_copy (name, cvname);
min = _min;
max = _max;
step = _step;
return self;
2004-02-04 02:35:57 +00:00
local float val = Cvar_GetFloat (name);
val = min_max_cnt (min, max, step, val, 1);
Cvar_SetFloat (name, val);
local float val = Cvar_GetFloat (name);
val = min_max_cnt (min, max, step, val, 0);
Cvar_SetFloat (name, val);
return Cvar_GetFloat (name);
2004-02-04 02:35:57 +00:00
return to_percentage(min, max, Cvar_GetFloat (name));
@implementation CvarRangeView
[slider setIndex:[range percentage]];
[value setText:ftos ([range value])];
-(id)initWithBounds:(Rect)aRect title:(string)_title sliderWidth:(integer)width :(CvarRange)_range
2004-02-04 02:35:57 +00:00
local Rect rect;
self = [super initWithBounds:aRect];
range = _range;
2004-02-04 02:35:57 +00:00
rect = [[Rect alloc] initWithComponents:0 :0 :strlen (_title) * 8 :8];
2004-02-04 02:35:57 +00:00
title = [[Text alloc] initWithBounds:rect text:_title];
rect.origin.x += rect.size.width + 8;
rect.size.width = width;
if (rect.origin.x + rect.size.width > xlen)
rect.size.width = xlen - rect.origin.x;
2004-02-04 02:35:57 +00:00
slider = [[Slider alloc] initWithBounds:rect size:100];
rect.origin.x += rect.size.width + 8;
rect.size.width = xlen - rect.origin.x;
value = [[Text alloc] initWithBounds:rect];
[self addView:title];
[self addView:slider];
[self addView:value];
[self update];
return self;
[range inc];
2004-02-04 02:35:57 +00:00
[self update];
S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav");
2004-02-04 02:35:57 +00:00
[range dec];
2004-02-04 02:35:57 +00:00
[self update];
S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav");
2004-02-04 02:35:57 +00:00
- (integer) keyEvent:(integer)key unicode:(integer)unicode down:(integer)down
switch (key) {
[self inc];
return 1;
case QFK_LEFT:
[self dec];
return 1;
2004-02-04 02:35:57 +00:00
2004-02-14 02:09:18 +00:00
@implementation CrosshairCvar
-(void) next
local integer val = Cvar_GetInteger (name);
Cvar_SetInteger (name, (val + 1) % 4);
2004-02-14 02:09:18 +00:00
-(integer) crosshair
return Cvar_GetInteger (name);
2004-02-14 02:09:18 +00:00
@implementation CrosshairView
CrosshairCvar crosshair;
-(id)initWithBounds:(Rect)aRect :(CrosshairCvar)_crosshair
self = [self initWithBounds:aRect];
crosshair = _crosshair;
return self;
-(void) next
[crosshair next];
S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav");
2004-02-14 02:09:18 +00:00
-(void) draw
Draw_Fill (xabs, yabs, xlen, ylen, 0);
Draw_Crosshair ([crosshair crosshair], xabs + xlen / 2, yabs + ylen / 2);
- (integer) keyEvent:(integer)key unicode:(integer)unicode down:(integer)down
switch (key) {
[self next];
return 1;
return 0;
void traceon () = #0;
@implementation ProxyView
-(id)initWithBounds:(Rect)aRect title:(View)aTitle view:(View)aView
self = [super initWithBounds:aRect];
if (!self)
return self;
title = aTitle;
view = aView;
return self;
- (integer) keyEvent:(integer)key unicode:(integer)unicode down:(integer)down
return [view keyEvent:key unicode:unicode down:down];
- (void) draw
[title draw];
[view draw];
- (void) setBasePos: (Point) pos
[super setBasePos:pos];
local Point point = [[Point alloc] initWithComponents:xabs :yabs];
[title setBasePos:point];
[view setBasePos:point];
[point release];
2004-02-14 02:09:18 +00:00
function for drawing the cursor
void (integer x, integer y)
opt_cursor =
// use time becaus we want a nice rotaing cursor
Draw_Character (x, y, 12 + ((integer) (time * 4) & 1));
Draws a item with a specific spacing between label and value to
position x, y.
Used as helper function for draw_val_item.
void (integer x, integer y, integer spacing, string spacechar,
string label, string valstr)
draw_item =
local integer i;
Draw_String (x, y, label);
for (i = x + (integer) strlen (label) * 8; i < (x+spacing); i += 8) {
Draw_String (i, y, spacechar);
Draw_String (x + spacing, y, valstr);
Draws a nice menu item.
Use this function for a consistent look of menu items!
spacing are the number of the points to put
void (integer x, integer y, integer spacing, string label, string valstr)
draw_val_item =
draw_item (x, y, spacing, ".", label, ":" + valstr);
Calculates the percentage of a value relative
to a min and max value.
integer (float min, float max, float val)
to_percentage =
local float max_v = (max - min);
local integer perc;
val -= min;
if (val > max_v) {
val = max_v;
if (val < 0) {
val = 0;
2004-02-03 05:59:51 +00:00
perc = (integer) ((val / max_v) * 100);
return perc;
Increases or decreases a value by take care of the bordervalues.
min, max are the borders.
step is the step by in-/de-creasing.
cntflag should be true for increasing and false for decreasing
float (float min, float max, float step, float val, integer cntflag)
min_max_cnt =
if (cntflag) {
val += step;
} else {
val -= step;
if (val > max) {
val = max;
} else if (val < min) {
val = min;
return val;