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synced 2025-03-11 03:01:12 +00:00
Unchained, Ultimate, Ultra, Up Yours, Underworld, Underground, Unified, Unity, etc. You know the drill. This takes care of the "standalone" problem with the wrong name, and the recent snafu with multiple developers working on the same files simultaneously...expect me (and probably others) to start locking dirs when updates are taking place. And yes, this update is really as large as it looks. Software only at the moment, but I will have the makefile updated to build the GL builds as well.
209 lines
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209 lines
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Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// disable data conversion warnings
#pragma warning(disable : 4244) // MIPS
#pragma warning(disable : 4136) // X86
#pragma warning(disable : 4051) // ALPHA
#include <windows.h>
#include <gl\gl.h>
#include <gl\glu.h>
void GL_BeginRendering (int *x, int *y, int *width, int *height);
void GL_EndRendering (void);
// Function prototypes for the Texture Object Extension routines
typedef GLboolean (APIENTRY *ARETEXRESFUNCPTR)(GLsizei, const GLuint *,
const GLboolean *);
typedef void (APIENTRY *BINDTEXFUNCPTR)(GLenum, GLuint);
typedef void (APIENTRY *DELTEXFUNCPTR)(GLsizei, const GLuint *);
typedef void (APIENTRY *GENTEXFUNCPTR)(GLsizei, GLuint *);
typedef GLboolean (APIENTRY *ISTEXFUNCPTR)(GLuint);
typedef void (APIENTRY *PRIORTEXFUNCPTR)(GLsizei, const GLuint *,
const GLclampf *);
typedef void (APIENTRY *TEXSUBIMAGEPTR)(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, void *);
extern BINDTEXFUNCPTR bindTexFunc;
extern DELTEXFUNCPTR delTexFunc;
extern TEXSUBIMAGEPTR TexSubImage2DFunc;
extern int texture_extension_number;
extern int texture_mode;
extern float gldepthmin, gldepthmax;
void GL_Upload32 (unsigned *data, int width, int height, qboolean mipmap, qboolean alpha, qboolean modulate);
void GL_Upload8 (byte *data, int width, int height, qboolean mipmap, qboolean alpha, qboolean modulate);
int GL_LoadTexture (char *identifier, int width, int height, byte *data, int mipmap, int alpha, int modulate);
int GL_FindTexture (char *identifier);
typedef struct
float x, y, z;
float s, t;
float r, g, b;
} glvert_t;
extern glvert_t glv;
extern int glx, gly, glwidth, glheight;
extern PROC glArrayElementEXT;
extern PROC glColorPointerEXT;
extern PROC glTexturePointerEXT;
extern PROC glVertexPointerEXT;
// r_local.h -- private refresh defs
#define MAXALIASVERTS 2000 // TODO: tune this
#define ALIAS_BASE_SIZE_RATIO (1.0 / 11.0)
// normalizing factor so player model works out to about
// 1 pixel per triangle
#define MAX_LBM_HEIGHT 480
#define TILE_SIZE 128 // size of textures generated by R_GenTiledSurf
#define SKYSHIFT 7
#define SKYSIZE (1 << SKYSHIFT)
#define SKYMASK (SKYSIZE - 1)
void R_TimeRefresh_f (void);
void R_ReadPointFile_f (void);
texture_t *R_TextureAnimation (texture_t *base);
typedef struct surfcache_s
struct surfcache_s *next;
struct surfcache_s **owner; // NULL is an empty chunk of memory
int lightadj[MAXLIGHTMAPS]; // checked for strobe flush
int dlight;
int size; // including header
unsigned width;
unsigned height; // DEBUG only needed for debug
float mipscale;
struct texture_s *texture; // checked for animating textures
byte data[4]; // width*height elements
} surfcache_t;
typedef struct
pixel_t *surfdat; // destination for generated surface
int rowbytes; // destination logical width in bytes
msurface_t *surf; // description for surface to generate
fixed8_t lightadj[MAXLIGHTMAPS];
// adjust for lightmap levels for dynamic lighting
texture_t *texture; // corrected for animating textures
int surfmip; // mipmapped ratio of surface texels / world pixels
int surfwidth; // in mipmapped texels
int surfheight; // in mipmapped texels
} drawsurf_t;
typedef enum {
pt_static, pt_grav, pt_slowgrav, pt_fire, pt_explode, pt_explode2, pt_blob, pt_blob2
} ptype_t;
// !!! if this is changed, it must be changed in d_ifacea.h too !!!
typedef struct particle_s
// driver-usable fields
vec3_t org;
float color;
// drivers never touch the following fields
struct particle_s *next;
vec3_t vel;
float ramp;
float die;
ptype_t type;
} particle_t;
extern entity_t r_worldentity;
extern qboolean r_cache_thrash; // compatability
extern vec3_t modelorg, r_entorigin;
extern entity_t *currententity;
extern int r_visframecount; // ??? what difs?
extern int r_framecount;
extern mplane_t frustum[4];
extern int c_brush_polys, c_alias_polys;
// view origin
extern vec3_t vup;
extern vec3_t vpn;
extern vec3_t vright;
extern vec3_t r_origin;
// screen size info
extern refdef_t r_refdef;
extern mleaf_t *r_viewleaf, *r_oldviewleaf;
extern texture_t *r_notexture_mip;
extern int d_lightstylevalue[256]; // 8.8 fraction of base light value
extern qboolean envmap;
extern int currenttexture;
extern int particletexture;
extern int playertextures;
extern int skytexturenum; // index in cl.loadmodel, not gl texture object
extern cvar_t r_drawentities;
extern cvar_t r_drawworld;
extern cvar_t r_drawviewmodel;
extern cvar_t r_speeds;
extern cvar_t r_waterwarp;
extern cvar_t r_fullbright;
extern cvar_t r_lightmap;
extern cvar_t r_shadows;
extern cvar_t r_dynamic;
extern cvar_t gl_clear;
extern cvar_t gl_cull;
extern cvar_t gl_poly;
extern cvar_t gl_texsort;
extern cvar_t gl_smoothmodels;
extern cvar_t gl_affinemodels;
extern cvar_t gl_fogblend;
extern cvar_t gl_polyblend;
extern cvar_t gl_keeptjunctions;
extern cvar_t gl_reporttjunctions;
extern int gl_lightmap_format;
extern int gl_solid_format;
extern int gl_alpha_format;
void R_TranslatePlayerSkin (int playernum);
void GL_Bind (int texnum);