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synced 2025-03-03 15:31:02 +00:00
reality anymore, removed them. Renamed what remained and put it directly in doc for easier reference. qwcl2.ico and quake.ico (the mini-icons for the upper left corner in win32) are identical, removed one. Made an xpm of quake.gif. Removed standalone and quakeworld subdirs.
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The QuakeWorld connection process:
Each time a server changes maps, it will bump the servercount variable. The signon
messages sent from the client to the server will include a servercount, and if the
server detects that it has changed levels while the client is in the process of
connecting, the client connection process will be restarted.
+attack;wait : this both does the attack and prints a chat?
put frag counts in userinfo as *frags?
no forward to server commands unless active?
changelevel / reconnect confusion
syncing the fixangle over the reliable channel with the first update
option to put the update in the reliable message?
A "connect <server>" command is executed on the client.
CL_Connect_f() disconnects from the current server if connected,
sets the current server to the new value, and sends the first connection packet.
The connection packet will be resent by CL_CheckForResend() every two seconds until the server connects.
A connection packet is an out of band packet containing "connect <userinfo>" with userinfo quoted.
The server receives the OOB message in SVC_DirectConnect()
It can respond with an OOB client print of "banned" or "server is full" if the client
cannot enter the game.
If the client can get in, the server will initialize a new client_t structure with a
netchan_t, and respond with an OOB message containing S2C_CONNECTION. Further
communication will be through sequenced netchan_t messages instead of OOB messages.
The client_t->state is set to cs_connected
if S2C_CONNECTION packet is dropped, the connect message will be resent after two
seconds and the server will recognize the address and reuse the allocated client_t FIXME:bug?)
When the client receives the S2C_CONNECTION, it initializes cls.netchan and sends
a "new" string command over the netchan to the server.
cls.state is set to ca_connected FIXME: change to cs_connected?
The "new" usercommand on the server is issued by the client every time they enter a level,
which is why none of the information is sent in the initial S2C_CONNECTION message.
"new" sends over
Before the client can begin playing in the server, the following information must be sent:
servercount // for detecting when the server
gamedir // for deciding the add-on directory (qw, ctf, etc)
playernumber // the client will allways be in this slot
the qc string of world.message // usually the level's full verbose name
when received, the client changes state to ca_onserver. When the client receives
all the information needed to render a frame, the state will be changed to ca_active
prespawn passes the contents of the sv.signon_buffers, which hold
static entity spawning, static sound spawning, and all the entity baselines
FIXME: don't need to pass all baselines, uninitialized probs?
"spawn" sends all dynamically changing state (fullclient updates, lightmaps, frags)
and ma
FIXME: 32 clients could be up to 16k in updates, which overflows the 8k packet size
FIXME: there is an updating hole between the sending of spawn data and the client
being notified
Actually spawns the client into the world as a visible entity.
The client_t->state is set to cs_spawned, so normal datagram updates begin
When the first valid packetentities_t arrives at the client, cls.state is set
to ca_active, and rendering can begin.
FIXME: make sure player and packets are both valid
movecmd_t movecmd;
input from
packet sender
wake up on alarms or input signal
if on input signal, set skipnextalrm
if skipnextalarm
skipnextalarm = false;
lock packet
get current movecmd
send message
unlock packet
packet receiver
wake up only on packet arrival
identify the packet source
calculate exact latency
save the packet off
// cause timer messages to be issued
SetTimer (mainwindow, 1, 50, NULL);
// cause packet received messages to be issued
WSAAsyncSelect ( net_socket, mainwindow, WM_USER, FD_READ );
if (!GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
TranslateMessage (&msg);
DispatchMessage (&msg);
while (PeekMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE))
if (!GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
TranslateMessage (&msg);
DispatchMessage (&msg);
PrepareToBlock ();