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synced 2025-03-04 07:51:04 +00:00
Unchained, Ultimate, Ultra, Up Yours, Underworld, Underground, Unified, Unity, etc. You know the drill. This takes care of the "standalone" problem with the wrong name, and the recent snafu with multiple developers working on the same files simultaneously...expect me (and probably others) to start locking dirs when updates are taking place. And yes, this update is really as large as it looks. Software only at the moment, but I will have the makefile updated to build the GL builds as well.
158 lines
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158 lines
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Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// refresh.h -- public interface to refresh functions
#define TOP_RANGE 16 // soldier uniform colors
#define BOTTOM_RANGE 96
typedef struct efrag_s
struct mleaf_s *leaf;
struct efrag_s *leafnext;
struct entity_s *entity;
struct efrag_s *entnext;
} efrag_t;
typedef struct entity_s
qboolean forcelink; // model changed
int update_type;
entity_state_t baseline; // to fill in defaults in updates
double msgtime; // time of last update
vec3_t msg_origins[2]; // last two updates (0 is newest)
vec3_t origin;
vec3_t msg_angles[2]; // last two updates (0 is newest)
vec3_t angles;
struct model_s *model; // NULL = no model
struct efrag_s *efrag; // linked list of efrags
int frame;
float syncbase; // for client-side animations
byte *colormap;
int effects; // light, particals, etc
int skinnum; // for Alias models
int visframe; // last frame this entity was
// found in an active leaf
int dlightframe; // dynamic lighting
int dlightbits;
// FIXME: could turn these into a union
int trivial_accept;
struct mnode_s *topnode; // for bmodels, first world node
// that splits bmodel, or NULL if
// not split
} entity_t;
// !!! if this is changed, it must be changed in asm_draw.h too !!!
typedef struct
vrect_t vrect; // subwindow in video for refresh
// FIXME: not need vrect next field here?
vrect_t aliasvrect; // scaled Alias version
int vrectright, vrectbottom; // right & bottom screen coords
int aliasvrectright, aliasvrectbottom; // scaled Alias versions
float vrectrightedge; // rightmost right edge we care about,
// for use in edge list
float fvrectx, fvrecty; // for floating-point compares
float fvrectx_adj, fvrecty_adj; // left and top edges, for clamping
int vrect_x_adj_shift20; // (vrect.x + 0.5 - epsilon) << 20
int vrectright_adj_shift20; // (vrectright + 0.5 - epsilon) << 20
float fvrectright_adj, fvrectbottom_adj;
// right and bottom edges, for clamping
float fvrectright; // rightmost edge, for Alias clamping
float fvrectbottom; // bottommost edge, for Alias clamping
float horizontalFieldOfView; // at Z = 1.0, this many X is visible
// 2.0 = 90 degrees
float xOrigin; // should probably allways be 0.5
float yOrigin; // between be around 0.3 to 0.5
vec3_t vieworg;
vec3_t viewangles;
float fov_x, fov_y;
int ambientlight;
} refdef_t;
// refresh
extern int reinit_surfcache;
extern refdef_t r_refdef;
extern vec3_t r_origin, vpn, vright, vup;
extern struct texture_s *r_notexture_mip;
void R_Init (void);
void R_InitTextures (void);
void R_InitEfrags (void);
void R_RenderView (void); // must set r_refdef first
void R_ViewChanged (vrect_t *pvrect, int lineadj, float aspect);
// called whenever r_refdef or vid change
void R_InitSky (struct texture_s *mt); // called at level load
void R_AddEfrags (entity_t *ent);
void R_RemoveEfrags (entity_t *ent);
void R_NewMap (void);
void R_ParseParticleEffect (void);
void R_RunParticleEffect (vec3_t org, vec3_t dir, int color, int count);
void R_RocketTrail (vec3_t start, vec3_t end, int type);
#ifdef QUAKE2
void R_DarkFieldParticles (entity_t *ent);
void R_EntityParticles (entity_t *ent);
void R_BlobExplosion (vec3_t org);
void R_ParticleExplosion (vec3_t org);
void R_ParticleExplosion2 (vec3_t org, int colorStart, int colorLength);
void R_LavaSplash (vec3_t org);
void R_TeleportSplash (vec3_t org);
void R_PushDlights (void);
// surface cache related
extern int reinit_surfcache; // if 1, surface cache is currently empty and
extern qboolean r_cache_thrash; // set if thrashing the surface cache
int D_SurfaceCacheForRes (int width, int height);
void D_FlushCaches (void);
void D_DeleteSurfaceCache (void);
void D_InitCaches (void *buffer, int size);
void R_SetVrect (vrect_t *pvrect, vrect_t *pvrectin, int lineadj);