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synced 2025-03-11 03:01:12 +00:00
Unchained, Ultimate, Ultra, Up Yours, Underworld, Underground, Unified, Unity, etc. You know the drill. This takes care of the "standalone" problem with the wrong name, and the recent snafu with multiple developers working on the same files simultaneously...expect me (and probably others) to start locking dirs when updates are taking place. And yes, this update is really as large as it looks. Software only at the moment, but I will have the makefile updated to build the GL builds as well.
237 lines
6.9 KiB
237 lines
6.9 KiB
Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// r_aliasa.s
// x86 assembly-language Alias model transform and project code.
#include "asm_i386.h"
#include "quakeasm.h"
#include "asm_draw.h"
#include "d_ifacea.h"
#if id386
Lfloat_1: .single 1.0
Ltemp: .long 0
Lcoords: .long 0, 0, 0
#define fv 12+4
#define pstverts 12+8
.globl C(R_AliasTransformAndProjectFinalVerts)
pushl %ebp // preserve caller's stack frame
pushl %edi
pushl %esi // preserve register variables
// int i, temp;
// float lightcos, *plightnormal, zi;
// trivertx_t *pverts;
// pverts = r_apverts;
movl C(r_apverts),%esi
// for (i=0 ; i<r_anumverts ; i++, fv++, pverts++, pstverts++)
// {
movl pstverts(%esp),%ebp
movl fv(%esp),%edi
movl C(r_anumverts),%ecx
subl %edx,%edx
// // transform and project
// zi = 1.0 / (DotProduct(pverts->v, aliastransform[2]) +
// aliastransform[2][3]);
movb (%esi),%dl
movb %dl,Lcoords
fildl Lcoords // v[0]
movb 1(%esi),%dl
movb %dl,Lcoords+4
fildl Lcoords+4 // v[1] | v[0]
movb 2(%esi),%dl
movb %dl,Lcoords+8
fildl Lcoords+8 // v[2] | v[1] | v[0]
fld %st(2) // v[0] | v[2] | v[1] | v[0]
fmuls C(aliastransform)+32 // accum | v[2] | v[1] | v[0]
fld %st(2) // v[1] | accum | v[2] | v[1] | v[0]
fmuls C(aliastransform)+36 // accum2 | accum | v[2] | v[1] | v[0]
fxch %st(1) // accum | accum2 | v[2] | v[1] | v[0]
fadds C(aliastransform)+44 // accum | accum2 | v[2] | v[1] | v[0]
fld %st(2) // v[2] | accum | accum2 | v[2] | v[1] | v[0]
fmuls C(aliastransform)+40 // accum3 | accum | accum2 | v[2] | v[1] |
// v[0]
fxch %st(1) // accum | accum3 | accum2 | v[2] | v[1] | v[0]
faddp %st(0),%st(2) // accum3 | accum | v[2] | v[1] | v[0]
movb tv_lightnormalindex(%esi),%dl
movl stv_s(%ebp),%eax
movl %eax,fv_v+8(%edi)
faddp %st(0),%st(1) // z | v[2] | v[1] | v[0]
movl stv_t(%ebp),%eax
movl %eax,fv_v+12(%edi)
// // lighting
// plightnormal = r_avertexnormals[pverts->lightnormalindex];
fdivrs Lfloat_1 // zi | v[2] | v[1] | v[0]
// fv->v[2] = pstverts->s;
// fv->v[3] = pstverts->t;
// fv->flags = pstverts->onseam;
movl stv_onseam(%ebp),%eax
movl %eax,fv_flags(%edi)
movl fv_size(%edi),%eax
movl stv_size(%ebp),%eax
movl 4(%esi),%eax
leal (%edx,%edx,2),%eax // index*3
fxch %st(3) // v[0] | v[2] | v[1] | zi
// lightcos = DotProduct (plightnormal, r_plightvec);
flds C(r_avertexnormals)(,%eax,4)
fmuls C(r_plightvec)
flds C(r_avertexnormals)+4(,%eax,4)
fmuls C(r_plightvec)+4
flds C(r_avertexnormals)+8(,%eax,4)
fmuls C(r_plightvec)+8
fxch %st(1)
faddp %st(0),%st(2)
fld %st(2) // v[0] | laccum | laccum2 | v[0] | v[2] |
// v[1] | zi
fmuls C(aliastransform)+0 // xaccum | laccum | laccum2 | v[0] | v[2] |
// v[1] | zi
fxch %st(2) // laccum2 | laccum | xaccum | v[0] | v[2] |
// v[1] | zi
faddp %st(0),%st(1) // laccum | xaccum | v[0] | v[2] | v[1] | zi
// temp = r_ambientlight;
// if (lightcos < 0)
// {
fsts Ltemp
movl C(r_ambientlight),%eax
movb Ltemp+3,%dl
testb $0x80,%dl
jz Lsavelight // no need to clamp if only ambient lit, because
// r_ambientlight is preclamped
// temp += (int)(r_shadelight * lightcos);
fmuls C(r_shadelight)
// FIXME: fast float->int conversion?
fistpl Ltemp
addl Ltemp,%eax
// // clamp; because we limited the minimum ambient and shading light, we
// // don't have to clamp low light, just bright
// if (temp < 0)
// temp = 0;
jns Lp1
subl %eax,%eax
// }
// fv->v[4] = temp;
// // x, y, and z are scaled down by 1/2**31 in the transform, so 1/z is
// // scaled up by 1/2**31, and the scaling cancels out for x and y in the
// // projection
// fv->v[0] = ((DotProduct(pverts->v, aliastransform[0]) +
// aliastransform[0][3]) * zi) + aliasxcenter;
// fv->v[1] = ((DotProduct(pverts->v, aliastransform[1]) +
// aliastransform[1][3]) * zi) + aliasycenter;
// fv->v[5] = zi;
fxch %st(1) // v[0] | xaccum | v[2] | v[1] | zi
fmuls C(aliastransform)+16 // yaccum | xaccum | v[2] | v[1] | zi
fxch %st(3) // v[1] | xaccum | v[2] | yaccum | zi
fld %st(0) // v[1] | v[1] | xaccum | v[2] | yaccum | zi
fmuls C(aliastransform)+4 // xaccum2 | v[1] | xaccum | v[2] | yaccum |zi
fxch %st(1) // v[1] | xaccum2 | xaccum | v[2] | yaccum |zi
movl %eax,fv_v+16(%edi)
fmuls C(aliastransform)+20 // yaccum2 | xaccum2 | xaccum | v[2] | yaccum|
// zi
fxch %st(2) // xaccum | xaccum2 | yaccum2 | v[2] | yaccum|
// zi
fadds C(aliastransform)+12 // xaccum | xaccum2 | yaccum2 | v[2] | yaccum|
// zi
fxch %st(4) // yaccum | xaccum2 | yaccum2 | v[2] | xaccum|
// zi
fadds C(aliastransform)+28 // yaccum | xaccum2 | yaccum2 | v[2] | xaccum|
// zi
fxch %st(3) // v[2] | xaccum2 | yaccum2 | yaccum | xaccum|
// zi
fld %st(0) // v[2] | v[2] | xaccum2 | yaccum2 | yaccum |
// xaccum | zi
fmuls C(aliastransform)+8 // xaccum3 | v[2] | xaccum2 | yaccum2 |yaccum|
// xaccum | zi
fxch %st(1) // v[2] | xaccum3 | xaccum2 | yaccum2 |yaccum|
// xaccum | zi
fmuls C(aliastransform)+24 // yaccum3 | xaccum3 | xaccum2 | yaccum2 |
// yaccum | xaccum | zi
fxch %st(5) // xaccum | xaccum3 | xaccum2 | yaccum2 |
// yaccum | yaccum3 | zi
faddp %st(0),%st(2) // xaccum3 | xaccum | yaccum2 | yaccum |
// yaccum3 | zi
fxch %st(3) // yaccum | xaccum | yaccum2 | xaccum3 |
// yaccum3 | zi
faddp %st(0),%st(2) // xaccum | yaccum | xaccum3 | yaccum3 | zi
addl $(tv_size),%esi
faddp %st(0),%st(2) // yaccum | x | yaccum3 | zi
faddp %st(0),%st(2) // x | y | zi
addl $(stv_size),%ebp
fmul %st(2),%st(0) // x/z | y | zi
fxch %st(1) // y | x/z | zi
fmul %st(2),%st(0) // y/z | x/z | zi
fxch %st(1) // x/z | y/z | zi
fadds C(aliasxcenter) // u | y/z | zi
fxch %st(1) // y/z | u | zi
fadds C(aliasycenter) // v | u | zi
fxch %st(2) // zi | u | v
// FIXME: fast float->int conversion?
fistpl fv_v+20(%edi) // u | v
fistpl fv_v+0(%edi) // v
fistpl fv_v+4(%edi)
// }
addl $(fv_size),%edi
decl %ecx
jnz Lloop
popl %esi // restore register variables
popl %edi
popl %ebp // restore the caller's stack frame
fstp %st(0)
jmp Lp1
#endif // id386