Summary: The QuakeForge Project Name: quakeforge %define version 0.1.0 Version: %{version} Release: 1 Group: Amusements/Games Source: quakeforge-%{version}.tar.gz Copyright: GPL BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-root %define HAS_VGA '@HAS_VGA@' %define HAS_MGL '@HAS_MGL@' %define HAS_GGI '@HAS_GGI@' %define HAS_SVGA '@HAS_SVGA@' %define HAS_TDFXGL '@HAS_TDFXGL@' %define HAS_OGL '@HAS_OGL@' %define HAS_X11 '@HAS_X11@' %define HAS_SDL '@HAS_SDL@' %define SND_STYLE '@SND_STYLE@' %description Umm, it's Quake man, Quake. You know, that game by id software? This is the QuakeForge Project's rendition of id's GPLed Quake 1 sources. Quakeforge aims for maximum compatability and platform support but also includes various enhancements. %package server Summary: quakeworld server Group: Amusements/Games Requires: quakeforge %description server %endif %if "%{HAS_OGL}"=="'yes'" %package gl Summary: OpenGL(tm) support Group: Amusements/Games Requires: quakeforge %description gl %endif %if "%{HAS_TDFXGL}"=="'yes'" %package 3dfx Summary: 3dfx support Group: Amusements/Games Requires: quakeforge %description 3dfx %endif %if "%{HAS_X11}"=="'yes'" %package x11 Summary: X11 support Group: Amusements/Games Requires: quakeforge %description x11 %endif %if "%{HAS_SVGA}"=="'yes'" %package svga Summary: svgalib support Group: Amusements/Games Requires: quakeforge %description svga %endif %if "%{HAS_VGA}"=="'yes'" %package vga Summary: vga (djgpp?) support Group: Amusements/Games Requires: quakeforge %description vga %endif %if "%{HAS_MGL}"=="'yes'" %package mgl Summary: mgl support Group: Amusements/Games Requires: quakeforge %description mgl %endif %if "%{HAS_GGI}"=="'yes'" %package ggi Summary: ggi support Group: Amusements/Games Requires: quakeforge %description ggi %endif %if "%{HAS_SDL}"=="'yes'" %package sdl Summary: sdl support Group: Amusements/Games Requires: quakeforge %description sdl %endif %prep %setup -q %build %if "%{SND_STYLE}"==ALSA CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-alsa %else CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ./configure --prefix=/usr %endif make %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make DESTDIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" install %files %doc AUTHORS COPYING CREDITS INSTALL README TODO doc/* %dir /usr/games/quake %dir /usr/games/quake/id1 %files server /usr/bin/qw-server %if "%{HAS_OGL}"=="'yes'" %files gl /usr/bin/quake-gl /usr/bin/qw-client-gl %endif %if "%{HAS_TDFXGL}"=="'yes'" %files gl /usr/bin/quake-3dfx /usr/bin/qw-client-3dfx %endif %if "%{HAS_X11}"=="'yes'" %files gl /usr/bin/quake-x11 /usr/bin/qw-client-x11 %endif %if "%{HAS_SVGA}"=="'yes'" %files gl /usr/bin/quake-svga /usr/bin/qw-client-svga %endif %if "%{HAS_VGA}"=="'yes'" %files gl /usr/bin/quake-vga /usr/bin/qw-client-vga %endif %if "%{HAS_MGL}"=="'yes'" %files gl /usr/bin/quake-mgl /usr/bin/qw-client-mgl %endif %if "%{HAS_GGI}"=="'yes'" %files gl /usr/bin/quake-ggi /usr/bin/qw-client-ggi %endif %if "%{HAS_SDL}"=="'yes'" %files gl /usr/bin/quake-sdl /usr/bin/qw-client-sdl %endif