mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 03:01:12 +00:00
Cvar cleanup and description additions
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 148 additions and 102 deletions
@ -1723,96 +1723,108 @@ void CL_InitCvars()
// register our cvars
// register our cvars
host_speeds = Cvar_Get ("host_speeds","0",0,"None");
host_speeds = Cvar_Get ("host_speeds","0",0,
show_fps = Cvar_Get ("show_fps","0",0,"None");
"Toggles the display of host info");
sys_nostdout = Cvar_Get ("sys_nostdout","0",0,"None");
show_fps = Cvar_Get ("show_fps","0",0,
"Toggles the frames-per-second display");
sys_nostdout = Cvar_Get ("sys_nostdout","0",0,
"Toggles the display of console messages on the stdout stream");
cl_warncmd = Cvar_Get ("cl_warncmd","0",0,"None");
cl_warncmd = Cvar_Get ("cl_warncmd","0",0,"None");
cl_name = Cvar_Get ("_cl_name","player",CVAR_ARCHIVE,"None");
cl_name = Cvar_Get ("_cl_name","player",CVAR_ARCHIVE,
cl_color = Cvar_Get ("_cl_color","0",CVAR_ARCHIVE,"None");
"Sets the player name");
cl_upspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_upspeed","200",0,
cl_color = Cvar_Get ("_cl_color","0",CVAR_ARCHIVE,
"Sets your vertical speed when in liquids");
"Sets the player color");
cl_forwardspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_forwardspeed","200",CVAR_ARCHIVE,
cl_upspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_upspeed","200",0,
"Sets forward movement rate");
"Sets your vertical speed when in liquids");
cl_backspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_backspeed","200",CVAR_ARCHIVE,
cl_forwardspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_forwardspeed","200",CVAR_ARCHIVE,
"Sets backward movement rate");
"Sets forward movement rate");
cl_sidespeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_sidespeed","350",0,
cl_backspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_backspeed","200",CVAR_ARCHIVE,
"Sets how quickly you strafe");
"Sets backward movement rate");
cl_movespeedkey = Cvar_Get ("cl_movespeedkey","2.0",0,
cl_sidespeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_sidespeed","350",0,
"Set multiplier for how fast you move when running");
"Sets how quickly you strafe");
cl_yawspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_yawspeed","140",0,
cl_movespeedkey = Cvar_Get ("cl_movespeedkey","2.0",0,
"Sets how quickly you turn left or right");
"Set multiplier for how fast you move when running");
cl_pitchspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_pitchspeed","150",0,
cl_yawspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_yawspeed","140",0,
"Sets how fast you lookup and lookdown");
"Sets how quickly you turn left or right");
cl_pitchspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_pitchspeed","150",0,
"Sets how fast you lookup and lookdown");
cl_anglespeedkey = Cvar_Get ("cl_anglespeedkey","1.5",0,
cl_anglespeedkey = Cvar_Get ("cl_anglespeedkey","1.5",0,
"Sets multiplier for how fast you turn when running");
"Sets multiplier for how fast you turn when running");
cl_shownet = Cvar_Get ("cl_shownet","0",0,
cl_shownet = Cvar_Get ("cl_shownet","0",0,
"Toggle the display of current net status");
"Toggle the display of current net status");
cl_nolerp = Cvar_Get ("cl_nolerp","0",0,"None");
cl_nolerp = Cvar_Get ("cl_nolerp","0",0,"None");
cl_sbar = Cvar_Get ("cl_sbar","1",CVAR_ARCHIVE,"None");
cl_sbar = Cvar_Get ("cl_sbar","1",CVAR_ARCHIVE,"None");
cl_hudswap = Cvar_Get ("cl_hudswap","1",CVAR_ARCHIVE,"None");
cl_hudswap = Cvar_Get ("cl_hudswap","1",CVAR_ARCHIVE,"None");
cl_maxfps = Cvar_Get ("cl_maxfps","0",CVAR_ARCHIVE,
cl_maxfps = Cvar_Get ("cl_maxfps","0",CVAR_ARCHIVE,
"Sets the maximum frames per second");
"Sets the maximum frames-per-second");
cl_timeout = Cvar_Get ("cl_timeout","60",0,"None");
cl_timeout = Cvar_Get ("cl_timeout","60",0,"None");
cl_verstring = Cvar_Get ("cl_verstring",
cl_verstring = Cvar_Get ("cl_verstring",
"QuakeForge (QW client) " QF_VERSION,
"QuakeForge (QW client) " QF_VERSION,
"QuakeForge (UQuake) " QF_VERSION,
"QuakeForge (UQuake) " QF_VERSION,
CVAR_NONE, "Console version string");
CVAR_NONE, "Sets the console version string");
lookspring = Cvar_Get ("lookspring","0",CVAR_ARCHIVE,"None");
lookspring = Cvar_Get ("lookspring","0",CVAR_ARCHIVE,
lookstrafe = Cvar_Get ("lookstrafe","0",CVAR_ARCHIVE,"None");
"Toggles if the view will recenter after mouselook is "
sensitivity = Cvar_Get ("sensitivity","3",CVAR_ARCHIVE,"None");
lookstrafe = Cvar_Get ("lookstrafe","0",CVAR_ARCHIVE,
"Toggles if turn left and right will strafe left and right "
"when mouselook is active");
sensitivity = Cvar_Get ("sensitivity","3",CVAR_ARCHIVE,
"Sets the mouse sensitivity");
m_pitch = Cvar_Get ("m_pitch","0.022",CVAR_ARCHIVE,"None");
m_pitch = Cvar_Get ("m_pitch","0.022",CVAR_ARCHIVE,
m_yaw = Cvar_Get ("m_yaw","0.022",CVAR_ARCHIVE,"None");
"Sets how quickly you lookup and lookdown with the mouse when " "mouselook is active");
m_forward = Cvar_Get ("m_forward","1",CVAR_ARCHIVE,"None");
m_yaw = Cvar_Get ("m_yaw","0.022",CVAR_ARCHIVE,
m_side = Cvar_Get ("m_side","0.8",CVAR_ARCHIVE,"None");
"Sets how quickly you turn left and right with the mouse");
m_forward = Cvar_Get ("m_forward","1",CVAR_ARCHIVE,
"Sets how quickly moving the mouse forwards and backwards "
"causes the player to move in the respective direction");
m_side = Cvar_Get ("m_side","0.8",CVAR_ARCHIVE,
"Sets how quickly you strafe left and right with the mouse");
rcon_password = Cvar_Get ("rcon_password","",0,"None");
rcon_password = Cvar_Get ("rcon_password","",0,"None");
rcon_address = Cvar_Get ("rcon_address","",0,"None");
rcon_address = Cvar_Get ("rcon_address","",0,"None");
entlatency = Cvar_Get ("entlatency","20",0,"None");
entlatency = Cvar_Get ("entlatency","20",0,"None");
cl_predict_players2 = Cvar_Get ("cl_predict_players2","1",0,"None");
cl_predict_players2 = Cvar_Get ("cl_predict_players2","1",0,"None");
cl_predict_players = Cvar_Get ("cl_predict_players","1",0,"None");
cl_predict_players = Cvar_Get ("cl_predict_players","1",0,
"Toggles player prediction");
cl_solid_players = Cvar_Get ("cl_solid_players","1",0,"None");
cl_solid_players = Cvar_Get ("cl_solid_players","1",0,"None");
cl_talksound = Cvar_Get ("cl_talksound", "misc/talk.wav", CVAR_NONE,
cl_talksound = Cvar_Get ("cl_talksound", "misc/talk.wav", CVAR_NONE,
"The sound used for talk messages");
"Sets the sound used for talk messages");
localid = Cvar_Get ("localid","",0,"None");
localid = Cvar_Get ("localid","",0,"None");
baseskin = Cvar_Get ("baseskin","base",0,"None");
baseskin = Cvar_Get ("baseskin","base",0,"None");
noskins = Cvar_Get ("noskins","0",0,"None");
noskins = Cvar_Get ("noskins","0",0,"None");
// info mirrors
// info mirrors
name = Cvar_Get ("name","unnamed",
name = Cvar_Get ("name","unnamed",
password = Cvar_Get ("password","",CVAR_USERINFO|CVAR_SERVERINFO,
password = Cvar_Get ("password","",CVAR_USERINFO|CVAR_SERVERINFO,
spectator = Cvar_Get ("spectator","",CVAR_USERINFO|CVAR_SERVERINFO,
spectator = Cvar_Get ("spectator","",
skin = Cvar_Get ("skin","",
team = Cvar_Get ("team","",
topcolor = Cvar_Get ("topcolor","0",
topcolor = Cvar_Get ("topcolor","0",
bottomcolor = Cvar_Get ("bottomcolor","0",
bottomcolor = Cvar_Get ("bottomcolor","0",
rate = Cvar_Get ("rate","2500",
rate = Cvar_Get ("rate","2500",
msg = Cvar_Get ("msg","1",
noaim = Cvar_Get ("noaim","0",
noaim = Cvar_Get ("noaim","0",
@ -1058,39 +1058,73 @@ V_Init ( void )
lcd_x = Cvar_Get ("lcd_x", "0", CVAR_NONE, "None");
lcd_x = Cvar_Get ("lcd_x", "0", CVAR_NONE, "None");
lcd_yaw = Cvar_Get ("lcd_yaw", "0", CVAR_NONE, "None");
lcd_yaw = Cvar_Get ("lcd_yaw", "0", CVAR_NONE, "None");
v_centermove = Cvar_Get ("v_centermove", "0.15", CVAR_NONE, "None");
v_centermove = Cvar_Get ("v_centermove", "0.15", CVAR_NONE,
v_centerspeed = Cvar_Get ("v_centerspeed", "500", CVAR_NONE, "None");
"Sets how far the player must move forward before the view "
v_centerspeed = Cvar_Get ("v_centerspeed", "500", CVAR_NONE,
"Sets how quickly you return to a center view after a "
"lookup or lookdown");
v_iyaw_cycle = Cvar_Get ("v_iyaw_cycle", "2", CVAR_NONE,
"Sets how quickly you look left and right when v_idlescale is "
v_iroll_cycle = Cvar_Get ("v_iroll_cycle", "0.5", CVAR_NONE,
"Sets how quickly you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is "
v_ipitch_cycle = Cvar_Get ("v_ipitch_cycle", "1", CVAR_NONE,
"Sets how quickly you lean forwards and backwards when "
"v_idlescale is active");
v_iyaw_level = Cvar_Get ("v_iyaw_level", "0.3", CVAR_NONE,
"Sets how far you look left and right when v_idlescale is "
v_iroll_level = Cvar_Get ("v_iroll_level", "0.1", CVAR_NONE,
"Sets how far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is "
v_ipitch_level = Cvar_Get ("v_ipitch_level", "0.3", CVAR_NONE,
"Sets how far lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is "
v_contentblend = Cvar_Get ("v_contentblend", "1", CVAR_NONE,
"Shift color in liquids");
v_iyaw_cycle = Cvar_Get ("v_iyaw_cycle", "2", CVAR_NONE, "None");
v_idlescale = Cvar_Get ("v_idlescale", "0", CVAR_NONE,
v_iroll_cycle = Cvar_Get ("v_iroll_cycle", "0.5", CVAR_NONE, "None");
"Toggles whether the the view remains idle");
v_ipitch_cycle = Cvar_Get ("v_ipitch_cycle", "1", CVAR_NONE, "None");
crosshaircolor = Cvar_Get ("crosshaircolor", "79", CVAR_ARCHIVE,
v_iyaw_level = Cvar_Get ("v_iyaw_level", "0.3", CVAR_NONE, "None");
"Sets the crosshair color");
v_iroll_level = Cvar_Get ("v_iroll_level", "0.1", CVAR_NONE, "None");
crosshair = Cvar_Get ("crosshair", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE,
v_ipitch_level = Cvar_Get ("v_ipitch_level", "0.3", CVAR_NONE, "None");
"Sets which crosshair is used");
cl_crossx = Cvar_Get ("cl_crossx", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE,
"Sets the x location of the crosshair");
cl_crossy = Cvar_Get ("cl_crossy", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE,
"Sets the y location of the crosshair");
gl_cshiftpercent = Cvar_Get ("gl_cshiftpercent", "100", CVAR_NONE,
"Sets the percentage of color shifting");
v_contentblend = Cvar_Get ("v_contentblend", "1", CVAR_NONE, "Shift color in liquids");
scr_ofsx = Cvar_Get ("scr_ofsx", "0", CVAR_NONE,
"Sets how much to offset the view in the x direction");
scr_ofsy = Cvar_Get ("scr_ofsy", "0", CVAR_NONE,
"Sets how much to offset the view in the y direction");
scr_ofsz = Cvar_Get ("scr_ofsz", "0", CVAR_NONE,
"Sets how much to offset the view in the z direction");
v_idlescale = Cvar_Get ("v_idlescale", "0", CVAR_NONE, "None");
cl_rollspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_rollspeed", "200", CVAR_NONE,
crosshaircolor = Cvar_Get ("crosshaircolor", "79", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Crosshair Color");
"Sets how quickly you straighten out after strafing");
crosshair = Cvar_Get ("crosshair", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Crosshair selection");
cl_rollangle = Cvar_Get ("cl_rollangle", "2.0", CVAR_NONE,
cl_crossx = Cvar_Get ("cl_crossx", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Crosshair X location");
"Sets how much your screen tilts when strafing");
cl_crossy = Cvar_Get ("cl_crossy", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Crosshair Y location");
cl_bob = Cvar_Get ("cl_bob", "0.02", CVAR_NONE,
gl_cshiftpercent = Cvar_Get ("gl_cshiftpercent", "100", CVAR_NONE, "Percentage of color shifting");
"Sets how much your weapon moves up and down when walking");
cl_bobcycle = Cvar_Get ("cl_bobcycle", "0.6", CVAR_NONE,
"Sets how quickly your weapon moves up and down when walking");
cl_bobup = Cvar_Get ("cl_bobup", "0.5", CVAR_NONE,
"Sets how long your weapon stays up before cycling when "
scr_ofsx = Cvar_Get ("scr_ofsx", "0", CVAR_NONE, "None");
v_kicktime = Cvar_Get ("v_kicktime", "0.5", CVAR_NONE,
scr_ofsy = Cvar_Get ("scr_ofsy", "0", CVAR_NONE, "None");
"Sets how long the kick effects last (when you are hit)");
scr_ofsz = Cvar_Get ("scr_ofsz", "0", CVAR_NONE, "None");
v_kickroll = Cvar_Get ("v_kickroll", "0.6", CVAR_NONE,
"Sets how much you lean when hit");
cl_rollspeed = Cvar_Get ("cl_rollspeed", "200", CVAR_NONE, "None");
v_kickpitch = Cvar_Get ("v_kickpitch", "0.6", CVAR_NONE,
cl_rollangle = Cvar_Get ("cl_rollangle", "2.0", CVAR_NONE, "None");
"Sets how much you look up when hit");
cl_bob = Cvar_Get ("cl_bob", "0.02", CVAR_NONE, "None");
v_gamma = Cvar_Get ("v_gamma", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE,
cl_bobcycle = Cvar_Get ("cl_bobcycle", "0.6", CVAR_NONE, "None");
"Sets the monitor gamma");
cl_bobup = Cvar_Get ("cl_bobup", "0.5", CVAR_NONE, "None");
v_kicktime = Cvar_Get ("v_kicktime", "0.5", CVAR_NONE, "None");
v_kickroll = Cvar_Get ("v_kickroll", "0.6", CVAR_NONE, "None");
v_kickpitch = Cvar_Get ("v_kickpitch", "0.6", CVAR_NONE, "None");
v_gamma = Cvar_Get ("v_gamma", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Monitor gamma");
BuildGammaTable (v_gamma->value); // no gamma yet
BuildGammaTable (v_gamma->value); // no gamma yet
Reference in a new issue