Created new subdir: uquake. Pick your favorite U word for the meaning --
Unchained, Ultimate, Ultra, Up Yours, Underworld, Underground, Unified,
Unity, etc. You know the drill.
This takes care of the "standalone" problem with the wrong name, and the
recent snafu with multiple developers working on the same files
simultaneously...expect me (and probably others) to start locking dirs when
updates are taking place.
And yes, this update is really as large as it looks. Software only at the
moment, but I will have the makefile updated to build the GL builds as
1999-12-26 13:51:52 +00:00
Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
2000-01-08 04:50:26 +00:00
Portions Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Nelson Rush.
Created new subdir: uquake. Pick your favorite U word for the meaning --
Unchained, Ultimate, Ultra, Up Yours, Underworld, Underground, Unified,
Unity, etc. You know the drill.
This takes care of the "standalone" problem with the wrong name, and the
recent snafu with multiple developers working on the same files
simultaneously...expect me (and probably others) to start locking dirs when
updates are taking place.
And yes, this update is really as large as it looks. Software only at the
moment, but I will have the makefile updated to build the GL builds as
1999-12-26 13:51:52 +00:00
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// screen.c -- master for refresh, status bar, console, chat, notify, etc
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "r_local.h"
// only the refresh window will be updated unless these variables are flagged
int scr_copytop;
int scr_copyeverything;
float scr_con_current;
float scr_conlines; // lines of console to display
float oldscreensize, oldfov;
cvar_t scr_viewsize = {"viewsize","100", true};
cvar_t scr_fov = {"fov","90"}; // 10 - 170
cvar_t scr_conspeed = {"scr_conspeed","300"};
cvar_t scr_centertime = {"scr_centertime","2"};
cvar_t scr_showram = {"showram","1"};
cvar_t scr_showturtle = {"showturtle","0"};
cvar_t scr_showpause = {"showpause","1"};
cvar_t scr_printspeed = {"scr_printspeed","8"};
qboolean scr_initialized; // ready to draw
qpic_t *scr_ram;
qpic_t *scr_net;
qpic_t *scr_turtle;
int scr_fullupdate;
int clearconsole;
int clearnotify;
viddef_t vid; // global video state
vrect_t *pconupdate;
vrect_t scr_vrect;
qboolean scr_disabled_for_loading;
qboolean scr_drawloading;
float scr_disabled_time;
qboolean scr_skipupdate;
qboolean block_drawing;
void SCR_ScreenShot_f (void);
char scr_centerstring[1024];
float scr_centertime_start; // for slow victory printing
float scr_centertime_off;
int scr_center_lines;
int scr_erase_lines;
int scr_erase_center;
Called for important messages that should stay in the center of the screen
for a few moments
void SCR_CenterPrint (char *str)
strncpy (scr_centerstring, str, sizeof(scr_centerstring)-1);
scr_centertime_off = scr_centertime.value;
scr_centertime_start = cl.time;
// count the number of lines for centering
scr_center_lines = 1;
while (*str)
if (*str == '\n')
void SCR_EraseCenterString (void)
int y;
if (scr_erase_center++ > vid.numpages)
scr_erase_lines = 0;
if (scr_center_lines <= 4)
y = vid.height*0.35;
y = 48;
scr_copytop = 1;
Draw_TileClear (0, y,vid.width, 8*scr_erase_lines);
void SCR_DrawCenterString (void)
char *start;
int l;
int j;
int x, y;
int remaining;
// the finale prints the characters one at a time
if (cl.intermission)
remaining = scr_printspeed.value * (cl.time - scr_centertime_start);
remaining = 9999;
scr_erase_center = 0;
start = scr_centerstring;
if (scr_center_lines <= 4)
y = vid.height*0.35;
y = 48;
// scan the width of the line
for (l=0 ; l<40 ; l++)
if (start[l] == '\n' || !start[l])
x = (vid.width - l*8)/2;
for (j=0 ; j<l ; j++, x+=8)
Draw_Character (x, y, start[j]);
if (!remaining--)
y += 8;
while (*start && *start != '\n')
if (!*start)
start++; // skip the \n
} while (1);
void SCR_CheckDrawCenterString (void)
scr_copytop = 1;
if (scr_center_lines > scr_erase_lines)
scr_erase_lines = scr_center_lines;
scr_centertime_off -= host_frametime;
if (scr_centertime_off <= 0 && !cl.intermission)
if (key_dest != key_game)
SCR_DrawCenterString ();
float CalcFov (float fov_x, float width, float height)
float a;
float x;
if (fov_x < 1 || fov_x > 179)
Sys_Error ("Bad fov: %f", fov_x);
x = width/tan(fov_x/360*M_PI);
a = atan (height/x);
a = a*360/M_PI;
return a;
Must be called whenever vid changes
Internal use only
static void SCR_CalcRefdef (void)
vrect_t vrect;
float size;
scr_fullupdate = 0; // force a background redraw
vid.recalc_refdef = 0;
// force the status bar to redraw
Sbar_Changed ();
// bound viewsize
if (scr_viewsize.value < 30)
Cvar_Set ("viewsize","30");
if (scr_viewsize.value > 120)
Cvar_Set ("viewsize","120");
// bound field of view
if (scr_fov.value < 10)
Cvar_Set ("fov","10");
if (scr_fov.value > 170)
Cvar_Set ("fov","170");
r_refdef.fov_x = scr_fov.value;
r_refdef.fov_y = CalcFov (r_refdef.fov_x, r_refdef.vrect.width, r_refdef.vrect.height);
// intermission is always full screen
if (cl.intermission)
size = 120;
size = scr_viewsize.value;
if (size >= 120)
sb_lines = 0; // no status bar at all
else if (size >= 110)
sb_lines = 24; // no inventory
sb_lines = 24+16+8;
// these calculations mirror those in R_Init() for r_refdef, but take no
// account of water warping
vrect.x = 0;
vrect.y = 0;
vrect.width = vid.width;
vrect.height = vid.height;
R_SetVrect (&vrect, &scr_vrect, sb_lines);
// guard against going from one mode to another that's less than half the
// vertical resolution
if (scr_con_current > vid.height)
scr_con_current = vid.height;
// notify the refresh of the change
R_ViewChanged (&vrect, sb_lines, vid.aspect);
Keybinding command
void SCR_SizeUp_f (void)
Cvar_SetValue ("viewsize",scr_viewsize.value+10);
vid.recalc_refdef = 1;
Keybinding command
void SCR_SizeDown_f (void)
Cvar_SetValue ("viewsize",scr_viewsize.value-10);
vid.recalc_refdef = 1;
void SCR_Init (void)
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_fov);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_viewsize);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_conspeed);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_showram);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_showturtle);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_showpause);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_centertime);
Cvar_RegisterVariable (&scr_printspeed);
// register our commands
Cmd_AddCommand ("screenshot",SCR_ScreenShot_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("sizeup",SCR_SizeUp_f);
Cmd_AddCommand ("sizedown",SCR_SizeDown_f);
scr_ram = Draw_PicFromWad ("ram");
scr_net = Draw_PicFromWad ("net");
scr_turtle = Draw_PicFromWad ("turtle");
scr_initialized = true;
void SCR_DrawRam (void)
if (!scr_showram.value)
if (!r_cache_thrash)
Draw_Pic (scr_vrect.x+32, scr_vrect.y, scr_ram);
void SCR_DrawTurtle (void)
static int count;
if (!scr_showturtle.value)
if (host_frametime < 0.1)
count = 0;
if (count < 3)
Draw_Pic (scr_vrect.x, scr_vrect.y, scr_turtle);
void SCR_DrawNet (void)
if (realtime - cl.last_received_message < 0.3)
if (cls.demoplayback)
Draw_Pic (scr_vrect.x+64, scr_vrect.y, scr_net);
2000-01-19 05:31:22 +00:00
Backported by Jules Bean <> from
quakeworld client
void SCR_DrawFPS (void)
extern cvar_t show_fps;
static double lastframetime;
double t;
extern int fps_count;
static int lastfps;
int x, y;
char st[80];
if (!show_fps.value)
t = Sys_DoubleTime();
if ((t - lastframetime) >= 1.0) {
lastfps = fps_count;
fps_count = 0;
lastframetime = t;
snprintf(st, sizeof(st), "%3d FPS", lastfps);
x = vid.width - strlen(st) * 8 - 8;
y = vid.height - sb_lines - 8;
// Draw_TileClear(x, y, strlen(st) * 8, 8);
Draw_String(x, y, st);
Created new subdir: uquake. Pick your favorite U word for the meaning --
Unchained, Ultimate, Ultra, Up Yours, Underworld, Underground, Unified,
Unity, etc. You know the drill.
This takes care of the "standalone" problem with the wrong name, and the
recent snafu with multiple developers working on the same files
simultaneously...expect me (and probably others) to start locking dirs when
updates are taking place.
And yes, this update is really as large as it looks. Software only at the
moment, but I will have the makefile updated to build the GL builds as
1999-12-26 13:51:52 +00:00
void SCR_DrawPause (void)
qpic_t *pic;
if (!scr_showpause.value) // turn off for screenshots
if (!cl.paused)
pic = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/pause.lmp");
Draw_Pic ( (vid.width - pic->width)/2,
(vid.height - 48 - pic->height)/2, pic);
void SCR_DrawLoading (void)
qpic_t *pic;
if (!scr_drawloading)
pic = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/loading.lmp");
Draw_Pic ( (vid.width - pic->width)/2,
(vid.height - 48 - pic->height)/2, pic);
void SCR_SetUpToDrawConsole (void)
Con_CheckResize ();
if (scr_drawloading)
return; // never a console with loading plaque
// decide on the height of the console
con_forcedup = !cl.worldmodel || cls.signon != SIGNONS;
if (con_forcedup)
scr_conlines = vid.height; // full screen
scr_con_current = scr_conlines;
else if (key_dest == key_console)
scr_conlines = vid.height/2; // half screen
scr_conlines = 0; // none visible
if (scr_conlines < scr_con_current)
scr_con_current -= scr_conspeed.value*host_frametime;
if (scr_conlines > scr_con_current)
scr_con_current = scr_conlines;
else if (scr_conlines > scr_con_current)
scr_con_current += scr_conspeed.value*host_frametime;
if (scr_conlines < scr_con_current)
scr_con_current = scr_conlines;
if (clearconsole++ < vid.numpages)
scr_copytop = 1;
Draw_TileClear (0,(int)scr_con_current,vid.width, vid.height - (int)scr_con_current);
Sbar_Changed ();
else if (clearnotify++ < vid.numpages)
scr_copytop = 1;
Draw_TileClear (0,0,vid.width, con_notifylines);
con_notifylines = 0;
void SCR_DrawConsole (void)
if (scr_con_current)
scr_copyeverything = 1;
Con_DrawConsole (scr_con_current, true);
clearconsole = 0;
if (key_dest == key_game || key_dest == key_message)
Con_DrawNotify (); // only draw notify in game
typedef struct
char manufacturer;
char version;
char encoding;
char bits_per_pixel;
unsigned short xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax;
unsigned short hres,vres;
unsigned char palette[48];
char reserved;
char color_planes;
unsigned short bytes_per_line;
unsigned short palette_type;
char filler[58];
unsigned char data; // unbounded
} pcx_t;
void WritePCXfile (char *filename, byte *data, int width, int height,
int rowbytes, byte *palette)
int i, j, length;
pcx_t *pcx;
byte *pack;
pcx = Hunk_TempAlloc (width*height*2+1000);
if (pcx == NULL)
Con_Printf("SCR_ScreenShot_f: not enough memory\n");
pcx->manufacturer = 0x0a; // PCX id
pcx->version = 5; // 256 color
pcx->encoding = 1; // uncompressed
pcx->bits_per_pixel = 8; // 256 color
pcx->xmin = 0;
pcx->ymin = 0;
pcx->xmax = LittleShort((short)(width-1));
pcx->ymax = LittleShort((short)(height-1));
pcx->hres = LittleShort((short)width);
pcx->vres = LittleShort((short)height);
Q_memset (pcx->palette,0,sizeof(pcx->palette));
pcx->color_planes = 1; // chunky image
pcx->bytes_per_line = LittleShort((short)width);
pcx->palette_type = LittleShort(2); // not a grey scale
Q_memset (pcx->filler,0,sizeof(pcx->filler));
// pack the image
pack = &pcx->data;
for (i=0 ; i<height ; i++)
for (j=0 ; j<width ; j++)
if ( (*data & 0xc0) != 0xc0)
*pack++ = *data++;
*pack++ = 0xc1;
*pack++ = *data++;
data += rowbytes - width;
// write the palette
*pack++ = 0x0c; // palette ID byte
for (i=0 ; i<768 ; i++)
*pack++ = *palette++;
// write output file
length = pack - (byte *)pcx;
COM_WriteFile (filename, pcx, length);
void SCR_ScreenShot_f (void)
int i;
char pcxname[80];
char checkname[MAX_OSPATH];
// find a file name to save it to
for (i=0 ; i<=99 ; i++)
pcxname[5] = i/10 + '0';
pcxname[6] = i%10 + '0';
2000-01-05 00:05:48 +00:00
snprintf(checkname, sizeof(checkname), "%s/%s", com_gamedir, pcxname);
Created new subdir: uquake. Pick your favorite U word for the meaning --
Unchained, Ultimate, Ultra, Up Yours, Underworld, Underground, Unified,
Unity, etc. You know the drill.
This takes care of the "standalone" problem with the wrong name, and the
recent snafu with multiple developers working on the same files
simultaneously...expect me (and probably others) to start locking dirs when
updates are taking place.
And yes, this update is really as large as it looks. Software only at the
moment, but I will have the makefile updated to build the GL builds as
1999-12-26 13:51:52 +00:00
if (Sys_FileTime(checkname) == -1)
break; // file doesn't exist
if (i==100)
Con_Printf ("SCR_ScreenShot_f: Couldn't create a PCX file\n");
// save the pcx file
D_EnableBackBufferAccess (); // enable direct drawing of console to back
// buffer
WritePCXfile (pcxname, vid.buffer, vid.width, vid.height, vid.rowbytes,
D_DisableBackBufferAccess (); // for adapters that can't stay mapped in
// for linear writes all the time
Con_Printf ("Wrote %s\n", pcxname);
void SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque (void)
S_StopAllSounds (true);
if (cls.state != ca_connected)
if (cls.signon != SIGNONS)
// redraw with no console and the loading plaque
Con_ClearNotify ();
scr_centertime_off = 0;
scr_con_current = 0;
scr_drawloading = true;
scr_fullupdate = 0;
Sbar_Changed ();
SCR_UpdateScreen ();
scr_drawloading = false;
scr_disabled_for_loading = true;
scr_disabled_time = realtime;
scr_fullupdate = 0;
void SCR_EndLoadingPlaque (void)
scr_disabled_for_loading = false;
scr_fullupdate = 0;
Con_ClearNotify ();
char *scr_notifystring;
qboolean scr_drawdialog;
void SCR_DrawNotifyString (void)
char *start;
int l;
int j;
int x, y;
start = scr_notifystring;
y = vid.height*0.35;
// scan the width of the line
for (l=0 ; l<40 ; l++)
if (start[l] == '\n' || !start[l])
x = (vid.width - l*8)/2;
for (j=0 ; j<l ; j++, x+=8)
Draw_Character (x, y, start[j]);
y += 8;
while (*start && *start != '\n')
if (!*start)
start++; // skip the \n
} while (1);
Displays a text string in the center of the screen and waits for a Y or N
int SCR_ModalMessage (char *text)
if (cls.state == ca_dedicated)
return true;
scr_notifystring = text;
// draw a fresh screen
scr_fullupdate = 0;
scr_drawdialog = true;
SCR_UpdateScreen ();
scr_drawdialog = false;
S_ClearBuffer (); // so dma doesn't loop current sound
key_count = -1; // wait for a key down and up
Sys_SendKeyEvents ();
} while (key_lastpress != 'y' && key_lastpress != 'n' && key_lastpress != K_ESCAPE);
scr_fullupdate = 0;
SCR_UpdateScreen ();
return key_lastpress == 'y';
Brings the console down and fades the palettes back to normal
void SCR_BringDownConsole (void)
int i;
scr_centertime_off = 0;
for (i=0 ; i<20 && scr_conlines != scr_con_current ; i++)
SCR_UpdateScreen ();
cl.cshifts[0].percent = 0; // no area contents palette on next frame
VID_SetPalette (host_basepal);
This is called every frame, and can also be called explicitly to flush
text to the screen.
WARNING: be very careful calling this from elsewhere, because the refresh
needs almost the entire 256k of stack space!
void SCR_UpdateScreen (void)
static float oldscr_viewsize;
static float oldlcd_x;
vrect_t vrect;
if (scr_skipupdate || block_drawing)
scr_copytop = 0;
scr_copyeverything = 0;
if (scr_disabled_for_loading)
if (realtime - scr_disabled_time > 60)
scr_disabled_for_loading = false;
Con_Printf ("load failed.\n");
if (cls.state == ca_dedicated)
return; // stdout only
if (!scr_initialized || !con_initialized)
return; // not initialized yet
if (scr_viewsize.value != oldscr_viewsize)
oldscr_viewsize = scr_viewsize.value;
vid.recalc_refdef = 1;
// check for vid changes
if (oldfov != scr_fov.value)
oldfov = scr_fov.value;
vid.recalc_refdef = true;
if (oldlcd_x != lcd_x.value)
oldlcd_x = lcd_x.value;
vid.recalc_refdef = true;
if (oldscreensize != scr_viewsize.value)
oldscreensize = scr_viewsize.value;
vid.recalc_refdef = true;
if (vid.recalc_refdef)
// something changed, so reorder the screen
SCR_CalcRefdef ();
// do 3D refresh drawing, and then update the screen
D_EnableBackBufferAccess (); // of all overlay stuff if drawing directly
if (scr_fullupdate++ < vid.numpages)
{ // clear the entire screen
scr_copyeverything = 1;
Draw_TileClear (0,0,vid.width,vid.height);
Sbar_Changed ();
pconupdate = NULL;
SCR_SetUpToDrawConsole ();
SCR_EraseCenterString ();
D_DisableBackBufferAccess (); // for adapters that can't stay mapped in
// for linear writes all the time
VID_LockBuffer ();
V_RenderView ();
VID_UnlockBuffer ();
D_EnableBackBufferAccess (); // of all overlay stuff if drawing directly
if (scr_drawdialog)
Sbar_Draw ();
Draw_FadeScreen ();
SCR_DrawNotifyString ();
scr_copyeverything = true;
else if (scr_drawloading)
SCR_DrawLoading ();
Sbar_Draw ();
else if (cl.intermission == 1 && key_dest == key_game)
Sbar_IntermissionOverlay ();
else if (cl.intermission == 2 && key_dest == key_game)
Sbar_FinaleOverlay ();
SCR_CheckDrawCenterString ();
else if (cl.intermission == 3 && key_dest == key_game)
SCR_CheckDrawCenterString ();
SCR_DrawRam ();
SCR_DrawNet ();
SCR_DrawTurtle ();
SCR_DrawPause ();
2000-01-19 05:31:22 +00:00
SCR_DrawFPS ();
Created new subdir: uquake. Pick your favorite U word for the meaning --
Unchained, Ultimate, Ultra, Up Yours, Underworld, Underground, Unified,
Unity, etc. You know the drill.
This takes care of the "standalone" problem with the wrong name, and the
recent snafu with multiple developers working on the same files
simultaneously...expect me (and probably others) to start locking dirs when
updates are taking place.
And yes, this update is really as large as it looks. Software only at the
moment, but I will have the makefile updated to build the GL builds as
1999-12-26 13:51:52 +00:00
SCR_CheckDrawCenterString ();
Sbar_Draw ();
SCR_DrawConsole ();
M_Draw ();
D_DisableBackBufferAccess (); // for adapters that can't stay mapped in
// for linear writes all the time
if (pconupdate)
D_UpdateRects (pconupdate);
V_UpdatePalette ();
// update one of three areas
if (scr_copyeverything)
vrect.x = 0;
vrect.y = 0;
vrect.width = vid.width;
vrect.height = vid.height;
vrect.pnext = 0;
VID_Update (&vrect);
else if (scr_copytop)
vrect.x = 0;
vrect.y = 0;
vrect.width = vid.width;
vrect.height = vid.height - sb_lines;
vrect.pnext = 0;
VID_Update (&vrect);
vrect.x = scr_vrect.x;
vrect.y = scr_vrect.y;
vrect.width = scr_vrect.width;
vrect.height = scr_vrect.height;
vrect.pnext = 0;
VID_Update (&vrect);
void SCR_UpdateWholeScreen (void)
scr_fullupdate = 0;
SCR_UpdateScreen ();