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synced 2025-03-02 23:12:12 +00:00
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580 lines
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#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#import <Interceptor/NSDirectScreen.h>
#import <AppKit/NSColor.h>
#include "../ref_soft/r_local.h"
@interface QuakeView : NSView
NSWindow *vid_window_i;
QuakeView *vid_view_i;
NSDirectScreen *vid_screen;
byte *vid_buffer; // real framebuffer
int vid_rowbytes; // framebuffer rowbytes
unsigned *buffernative; // 24 bit off-screen back buffer for window
unsigned swimp_palette[256];
typedef enum {
} rhapMode_t;
rhapMode_t rhap_mode;
** InitFullscreen
rserr_t InitFullscreen (int width, int height)
NSDictionary *mode, *bestMode;
int modeWidth, bestWidth;
int modeHeight, bestHeight;
NSArray *modes;
int i;
NSString *string;
vid_screen = [[NSDirectScreen alloc] initWithScreen:[NSScreen mainScreen]];
// search for an apropriate mode
modes = [vid_screen availableDisplayModes];
bestMode = NULL;
bestWidth = 99999;
bestHeight = 99999;
for (i=0 ; i<[modes count] ; i++) {
mode = [modes objectAtIndex: i];
string = [mode objectForKey: @"NSDirectScreenPixelEncoding"];
if ( ![string isEqualToString: @"PPPPPPPP"] )
continue; // only look at paletted modes
modeWidth = [[mode objectForKey: @"NSDirectScreenWidth"] intValue];
modeHeight = [[mode objectForKey: @"NSDirectScreenHeight"] intValue];
if (modeWidth < width || modeHeight < height)
if (modeWidth < bestWidth) {
bestWidth = modeWidth;
bestHeight = modeHeight;
bestMode = mode;
// if there wasn't any paletted mode of that res or greater, fail
if (!bestMode)
return rserr_invalid_fullscreen;
ri.Con_Printf (PRINT_ALL, "SheildDisplay\n");
[vid_screen shieldDisplay];
// hide the cursor in all fullscreen modes
[NSCursor hide];
vid_window_i = [vid_screen shieldingWindow];
ri.Con_Printf (PRINT_ALL, "switchToDisplayMode\n");
[vid_screen switchToDisplayMode:bestMode];
// [vid_screen fadeDisplayOutToColor:[NSColor blackColor]];
// [vid_screen fadeDisplayInFromColor:[NSColor blackColor]];
vid_buffer = [vid_screen data];
vid_rowbytes = [vid_screen bytesPerRow];
return rserr_ok;
void ShutdownFullscreen (void)
[vid_screen dealloc];
[NSCursor unhide];
void SetPaletteFullscreen (const unsigned char *palette) {
#if 0
byte *p;
int i;
NSDirectPalette *pal;
pal = [NSDirectPalette init];
for (i=0 ; i<256 ; i++)
[pal setRed: palette[0]*(1.0/255)
green: palette[1]*(1.0/255)
blue: palette[2]*(1.0/255)
atIndex: i];
[vid_screen setPalette: pal];
[pal release];
void BlitFullscreen (void)
int i, j;
int w;
int *dest, *source;
w = vid.width>>2;
source = (int *)vid.buffer; // off-screen buffer
dest = (int *)vid_buffer; // directly on screen
for (j=0 ; j<vid.height ; j++
, source += (vid.rowbytes>>2), dest += (vid_rowbytes>>2) ) {
for (i=0 ; i<w ; i++ ) {
dest[i] = source[i];
** InitWindowed
rserr_t InitWindowed (int width, int height)
rserr_t retval = rserr_ok;
NSRect content;
cvar_t *vid_xpos;
cvar_t *vid_ypos;
// open a window
vid_xpos = ri.Cvar_Get ("vid_xpos", "0", 0);
vid_ypos = ri.Cvar_Get ("vid_ypos", "0", 0);
content = NSMakeRect (vid_xpos->value,vid_ypos->value, width, height);
vid_window_i = [[NSWindow alloc]
initWithContentRect: content
styleMask: NSTitledWindowMask
backing: NSBackingStoreRetained
defer: NO
// [vid_window_i addToEventMask: NS_FLAGSCHANGEDMASK];
[vid_window_i setTitle: @"Quake2"];
buffernative = malloc(width * height * 4);
return retval;
void ShutdownWindowed (void)
if (vid_window_i)
[vid_window_i release];
vid_window_i = NULL;
if (buffernative)
free (buffernative);
buffernative = NULL;
void SetPaletteWindowed (const unsigned char *palette) {
byte *p;
int i;
p = (byte *)swimp_palette;
for (i=0 ; i<256 ; i++, p+=4, palette+=4)
p[0] = palette[0];
p[1] = palette[1];
p[2] = palette[2];
p[3] = 0xff;
void BlitWindowed (void)
int i, c;
int bps, spp, bpp, bpr;
unsigned char *planes[5];
NSRect bounds;
if (!vid_view_i)
// translate to 24 bit color
c = vid.width*vid.height;
for (i=0 ; i<c ; i++)
buffernative[i] = swimp_palette[vid.buffer[i]];
bps = 8;
spp = 3;
bpp = 32;
bpr = vid.width * 4;
planes[0] = (unsigned char *)buffernative;
bounds = [vid_view_i bounds];
[vid_view_i lockFocus];
[vid_view_i unlockFocus];
PSWait ();
** This file contains ALL Win32 specific stuff having to do with the
** software refresh. When a port is being made the following functions
** must be implemented by the port:
** SWimp_EndFrame
** SWimp_Init
** SWimp_SetPalette
** SWimp_Shutdown
** SWimp_Init
** This routine is responsible for initializing the implementation
** specific stuff in a software rendering subsystem.
int SWimp_Init( void *hInstance, void *wndProc )
if (!NSApp)
[NSApplication sharedApplication];
[NSApp finishLaunching];
return true;
** SWimp_SetMode
rserr_t SWimp_SetMode( int *pwidth, int *pheight, int mode, qboolean fullscreen)
const char *win_fs[] = { "W", "FS" };
NSRect content;
rserr_t ret;
// free resources in use
SWimp_Shutdown ();
ri.Con_Printf (PRINT_ALL, "setting mode %d:", mode );
if ( !ri.Vid_GetModeInfo( pwidth, pheight, mode ) )
ri.Con_Printf( PRINT_ALL, " invalid mode\n" );
return rserr_invalid_mode;
ri.Con_Printf( PRINT_ALL, " %d %d %s\n", *pwidth, *pheight, win_fs[fullscreen] );
vid.buffer = malloc(*pwidth * *pheight);
vid.rowbytes = *pwidth;
if (fullscreen) {
rhap_mode = rhap_fullscreen;
ret = InitFullscreen (*pwidth, *pheight);
} else {
rhap_mode = rhap_windowed;
ret = InitWindowed (*pwidth, *pheight);
if (ret != rserr_ok) {
SWimp_Shutdown ();
return ret;
** the view is identical in windowed and fullscreen modes
content.origin.x = content.origin.y = 0;
content.size.width = *pwidth;
content.size.height = *pheight;
vid_view_i = [[QuakeView alloc] initWithFrame: content];
[vid_window_i setContentView: vid_view_i];
[vid_window_i makeFirstResponder: vid_view_i];
[vid_window_i setDelegate: vid_view_i];
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps: YES];
[vid_window_i makeKeyAndOrderFront: nil];
[vid_window_i display];
return ret;
** SWimp_Shutdown
** System specific graphics subsystem shutdown routine
void SWimp_Shutdown( void )
if (rhap_mode == rhap_windowed)
ShutdownWindowed ();
else if (rhap_mode == rhap_fullscreen)
ShutdownFullscreen ();
rhap_mode = rhap_shutdown;
if (vid.buffer)
free (vid.buffer);
vid.buffer = NULL;
** SWimp_SetPalette
** System specific palette setting routine. A NULL palette means
** to use the existing palette. The palette is expected to be in
** a padded 4-byte xRGB format.
void SWimp_SetPalette( const unsigned char *palette )
if (rhap_mode == rhap_windowed)
SetPaletteWindowed (palette);
else if (rhap_mode == rhap_fullscreen)
SetPaletteFullscreen (palette);
** SWimp_EndFrame
** This does an implementation specific copy from the backbuffer to the
** front buffer. In the Win32 case it uses BitBlt or BltFast depending
** on whether we're using DIB sections/GDI or DDRAW.
void SWimp_EndFrame (void)
if (rhap_mode == rhap_windowed)
BlitWindowed ();
else if (rhap_mode == rhap_fullscreen)
BlitFullscreen ();
** SWimp_AppActivate
void SWimp_AppActivate( qboolean active )
#include "../client/keys.h"
void IN_ActivateMouse (void);
void IN_DeactivateMouse (void);
@implementation QuakeView
-(BOOL) acceptsFirstResponder
return YES;
- (void)windowDidMove: (NSNotification *)note
NSRect r;
r = [vid_window_i frame];
ri.Cmd_ExecuteText (EXEC_NOW, va("vid_xpos %i", (int)r.origin.x+1));
ri.Cmd_ExecuteText (EXEC_NOW, va("vid_ypos %i", (int)r.origin.y+1));
- (void)becomeKeyWindow
IN_ActivateMouse ();
- (void)resignKeyWindow
IN_DeactivateMouse ();
typedef struct
int source, dest;
} keymap_t;
keymap_t keymaps[] =
{0xf703, K_RIGHTARROW},
{0xf702, K_LEFTARROW},
{0xf700, K_UPARROW},
{0xf701, K_DOWNARROW},
{0xf704, K_F1},
{0xf705, K_F2},
{0xf706, K_F3},
{0xf707, K_F4},
{0xf708, K_F5},
{0xf709, K_F6},
{0xf70a, K_F7},
{0xf70b, K_F8},
{0xf70c, K_F9},
{0xf70d, K_F10},
{0xf70e, K_F11},
{0xf70f, K_F12},
keymap_t flagmaps[] =
{NSShiftKeyMask, K_SHIFT},
{NSControlKeyMask, K_CTRL},
{NSAlternateKeyMask, K_ALT},
{NSCommandKeyMask, K_ALT},
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
Key_Event (K_MOUSE1, true, 0);
- (void)mouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
Key_Event (K_MOUSE1, false, 0);
- (void)rightMouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
Key_Event (K_MOUSE2, true, 0);
- (void)rightMouseUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
Key_Event (K_MOUSE2, false, 0);
keyboard methods
- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
int ch;
keymap_t *km;
// PSobscurecursor ();
ch = [[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] characterAtIndex:0];
// check for non-ascii first
for (km=keymaps;km->source!=-1;km++)
if (ch == km->source)
Key_Event (km->dest, true, 0);
if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')
ch += 'a' - 'A';
if (ch>=256)
Key_Event (ch, true, 0);
- (void)flagsChanged:(NSEvent *)theEvent
static int oldflags;
int newflags;
int delta;
keymap_t *km;
int i;
// PSobscurecursor ();
newflags = [theEvent modifierFlags];
delta = newflags ^ oldflags;
for (i=0 ; i<32 ; i++)
if ( !(delta & (1<<i)))
// changed
for (km=flagmaps;km->source!=-1;km++)
if ( (1<<i) == km->source)
if (newflags & (1<<i))
Key_Event (km->dest, true, 0);
Key_Event (km->dest, false, 0);
oldflags = newflags;
- (void)keyUp:(NSEvent *)theEvent
int ch;
keymap_t *km;
ch = [[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] characterAtIndex:0];
// check for non-ascii first
for (km=keymaps;km->source!=-1;km++)
if (ch == km->source)
Key_Event (km->dest, false, 0);
if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')
ch += 'a' - 'A';
if (ch>=256)
Key_Event (ch, false, 0);