mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 23:12:12 +00:00
2151 lines
67 KiB
2151 lines
67 KiB
#import <servers/netname.h>
#import <libc.h>
#include "../client/client.h"
double snd_basetime;
port_t devPort;
extern port_t task_self_;
#define task_self() task_self_
#ifndef _ntsoundNTSound
#define _ntsoundNTSound
/* Module NTSound */
#include <mach/kern_return.h>
#include <mach/port.h>
#include <mach/message.h>
#ifndef mig_external
#define mig_external extern
#include <mach/std_types.h>
#include <mach/mach_types.h>
typedef short *sound_data_t;
/* Routine ntsoundAcquire */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundAcquire (
port_t kern_serv_port,
port_t owner_port,
vm_offset_t *dmaAddress,
int *dmaSize,
int *success);
/* Routine ntsoundRelease */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundRelease (
port_t kern_serv_port,
port_t owner_port);
/* Routine ntsoundStart */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundStart (
port_t kern_serv_port,
port_t owner_port);
/* Routine ntsoundStop */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundStop (
port_t kern_serv_port,
port_t owner_port);
/* Routine ntsoundConfig */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundConfig (
port_t kern_serv_port,
port_t owner_port,
int channelCount,
int samplingRate,
int encoding,
int useInterrupts);
/* Routine ntsoundBytesProcessed */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundBytesProcessed (
port_t kern_serv_port,
port_t owner_port,
int *byte_count);
/* Routine ntsoundDMACount */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundDMACount (
port_t kern_serv_port,
port_t owner_port,
int *dma_count);
/* Routine ntsoundInterruptCount */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundInterruptCount (
port_t kern_serv_port,
port_t owner_port,
int *irq_count);
/* Routine ntsoundWrite */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundWrite (
port_t kern_serv_port,
port_t owner_port,
sound_data_t data,
unsigned int dataCnt,
int *actual_count);
/* Routine ntsoundSetVolume */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundSetVolume (
port_t kern_serv_port,
port_t owner_port,
int value);
/* Routine ntsoundWireRange */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundWireRange (
port_t device_port,
port_t token,
port_t task,
vm_offset_t addr,
vm_size_t size,
boolean_t wire);
#endif _ntsoundNTSound
extern port_t name_server_port;
#define NX_SoundDeviceParameterKeyBase 0
#define NX_SoundDeviceParameterValueBase 200
#define NX_SoundStreamParameterKeyBase 400
#define NX_SoundStreamParameterValueBase 600
#define NX_SoundParameterTagMax 799
typedef enum _NXSoundParameterTag {
NX_SoundDeviceBufferSize = NX_SoundDeviceParameterKeyBase,
= NX_SoundDeviceParameterValueBase,
NX_SoundStreamDataEncoding = NX_SoundStreamParameterKeyBase,
NX_SoundStreamDataEncoding_Linear16 = NX_SoundStreamParameterValueBase,
} NXSoundParameterTag;
//#include "NTSound.h"
#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#include <mach/message.h>
#include <mach/mig_errors.h>
#include <mach/msg_type.h>
#if !defined(KERNEL) && !defined(MIG_NO_STRINGS)
#include <strings.h>
extern port_t mig_get_reply_port();
extern void mig_dealloc_reply_port();
#ifndef mig_internal
#define mig_internal static
#ifndef TypeCheck
#define TypeCheck 1
#ifndef UseExternRCSId
#ifdef hc
#define UseExternRCSId 1
#ifndef UseStaticMsgType
#if !defined(hc) || defined(__STDC__)
#define UseStaticMsgType 1
#define msg_request_port msg_remote_port
#define msg_reply_port msg_local_port
/* Routine Acquire */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundAcquire (
port_t kern_serv_port,
port_t owner_port,
vm_offset_t *dmaAddress,
int *dmaSize,
int *success)
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t owner_portType;
port_t owner_port;
} Request;
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t RetCodeType;
kern_return_t RetCode;
msg_type_t dmaAddressType;
vm_offset_t dmaAddress;
msg_type_t dmaSizeType;
int dmaSize;
msg_type_t successType;
int success;
} Reply;
union {
Request In;
Reply Out;
} Mess;
register Request *InP = &Mess.In;
register Reply *OutP = &Mess.Out;
msg_return_t msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
boolean_t msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
unsigned int msg_size = 32;
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t owner_portType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_PORT,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t RetCodeCheck = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t dmaAddressCheck = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t dmaSizeCheck = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t successCheck = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_portType = owner_portType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_name = MSG_TYPE_PORT;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_size = 32;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_number = 1;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_longform = FALSE;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_port /* owner_port */ = /* owner_port */ owner_port;
InP->Head.msg_simple = FALSE;
InP->Head.msg_size = msg_size;
InP->Head.msg_type = MSG_TYPE_NORMAL | MSG_TYPE_RPC;
InP->Head.msg_request_port = kern_serv_port;
InP->Head.msg_reply_port = mig_get_reply_port();
InP->Head.msg_id = 1008;
msg_result = msg_rpc(&InP->Head, MSG_OPTION_NONE, sizeof(Reply), 0, 0);
if (msg_result != RPC_SUCCESS) {
if (msg_result == RCV_INVALID_PORT)
return msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
msg_size = OutP->Head.msg_size;
msg_simple = OutP->Head.msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->Head.msg_id != 1108)
#if TypeCheck
if (((msg_size != 56) || (msg_simple != TRUE)) &&
((msg_size != sizeof(death_pill_t)) ||
(msg_simple != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCode == KERN_SUCCESS)))
#endif TypeCheck
#if TypeCheck
#if UseStaticMsgType
if (* (int *) &OutP->RetCodeType != * (int *) &RetCodeCheck)
#else UseStaticMsgType
if ((OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_inline != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_longform != FALSE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_name != MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_number != 1) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_size != 32))
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->RetCode != KERN_SUCCESS)
return OutP->RetCode;
#if TypeCheck
#if UseStaticMsgType
if (* (int *) &OutP->dmaAddressType != * (int *) &dmaAddressCheck)
#else UseStaticMsgType
if ((OutP->dmaAddressType.msg_type_inline != TRUE) ||
(OutP->dmaAddressType.msg_type_longform != FALSE) ||
(OutP->dmaAddressType.msg_type_name != MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32) ||
(OutP->dmaAddressType.msg_type_number != 1) ||
(OutP->dmaAddressType.msg_type_size != 32))
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#endif TypeCheck
*dmaAddress /* dmaAddress */ = /* *dmaAddress */ OutP->dmaAddress;
#if TypeCheck
#if UseStaticMsgType
if (* (int *) &OutP->dmaSizeType != * (int *) &dmaSizeCheck)
#else UseStaticMsgType
if ((OutP->dmaSizeType.msg_type_inline != TRUE) ||
(OutP->dmaSizeType.msg_type_longform != FALSE) ||
(OutP->dmaSizeType.msg_type_name != MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32) ||
(OutP->dmaSizeType.msg_type_number != 1) ||
(OutP->dmaSizeType.msg_type_size != 32))
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#endif TypeCheck
*dmaSize /* dmaSize */ = /* *dmaSize */ OutP->dmaSize;
#if TypeCheck
#if UseStaticMsgType
if (* (int *) &OutP->successType != * (int *) &successCheck)
#else UseStaticMsgType
if ((OutP->successType.msg_type_inline != TRUE) ||
(OutP->successType.msg_type_longform != FALSE) ||
(OutP->successType.msg_type_name != MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32) ||
(OutP->successType.msg_type_number != 1) ||
(OutP->successType.msg_type_size != 32))
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#endif TypeCheck
*success /* success */ = /* *success */ OutP->success;
return OutP->RetCode;
/* Routine Release */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundRelease (
port_t kern_serv_port,
port_t owner_port)
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t owner_portType;
port_t owner_port;
} Request;
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t RetCodeType;
kern_return_t RetCode;
} Reply;
union {
Request In;
Reply Out;
} Mess;
register Request *InP = &Mess.In;
register Reply *OutP = &Mess.Out;
msg_return_t msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
boolean_t msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
unsigned int msg_size = 32;
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t owner_portType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_PORT,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t RetCodeCheck = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_portType = owner_portType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_name = MSG_TYPE_PORT;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_size = 32;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_number = 1;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_longform = FALSE;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_port /* owner_port */ = /* owner_port */ owner_port;
InP->Head.msg_simple = FALSE;
InP->Head.msg_size = msg_size;
InP->Head.msg_type = MSG_TYPE_NORMAL | MSG_TYPE_RPC;
InP->Head.msg_request_port = kern_serv_port;
InP->Head.msg_reply_port = mig_get_reply_port();
InP->Head.msg_id = 1009;
msg_result = msg_rpc(&InP->Head, MSG_OPTION_NONE, sizeof(Reply), 0, 0);
if (msg_result != RPC_SUCCESS) {
if (msg_result == RCV_INVALID_PORT)
return msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
msg_size = OutP->Head.msg_size;
msg_simple = OutP->Head.msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->Head.msg_id != 1109)
#if TypeCheck
if (((msg_size != 32) || (msg_simple != TRUE)) &&
((msg_size != sizeof(death_pill_t)) ||
(msg_simple != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCode == KERN_SUCCESS)))
#endif TypeCheck
#if TypeCheck
#if UseStaticMsgType
if (* (int *) &OutP->RetCodeType != * (int *) &RetCodeCheck)
#else UseStaticMsgType
if ((OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_inline != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_longform != FALSE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_name != MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_number != 1) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_size != 32))
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->RetCode != KERN_SUCCESS)
return OutP->RetCode;
return OutP->RetCode;
/* Routine Start */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundStart (
port_t kern_serv_port,
port_t owner_port)
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t owner_portType;
port_t owner_port;
} Request;
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t RetCodeType;
kern_return_t RetCode;
} Reply;
union {
Request In;
Reply Out;
} Mess;
register Request *InP = &Mess.In;
register Reply *OutP = &Mess.Out;
msg_return_t msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
boolean_t msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
unsigned int msg_size = 32;
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t owner_portType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_PORT,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t RetCodeCheck = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_portType = owner_portType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_name = MSG_TYPE_PORT;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_size = 32;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_number = 1;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_longform = FALSE;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_port /* owner_port */ = /* owner_port */ owner_port;
InP->Head.msg_simple = FALSE;
InP->Head.msg_size = msg_size;
InP->Head.msg_type = MSG_TYPE_NORMAL | MSG_TYPE_RPC;
InP->Head.msg_request_port = kern_serv_port;
InP->Head.msg_reply_port = mig_get_reply_port();
InP->Head.msg_id = 1010;
msg_result = msg_rpc(&InP->Head, MSG_OPTION_NONE, sizeof(Reply), 0, 0);
if (msg_result != RPC_SUCCESS) {
if (msg_result == RCV_INVALID_PORT)
return msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
msg_size = OutP->Head.msg_size;
msg_simple = OutP->Head.msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->Head.msg_id != 1110)
#if TypeCheck
if (((msg_size != 32) || (msg_simple != TRUE)) &&
((msg_size != sizeof(death_pill_t)) ||
(msg_simple != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCode == KERN_SUCCESS)))
#endif TypeCheck
#if TypeCheck
#if UseStaticMsgType
if (* (int *) &OutP->RetCodeType != * (int *) &RetCodeCheck)
#else UseStaticMsgType
if ((OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_inline != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_longform != FALSE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_name != MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_number != 1) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_size != 32))
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->RetCode != KERN_SUCCESS)
return OutP->RetCode;
return OutP->RetCode;
/* Routine Stop */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundStop (
port_t kern_serv_port,
port_t owner_port)
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t owner_portType;
port_t owner_port;
} Request;
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t RetCodeType;
kern_return_t RetCode;
} Reply;
union {
Request In;
Reply Out;
} Mess;
register Request *InP = &Mess.In;
register Reply *OutP = &Mess.Out;
msg_return_t msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
boolean_t msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
unsigned int msg_size = 32;
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t owner_portType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_PORT,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t RetCodeCheck = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_portType = owner_portType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_name = MSG_TYPE_PORT;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_size = 32;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_number = 1;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_longform = FALSE;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_port /* owner_port */ = /* owner_port */ owner_port;
InP->Head.msg_simple = FALSE;
InP->Head.msg_size = msg_size;
InP->Head.msg_type = MSG_TYPE_NORMAL | MSG_TYPE_RPC;
InP->Head.msg_request_port = kern_serv_port;
InP->Head.msg_reply_port = mig_get_reply_port();
InP->Head.msg_id = 1011;
msg_result = msg_rpc(&InP->Head, MSG_OPTION_NONE, sizeof(Reply), 0, 0);
if (msg_result != RPC_SUCCESS) {
if (msg_result == RCV_INVALID_PORT)
return msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
msg_size = OutP->Head.msg_size;
msg_simple = OutP->Head.msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->Head.msg_id != 1111)
#if TypeCheck
if (((msg_size != 32) || (msg_simple != TRUE)) &&
((msg_size != sizeof(death_pill_t)) ||
(msg_simple != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCode == KERN_SUCCESS)))
#endif TypeCheck
#if TypeCheck
#if UseStaticMsgType
if (* (int *) &OutP->RetCodeType != * (int *) &RetCodeCheck)
#else UseStaticMsgType
if ((OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_inline != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_longform != FALSE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_name != MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_number != 1) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_size != 32))
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->RetCode != KERN_SUCCESS)
return OutP->RetCode;
return OutP->RetCode;
/* Routine Config */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundConfig (
port_t kern_serv_port,
port_t owner_port,
int channelCount,
int samplingRate,
int encoding,
int useInterrupts)
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t owner_portType;
port_t owner_port;
msg_type_t channelCountType;
int channelCount;
msg_type_t samplingRateType;
int samplingRate;
msg_type_t encodingType;
int encoding;
msg_type_t useInterruptsType;
int useInterrupts;
} Request;
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t RetCodeType;
kern_return_t RetCode;
} Reply;
union {
Request In;
Reply Out;
} Mess;
register Request *InP = &Mess.In;
register Reply *OutP = &Mess.Out;
msg_return_t msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
boolean_t msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
unsigned int msg_size = 64;
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t owner_portType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_PORT,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t channelCountType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t samplingRateType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t encodingType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t useInterruptsType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t RetCodeCheck = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_portType = owner_portType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_name = MSG_TYPE_PORT;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_size = 32;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_number = 1;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_longform = FALSE;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_port /* owner_port */ = /* owner_port */ owner_port;
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->channelCountType = channelCountType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->channelCountType.msg_type_name = MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32;
InP->channelCountType.msg_type_size = 32;
InP->channelCountType.msg_type_number = 1;
InP->channelCountType.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->channelCountType.msg_type_longform = FALSE;
InP->channelCountType.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
InP->channelCount /* channelCount */ = /* channelCount */ channelCount;
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->samplingRateType = samplingRateType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->samplingRateType.msg_type_name = MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32;
InP->samplingRateType.msg_type_size = 32;
InP->samplingRateType.msg_type_number = 1;
InP->samplingRateType.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->samplingRateType.msg_type_longform = FALSE;
InP->samplingRateType.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
InP->samplingRate /* samplingRate */ = /* samplingRate */ samplingRate;
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->encodingType = encodingType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->encodingType.msg_type_name = MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32;
InP->encodingType.msg_type_size = 32;
InP->encodingType.msg_type_number = 1;
InP->encodingType.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->encodingType.msg_type_longform = FALSE;
InP->encodingType.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
InP->encoding /* encoding */ = /* encoding */ encoding;
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->useInterruptsType = useInterruptsType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->useInterruptsType.msg_type_name = MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32;
InP->useInterruptsType.msg_type_size = 32;
InP->useInterruptsType.msg_type_number = 1;
InP->useInterruptsType.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->useInterruptsType.msg_type_longform = FALSE;
InP->useInterruptsType.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
InP->useInterrupts /* useInterrupts */ = /* useInterrupts */ useInterrupts;
InP->Head.msg_simple = FALSE;
InP->Head.msg_size = msg_size;
InP->Head.msg_type = MSG_TYPE_NORMAL | MSG_TYPE_RPC;
InP->Head.msg_request_port = kern_serv_port;
InP->Head.msg_reply_port = mig_get_reply_port();
InP->Head.msg_id = 1012;
msg_result = msg_rpc(&InP->Head, MSG_OPTION_NONE, sizeof(Reply), 0, 0);
if (msg_result != RPC_SUCCESS) {
if (msg_result == RCV_INVALID_PORT)
return msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
msg_size = OutP->Head.msg_size;
msg_simple = OutP->Head.msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->Head.msg_id != 1112)
#if TypeCheck
if (((msg_size != 32) || (msg_simple != TRUE)) &&
((msg_size != sizeof(death_pill_t)) ||
(msg_simple != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCode == KERN_SUCCESS)))
#endif TypeCheck
#if TypeCheck
#if UseStaticMsgType
if (* (int *) &OutP->RetCodeType != * (int *) &RetCodeCheck)
#else UseStaticMsgType
if ((OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_inline != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_longform != FALSE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_name != MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_number != 1) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_size != 32))
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->RetCode != KERN_SUCCESS)
return OutP->RetCode;
return OutP->RetCode;
/* Routine BytesProcessed */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundBytesProcessed (
port_t kern_serv_port,
port_t owner_port,
int *byte_count)
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t owner_portType;
port_t owner_port;
} Request;
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t RetCodeType;
kern_return_t RetCode;
msg_type_t byte_countType;
int byte_count;
} Reply;
union {
Request In;
Reply Out;
} Mess;
register Request *InP = &Mess.In;
register Reply *OutP = &Mess.Out;
msg_return_t msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
boolean_t msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
unsigned int msg_size = 32;
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t owner_portType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_PORT,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t RetCodeCheck = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t byte_countCheck = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_portType = owner_portType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_name = MSG_TYPE_PORT;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_size = 32;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_number = 1;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_longform = FALSE;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_port /* owner_port */ = /* owner_port */ owner_port;
InP->Head.msg_simple = FALSE;
InP->Head.msg_size = msg_size;
InP->Head.msg_type = MSG_TYPE_NORMAL | MSG_TYPE_RPC;
InP->Head.msg_request_port = kern_serv_port;
InP->Head.msg_reply_port = mig_get_reply_port();
InP->Head.msg_id = 1013;
msg_result = msg_rpc(&InP->Head, MSG_OPTION_NONE, sizeof(Reply), 0, 0);
if (msg_result != RPC_SUCCESS) {
if (msg_result == RCV_INVALID_PORT)
return msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
msg_size = OutP->Head.msg_size;
msg_simple = OutP->Head.msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->Head.msg_id != 1113)
#if TypeCheck
if (((msg_size != 40) || (msg_simple != TRUE)) &&
((msg_size != sizeof(death_pill_t)) ||
(msg_simple != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCode == KERN_SUCCESS)))
#endif TypeCheck
#if TypeCheck
#if UseStaticMsgType
if (* (int *) &OutP->RetCodeType != * (int *) &RetCodeCheck)
#else UseStaticMsgType
if ((OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_inline != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_longform != FALSE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_name != MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_number != 1) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_size != 32))
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->RetCode != KERN_SUCCESS)
return OutP->RetCode;
#if TypeCheck
#if UseStaticMsgType
if (* (int *) &OutP->byte_countType != * (int *) &byte_countCheck)
#else UseStaticMsgType
if ((OutP->byte_countType.msg_type_inline != TRUE) ||
(OutP->byte_countType.msg_type_longform != FALSE) ||
(OutP->byte_countType.msg_type_name != MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32) ||
(OutP->byte_countType.msg_type_number != 1) ||
(OutP->byte_countType.msg_type_size != 32))
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#endif TypeCheck
*byte_count /* byte_count */ = /* *byte_count */ OutP->byte_count;
return OutP->RetCode;
/* Routine DMACount */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundDMACount (
port_t kern_serv_port,
port_t owner_port,
int *dma_count)
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t owner_portType;
port_t owner_port;
} Request;
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t RetCodeType;
kern_return_t RetCode;
msg_type_t dma_countType;
int dma_count;
} Reply;
union {
Request In;
Reply Out;
} Mess;
register Request *InP = &Mess.In;
register Reply *OutP = &Mess.Out;
msg_return_t msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
boolean_t msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
unsigned int msg_size = 32;
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t owner_portType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_PORT,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t RetCodeCheck = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t dma_countCheck = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_portType = owner_portType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_name = MSG_TYPE_PORT;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_size = 32;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_number = 1;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_longform = FALSE;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_port /* owner_port */ = /* owner_port */ owner_port;
InP->Head.msg_simple = FALSE;
InP->Head.msg_size = msg_size;
InP->Head.msg_type = MSG_TYPE_NORMAL | MSG_TYPE_RPC;
InP->Head.msg_request_port = kern_serv_port;
InP->Head.msg_reply_port = mig_get_reply_port();
InP->Head.msg_id = 1014;
msg_result = msg_rpc(&InP->Head, MSG_OPTION_NONE, sizeof(Reply), 0, 0);
if (msg_result != RPC_SUCCESS) {
if (msg_result == RCV_INVALID_PORT)
return msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
msg_size = OutP->Head.msg_size;
msg_simple = OutP->Head.msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->Head.msg_id != 1114)
#if TypeCheck
if (((msg_size != 40) || (msg_simple != TRUE)) &&
((msg_size != sizeof(death_pill_t)) ||
(msg_simple != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCode == KERN_SUCCESS)))
#endif TypeCheck
#if TypeCheck
#if UseStaticMsgType
if (* (int *) &OutP->RetCodeType != * (int *) &RetCodeCheck)
#else UseStaticMsgType
if ((OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_inline != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_longform != FALSE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_name != MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_number != 1) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_size != 32))
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->RetCode != KERN_SUCCESS)
return OutP->RetCode;
#if TypeCheck
#if UseStaticMsgType
if (* (int *) &OutP->dma_countType != * (int *) &dma_countCheck)
#else UseStaticMsgType
if ((OutP->dma_countType.msg_type_inline != TRUE) ||
(OutP->dma_countType.msg_type_longform != FALSE) ||
(OutP->dma_countType.msg_type_name != MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32) ||
(OutP->dma_countType.msg_type_number != 1) ||
(OutP->dma_countType.msg_type_size != 32))
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#endif TypeCheck
*dma_count /* dma_count */ = /* *dma_count */ OutP->dma_count;
return OutP->RetCode;
/* Routine InterruptCount */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundInterruptCount (
port_t kern_serv_port,
port_t owner_port,
int *irq_count)
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t owner_portType;
port_t owner_port;
} Request;
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t RetCodeType;
kern_return_t RetCode;
msg_type_t irq_countType;
int irq_count;
} Reply;
union {
Request In;
Reply Out;
} Mess;
register Request *InP = &Mess.In;
register Reply *OutP = &Mess.Out;
msg_return_t msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
boolean_t msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
unsigned int msg_size = 32;
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t owner_portType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_PORT,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t RetCodeCheck = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t irq_countCheck = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_portType = owner_portType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_name = MSG_TYPE_PORT;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_size = 32;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_number = 1;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_longform = FALSE;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_port /* owner_port */ = /* owner_port */ owner_port;
InP->Head.msg_simple = FALSE;
InP->Head.msg_size = msg_size;
InP->Head.msg_type = MSG_TYPE_NORMAL | MSG_TYPE_RPC;
InP->Head.msg_request_port = kern_serv_port;
InP->Head.msg_reply_port = mig_get_reply_port();
InP->Head.msg_id = 1015;
msg_result = msg_rpc(&InP->Head, MSG_OPTION_NONE, sizeof(Reply), 0, 0);
if (msg_result != RPC_SUCCESS) {
if (msg_result == RCV_INVALID_PORT)
return msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
msg_size = OutP->Head.msg_size;
msg_simple = OutP->Head.msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->Head.msg_id != 1115)
#if TypeCheck
if (((msg_size != 40) || (msg_simple != TRUE)) &&
((msg_size != sizeof(death_pill_t)) ||
(msg_simple != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCode == KERN_SUCCESS)))
#endif TypeCheck
#if TypeCheck
#if UseStaticMsgType
if (* (int *) &OutP->RetCodeType != * (int *) &RetCodeCheck)
#else UseStaticMsgType
if ((OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_inline != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_longform != FALSE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_name != MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_number != 1) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_size != 32))
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->RetCode != KERN_SUCCESS)
return OutP->RetCode;
#if TypeCheck
#if UseStaticMsgType
if (* (int *) &OutP->irq_countType != * (int *) &irq_countCheck)
#else UseStaticMsgType
if ((OutP->irq_countType.msg_type_inline != TRUE) ||
(OutP->irq_countType.msg_type_longform != FALSE) ||
(OutP->irq_countType.msg_type_name != MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32) ||
(OutP->irq_countType.msg_type_number != 1) ||
(OutP->irq_countType.msg_type_size != 32))
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#endif TypeCheck
*irq_count /* irq_count */ = /* *irq_count */ OutP->irq_count;
return OutP->RetCode;
/* Routine Write */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundWrite (
port_t kern_serv_port,
port_t owner_port,
sound_data_t data,
unsigned int dataCnt,
int *actual_count)
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t owner_portType;
port_t owner_port;
msg_type_long_t dataType;
short data[7000];
} Request;
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t RetCodeType;
kern_return_t RetCode;
msg_type_t actual_countType;
int actual_count;
} Reply;
union {
Request In;
Reply Out;
} Mess;
register Request *InP = &Mess.In;
register Reply *OutP = &Mess.Out;
msg_return_t msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
boolean_t msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
unsigned int msg_size = 44;
/* Maximum request size 14044 */
unsigned int msg_size_delta;
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t owner_portType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_PORT,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_long_t dataType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ 0,
/* msg_type_size = */ 0,
/* msg_type_number = */ 0,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_long_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_16,
/* msg_type_long_size = */ 16,
/* msg_type_long_number = */ 7000,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t RetCodeCheck = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t actual_countCheck = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_portType = owner_portType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_name = MSG_TYPE_PORT;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_size = 32;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_number = 1;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_longform = FALSE;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_port /* owner_port */ = /* owner_port */ owner_port;
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->dataType = dataType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->dataType.msg_type_long_name = MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_16;
InP->dataType.msg_type_long_size = 16;
InP->dataType.msg_type_header.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->dataType.msg_type_header.msg_type_longform = TRUE;
InP->dataType.msg_type_header.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
if (dataCnt > 7000)
bcopy((char *) data, (char *) InP->data, 2 * dataCnt);
InP->dataType.msg_type_long_number /* dataCnt */ = /* dataType.msg_type_long_number */ dataCnt;
msg_size_delta = (2 * dataCnt + 3) & ~3;
msg_size += msg_size_delta;
InP->Head.msg_simple = FALSE;
InP->Head.msg_size = msg_size;
InP->Head.msg_type = MSG_TYPE_NORMAL | MSG_TYPE_RPC;
InP->Head.msg_request_port = kern_serv_port;
InP->Head.msg_reply_port = mig_get_reply_port();
InP->Head.msg_id = 1016;
msg_result = msg_rpc(&InP->Head, MSG_OPTION_NONE, sizeof(Reply), 0, 0);
if (msg_result != RPC_SUCCESS) {
if (msg_result == RCV_INVALID_PORT)
return msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
msg_size = OutP->Head.msg_size;
msg_simple = OutP->Head.msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->Head.msg_id != 1116)
#if TypeCheck
if (((msg_size != 40) || (msg_simple != TRUE)) &&
((msg_size != sizeof(death_pill_t)) ||
(msg_simple != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCode == KERN_SUCCESS)))
#endif TypeCheck
#if TypeCheck
#if UseStaticMsgType
if (* (int *) &OutP->RetCodeType != * (int *) &RetCodeCheck)
#else UseStaticMsgType
if ((OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_inline != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_longform != FALSE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_name != MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_number != 1) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_size != 32))
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->RetCode != KERN_SUCCESS)
return OutP->RetCode;
#if TypeCheck
#if UseStaticMsgType
if (* (int *) &OutP->actual_countType != * (int *) &actual_countCheck)
#else UseStaticMsgType
if ((OutP->actual_countType.msg_type_inline != TRUE) ||
(OutP->actual_countType.msg_type_longform != FALSE) ||
(OutP->actual_countType.msg_type_name != MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32) ||
(OutP->actual_countType.msg_type_number != 1) ||
(OutP->actual_countType.msg_type_size != 32))
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#endif TypeCheck
*actual_count /* actual_count */ = /* *actual_count */ OutP->actual_count;
return OutP->RetCode;
/* Routine SetVolume */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundSetVolume (
port_t kern_serv_port,
port_t owner_port,
int value)
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t owner_portType;
port_t owner_port;
msg_type_t valueType;
int value;
} Request;
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t RetCodeType;
kern_return_t RetCode;
} Reply;
union {
Request In;
Reply Out;
} Mess;
register Request *InP = &Mess.In;
register Reply *OutP = &Mess.Out;
msg_return_t msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
boolean_t msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
unsigned int msg_size = 40;
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t owner_portType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_PORT,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t valueType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t RetCodeCheck = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_portType = owner_portType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_name = MSG_TYPE_PORT;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_size = 32;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_number = 1;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_longform = FALSE;
InP->owner_portType.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
InP->owner_port /* owner_port */ = /* owner_port */ owner_port;
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->valueType = valueType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->valueType.msg_type_name = MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32;
InP->valueType.msg_type_size = 32;
InP->valueType.msg_type_number = 1;
InP->valueType.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->valueType.msg_type_longform = FALSE;
InP->valueType.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
InP->value /* value */ = /* value */ value;
InP->Head.msg_simple = FALSE;
InP->Head.msg_size = msg_size;
InP->Head.msg_type = MSG_TYPE_NORMAL | MSG_TYPE_RPC;
InP->Head.msg_request_port = kern_serv_port;
InP->Head.msg_reply_port = mig_get_reply_port();
InP->Head.msg_id = 1017;
msg_result = msg_rpc(&InP->Head, MSG_OPTION_NONE, sizeof(Reply), 0, 0);
if (msg_result != RPC_SUCCESS) {
if (msg_result == RCV_INVALID_PORT)
return msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
msg_size = OutP->Head.msg_size;
msg_simple = OutP->Head.msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->Head.msg_id != 1117)
#if TypeCheck
if (((msg_size != 32) || (msg_simple != TRUE)) &&
((msg_size != sizeof(death_pill_t)) ||
(msg_simple != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCode == KERN_SUCCESS)))
#endif TypeCheck
#if TypeCheck
#if UseStaticMsgType
if (* (int *) &OutP->RetCodeType != * (int *) &RetCodeCheck)
#else UseStaticMsgType
if ((OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_inline != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_longform != FALSE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_name != MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_number != 1) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_size != 32))
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->RetCode != KERN_SUCCESS)
return OutP->RetCode;
return OutP->RetCode;
/* Routine WireRange */
mig_external kern_return_t ntsoundWireRange (
port_t device_port,
port_t token,
port_t task,
vm_offset_t addr,
vm_size_t size,
boolean_t wire)
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t tokenType;
port_t token;
msg_type_t taskType;
port_t task;
msg_type_t addrType;
vm_offset_t addr;
msg_type_t sizeType;
vm_size_t size;
msg_type_t wireType;
boolean_t wire;
} Request;
typedef struct {
msg_header_t Head;
msg_type_t RetCodeType;
kern_return_t RetCode;
} Reply;
union {
Request In;
Reply Out;
} Mess;
register Request *InP = &Mess.In;
register Reply *OutP = &Mess.Out;
msg_return_t msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
boolean_t msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
unsigned int msg_size = 64;
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t tokenType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_PORT,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t taskType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_PORT,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t addrType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t sizeType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t wireType = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_BOOLEAN,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0,
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
static const msg_type_t RetCodeCheck = {
/* msg_type_name = */ MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32,
/* msg_type_size = */ 32,
/* msg_type_number = */ 1,
/* msg_type_inline = */ TRUE,
/* msg_type_longform = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_deallocate = */ FALSE,
/* msg_type_unused = */ 0
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->tokenType = tokenType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->tokenType.msg_type_name = MSG_TYPE_PORT;
InP->tokenType.msg_type_size = 32;
InP->tokenType.msg_type_number = 1;
InP->tokenType.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->tokenType.msg_type_longform = FALSE;
InP->tokenType.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
InP->token /* token */ = /* token */ token;
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->taskType = taskType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->taskType.msg_type_name = MSG_TYPE_PORT;
InP->taskType.msg_type_size = 32;
InP->taskType.msg_type_number = 1;
InP->taskType.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->taskType.msg_type_longform = FALSE;
InP->taskType.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
InP->task /* task */ = /* task */ task;
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->addrType = addrType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->addrType.msg_type_name = MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32;
InP->addrType.msg_type_size = 32;
InP->addrType.msg_type_number = 1;
InP->addrType.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->addrType.msg_type_longform = FALSE;
InP->addrType.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
InP->addr /* addr */ = /* addr */ addr;
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->sizeType = sizeType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->sizeType.msg_type_name = MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32;
InP->sizeType.msg_type_size = 32;
InP->sizeType.msg_type_number = 1;
InP->sizeType.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->sizeType.msg_type_longform = FALSE;
InP->sizeType.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
InP->size /* size */ = /* size */ size;
#if UseStaticMsgType
InP->wireType = wireType;
#else UseStaticMsgType
InP->wireType.msg_type_name = MSG_TYPE_BOOLEAN;
InP->wireType.msg_type_size = 32;
InP->wireType.msg_type_number = 1;
InP->wireType.msg_type_inline = TRUE;
InP->wireType.msg_type_longform = FALSE;
InP->wireType.msg_type_deallocate = FALSE;
#endif UseStaticMsgType
InP->wire /* wire */ = /* wire */ wire;
InP->Head.msg_simple = FALSE;
InP->Head.msg_size = msg_size;
InP->Head.msg_type = MSG_TYPE_NORMAL | MSG_TYPE_RPC;
InP->Head.msg_request_port = device_port;
InP->Head.msg_reply_port = mig_get_reply_port();
InP->Head.msg_id = 1018;
msg_result = msg_rpc(&InP->Head, MSG_OPTION_NONE, sizeof(Reply), 0, 0);
if (msg_result != RPC_SUCCESS) {
if (msg_result == RCV_INVALID_PORT)
return msg_result;
#if TypeCheck
msg_size = OutP->Head.msg_size;
msg_simple = OutP->Head.msg_simple;
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->Head.msg_id != 1118)
#if TypeCheck
if (((msg_size != 32) || (msg_simple != TRUE)) &&
((msg_size != sizeof(death_pill_t)) ||
(msg_simple != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCode == KERN_SUCCESS)))
#endif TypeCheck
#if TypeCheck
#if UseStaticMsgType
if (* (int *) &OutP->RetCodeType != * (int *) &RetCodeCheck)
#else UseStaticMsgType
if ((OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_inline != TRUE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_longform != FALSE) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_name != MSG_TYPE_INTEGER_32) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_number != 1) ||
(OutP->RetCodeType.msg_type_size != 32))
#endif UseStaticMsgType
#endif TypeCheck
if (OutP->RetCode != KERN_SUCCESS)
return OutP->RetCode;
return OutP->RetCode;
Try to find a sound device to mix for.
Returns false if nothing is found.
qboolean SNDDMA_Init(void)
int err;
int i;
byte *buf;
int bufsize;
int progress, oldprogress;
shm = &sn;
shm->channels = 2;
shm->samplebits = 16;
shm->speed = 11025;
err = netname_look_up(name_server_port,"", NTSOUNDNAME,&devPort);
if (err)
Com_Printf("SNDDMA_Init: Cannot access theater driver\n");
return false;
err = ntsoundAcquire(devPort,task_self(),(vm_offset_t *)&buf,&bufsize,&i);
if (err || !i)
Com_Printf("SNDDMA_Init: Sound driver is busy or messed up\n");
return false;
err = ntsoundConfig(devPort,task_self(),shm->channels,(int)shm->speed,
NX_SoundStreamDataEncoding_Linear16, 1);
if (err)
Com_Printf("SNDDMA_Init: ntsoundConfig error: %d\n",err);
return false;
Com_Printf("SNDDMA_Init: Configured for %d Hz, %d channels\n"
// printf ("buf: 0x%x\n", buf);
// printf ("bufsize: %d\n", bufsize);
// ntsoundSetVolume(devPort,task_self(),5);
shm->soundalive = true;
shm->splitbuffer = false;
shm->samples = bufsize/(shm->samplebits/8);
shm->samplepos = 0;
shm->submission_chunk = 1;
shm->buffer = buf;
// find a buffer crossing point for pos testing
} while (progress == oldprogress);
snd_basetime = Sys_DoubleTime() - progress/(11025*2);
return true;
return the current sample position (in mono samples read)
inside the recirculating dma buffer, so the mixing code will know
how many sample are required to fill it up.
int SNDDMA_GetDMAPos(void)
int progress;
#if 0
// ntsoundDMACount(devPort,task_self(),&progress);
//printf ("(%i / %f) ", progress, (float)(Sys_DoubleTime ()));
progress += 2048;
progress >>= 1;
progress = (Sys_DoubleTime() - snd_basetime)*11025*2;
progress += 8192;
progress &= ~1;
progress &= (shm->samples-1);
return progress;
Reset the sound device for exiting
void SNDDMA_Submit(void)
Reset the sound device for exiting
void SNDDMA_Shutdown(void)