Changes in Quake2 CTF 1.09a --------------------------- - Q2CTF 1.09 requires 3.15 now. - Competition Match mode added. Server can be reset into a timed match mode. Includes a pregame setup time, countdown until game start, timed match, statistics on players, admin functions and a post game time. - The server command 'gamemap' now works correctly. On a server, you can change maps with two commands: map and gamemap. Map will cause all teams to reset, gamemap will change maps with the teams intact. - New console commands: yes - vote yes on an election no - vote no on an election ready - ready oneself for a match notready - remove oneself from the ready list (stop the clock) ghost - ghost back into a match if connection was lost admin - become an admin or access the admin menu stats - show statistics on players in a match warp - warp to a new level boot - kick a player of the server (you must be an admin) playerlist - show player list and connect times - New cvars: competition - set to 1 to allow the server to be voted by players into competition mode. Set to 3 for a dedicated competition server. The default, 0, disables competition features. matchlock - controls whether players are allowed into a match in progress in competition mode. Defaults to on (1). electpercentage - the precentage of yes votes needed to win an election. Defaults to 66%. matchtime - length of a match, defaulting to 20 minutes. Can be changed by admins. matchsetuptime - length of time allowed to setup a match (after which the server will reset itself back into normal pickup play). Defaults to 10 mins. matchstarttime - The countdown after match setup has been completed until the match begins. Defaults to 20 seconds. admin_password - Password for admin access (allowing access to the admin menu without needing to be elected). - Minor bug fixes in team selection to help balance the teams better (the default option on the menu is now the team with the fewer players). - Don't get base defenses for telefragging your teammates in base. - Telefrags at start of game no longer count (to help with game spawning). - Instant weapon changing is now a server option (and can be changed by admin menu). - New admin menu that allows remote changes of the following items: Match length (time) Match setup length (time) Match start length (time) Weapons Stay Instant Items Quad Drop Instant Weapons - As part of the match code, a new 'ghost' option is included. When a match begins, all players are printed a randomly generated five digit ghost code in their consoles. If the player loses connection for some reason during the match, they can reconnect and reenter the game keeping their score intact at the time of disconnection. - Visible weapon support (as with the 3.15 release). - Some minor changes to the pmenu code to allow more flexability