Minor OS-oriented changes to id Software's Quake2 3.21: "It works for me, v1.0" (NOTE: throughout this document, references to i386 [debugi386, releasei386, gamei386.so] are used. If your architecture is not i386, just substitute that for i386. The Makefile gives some hints as to what is supported.) For this to be of any use, you _must_ own a copy of Quake 2. The demo would also work, but you might as well buy the full thing now. These modifications are intended for Linux users, as I do not have have access to other platforms. Be sure to install SDL 1.2 (http://www.libsdl.org) if you want to use the softsdl or sdlgl drivers, or the sdlquake2 binary. 'make' will, by default, build both the debug and release files. To build just the optimized binaries: make build_release The resulting binaries are then put in releasei386. Makefile options: ----------------- (quake2 and gamei386.so are always built, but the following options can be changed by editing the Makefile) BUILD_SDLQUAKE2 Build sdlquake2, a quake2 binary that uses SDL for CD audio and sound access (default = YES). BUILD_SVGA Build ref_soft.so, a quake2 video driver that uses SVGAlib (default = NO). BUILD_X11 Build ref_softx.so, a quake2 video driver that uses X11 (default = YES). BUILD_GLX Build ref_glx.so, a quake2 video driver that uses X11's GLX (default = YES). BUILD_FXGL Build ref_gl.so [might be renamed to fxgl later], a quake2 video driver that uses fxMesa (default = NO). This option is currently untested because I do not have a Voodoo 1 or 2. BUILD_SDL Build ref_softsdl.so, a quake2 video driver that uses SDL (default = YES). BUILD_SDLGL Build ref_sdlgl.so, a quake2 video driver that uses OpenGL with SDL (default = YES). BUILD_CTFDLL Build the Threewave CTF gamei386.so (default = NO). BUILD_XATRIX Build the Xatrix gamei386.so for the "The Reckoning" Mission Pack (default = NO). [see notes below] BUILD_ROGUE Build the Rogue gamei386.so for the "Ground Zero" Mission Pack (default = NO). [see notes below] HAVE_IPV6 Build quake2 with IPv6 support (currently only tested on FreeBSD, see below for info) (default = NO). To install the Quake2 gamedata: ------------------------------- (installdir is wherever you want to install quake2, and cdromdir is wherever you mount the Quake 2 CD-ROM) 1. copy <cdromdir>/Install/Data/baseq2/pak0.pak to <installdir>/baseq2/ 2. copy <cdromdir>/Install/Data/baseq2/video/ to <installdir>/baseq2/ (optional) 3. download q2-3.20-x86-full.exe from ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/quake2/ or a mirror site, and extract the contents to a temporary directory (use unzip -L, as this is a standard zip file). 4. copy <q2-3.20-x86-full.exe temp directory>/baseq2/pak1.pak to <installdir>/baseq2/ 5. copy <q2-3.20-x86-full.exe temp directory>/baseq2/pak2.pak to <installdir>/baseq2/ 6. copy <q2-3.20-x86-full.exe temp directory>/baseq2/players/ to <installdir>/baseq2/ 7. if you really want to use the crakhor model, you can find the skins/sounds on websites like http://www.mike-d.com/games/modskins.html (optional) To install this program: ------------------------ (builddir is either debugi386 or releasei386) 0. edit Makefile if needed, then 'make' 1. copy <builddir>/gamei386.so to <installdir>/baseq2/ 2. copy <builddir>/ref_*.so to <installdir> 3. copy <builddir>/quake2 to <installdir> 4. copy <builddir>/sdlquake2 to <installdir> (optional) 5. copy <builddir>/ctf/gamei386.so to <installdir>/ctf/ (optional) To install the "The Reckoning" Mission Pack (Xatrix): ----------------------------------------------------- (cdromdir is wherever you mount The Reckoning CD-ROM) 1. enable BUILD_XATRIX in Makefile 2. download xatrixsrc320.shar.Z from ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/quake2/source/ or a mirror site, extract it (it's a compressed shell script) and place the contents in <quake2-rX.X.X>/src/xatrix/ 3. make 4. copy <builddir>/xatrix/gamei386.so to <installdir>/xatrix/ 5. copy <cdromdir>/Data/all/pak0.pak to <installdir>/xatrix/ 6. copy <cdromdir>/Data/max/xatrix/video/ to <installdir>/xatrix/ (optional) 7. when starting quake2, use "+set game xatrix" on the command line To install the "Ground Zero" Mission Pack (Rogue): -------------------------------------------------- (cdromdir is wherever you mount the Ground Zero CD-ROM) 1. enable BUILD_ROGUE in Makefile 2. download roguesrc320.shar.Z from ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/quake2/source or a mirror site, extract it (it's a compressed shell script) and place the contents in <quake2-rX.X.X>/src/rogue/ 3. make 4. if the compilation fails, change line 31 of src/rogue/g_local.h from: #define _isnan(a) ((a)==NAN) to: #define _isnan(a) isnan(a) and try again. 5. copy <builddir>/rogue/gamei386.so to <installdir>/rogue/ 6. copy <cdromdir>/Data/all/pak0.pak to <installdir>/rogue/ 7. copy <cdromdir>/Data/max/Rogue/video/ to <installdir>/rogue/ (optional) 8. when starting quake2, use "+set game rogue" on the command line To run: ------- cd <installdir> && ./quake2 Or: quake2 +set basedir <installdir> Add +set game <moddir> to load a mod (like the mission packs). /etc/quake2.conf is no longer used; instead, the ref_*.so files are loaded from basedir (basedir is "." by default, and can only be set at the command line). Configuration files and such are saved in ~/.quake2/, so <installdir> can be made read-only or whatever. WARNING: Please do not make quake2 or any of the libraries suid root! Doing so is at your own risk. NOTE: Save games will not work across different versions or builds, because of the way they are stored. Binary-Only Mods: ----------------- Chances are that they will not work. I suspect that it has something to do with the mods being built with older versions of gcc/glibc2. EraserBot, for example, has source available except for one file, p_trail.o. Trying to use an EraserBot gamei386.so results in a crash somewhere inside p_trail.o. Dedicated Server: ----------------- If there is a demand for it, I can add support for an explicit q2ded binary. Else, using +set dedicated 1 should be fine. IPv6 Support: ------------- Currently experimental, so it may or may not work. Here is some information about it from Florent Parent: quake2 +set dedicated 1 Runs server listening on both IPv4 and IPv6 sockets quake2 +set dedicated 1 +set multicast <interface> IPv6 server joins quake2 multicast group ff12::666 quake2 +set dedicated 1 +set ip <IPv6 address> +set multicast <interface> IPv6 server only. Listens on <IPv6 address> Examples of <IPv6 address>: 3ffe:b00:c18::666 (global IPv6 address) fe80::202:b3ff:fe04:1234%fxp0 (link-local address. scope required) :: (unspecified, binds on all IPv6 addresses) quake2 +set dedicated 1 +set ip <IPv4 address> IPv4 server only. Listens on <IPv4 address> can be used to bind on all IPv4 addresses Joystick Support: ----------------- None yet. Windows Support: ---------------- In order to compile the source: If you don't already have it, you'll need to download: http://oss.sgi.com/projects/ogl-sample/ABI/glext.h Commonly used commands: ----------------------- cd_nocd 0 // disable CD audio s_initsound 0 // disable sound _windowed_mouse 0 // disable mouse-grabbing gl_ext_multitexture 0 // disable OpenGL Multitexturing (requires a vid_restart) vid_ref <driver> // select a video driver (softx is the original X11-only, softsdl is SDL software, sdlgl is SDL OpenGL) vid_fullscreen 0 // disable fullscreen mode vid_restart // restart video driver snd_restart // restart sound driver basedir <dir> // point quake2 to where the data is gl_driver <libGL.so> // point quake2 to your libGL dedicated 1 // run quake2 as a dedicated server game <subdir> // load the quake2 mod in that directory When using these commands on the quake2 command line, use +set to cause the variables be set before the config files are loaded (important for gl_driver). e.g. ./quake2 +set vid_ref glx +set gl_driver /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 Note that variables like basedir and game _require_ using +set to ensure the desired functionality. If quake2 crashes when trying to load an OpenGL based driver (glx, sdlgl), make sure its not loading the wrong libGL. Have a NVIDIA card and it _still_ crashes? Try export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libGL.so, and run quake2 again. Is lighting slow in OpenGL (while firing, explosions, etc.)? Disable multitexturing (gl_ext_multitexture 0; vid_restart). More information can be found in src/docs/. Known Bugs and Workarounds: --------------------------- Bug: Shooting the Tank Commander in the boss2 easter egg can cause Quake 2 to lock up (reported by Gary Briggs). Workaround: Don't do that, I guess. The problem is with game/g_weapon.c, line 674 (fire_rail). Something goes wrong(?) with the raytrace and tr.endpos ends up changing very little, if at all, so the game gets stuck in the loop. FAQ: ---- Q: Quake2 crashes when starting a new game. A: It's most likely that the gamei386.so was not installed correctly. Do not use the version that comes with the 3.20 release! See the installation instructions above. Q: Quake2 doesn't want to load mods correctly with +game. A: Use +set game. Q: ErasorBot doesn't work. A: Not all the source was released for ErasorBot. See explanation above. Website: -------- I'll post any updates I make at http://www.icculus.org/quake2/ Mailing List and Contact: ------------------------- to subscribe: send a blank email to quake2-subscribe@icculus.org to post: send email to quake2@icculus.org Anonymous CVS access: --------------------- cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@icculus.org:/cvs/cvsroot login (password is "anonymous" without the quotes.) cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@icculus.org:/cvs/cvsroot co quake2 Bugzilla: --------- https://bugzilla.icculus.org TODO: ----- Fix save games. Verify that FXGL works. Joystick support. Fullscreen/DGA support in X11 driver. Have menu only list ref libs that are available. Have menu only list window sizes that are available. Make a list of tested mods. Make Q2 as Arch/OS independent as possible. Many Thanks to all these people: -------------------------------- John Allensworth Stephen Anthony William Aoki Robert B�uml Vincent Cojot Michel D�nzer Ryan C. Gordon Angelo Grossini Nicolai Haehnle Thijmen Klok Hampton Maxwell Ludwig Nussel Peter van Paassen Florent Parent Zachary 'zakk' Slater Matti Valtonen v0.0.9: [XX/XX/XX] CVS ------- v0.0.8: [01/04/02] ------- + Fixed C-only ref_soft building. + SDL CD audio looping fix (Robert B�uml) + ~/.quake2/<game> added to the search path for mods. (Ludwig Nussel) + Minor change to fix compilation with OpenGL 1.3 headers. + Fixed changing video drivers using the menu. + Fixed autoexec.cfg on startup. + Sparc Linux support (Vincent Cojot) v0.0.7: [12/28/01] ------- + Merged in Quake2 3.21 source. v0.0.6: [12/27/01] ------- + Made Makefile somewhat easier to configure. + X11 GLX driver now included. + Added "ctrl-g" (toggle mouse grab) and "alt-enter" (toggle fullscreen) to SDL drivers. + SDL audio and cdrom support. (Robert B�uml) + ~/.quake2/ support (Stephen Anthony, Ludwig Nussel) + LinuxPPC support (William Aoki) v0.0.5: [12/23/01] ------- + Better SDL de/initialization (fixes crashes for some people). + Removed trailing '\r's from files; removed a few files. v0.0.4: [12/23/01] ------- + Mouse Wheel (SDL buttons 4 and 5). + Fixed bug with changing the sound options in game (using the menus). + Fixed Makefile to build both build_debug and build_release by default. v0.0.3: [12/22/01] ------- + Fixed the texture wrapping with movies. + Enabled the OpenGL extensions under Linux. + Added support for GL_ARB_multitexture. v0.0.2: [12/22/01] ------- + Added ref_sdlgl.so (SDL OpenGL Renderer). + v0.0.1 Bugfixes. v0.0.1: [12/22/01] ------- + Updates to Linux Makefile (it was missing a few files). + Added ref_softsdl.so (Software SDL Renderer). - OpenGL not yet supported.