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321 lines
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321 lines
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* Brian Schmidt
* File: newt.c
* Date: 03/18/99
* Revision: 1.9
* This file contains the routines necessary to send Quake video to
* a NewT.
#pragma ident "@(#)File: newt.c, Rev: 1.9, Date: 99/03/18 13:12:08, Author: Brian Schmidt"
/*============================== INCLUDE FILES ==============================*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <newtvideo.h>
#include <nvsession.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <thread.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include "newt.h"
/*================================ CONSTANTS ================================*/
/*================================= MACROS ==================================*/
/*============================ EXPORTED GLOBALS =============================*/
int yuv_dpcm = FALSE; /* use 4-bit DPCM on luma vals */
int yuv_subx = DEF_YUV_XSUBSAMP; /* horizontal chroma subsample */
int yuv_suby = DEF_YUV_YSUBSAMP; /* vertical chroma subsample */
int req_max_bw = TRUE; /* request max BW to NewT */
int newt_initialize_next = 1;
/*============================= STATIC GLOBALS ==============================*/
static ndga_t *ndga = NULL; /* NewT DGA interface */
static char *target = NULL; /* NewT target */
static nvSession nvsession = NULL; /* NewT session */
static nv_t newtnv = NULL; /* NewT video conn */
static u_char *line = NULL; /* line of pixels */
static struct { /* video state info */
int x, y; /* location */
int dw, dh; /* destination width/height */
int sw, sh; /* source width/height */
int clipEvent; /* clip event type */
NRegion clip; /* clip info */
} vinfo;
static u_char ymap[256]; /* color maps */
static u_char umap[256];
static u_char vmap[256];
/*============================= PREDECLARATIONS =============================*/
static void setup_video(Display *disp, Window win);
static void nvSessionCheck(nvSession sess);
extern char display_name[];
/*============================ EXPORTED ROUTINES ============================*/
void newt_set_palette( unsigned char *palette )
int i, j;
int y, u, v;
int r, g, b;
for (i = j = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++) {
/* get the RGB pixel values */
b = palette[i*4 + 2];
g = palette[i*4 + 1];
r = palette[i*4 + 0];
/* convert to YUV */
y = (77*r + 150*g + 29*b)/256;
u = (-44*r - 87*g + 131*b)/256 + 128;
v = (131*r - 110*g - 21*b)/256 + 128;
/* clamp the values */
ymap[i] = CLAMP(y);
umap[i] = CLAMP(u);
vmap[i] = CLAMP(v);
/*========================= newt_process_event =========================
* Process events to watch for window changes.
void newt_process_event(XEvent *xev)
if (ndga != NULL) ndga_process_event(ndga, xev);
/*========================= send_newt_video =========================
* Given an image consisting of 8-bit color index pixels, convert to
* YUV format and send to a NewT for scaling and display. The width
* and height are for the source image. Return 1 on success,
* 0 if we could not blast straight to the NewT screen.
int send_newt_video(Display *disp, Window win,
void *data, int sw, int sh)
int x, y, w, h; /* window coordinates */
register int i, j, k, l, m; /* loop indexes */
u_char *frame = (u_char *)data; /* 8-bit pix for frame */
tile_t tile; /* video tile */
u_char *ydata, *udata, *vdata; /* yuv data */
int tx, ty, tw, th; /* tile location/size */
int ret = 1; /* return code */
int is_unobscured; /* true if window is unobscured */
int clipEvent; /* clip event type */
/* Set things up on the first time through */
if( newt_initialize_next ) {
newt_initialize_next = FALSE;
if( ndga != NULL ) {
ndga_destroy( ndga );
ndga = NULL;
memset( &vinfo, 0, sizeof( vinfo ) );
setup_video( disp, win );
/* make sure we have a conn to the NewT and can
* draw straight to the screen.
if ((target == NULL) ||
(!ndga_start(ndga, &x, &y, &w, &h, &is_unobscured, &clipEvent))) {
return 0;
if ((newtnv == NULL) ||
(vinfo.x != x) || (vinfo.y != y) ||
(vinfo.dw != w) || (vinfo.dh != h) ||
(vinfo.sw != sw) || (vinfo.sh != sh)) {
vinfo.x = x;
vinfo.y = y;
vinfo.sw = sw;
vinfo.sh = sh;
vinfo.dw = w;
vinfo.dh = h;
if (line != NULL) free(line);
if ((line = (u_char *)malloc(sw)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "send_newt_video: malloc faild\n");
ret = 0;
goto send_done;
if (newtnv != NULL) nv_destroy(newtnv);
if ((newtnv = nv_new(target, x, y, w, h, yuv_dpcm)) == NULL) {
ret = 0;
goto send_done;
/* set up the clip region if necessary */
if (clipEvent != vinfo.clipEvent) {
vinfo.clip = ndga_clip(ndga, vinfo.clip);
nv_set_clip(newtnv, vinfo.clip);
/* Set up the video tiles */
if (nv_setup(newtnv, sw, sh, yuv_subx, yuv_suby) == 0) {
ret = 0;
goto send_done;
if (req_max_bw) nv_bwreq(newtnv, sw * sh * 3 * 40);
/* Convert 8-bit colormap data to yuv data. Copy or compress
* data into each tile
tile = nv_next_tile(newtnv, TRUE,
&ydata, &udata, &vdata, &tx, &ty, &tw, &th);
while (tile != NULL) {
/* luma data */
for (j = 0 ; j < th ; j++) {
if (yuv_dpcm) {
int ywidth = (tw + 1) / 2;
for (i = 0 ; i < tw ; i++) {
line[i] = ymap[frame[(ty + j)*sw + tx + i]];
nv_compress(ydata, line, ywidth);
ydata += ywidth;
} else {
for (i = 0 ; i < tw ; i++) {
ydata[j*tw + i] =
ymap[frame[(ty + j)*sw + tx + i]];
/* chroma data */
if ((yuv_subx > 0) && (yuv_suby > 0)) {
int uvx = tx/yuv_subx, uvy = ty/yuv_suby,
uvw = (tw + yuv_subx - 1)/yuv_subx,
uvh = (th + yuv_suby - 1)/yuv_suby;
for (i = j = 0 ; j < uvh ; j++) {
for (k = 0 ; k < uvw ; k++) {
u_int u = 0, v = 0;
for (l = 0 ; l < yuv_suby ; l++) {
for (m = 0 ; m < yuv_subx ; m++) {
u_int pel = frame[(ty + j*yuv_suby + l)*sw +
tx + k*yuv_subx + m];
u += umap[pel];
v += vmap[pel];
udata[i] = u / (yuv_subx * yuv_suby);
vdata[i] = v / (yuv_subx * yuv_suby);
/* ship it off */
nv_send_tile(newtnv, tile);
/* get next tile */
tile = nv_next_tile(newtnv, FALSE,
&ydata, &udata, &vdata, &tx, &ty, &tw, &th);
send_done: /* leave */
return ret;
/*============================= LOCAL ROUTINES ==============================*/
/*========================= setup_video =========================
* Setup a connection to a NewT so we can send video.
static void setup_video(Display *disp, Window win)
char *session;
printf("Using NewT video: %d-bit luma, chroma subsamp W/%d H/%d\n",
yuv_dpcm ? 4 : 8, yuv_subx, yuv_suby);
/* Get the NewT target */
session = nvGetSessionId( display_name );
if ((session != NULL) && ((nvsession = nvSessionSetup(session)) != NULL)) {
struct sigaction sa;
target = NULL;
sa.sa_handler = exit;
if ((sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL) < 0) ||
(sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL) < 0) ||
(sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL) < 0)) {
/* atexit(newt_cleanup);*/
} else {
nvsession = NULL;
target = getenv("NEWT_TARGET");
if ((nvsession == NULL) && (target == NULL)) {
Sys_Error("Could not open connection to NewT");
/* Create NewT DGA context */
ndga = ndga_new(disp, win, nvsession, 1, 1);
/*========================= newt_cleanup =========================
* Clean up on exit. Kill the NewT video session.
void newt_cleanup( void )
if( ndga != NULL ) {
ndga_destroy( ndga );
if( newtnv != NULL ) {
newtnv = NULL;
/*========================= nvSessionCheck =========================
* Check the status of the given NewT session and set the target.
static void nvSessionCheck(nvSession sess)
char *new_target;
register int i;
if (sess == NULL) return;
new_target = nvSessionTarget(sess);
/* Status has changed; break everything down and start again */
if ((new_target==NULL) || (target==NULL) || strcmp(new_target,target)) {
if (newtnv != NULL) {
/* Lost the connection. Destroy it */
newtnv = NULL;
/* Set new target */
if (target) {
target = NULL;
if (new_target) target = strdup(new_target);