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synced 2025-03-02 15:41:49 +00:00
a) If they're holding an item belonging to a team, they get that team's glowcolor b) If they're quad they get blue c) If they're pent they get red. Yellow and Green are both just DIMLIGHT for now, but I'll see if I can't use QSG glow_color/glow_size
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218 lines
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#include "defs.qh"
TELEPORT.QC Custom TeamFortress v2.2
(c) Craig Hauser 23/3/00
Functions for the teleporters
void() Teleporter_touch;
void() Teleporter_Die;
void() Teleporter_heat_think;
integer (entity ent) Teleporter_CheckBlocked;
float(entity targ) Teleporter_check_person;
#define TELEPORTER_CELLS 8 //How many cells to use on teleport
#define TELEPORTER_WAIT 2 //How long to wait after teleport (whole number)
void() Teleporter_touch =
local entity te;
if (self.heat == 0)
if (Teleporter_check_person(other))
te = find(NIL, classname, "building_teleporter");
while (!(te.real_owner == self.real_owner && te != self) && te)
te = find(te, classname, "building_teleporter");
if (te)
if (te.heat == 0 && te.ammo_cells >= TELEPORTER_CELLS)
self.heat = TELEPORTER_WAIT;
if (self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_FOUR || te.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_FOUR)
CenterPrint(other, "The other teleporter is out of power.\n");
self.ammo_cells = self.ammo_cells - TELEPORTER_CELLS;
te.ammo_cells = te.ammo_cells - TELEPORTER_CELLS;
local entity ote;
ote = te;
if (self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_THREE || te.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_THREE) //sb
te = self.real_owner;
spawn_tdeath(te.origin + '0 0 32', te);
spawn_tfog (other.origin);
spawn_tdeath(te.origin + '0 0 32', other);
makeImmune(other,time + 2);
setorigin(other, te.origin + '0 0 32');
if (self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_ONE || te.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_ONE) // SB
other.ammo_cells = 0;
other.ammo_shells = 0;
other.ammo_nails = 0;
other.ammo_rockets = 0;
other.armorvalue = 0;
other.ammo_detpack = 0;
other.ammo_c4det = 0;
other.ammo_medikit = 0;
if (self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_TWO || te.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_TWO) // SB
if (self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_TWO)
te.martyr_enemy = self.martyr_enemy;
else if (te.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_TWO)
self.martyr_enemy = te.martyr_enemy;
TF_T_Damage(other, self, self, 500, 0, TF_TD_OTHER);
spawn_tfog (te.origin + '0 0 32');
if (self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_THREE || ote.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_THREE)
te = ote;
if ((te.ammo_cells >= TELEPORTER_CELLS && te.ammo_cells <= TELEPORTER_CELLS * 2) || (self.ammo_cells >= TELEPORTER_CELLS && self.ammo_cells <= TELEPORTER_CELLS * 2))
sprint (self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "A teleporter is getting low on power.\n");
else if (te.ammo_cells < TELEPORTER_CELLS)
CenterPrint(other, "The other teleporter is out of power.\n");
float(entity targ) Teleporter_check_person =
if (infokey(NIL,"ceasefire")=="on") //To not cause loops
return FALSE;
if (!targ)//that would be bad.
return FALSE;
if (targ.done_custom & CUSTOM_BUILDING)
return FALSE;
if (targ.classname != "player")
return FALSE;
if (targ.velocity != '0 0 0')
return FALSE;
if (targ.health <= 0)
return FALSE;
if (targ.has_disconnected)
return FALSE;
if (targ.playerclass == PC_UNDEFINED)
return FALSE;
if (targ.is_feigning)
return FALSE;
if (targ.is_building)
return FALSE;
if (targ.is_detpacking)
return FALSE;
if (self.ammo_cells < TELEPORTER_CELLS) {
if (Teammate(targ.team_no, self.team_no)) //only to team member
CenterPrint(other, "This teleporter is out of power.\n");
return FALSE;
if (self.real_owner.has_teleporter == 1) {
if (Teammate(targ.team_no, self.team_no)) //only to team member
CenterPrint(other, "There is no other teleporter!\n");
return FALSE;
if (targ.playerclass == PC_CIVILIAN) {
CenterPrint(targ, "Civilian + Teleporter = No, NFC!\n");
return FALSE;
if (targ.effects & EF_ANYGLOW) {//no flag for you!
CenterPrint(targ, "Can't use teleporter while glowing!\n");
return FALSE;
if (teamplay)
if (Teammate(targ.team_no, self.team_no))
return TRUE;
if (Teammate(targ.undercover_team, self.team_no))
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void() Teleporter_heat_think =
//CH used to reduce the heat and check pos
if (self.heat <= 0)
self.heat = 0;
self.heat = self.heat - 1;
self.think = Teleporter_heat_think; //keep in loop
self.nextthink = time + 1;
if (Teleporter_CheckBlocked(self)) {
sprint (self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Not enough space for teleportation.\n");
TF_T_Damage (self, NIL, NIL, self.health + 1, 0, 0);
integer (entity ent) Teleporter_CheckBlocked =
checkmove (ent.origin + '0 0 32', '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32',
ent.origin + '0 0 32', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent);
if (trace_startsolid || trace_fraction != 1)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
local float pos, num;
local vector loc;
//CH if spawnflags is >0 do extensive height checks b/c the pad just spawned.
if (ent.spawnflags > 0) {
ent.spawnflags = ent.spawnflags - 1;
num = 0; //16 checks
num = 15; //1 check
while (num < 16)
//sprint (ent.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Checking space!\n");
loc = ent.origin;
loc_x = loc_x + ((rint(random() * 3 + 1) * 16) - 32);
loc_y = loc_y + ((rint(random() * 3 + 1) * 16) - 32);
loc_z = loc_z + (rint(random() * 8 + 1) * 8); //1-8 * 8 x+8 -> x+64
pos = pointcontents(loc);
if (pos == CONTENTS_SOLID || pos == CONTENTS_SKY)
return TRUE;
num = num + 1;
return FALSE;
void() Teleporter_Die =
sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Your Teleporter Pad was destroyed.\n");
self.real_owner.has_teleporter = (self.real_owner.has_teleporter - 1);
// ThrowGib("progs/tgib1.mdl", -70);
// ThrowGib("progs/tgib2.mdl", -70);
// ThrowGib("progs/tgib3.mdl", -70);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z);
multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS);