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// field.QC - CustomTF 3.2.OfN - 30/1/2001 - //
// by Sergio Fumaña Grunwaldt - OfteN aka superCOCK2000 //
Field generator stuff - Written all by myself! :)
I took the model and some sounds from deadlode mod
One sound is from megaTF
// field generator flags, DO NOT MODIFY
#define FIELDGEN_ISOFF 0 // no field, not linked, and its not trying to link (several possible reasons)
#define FIELDGEN_ISIDLE 1 // no field, not linked, trying to link with other generator
#define FIELDGEN_ISDISABLED 2 // no field, linked, its disabled temporary (teammate passing thru field)
#define FIELDGEN_ISENABLED 3 // field, linked, and cells enough, waiting for shock, only hum sound
#define FIELDGEN_ISWORKING 4 // field, linked, glowing and all the field visual/sound effects are on
// field generator settings
#define FIELDGEN_SHOCKTIME 4 // seconds the generators remains glowing and doing lightning after a shock
#define FIELDGEN_LINKTIME 3.5 // seconds between tries to link with other generator
#define FIELDGEN_TIMEDISABLED 1 // was 3 // then 2
#define FIELDGEN_CELLSCOST 2 // cells cost for each "FIELDGEN_ISWORKING" pass
#define FIELDGEN_DMG 80 // normal damag when touching
#define FIELDGEN_DMGINSIDE 120 // damage when trapped inside field
For field generator entity:
.has_holo - Holds current status of every field generator, FIELDGEN_XXXX determines
.has_sensor - Boolean value, determines if field generator is currently supporting a force field
.fieldgen_field - This points to the force field, if none its always 'world'
.no_grenades_1 - Controls delay between tries to link (only affects sound currently, it tries to link every frame)
.no_grenades_1 - Controls delay for field to go up again after beeing disabled
.type_grenades_1 - Controls delay of the WORKING status
.has_teleporter - Used to flash generators when field is activated
.has_camera - Controls delay between cells take
.has_tesla - Boolean, forced status.
For force field entity:
.demon_one - Points to the first field generator
.demon_two - Points to the 2nd generator
.has_holo - Hum sound running, boolean
.has_sensor - Shield sound running, boolean
.has_tesla - Controls delay between hums
.has_sentry - Controls delay between shield sounds
.cnt - Orientation of field (x or y)
.dmg - Next damage the field will do
.has_camera - Used to control the rate at which the field touch sound/visual effects are done (4hz)
void() CheckDistance;
entity(entity fieldgen) Find_OtherGen;
float(entity fieldgen1, entity fieldgen2) FieldGens_CanLink;
float(entity fieldgen) FieldGen_CanIdle;
float(entity field) IsValidFieldGen;
float (vector targ, vector check) vis2orig;
float(entity field) IsValidField;
void(entity tfield, entity gen1) Field_UpdateSounds;
void(entity tfield) Field_MakeVisual;
float(entity tfield) FieldIsImproved;
float(entity tfield) FieldIsMalfunctioning;
void() Field_touch;
void() Field_touch_SUB;
float(entity e1, entity e2) EntsTouching2;
void(entity tfield, vector where, entity thing) FieldExplosion;
float(entity tfield, entity who) Field_ItCanPass;
float(entity tfield, entity who) Field_ShouldDamage;
entity(entity myself) GetMyFieldGen;
float(entity tfield) Field_GetForcedStatus;
void(float value) SetFieldForcedStatus; // player function (self = player) cuts disabled time also
float() GetFieldForcedStatus; // player
// field generator model and sounds
void() Field_Precache =
precache_sound ("misc/null.wav");
// checks for field generators and removes itself if needed, checks for stuck entities on field
void() Field_think =
if (self.classname != "force_field")
RPrint("BUG: Not a force field entity was in 'FieldThink()'!\n");
self.has_camera = #FALSE;
// checks for removal...
if (!IsValidFieldGen(self.demon_one) || !IsValidFieldGen(self.demon_two))
if (IsValidFieldGen(self.demon_one))
self.demon_one.has_sensor = #FALSE;
self.demon_one.fieldgen_field = world;
if (IsValidFieldGen(self.demon_two))
self.demon_two.has_sensor = #FALSE;
self.demon_two.fieldgen_field = world;
self.demon_one = world;
self.demon_two = world;
RPrint("Debug: Field entity removed in Field_think()\n"); //shouldnt happen
self.nextthink = time + 0.25; // 4hz check
if (IsValidFieldGen(self.demon_one))
if (self.demon_one.has_holo == #FIELDGEN_ISWORKING)
// checks for anything stuck in field :)
local entity te;
local float frange;
if (FieldIsImproved(self) & #IMPROVED_FOUR)
te = findradius(self.origin,frange);
while (te)
if (te != self)
if (te != self.demon_one)
if (te != self.demon_two)
if (te.velocity == '0 0 0')
if (te.classname != "force_field")
if (EntsTouching2(te,self))
other = te;
self.dmg = #FIELDGEN_DMGINSIDE; // this gonna hurt
te = te.chain;
// is one entity actually inside the other one? (this avoids using a stupid trigger)
float(entity e1, entity e2) EntsTouching2 =
if (e1.absmin_x > e2.absmax_x)
return #FALSE;
if (e1.absmin_y > e2.absmax_y)
return #FALSE;
if (e1.absmin_z > e2.absmax_z)
return #FALSE;
if (e1.absmax_x < e2.absmin_x)
return #FALSE;
if (e1.absmax_y < e2.absmin_y)
return #FALSE;
if (e1.absmax_z < e2.absmin_z)
return #FALSE;
return #TRUE;
// these 2 functions return the current hacks that should apply to the field
float(entity tfield) FieldIsImproved =
if (IsValidFieldGen(tfield.demon_one) && IsValidFieldGen(tfield.demon_two))
return tfield.demon_one.num_mines | tfield.demon_two.num_mines;
if (IsValidFieldGen(tfield.demon_one))
return tfield.demon_one.num_mines;
if (IsValidFieldGen(tfield.demon_two))
return tfield.demon_two.num_mines;
return 0;
float(entity tfield) FieldIsMalfunctioning =
if (IsValidFieldGen(tfield.demon_one) && IsValidFieldGen(tfield.demon_two))
return tfield.demon_one.is_malfunctioning | tfield.demon_two.is_malfunctioning;
if (IsValidFieldGen(tfield.demon_one))
return tfield.demon_one.is_malfunctioning;
if (IsValidFieldGen(tfield.demon_two))
return tfield.demon_two.is_malfunctioning;
return 0;
// self is the field, disables it
void() DisableField =
if (IsValidFieldGen(self.demon_one))
self.demon_one.has_holo = #FIELDGEN_ISDISABLED;
self.demon_one.no_grenades_2 = time + #FIELDGEN_TIMEDISABLED;
if (IsValidFieldGen(self.demon_two))
self.demon_two.has_holo = #FIELDGEN_ISDISABLED;
self.demon_two.no_grenades_2 = time + #FIELDGEN_TIMEDISABLED;
sound (self, #CHAN_VOICE, "misc/ffbeep.wav", 0.4, #ATTN_IDLE);
// applies damage and makes the sound and visual effect for the forcefield shock
void() Field_touch_SUB =
local float doFX;
doFX = #TRUE;
if (FieldIsMalfunctioning(self) & #SCREWUP_THREE) // reduce output
self.dmg = 1;
if (other.classname == "player") // PLAYERS
if (other.playerclass == #PC_UNDEFINED) // Observers
if (Field_ItCanPass(self, other))
self.velocity = self.velocity - (self.velocity*4) + '0 0 1';
if (Field_ShouldDamage(self,other))
TF_T_Damage (other, self, self.real_owner, self.dmg, #TF_TD_NOTTEAM, #TF_TD_ELECTRICITY);
else // non player entities
if (IsMonster(other))
if (Field_ItCanPass(self, other))
else if (Field_ShouldDamage(self,other))
TF_T_Damage (other, self, self.real_owner, self.dmg, #TF_TD_NOTTEAM, #TF_TD_ELECTRICITY);
// excludes entities that shouldnt be moved, doors plats etc..
if(other.movetype == #MOVETYPE_NONE
|| other.movetype == #MOVETYPE_PUSH)
//|| other.movetype == #MOVETYPE_NOCLIP
other.velocity_z = other.velocity_z + 100;
if (other.origin_x < self.origin_x)
other.velocity_x = other.velocity_x - 200 * random();
other.velocity_x = other.velocity_x + 200 * random();
if (other.origin_y < self.origin_y)
other.velocity_y = other.velocity_y - 200 * random();
other.velocity_y = other.velocity_y + 200 * random();
// gets one of our field generators
entity(entity myself) GetMyFieldGen =
local entity te;
local float foundit;
te = world;
foundit = #FALSE;
te = find(world, classname, "building_fieldgen");
while (te != world && foundit == #FALSE)
if (te.real_owner == myself) // is it ours?
foundit = #TRUE; // yeah, found it
if (foundit == #FALSE) // our search must continue...
te = find(te, classname, "building_fieldgen");
return te;
// these functions retrieve and set the current 'forced status' on a field
float(entity tfield) Field_GetForcedStatus =
if (IsValidFieldGen(tfield.demon_one) && IsValidFieldGen(tfield.demon_two))
if (tfield.demon_two.has_tesla || tfield.demon_one.has_tesla)
return #TRUE;
else if (IsValidFieldGen(tfield.demon_one))
if (tfield.demon_one.has_tesla)
return #TRUE;
else if (IsValidFieldGen(tfield.demon_two))
if (tfield.demon_two.has_tesla)
return #TRUE;
return #FALSE;
// player functions called on menu.qc to disable/enable forced status on field
void(float value) SetFieldForcedStatus =
local entity gen1, gen2;
gen1 = GetMyFieldGen(self);
gen2 = Find_OtherGen(gen1);
if (IsValidFieldGen(gen1))
gen1.has_tesla = value;
if (value)
gen1.no_grenades_2 = time;
if (IsValidFieldGen(gen2))
gen2.has_tesla = value;
if (value)
gen2.no_grenades_2 = time;
float() GetFieldForcedStatus =
local entity gen1, gen2;
gen1 = GetMyFieldGen(self);
gen2 = Find_OtherGen(gen1);
if (IsValidFieldGen(gen1) && IsValidFieldGen(gen2))
if (gen1.has_tesla || gen2.has_tesla)
return #TRUE;
else if (IsValidFieldGen(gen1))
return gen1.has_tesla;
else if (IsValidFieldGen(gen2))
return gen2.has_tesla;
return #FALSE;
// returns TRUE if 'who' entity should be able to pass thru the field
float(entity tfield, entity who) Field_ItCanPass =
if (FieldIsMalfunctioning(tfield) & #SCREWUP_ONE)
return #FALSE;
if (who == tfield.real_owner) // field owner - always pass
return #TRUE;
if (Field_GetForcedStatus(tfield))
return #FALSE;
if (who.classname == "player") // PLAYERS
if (Teammate(who.team_no, tfield.real_owner.team_no)) // teammate
return #TRUE;
if (Teammate(who.undercover_team, tfield.real_owner.team_no)) // spies disguised as our team
return #TRUE;
else if (IsMonster(who)) // MONSTERS/ARMY
if (Teammate(who.real_owner.team_no, tfield.real_owner.team_no)) // team monster
return #TRUE;
return #FALSE;
// returns TRUE if 'who' entity should be damaged by the field
float(entity tfield, entity who) Field_ShouldDamage =
if (FieldIsMalfunctioning(tfield) & #SCREWUP_ONE)
return #TRUE;
if (who.classname == "player") // PLAYERS
if (who == tfield.real_owner) // field owner
return #FALSE;
if (Teammate(who.team_no, tfield.real_owner.team_no)) // teammate
return #FALSE;
if (Teammate(who.undercover_team, tfield.real_owner.team_no)) // spies disguised as our team
return #FALSE;
else if (IsMonster(who)) // MONSTERS/ARMY
if (Teammate(who.real_owner.team_no, tfield.real_owner.team_no)) // team monster
return #FALSE;
return #TRUE;
// applies the particle effect and electric sound (at max 4hz rate)
void(entity tfield, vector where, entity thing) FieldExplosion =
if (!tfield.has_camera)
if (thing == world || thing.is_removed) return;
local vector whereFX;
whereFX = where;
whereFX_z = tfield.origin_z;
tfield.has_camera = #TRUE; // cya soon
void(entity field) PutFieldWork =
if (IsValidFieldGen(field.demon_one))
field.demon_one.tp_grenades_1 = time + #FIELDGEN_SHOCKTIME;
if (IsValidFieldGen(field.demon_two))
field.demon_two.tp_grenades_1 = time + #FIELDGEN_SHOCKTIME;
void() Field_touch =
if (other.classname == "force_field") return; //avoid weird loops with other fields
self.dmg = #FIELDGEN_DMG;
deathmsg = #DMSG_FORCEFIELD;
// creates the force field between the 2 generators (only if none currently on)
void(entity gen1, entity gen2) Create_Field =
if (gen1.has_sensor || gen2.has_sensor)
/* dprint("gen1:\n");
dprint("done\n"); */
if (gen1.fieldgen_field != world || gen2.fieldgen_field != world) // CHECK
// already checked b4 on CanLink -> CanIdle
/*if (!IsValidFieldGen(gen1) || !IsValidFieldGen(gen2))
gen1.has_holo = #FIELDGEN_ISENABLED;
gen2.has_holo = #FIELDGEN_ISENABLED;
gen1.has_sensor = #TRUE;
gen2.has_sensor = #TRUE;
local entity tfield;
// generate field
tfield = spawn();
tfield.classname = "force_field";
tfield.owner = world;
tfield.real_owner = gen1.real_owner; // --> player
tfield.think = Field_think;
tfield.touch = Field_touch;
tfield.nextthink = time + 0.25;
// set pos and size
tfield.origin = gen1.origin + '0 0 32';
tfield.absmin_z = gen1.origin_z - 32;
tfield.absmax_z = gen1.origin_z + 32;
tfield.mins_z = 0 - 32;
tfield.maxs_z = 32;
tfield.size_z = 64;
local float diff;
if (gen1.origin_x == gen2.origin_x)
tfield.cnt = 0;
tfield.origin_x = gen1.origin_x;
tfield.absmin_x = gen1.origin_x - 2;
tfield.absmax_x = gen1.origin_x + 2;
tfield.maxs_x = 2;
tfield.mins_x = 0 - 2;
tfield.size_x = 4;
if (gen1.origin_y > gen2.origin_y)
diff = (gen1.origin_y - gen2.origin_y)/2;
tfield.origin_y = gen1.origin_y - diff;
tfield.absmin_y = gen2.origin_y;
tfield.absmax_y = gen1.origin_y;
tfield.maxs_y = diff;
tfield.mins_y = 0 - diff;
tfield.size_y = diff * 2;
diff = (gen2.origin_y - gen1.origin_y)/2;
tfield.origin_y = gen2.origin_y - diff;
tfield.absmin_y = gen1.origin_y;
tfield.absmax_y = gen2.origin_y;
tfield.maxs_y = diff;
tfield.mins_y = 0 - diff;
tfield.size_y = diff * 2;
tfield.cnt = 1;
tfield.origin_y = gen1.origin_y;
tfield.absmin_y = gen1.origin_y - 2;
tfield.absmax_y = gen1.origin_y + 2;
tfield.maxs_y = 2;
tfield.mins_y = 0 - 2;
tfield.size_y = 4;
if (gen1.origin_x > gen2.origin_x)
diff = (gen1.origin_x - gen2.origin_x)/2;
tfield.origin_x = gen1.origin_x - diff;
tfield.absmin_x = gen2.origin_x;
tfield.absmax_x = gen1.origin_x;
tfield.maxs_x = diff;
tfield.mins_x = 0 - diff;
tfield.size_x = diff * 2;
diff = (gen2.origin_x - gen1.origin_x)/2;
tfield.origin_x = gen2.origin_x - diff;
tfield.absmin_x = gen1.origin_x;
tfield.absmax_x = gen2.origin_x;
tfield.maxs_x = diff;
tfield.mins_x = 0 - diff;
tfield.size_x = diff * 2;
// apply stuff
tfield.movetype = #MOVETYPE_NONE;
tfield.solid = #SOLID_BBOX;
setsize(tfield, tfield.mins, tfield.maxs);
setorigin(tfield, tfield.origin);
// assign the pointers on the field generators
gen1.fieldgen_field = tfield;
gen2.fieldgen_field = tfield;
// assign the pointers to generators on ourselves
tfield.demon_one = gen1;
tfield.demon_two = gen2;
//make activating sound
sound (tfield, #CHAN_VOICE, "misc/ffact.wav", 0.2, #ATTN_NORM);
// flash generators
gen1.effects = #EF_DIMLIGHT;
gen1.has_teleporter = #TRUE;
gen1.skin = 2;
gen2.effects = #EF_DIMLIGHT;
gen2.has_teleporter = #TRUE;
gen2.skin = 2;
// removes the force field (if any)
void(entity gen1, entity gen2) Remove_Field =
if (IsValidFieldGen(gen1))
if (IsValidField(gen1.fieldgen_field))
gen1.has_sensor = #FALSE;
gen1.fieldgen_field = world;
if (IsValidFieldGen(gen2))
gen2.has_sensor = #FALSE;
gen2.fieldgen_field = world;
else if (IsValidFieldGen(gen2))
if (IsValidField(gen2.fieldgen_field))
gen2.has_sensor = #FALSE;
gen2.fieldgen_field = world;
float(entity field) IsValidField =
if (field == world)
return #FALSE;
if (field.classname != "force_field")
return #FALSE;
return #TRUE;
float(entity field) IsValidFieldGen =
if (field == world)
return #FALSE;
if (field.classname != "building_fieldgen")
return #FALSE;
return #TRUE;
// starts or removes sounds on the field
void(entity tfield, entity gen1) Field_UpdateSounds =
//has_holo : hum
//has_sensor : shield
if (IsValidField(tfield)) // only if there is a field currently
local float playhum, playshield;
playhum = #FALSE; playshield = #FALSE;
/*if (gen1.has_holo == #FIELDGEN_ISOFF) // for some reason we r not working
playhum = #FALSE;
playshield = #FALSE;
else if (gen1.has_holo == #FIELDGEN_ISIDLE) // awaiting for link
playhum = #FALSE;
playshield = #FALSE;
else if (gen1.has_holo == #FIELDGEN_ISDISABLED) // teammate passing thru the field?
playhum = #FALSE;
playshield = #FALSE;
if (gen1.has_holo == #FIELDGEN_ISENABLED)
playhum = #TRUE;
playshield = #FALSE;
else if (gen1.has_holo == #FIELDGEN_ISWORKING)
playhum = #TRUE;
playshield = #TRUE;
if (!playhum)
if (tfield.has_holo)
tfield.has_holo = #FALSE;
if (!tfield.has_holo || tfield.has_tesla < time)
tfield.has_tesla = time + 1;
tfield.has_holo = #TRUE;
if (tfield.has_sensor)
tfield.has_sensor = #FALSE;
if (!tfield.has_sensor || tfield.has_sentry < time)
//TODO?: lower volume as (FIELDGEN_SHOCKTIME - time) decreases
tfield.has_sentry = time + 1;
tfield.has_sensor = #TRUE;
// do the lightning stuff while field is FIELDGEN_ISWORKING
void(entity tfield) Field_MakeVisual =
if (IsValidField(tfield))
local float fx, fy;
if (tfield.cnt)
fy = tfield.origin_y;
fx = tfield.origin_x + (tfield.size_x/2 - tfield.size_x * random());
fx = tfield.origin_x;
fy = tfield.origin_y + (tfield.size_y/2 - tfield.size_y * random());
if (random() > 0.5)
WriteEntity (#MSG_BROADCAST, tfield);
WriteCoord (#MSG_BROADCAST, fx);
WriteCoord (#MSG_BROADCAST, fy);
WriteCoord (#MSG_BROADCAST, tfield.origin_z - 12);
WriteCoord (#MSG_BROADCAST, fx);
WriteCoord (#MSG_BROADCAST, fy);
WriteCoord (#MSG_BROADCAST, tfield.origin_z + 12);
// called every frame by the field generators
void() FieldGen_think =
local entity othergen;
othergen = Find_OtherGen(self); // get our brother
if (FieldGens_CanLink(self,othergen))
Create_Field(self,othergen); // checks redundancy itself
Remove_Field(self,othergen); // checks redundancy itself
// field main loop (ai? heh.. my cat is smarter than these force fields)
if (self.has_holo == #FIELDGEN_ISOFF) // for some reason we r not working
self.effects = 0;
self.skin = 0;
if (FieldGen_CanIdle(self)) // can we go idle?
self.has_holo = #FIELDGEN_ISIDLE;
else if (self.has_holo == #FIELDGEN_ISIDLE) // awaiting for link
self.effects = 0;
self.skin = 0;
if (self.no_grenades_1 < time) // trying to link sound/flash time
sound (self, #CHAN_WEAPON, "misc/fffail.wav", 0.5, #ATTN_IDLE);
self.skin = 1;
self.effects = #EF_DIMLIGHT;
self.no_grenades_1 = time + #FIELDGEN_LINKTIME;
else if (self.has_holo == #FIELDGEN_ISDISABLED) // teammate passing thru the field?
self.effects = 0;
self.skin = 0;
// time check
if (self.no_grenades_2 < time) // can we go idle?
self.has_holo = #FIELDGEN_ISIDLE;
self.tp_grenades_1 = 0;
else if (self.has_holo == #FIELDGEN_ISENABLED)
if (!self.has_teleporter)
self.effects = 0;
self.skin = 1;
if (self.has_sensor == #FALSE)
self.has_holo = #FIELDGEN_ISIDLE;
if (self.tp_grenades_1 >= time)
self.has_holo = #FIELDGEN_ISWORKING;
else if (self.has_holo == #FIELDGEN_ISWORKING)
self.effects = #EF_DIMLIGHT;
self.skin = 2;
if (self.has_camera <= time)
self.ammo_cells = self.ammo_cells - #FIELDGEN_CELLSCOST;
self.has_camera = time + 1;
if (self.has_sensor == #FALSE)
self.has_holo = #FIELDGEN_ISIDLE;
else if (self.tp_grenades_1 <= time)
self.has_holo = #FIELDGEN_ISENABLED;
Field_UpdateSounds(self.fieldgen_field, self); // update force field sounds
if (!FieldGen_CanIdle(self)) // turn us off if needed
self.has_holo = #FIELDGEN_ISOFF;
self.has_teleporter = #FALSE; // resets 'flash' status bypass
self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
// returns TRUE if the generator could currently go to idle status
float(entity fieldgen) FieldGen_CanIdle =
if (!(IsValidFieldGen(fieldgen)))
return #FALSE;
if (fieldgen.ammo_cells >= #FIELDGEN_CELLSCOST &&
!(fieldgen.is_malfunctioning & #SCREWUP_FOUR)
&& fieldgen.health > 0)
return #TRUE;
return #FALSE;
// returns TRUE if both generators could currently generate the field
float(entity fieldgen1, entity fieldgen2) FieldGens_CanLink =
if (!(IsValidFieldGen(fieldgen1)) || !(IsValidFieldGen(fieldgen2)))
return #FALSE;
if (!visible2(fieldgen1,fieldgen2))
return #FALSE;
local float r;
r = vlen(fieldgen1.origin - fieldgen2.origin); // get distance between generators
// if ((fieldgen1.num_mines & #IMPROVED_FOUR && fieldgen2.num_mines & #IMPROVED_FOUR) && r > #FIELDGEN_HACKEDRANGE2)
// return #FALSE;
/*if (fieldgen1.num_mines & #IMPROVED_FOUR || fieldgen2.num_mines & #IMPROVED_FOUR)
if ((fieldgen1.num_mines & #IMPROVED_FOUR && fieldgen2.num_mines & #IMPROVED_FOUR) && r > #FIELDGEN_HACKEDRANGE2)
return #FALSE;
if ((fieldgen1.num_mines & #IMPROVED_FOUR || fieldgen2.num_mines & #IMPROVED_FOUR) && r > #FIELDGEN_HACKEDRANGE)
return #FALSE;
if ((fieldgen1.num_mines & #IMPROVED_FOUR || fieldgen2.num_mines & #IMPROVED_FOUR) && r > #FIELDGEN_HACKEDRANGE)
return #FALSE;
if (r > #FIELDGEN_RANGE && !(fieldgen1.num_mines & #IMPROVED_FOUR || fieldgen2.num_mines & #IMPROVED_FOUR))
return #FALSE;
if (fieldgen1.origin_z != fieldgen2.origin_z)
return #FALSE;
if (fieldgen1.origin_x != fieldgen2.origin_x && fieldgen1.origin_y != fieldgen2.origin_y)
return #FALSE;
if (fieldgen1.has_holo == #FIELDGEN_ISDISABLED || fieldgen2.has_holo == #FIELDGEN_ISDISABLED)
return #FALSE;
if (fieldgen1.has_holo == #FIELDGEN_ISOFF || fieldgen2.has_holo == #FIELDGEN_ISOFF)
return #FALSE;
if (FieldGen_CanIdle(fieldgen1) && FieldGen_CanIdle(fieldgen2))
return #TRUE;
return #FALSE;
// initialize field generator stuff just after beeing built, called on engineer.qc
void(entity field) Field_Built =
field.touch = SUB_Null;
field.think = FieldGen_think;
field.nextthink = time + 0.1;
field.has_holo = #FIELDGEN_ISIDLE; // we start on IDLE status (searching for other gen to link)
field.has_sensor = #FALSE;
field.no_grenades_1 = time + 3;
field.fieldgen_field = world;
// returns our other generator (if any)
entity(entity fieldgen) Find_OtherGen =
local entity te;
local float foundit;
te = world;
foundit = #FALSE;
te = find(world, classname, "building_fieldgen");
while (te != world && foundit == #FALSE)
if (te.real_owner == fieldgen.real_owner) // is it ours?
if (te != fieldgen) // and not the same generator..
foundit = #TRUE; // yeah, found it
if (foundit == #FALSE) // our search must continue...
te = find(te, classname, "building_fieldgen");
return te;
// returns the place where field gen could be built related to player current pos and yaw
// called on engineer.qc, place is the origin passed where other kind of buildings are built
vector(vector place) WhereGen =
// if we have no field generator currently, it can be placed anywhere
if (self.has_fieldgen == 0) return place;
local vector retval;
local float r, distx, disty, foundit;
local entity te;
foundit = #FALSE;
// find the other generator
te = find(world, classname, "building_fieldgen");
while (te != world && foundit == #FALSE)
if (te.real_owner == self) // is it ours?
foundit = #TRUE; // yeah, found it
if (foundit == #FALSE) // our search must continue...
te = find(te, classname, "building_fieldgen");
// check for error getting the other gen
if (te == world || te.classname != "building_fieldgen" || foundit == #FALSE)
RPrint("BUG: Error on field generator placement routine. 'WhereGen()'\n");
return place;
// calculate the new generator pos
distx = fabs(place_x - te.origin_x);
disty = fabs(place_y - te.origin_y);
retval = place;
if (distx < disty)
retval_x = te.origin_x; // adjust it in line
r = vlen(self.origin - retval); // get distance from us (player)
if (r > 200) // we r too far away?
retval = place; // then bypass the calc
retval_y = te.origin_y; // adjust line up
r = vlen(self.origin - retval); // get distance from us (player)
if (r > 200) // we r too far away?
retval = place; // then bypass the calc
// print message if they wont link
if (!vis2orig(te.origin,retval))
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Your field generators won't link, there are obstacles between them!\n");
r = vlen(te.origin - retval); // get distance between generators
if (te.num_mines & #IMPROVED_FOUR && r > #FIELDGEN_HACKEDRANGE)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Your field generators are too far away to link, even hacked\n");
if (r > #FIELDGEN_RANGE && !(te.num_mines & #IMPROVED_FOUR))
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Your field generators are too far away to link\n");
/*else if (retval_z != te.origin_z)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Your field generators are at different heights, they won't link\n");*/
if (retval_x != te.origin_x && retval_y != te.origin_y)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Your field generators are not lined up, they won't link\n");
// return the final building place
return retval;
// damn! our field generator was destroyed. Force field must go down..
void() FieldGen_Die =
self.real_owner.has_fieldgen = self.real_owner.has_fieldgen - 1;
if (self.real_owner.has_fieldgen < 0) self.real_owner.has_fieldgen = 0;
WriteCoord (#MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_x);
WriteCoord (#MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_y);
WriteCoord (#MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_z);
multicast (self.origin, #MULTICAST_PHS);
// check if field should be removed..
local entity othergen;
othergen = Find_OtherGen(self);
if (IsValidFieldGen(othergen))
Remove_Field(self, othergen);
Remove_Field(self, world); // extra removal, not needed i think...
sprint(self.real_owner, #PRINT_HIGH, "Your field generator was destroyed.\n");
//TODO: gibs, one of the tesla, one custom
// Engineer has used a Spanner on the field generator
void(entity field) Engineer_UseFieldGen =
self.building = field;
if (Teammate(self.building.real_owner.team_no,self.team_no) && self.building.is_malfunctioning & #SCREWUP_THREE)
//if (self.building.is_malfunctioning & #SCREWUP_FOUR)
sprint(self,#PRINT_HIGH,"Trapped field generator, have a nice day!\n");
deathmsg = #DMSG_FGTRAP;
T_RadiusDamage (self.building, self.building, #FGTRAP_DMG, world);
// TF_T_Damage(self.building, self.building, self.building, 2000, 0, #TF_TD_OTHER);
local entity dist_checker;
local string st;
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Field Generator has ");
st = ftos(field.health);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, st);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "¯");
st = ftos(field.max_health);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, st);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, " èåáìôè, ");
st = ftos(field.ammo_cells);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, st);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "¯");
st = ftos(field.maxammo_cells);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, st);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, " ãåììó\n");
// Pop up the menu
self.current_menu = #MENU_ENGINEER_FIX_FIELDGEN;
self.menu_count = #MENU_REFRESH_RATE;
if (teamplay != 0 && !Teammate(self.building.real_owner.team_no,self.team_no)) {
// Start a Distance checker, which removes the menu if the player
// gets too far away from the sentry.
dist_checker = spawn();
dist_checker.classname = "timer";
dist_checker.owner = self;
dist_checker.enemy = field;
dist_checker.think = CheckDistance;
dist_checker.nextthink = time + 0.3;