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synced 2025-03-03 16:11:56 +00:00
sensing <Grievre> give mirvs the right death message, make them a little weaker and more spread out <Grievre> increased damage done by exp body... fixes not being able to use airfist if you have daedalus or lg with no cells <Grievre> made it so missing judo = you can't fire for 1.5 seconds, also judo doesn't always work, less chance of it working a) if they're facing you b) if they have knife, judo, or close combat <Grievre> you lose speed the more armor you have (so upgraded people can buy cougar and cheetah now) <Grievre> attempted to fix the respawn guard not telefragging bug (if it was still there) <Grievre> made it so you can tell a shambler to come, stop, or patrol even if it is fighting someone, doesn't really work most of the time but can "wake up" your shambler if it's being screwy <Grievre> (works for all demons) <Grievre> made it so a monster goes back to what it was doing before (following you, patrolling etc) once it's done with its enemy <Grievre> made the sniper rifle less cheap (or tried to), charging now = more accuracy, rather than more damage. OTR now does slightly less damage than regular, but isn't blocked by armor as much. <Grievre> autorifle now has half the rate of fire but does same damage as sniper rifle, but less accurate <Grievre> headshots always ignore armor if target has green armor, legshots always ignore armor except for red <Grievre> added bshams and shambler kings (can be disabled with infokeys) <Grievre> increased max knife blood to 32 <Grievre> made it so airfist bounces gymnasts twice as much, and bounces everyone a little more (I think), may cause stuck bugs but I think it won't. airfist does half damage to gymnasts and slightly more to hwguys <Grievre> made shamblers a little smarter and more powerful in general <Grievre> they now attack buildings (only bshams/kings) if they are attacked by them first <Grievre> bsham/king fireball now sets things on fire <Grievre> shamblers will generally attack the person who last hit them <Grievre> shortened judoka range (they have the old range if they get close combat <Grievre> shamblers will cycle the left-right slash or fireball longer than they did (but they won't keep doing it if their enemy is not visible) <Grievre> fixed shambler fireball so it doesn't miss and hurt itself so much <Grievre> #define OLD_AUTORIFLE <Grievre> will go to the old behavior of the auto rifle <Grievre> I think that's it <Grievre> oh, I changed the intro message and version string a little, you might want to change that
474 lines
12 KiB
474 lines
12 KiB
#include "defs.qh"
$cd id1/models/a_wizard
$origin 0 0 24
$base wizbase
$skin wizbase
$frame hover1 hover2 hover3 hover4 hover5 hover6 hover7 hover8
$frame hover9 hover10 hover11 hover12 hover13 hover14 hover15
$frame fly1 fly2 fly3 fly4 fly5 fly6 fly7 fly8 fly9 fly10
$frame fly11 fly12 fly13 fly14
$frame magatt1 magatt2 magatt3 magatt4 magatt5 magatt6 magatt7
$frame magatt8 magatt9 magatt10 magatt11 magatt12 magatt13
$frame pain1 pain2 pain3 pain4
$frame death1 death2 death3 death4 death5 death6 death7 death8
If the player moves behind cover before the missile is launched, launch it
at the last visible spot with no velocity leading, in hopes that the player
will duck back out and catch it.
Sets the given entities velocity and angles so that it will hit self.enemy
if self.enemy maintains it's current velocity
0.1 is moderately accurate, 0.0 is totally accurate
void(entity missile, float mspeed, float accuracy) LaunchMissile =
local vector vec, move;
local float fly;
makevectors (self.angles);
// set missile speed
vec = self.enemy.origin + self.enemy.mins + self.enemy.size * 0.7 - missile.origin;
// calc aproximate time for missile to reach vec
fly = vlen (vec) / mspeed;
// get the entities xy velocity
move = self.enemy.velocity;
move_z = 0;
// project the target forward in time
vec = vec + move * fly;
vec = normalize(vec);
vec = vec + accuracy*v_up*(random()- 0.5) + accuracy*v_right*(random()- 0.5);
missile.velocity = vec * mspeed;
missile.angles = '0 0 0';
missile.angles_y = vectoyaw(missile.velocity);
// set missile duration
missile.nextthink = time + 10; //- OfN - was 5
missile.think = SUB_Remove;
void() wiz_run1;
void() wiz_side1;
float() WizardCheckAttack =
local vector spot1, spot2;
local entity targ;
local float chance;
if (time < self.attack_finished)
return FALSE;
if (!enemy_vis)
return FALSE;
if (enemy_range == RANGE_FAR)
if (self.attack_state != AS_STRAIGHT)
self.attack_state = AS_STRAIGHT;
wiz_run1 ();
return FALSE;
targ = self.enemy;
// see if any entities are in the way of the shot
spot1 = self.origin + self.view_ofs;
spot2 = targ.origin + targ.view_ofs;
traceline (spot1, spot2, FALSE, self);
if (trace_ent != targ)
{ // don't have a clear shot, so move to a side
if (self.attack_state != AS_STRAIGHT)
self.attack_state = AS_STRAIGHT;
wiz_run1 ();
return FALSE;
if (enemy_range == RANGE_MELEE)
chance = 0.9;
else if (enemy_range == RANGE_NEAR)
chance = 0.6;
else if (enemy_range == RANGE_MID)
chance = 0.2;
chance = 0;
if (random () < chance)
self.attack_state = AS_MISSILE;
return TRUE;
if (enemy_range == RANGE_MID)
if (self.attack_state != AS_STRAIGHT)
self.attack_state = AS_STRAIGHT;
wiz_run1 ();
if (self.attack_state != AS_SLIDING)
self.attack_state = AS_SLIDING;
wiz_side1 ();
return FALSE;
float() WizardAttackFinished =
if (enemy_range >= RANGE_MID || !enemy_vis)
self.attack_state = AS_STRAIGHT;
self.think = wiz_run1;
self.attack_state = AS_SLIDING;
self.think = wiz_side1;
void() Wiz_FastFire =
local vector vec;
local vector dst;
if (self.owner.health > 0)
self.owner.effects = self.owner.effects | EF_MUZZLEFLASH;
makevectors (self.enemy.angles);
dst = self.enemy.origin - 13*self.movedir;
vec = normalize(dst - self.origin);
sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "wizard/wattack.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
launch_spike (self.origin, vec);
newmis.velocity = vec*(600 + 600 * random() ); //- Was 600
newmis.owner = self.owner;
newmis.classname = "wizspike";
setmodel (newmis, "progs/w_spike.mdl");
setsize (newmis, VEC_ORIGIN, VEC_ORIGIN);
remove (self);
void() Wiz_StartFast =
local entity missile;
sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "wizard/wattack.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
self.v_angle = self.angles;
makevectors (self.angles);
missile = spawn ();
missile.owner = self;
missile.nextthink = time + 0.6;
setsize (missile, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
setorigin (missile, self.origin + '0 0 30' + v_forward*14 + v_right*14);
missile.enemy = self.enemy;
missile.nextthink = time + 0.8;
missile.think = Wiz_FastFire;
missile.movedir = v_right;
//- OfN - Now it fires 3 times
missile = spawn ();
missile.owner = self;
missile.nextthink = time + 0.8;
setsize (missile, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
setorigin (missile, self.origin + '0 0 30' + v_forward*14);// + v_right*14);
missile.enemy = self.enemy;
missile.nextthink = time + 0.6;
missile.think = Wiz_FastFire;
//missile.movedir = v_right;
missile = spawn ();
missile.owner = self;
missile.nextthink = time + 1;
setsize (missile, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
setorigin (missile, self.origin + '0 0 30' + v_forward*14 + v_right* -14);
missile.enemy = self.enemy;
missile.nextthink = time + 0.3;
missile.think = Wiz_FastFire;
missile.movedir = VEC_ORIGIN - v_right;
void() Wiz_idlesound =
local float wr;
wr = random() * 5;
if (self.waitmin < time)
self.waitmin = time + 2;
if (wr > 4.5)
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "wizard/widle1.wav", 1, ATTN_IDLE);
if (wr < 1.5)
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "wizard/widle2.wav", 1, ATTN_IDLE);
void() wiz_stand1 =[ $hover1, wiz_stand2 ] {ai_stand();};
void() wiz_stand2 =[ $hover2, wiz_stand3 ] {ai_stand();};
void() wiz_stand3 =[ $hover3, wiz_stand4 ] {ai_stand();};
void() wiz_stand4 =[ $hover4, wiz_stand5 ] {ai_stand();};
void() wiz_stand5 =[ $hover5, wiz_stand6 ] {ai_stand();};
void() wiz_stand6 =[ $hover6, wiz_stand7 ] {ai_stand();};
void() wiz_stand7 =[ $hover7, wiz_stand8 ] {ai_stand();};
void() wiz_stand8 =[ $hover8, wiz_stand1 ] {ai_stand();};
void() wiz_walk1 =[ $hover1, wiz_walk2 ] {ai_walk(8);
void() wiz_walk2 =[ $hover2, wiz_walk3 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() wiz_walk3 =[ $hover3, wiz_walk4 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() wiz_walk4 =[ $hover4, wiz_walk5 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() wiz_walk5 =[ $hover5, wiz_walk6 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() wiz_walk6 =[ $hover6, wiz_walk7 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() wiz_walk7 =[ $hover7, wiz_walk8 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() wiz_walk8 =[ $hover8, wiz_walk1 ] {ai_walk(8);};
void() wiz_side1 =[ $hover1, wiz_side2 ] {ai_run(8);
void() wiz_side2 =[ $hover2, wiz_side3 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() wiz_side3 =[ $hover3, wiz_side4 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() wiz_side4 =[ $hover4, wiz_side5 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() wiz_side5 =[ $hover5, wiz_side6 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() wiz_side6 =[ $hover6, wiz_side7 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() wiz_side7 =[ $hover7, wiz_side8 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() wiz_side8 =[ $hover8, wiz_side1 ] {ai_run(8);};
void() wiz_run1 =[ $fly1, wiz_run2 ] {ai_run(16);
void() wiz_run2 =[ $fly2, wiz_run3 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() wiz_run3 =[ $fly3, wiz_run4 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() wiz_run4 =[ $fly4, wiz_run5 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() wiz_run5 =[ $fly5, wiz_run6 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() wiz_run6 =[ $fly6, wiz_run7 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() wiz_run7 =[ $fly7, wiz_run8 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() wiz_run8 =[ $fly8, wiz_run9 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() wiz_run9 =[ $fly9, wiz_run10 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() wiz_run10 =[ $fly10, wiz_run11 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() wiz_run11 =[ $fly11, wiz_run12 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() wiz_run12 =[ $fly12, wiz_run13 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() wiz_run13 =[ $fly13, wiz_run14 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() wiz_run14 =[ $fly14, wiz_run1 ] {ai_run(16);};
void() wiz_fast1 =[ $magatt1, wiz_fast2 ] {ai_face();Wiz_StartFast();};
void() wiz_fast2 =[ $magatt2, wiz_fast3 ] {ai_face();};
void() wiz_fast3 =[ $magatt3, wiz_fast4 ] {ai_face();};
void() wiz_fast4 =[ $magatt4, wiz_fast5 ] {ai_face();};
void() wiz_fast5 =[ $magatt5, wiz_fast6 ] {ai_face();};
void() wiz_fast6 =[ $magatt6, wiz_fast7 ] {ai_face();};
void() wiz_fast7 =[ $magatt5, wiz_fast8 ] {ai_face();};
void() wiz_fast8 =[ $magatt4, wiz_fast9 ] {ai_face();};
void() wiz_fast9 =[ $magatt3, wiz_fast10 ] {ai_face();};
void() wiz_fast10 =[ $magatt2, wiz_run1 ] {ai_face();SUB_AttackFinished(2);WizardAttackFinished ();};
void() wiz_pain1 =[ $pain1, wiz_pain2 ] {};
void() wiz_pain2 =[ $pain2, wiz_pain3 ] {};
void() wiz_pain3 =[ $pain3, wiz_pain4 ] {};
void() wiz_pain4 =[ $pain4, wiz_run1 ] {};
void() wiz_death1 =[ $death1, wiz_death2 ] {
self.velocity_x = -200 + 400*random();
self.velocity_y = -200 + 400*random();
self.velocity_z = 100 + 100*random();
self.flags = self.flags - (self.flags & FL_ONGROUND);
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "wizard/wdeath.wav", 1, ATTN_MONSTERDIE);
void() wiz_death2 =[ $death2, wiz_death3 ] {};
void() wiz_death3 =[ $death3, wiz_death4 ]{self.solid = SOLID_NOT;};
void() wiz_death4 =[ $death4, wiz_death5 ] {};
void() wiz_death5 =[ $death5, wiz_death6 ] {};
void() wiz_death6 =[ $death6, wiz_death7 ] {};
void() wiz_death7 =[ $death7, wiz_death8 ] {};
void() wiz_death8 =[ $death8, wiz_death8 ]
self.nextthink = time + 40 + 40*random();
self.think = SUB_Remove;
void() wiz_die =
if (self.real_owner.classname == "player" && self.real_owner.demon_one == self)
sprint(self.real_owner,PRINT_HIGH,"Your scrag is dead.\n");
self.real_owner.job = self.real_owner.job - (self.real_owner.job & JOB_DEMON_OUT);
self.real_owner.job_finished = time + 5; //Can't summon streams of demons SB can so
self.real_owner.demon_one = NIL;
// check for gib
if (self.health < -30)
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "player/udeath.wav", 1, ATTN_MONSTERDIE);
ThrowGib ("progs/h_wizard.mdl", self.health); // was throwhead
ThrowGib ("progs/gib2.mdl", self.health);
ThrowGib ("progs/gib2.mdl", self.health);
ThrowGib ("progs/gib3.mdl", self.health);
self.classname = "monster_corpse";
void(entity attacker, float damage) Wiz_Pain =
/*if (!(self.pain_finished > time))
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "wizard/wpain.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
self.pain_finished = time + 1.7*random();
} //only used for sound*/
if (random()*80 > damage) // was 60
return; // didn't flinch
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "wizard/wpain.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
wiz_pain1 ();
void() Wiz_Missile =
// OfteN - Wizard prechaches //
void() Wiz_Precache =
#ifdef no_tf_monsters
precache_model ("progs/wizard.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/tf_wiz.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/h_wizard.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/w_spike.mdl");
precache_sound ("wizard/hit.wav"); // used by c code
precache_sound ("wizard/wattack.wav");
precache_sound ("wizard/wdeath.wav");
precache_sound ("wizard/widle1.wav");
precache_sound ("wizard/widle2.wav");
precache_sound ("wizard/wpain.wav");
precache_sound ("wizard/wsight.wav");
// wizard spike sound, used on weapons.qc spiketouch();
precache_sound ("effects/crunch.wav"); //OfN - Dunno where i got this sound from, probably mega-tf
/*QUAKED monster_wizard (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) Ambush
/*void() monster_wizard =
if (deathmatch)
precache_model ("progs/wizard.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/h_wizard.mdl");
precache_model ("progs/w_spike.mdl");
precache_sound ("wizard/hit.wav"); // used by c code
precache_sound ("wizard/wattack.wav");
precache_sound ("wizard/wdeath.wav");
precache_sound ("wizard/widle1.wav");
precache_sound ("wizard/widle2.wav");
precache_sound ("wizard/wpain.wav");
precache_sound ("wizard/wsight.wav");
self.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
self.movetype = MOVETYPE_STEP;
setmodel (self, "progs/wizard.mdl");
setsize (self, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 40');
self.health = 80;
self.th_stand = wiz_stand1;
self.th_walk = wiz_walk1;
self.th_run = wiz_run1;
self.th_missile = Wiz_Missile;
self.th_pain = Wiz_Pain;
self.th_die = wiz_die;
flymonster_start ();