/*====================================================== CUSTOM.QC Custom TeamFortress v3.2 (c) William Kerney 5/21/00 ======================================================== All the functions pertaining to custom class generation and the miscellanious new features of Custom TF ======================================================*/ #include "defs.qh" #include "menu.qh" float(float t1, float t2) Teammate; //KK: are team_no's current teammates void() DropToCustomClassGen; //Called when starting class generation void() DropFromCustomClassGen; //Called when finished class generation void() PrintMoney; void(float in) PrintRefund; void(float in) PrintNotEnoughMoney; void(float cost, float type) BuyWeapon; void(float cost, float type) BuyCuTF; void(float cost, float type) BuyItem; void(float cost, float type) BuyJob; /*void(float cost, float type) BuyGren1; void(float cost, float type) BuyGren2;*/ void(entity tif, float pain) RevealThief; void() FragGrenadeTouch; void() FragGrenadeExplode; void() KracGrenadeTouch; void() KracGrenadeExplode; void(entity bastard,float threshold) createBastard; void(entity immuner,float timer) makeImmune; void() UseJobSkill; //Function for handling professions void() DetonateAllGuns; void (string temp) DebugSprint; void (float temp) DebugSprintFloat; float(entity tester) IsBuilding; void() autoteam_think; //Extern void (vector org, entity death_owner) spawn_tdeath; void (string gib, float health) ThrowGib; void() TeamFortress_SetHealth; void() TeamFortress_SetEquipment; float() W_BestWeapon; void() W_SetCurrentAmmo; void(entity p) TeamFortress_SetSpeed; void(entity p) TeamFortress_SetSkin; void(entity Viewer, float pc) TeamFortress_PrintJobName; void () BecomeExplosion; void(entity bomb, entity attacker, float rad, entity ignore) T_RadiusDamage; void() SUB_regen; float modelindex_eyes, modelindex_player, modelindex_null; void(float inAuto) W_FireMedikit; void(float inAuto) TeamFortress_ID; void(float range,float inAuto) TeamFortress_Scan; void() kill_my_demon; void() player_assaultcannondown1; void (entity rhook) Reset_Grapple; void() GuerillaExplode; void(float krac) TeamFortress_DetpackStop; void (float all) TeamFortress_TeamShowScores; void () execute_changelevel; void(entity Item, entity AP, float method) tfgoalitem_RemoveFromPlayer; //- OfN void(entity mine_owner) DetonateMines; //external, job.qc float (float tno) TeamGetNiceColor; void() SetArmyTimer; void() RemoveArmyTimer; entity() SelectSpawnPoint; void(entity tfield, vector where, entity thing) FieldExplosion; //KK: are team_no's current teammates float(float targteam, float attackteam) Teammate = { local float teammask; if (!teamplay) return FALSE; if (!targteam) return FALSE; if (targteam == attackteam) return TRUE; if (number_of_teams < 3) return FALSE; teammask = 1 << (targteam - 1); if (attackteam == 1 && (friends1_mask & teammask)) return TRUE; else if (attackteam == 2 && (friends2_mask & teammask)) return TRUE; else if (attackteam == 3 && (friends3_mask & teammask)) return TRUE; else if (attackteam == 4 && (friends4_mask & teammask)) return TRUE; return FALSE; }; float(entity targ, entity attack) AreTeammates = { if (targ == attack) return TRUE; else return Teammate(targ.team_no, attack.team_no); }; void (string temp) DebugSprint = { sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,temp); sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"\n"); }; void (float foo) DebugSprintFloat = { local string temp; temp = ftos(foo); sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,temp); sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"\n"); }; void() DropToCustomClassGen = { local float sell_no; sell_no = 0; self.gravity = 1; //st = infokey(NIL, "no_grapple"); self.aura = 0; //Remove everything he's carrying self.job = 0; self.is_malfunctioning = 0; //self.is_cameraviewing = 0; self.tf_items = 0; self.cutf_items = 0; self.tf_items_flags = 0; self.items = 0; self.ammo_rockets = 0; self.ammo_nails = 0; self.ammo_shells = 0; self.ammo_cells = 0; self.maxammo_rockets = 10; //Give em a minimal carrying capacity self.maxammo_nails = 10; self.maxammo_shells = 10; self.maxammo_cells = 10; self.maxammo_medikit = 0; self.maxammo_detpack = 0; self.ammo_c4det = 0; self.demon_one = NIL; //SB - this tells us who our demon is for easy reference self.demon_two = NIL; //- OfN- Used for hacker job, target building and for timer (% on sbar) self.demon_blood = 0; //self.demon_points = 5; self.num_mines = 0; // OfN Number of mines set by the player self.no_grenades_1 = 0; self.no_grenades_2 = 0; self.tp_grenades_1 = 0; self.tp_grenades_2 = 0; self.armor_allowed = 0.3; //Red yellow or green self.armorclass = 0; //Red yellow or green self.armorvalue = 0; //200 etc self.maxarmor = 0; //200 etc self.weapon = 0; // WEAP_HOOK & WEAP_SHOTGUN etc self.current_weapon = 0; // No current weapon if ((allow_hook) && (no_grapple != 1)) //If map allows it... self.weapons_carried = WEAP_HOOK; // Start with grapple else self.weapons_carried = 0; // Or remove everything self.weaponmodel = ""; //Remove the model of a weapon in front self.solid = SOLID_NOT; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; //Ready to buy self.maxspeed = 0; //Can't move while buying self.max_health = 50; self.health = 50; #define PRICE_PER_FRAG 100 #define MAX_FRAGS_TO_SELL 50 //Calculate starting money //This means the most someone can get is 50*100 = $5000 if (self.done_custom & CUSTOM_SELLING) { if (self.real_frags >= MAX_FRAGS_TO_SELL) sell_no = MAX_FRAGS_TO_SELL; else if (self.real_frags > 0) sell_no = self.real_frags; else { sell_no = 0; self.done_custom &= ~CUSTOM_SELLING; } self.real_frags = self.real_frags - sell_no; self.frags = self.real_frags; //TODO: Make this work with TEAMFRAGS on self.money = custom_money + sell_no * PRICE_PER_FRAG; } else self.money = custom_money; self.custom_speed = 250; //HWGUY Speed //Overrides the menu handler to always display my menu //Hack alert! This preserves the selling flag. :p if (self.done_custom & CUSTOM_SELLING) self.done_custom = CUSTOM_BUILDING | CUSTOM_SELLING; else self.done_custom = CUSTOM_BUILDING; self.current_menu = MENU_PRIMARY_WEAPON; Menu_PrimaryWeapon(); return; }; void(vector org) spawn_tfog; void() DropFromCustomClassGen = { // self.is_killed = FALSE; // self.summon_one = NIL; self.summon_two = NIL; self.done_custom = CUSTOM_FINISHED; self.maxspeed = self.custom_speed; self.gravity = 1; if (self.cutf_items & CUTF_TOSSABLEDET) self.maxammo_detpack = 1; //Make sure they have at least one axe-like weapon if (!(self.weapons_carried & (WEAP_MEDIKIT | WEAP_SPANNER)) || (self.cutf_items & CUTF_KNIFE)) self.weapons_carried |= WEAP_AXE; //CH if you bought Guerilla, you get 20 rockets :) if (self.job & JOB_GUERILLA) self.maxammo_rockets = self.maxammo_rockets + 20; //OfN if we got the holo we get extra cells ammo space if (self.cutf_items & CUTF_HOLO) self.maxammo_cells = self.maxammo_cells + 40; //If they bought weapons, remove their basic ammo allotment if (self.maxammo_rockets > 10) self.maxammo_rockets = self.maxammo_rockets - 10; if (self.maxammo_nails > 10) self.maxammo_nails = self.maxammo_nails - 10; if (self.maxammo_shells > 10) self.maxammo_shells = self.maxammo_shells - 10; if (self.maxammo_cells > 10) self.maxammo_cells = self.maxammo_cells - 10; //Increase their supply if they bought a backpack or bandolier if (self.tf_items & NIT_AMMO_BACKPACK) { self.maxammo_rockets = self.maxammo_rockets + 30; self.maxammo_nails = self.maxammo_nails + 100; self.maxammo_shells = self.maxammo_shells + 100; if (self.weapons_carried & WEAP_SPANNER) self.maxammo_cells = self.maxammo_cells + 170; else self.maxammo_cells = self.maxammo_cells + 50; if (self.maxammo_medikit > 0) //Only increase their medical supplies when... self.maxammo_medikit = self.maxammo_medikit + 70; if (self.maxammo_detpack > 0) self.maxammo_detpack = self.maxammo_detpack + 0.5; } if (self.tf_items & NIT_AMMO_BANDOLIER) { self.maxammo_rockets = self.maxammo_rockets + 10; self.maxammo_nails = self.maxammo_nails + 50; self.maxammo_shells = self.maxammo_shells + 50; self.maxammo_cells = self.maxammo_cells + 30; if (self.maxammo_medikit > 0) self.maxammo_medikit = self.maxammo_medikit + 50; if (self.maxammo_detpack > 1) //Only give extra det if they bought both self.maxammo_detpack = 2; } //Clean up detpack fraction if (self.maxammo_detpack > 1 && self.maxammo_detpack < 2) self.maxammo_detpack = 1; if (self.cutf_items & CUTF_SENSOR) // SB self.maxammo_cells = self.maxammo_cells + 70; if (self.cutf_items & CUTF_DISPENSER) // SB self.maxammo_cells = self.maxammo_cells + 100; if (self.cutf_items & CUTF_FIELDGEN) // SB self.maxammo_cells = self.maxammo_cells + 140; //- OfN if (self.weapons_carried & WEAP_LASERCANNON) self.maxammo_cells = self.maxammo_cells + 70; if (self.weapons_carried & WEAP_SNG) self.maxammo_nails = self.maxammo_nails + 70; //Now cap the max ammo if (self.maxammo_rockets > 100) self.maxammo_rockets = 100; if (self.maxammo_nails > 350) self.maxammo_nails = 350; if (self.maxammo_shells > 300) self.maxammo_shells = 300; //- ofn if (self.tf_items & NIT_AMMO_BANDOLIER && self.tf_items & NIT_AMMO_BACKPACK) { if (self.maxammo_cells > 400) self.maxammo_cells = 400; } else if (self.tf_items & NIT_AMMO_BACKPACK) { if (self.maxammo_cells > 360) // was 400 self.maxammo_cells = 360; } else { if (self.maxammo_cells > 320) // was 400 self.maxammo_cells = 320; } // I don't know if it has to do with the "FRONTLIN HELI BUG FIX" but this shouldn't all be // duped here. If this breaks something, tell me what // -Griev #if 1 if (coop) setspawnparms(self); else SetNewParms(); PutClientInServer(); TeamFortress_SetSpeed(self); //GR - ofn hid this in the middle of code below, argh ResetMenu(); self.impulse = 0; #else //- OFN HERE FRONTLIN HELI BUG FIX ---// local entity spot; spot = SelectSpawnPoint (); // if (self.playerclass != PC_UNDEFINED) //spawn_tdeath (spot.origin, self); self.observer_list = spot; setorigin (self, spot.origin + '0 0 1'); self.angles = spot.angles; self.fixangle = TRUE; // turn this way immediately self.mangle = '0 0 0'; makevectors(self.angles); spawn_tfog (self.origin + v_forward*20); //------------------------------------// //Telefrag anyone sitting on top of us spawn_tdeath(self.origin,self); //Remove observer-like mode self.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; //Prevent bad movetype errors, or something if (self.classname != "player") { RPrint("BUG BUG BUG BUG BUG BUG BUG BUG BUG\n"); RPrint("Non-player was in custom class generation!\n"); return; } self.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK; self.flags = FL_CLIENT | FL_ONGROUND; self.waterlevel = 0; self.air_finished = time + 12; self.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX; self.pausetime = 0; //Remove invisibility //setmodel (self, "progs/eyes.mdl"); //setmodel (self, "progs/player.mdl"); self.modelindex = modelindex_player; // Stock him up // Display the Player's Class TeamFortress_PrintJobName(self,self.job); // Set the weapons and ammo for the player based on class TeamFortress_SetEquipment(); // Set the health for the player based on class TeamFortress_SetHealth(); // Set the speed for the player based on class TeamFortress_SetSpeed(self); // Set the skin for the player based on class TeamFortress_SetSkin(self); stuffcmd(self, "v_idlescale 0\n"); stuffcmd(self, "v_cshift 0 0 0 0\n"); stuffcmd(self, "bf\n"); ResetMenu(); self.impulse = 0; //Make them invincible if they bought respawn protection if (self.tf_items & NIT_RESPAWN_GUARD) { GivePent (self, RESPAWN_GUARD_TIME); if (self.custom_speed > 300) self.invincible_finished = self.invincible_finished - 1; if (self.custom_speed > 400) self.invincible_finished = self.invincible_finished - 1; } //Come again! sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"Type 'custom' at the console to build a new class.\n"); //- OfN - Set army timer // if (self.job & JOB_ARMY) { SetArmyTimer(); } #endif // removed dup code return; }; void() PrintMoney = { if (pay_msgs != 1) return; local string as; sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"You have "); as = ftos(self.money); sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,as); sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH," dollars left.\n"); return; }; void(float in) PrintRefund= { local string as; if (pay_msgs == 1) { sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"You sell it back for "); as = ftos(in); sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,as); sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH," dollars.\n"); } self.money = self.money + in; //Give em a refund if (pay_msgs == 1) { sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"You now have "); as = ftos(self.money); sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,as); sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH," dollars available.\n"); } return; }; void(float in) PrintNotEnoughMoney = { if (pay_msgs != 1) { sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"Not enough money!\n"); return; } local string as; sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"Sorry, that costs "); as = ftos(in); sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,as); sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH," dollars.\n"); sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"You only have "); as = ftos(self.money); sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,as); sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH," dollars left.\n"); return; }; //Functions for determining ammo carrying capacity float (float item) countshells = { /* if (chris) { if (item == WEAP_SHOTGUN) return 16; if (item == WEAP_SPANNER) return 20; if (item == WEAP_SUPER_SHOTGUN) return 32; if (item == WEAP_ASSAULT_CANNON) return 75; } else {*/ if (item == WEAP_SHOTGUN) return 25; if (item == WEAP_SPANNER) return 40; if (item == WEAP_SUPER_SHOTGUN) return 50; if (item == WEAP_ASSAULT_CANNON) return 100; //} return 0; }; float (float item) countnails = { /*if (chris) { if (item == WEAP_MAUSER) return 10; if (item == WEAP_TRANQ) return 20; if (item == WEAP_LASER) return 10; if (item == WEAP_NAILGUN) return 75; if (item == WEAP_LIGHT_ASSAULT) return 100; } else {*/ if (item == WEAP_MAUSER) return 30; if (item == WEAP_TRANQ) return 30; if (item == WEAP_LASER) return 50; if (item == WEAP_NAILGUN) return 100; if (item == WEAP_LIGHT_ASSAULT) return 150; //} return 0; }; float (float item) countrockets = { /*if (chris) { if (item == WEAP_SPANNER) return 2; if (item == WEAP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER) return 3; if (item == WEAP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER) return 7; } else {*/ if (item == WEAP_SPANNER) return 30; if (item == WEAP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER) return 30; if (item == WEAP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER) return 50; //} return 0; }; float (float item) countcells = { /*if (chris) { if (item == WEAP_ASSAULT_CANNON) return 16; if (item == WEAP_DAEDALUS) return 50; if (item == WEAP_LIGHTNING) return 75; if (item == WEAP_SPANNER) return 150; } else {*/ if (item == WEAP_ASSAULT_CANNON) return 50; if (item == WEAP_DAEDALUS) return 100; if (item == WEAP_LIGHTNING) return 100; if (item == WEAP_SPANNER) return 150; //} return 0; }; void(float cost, float item) BuyWeapon = { if (item == 0) //Make sure we don't buy a null weapon return; if (self.weapons_carried & item) //We are selling { if (item == WEAP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER && self.tf_items & NIT_RL_LASER_SIGHT) { self.money = self.money + 1000; self.tf_items &= ~NIT_RL_LASER_SIGHT; } if (item == WEAP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER && self.tf_items & NIT_CLUSTER_ROCKETS) { self.money = self.money + 3250; self.tf_items &= ~NIT_CLUSTER_ROCKETS; } self.maxammo_shells = self.maxammo_shells - countshells(item); self.maxammo_nails = self.maxammo_nails - countnails(item); self.maxammo_rockets = self.maxammo_rockets - countrockets(item); self.maxammo_cells = self.maxammo_cells - countcells(item); PrintRefund(cost); self.weapons_carried = self.weapons_carried - item; return; } if (cost > self.money) { PrintNotEnoughMoney(cost); return; } //Add to max ammo self.maxammo_shells = self.maxammo_shells + countshells(item); self.maxammo_nails = self.maxammo_nails + countnails(item); self.maxammo_rockets = self.maxammo_rockets + countrockets(item); self.maxammo_cells = self.maxammo_cells + countcells(item); self.weapons_carried |= item; self.money = self.money - cost; PrintMoney(); }; void(float cost, float item) BuyCuTF = { if (item == 0) //Make sure we don't buy a null weapon return; if (item == CUTF_OTR && !(self.weapons_carried & WEAP_SNIPER_RIFLE)) { sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"These are special bullets for the sniper rifle, buy one first\n"); return; } if (self.cutf_items & item) //We are selling { if (item == CUTF_SENTRYGUN) { self.maxammo_shells = self.maxammo_shells - 130; self.maxammo_cells = self.maxammo_cells - 130; } PrintRefund(cost); self.cutf_items = self.cutf_items - item; return; } if (cost > self.money) { PrintNotEnoughMoney(cost); return; } //Add to max ammo if sentrygun purchase if (item == CUTF_SENTRYGUN) { self.maxammo_shells = self.maxammo_shells + 130; self.maxammo_cells = self.maxammo_cells + 130; } self.cutf_items |= item; self.money = self.money - cost; PrintMoney(); }; //CH gives ammo for items void(float item) Apply_Item_Ammo = { local float cellsfoo,rocketsfoo; cellsfoo = rocketsfoo = 0; if (item == NIT_TESLA) cellsfoo = 150; if (item == NIT_SECURITY_CAMERA) cellsfoo = 60; if (item == NIT_TELEPORTER) cellsfoo = 100; if (item == NIT_RL_LASER_SIGHT) rocketsfoo = 10; if (item == NIT_CLUSTER_ROCKETS) rocketsfoo = 20; if (self.tf_items & item) { //we selling self.maxammo_cells = self.maxammo_cells - cellsfoo; self.maxammo_rockets = self.maxammo_rockets - rocketsfoo; } else { self.maxammo_cells = self.maxammo_cells + cellsfoo; self.maxammo_rockets = self.maxammo_rockets + rocketsfoo; } }; void(float cost, float item) BuyItem = { if (item == 0) //Make sure we don't buy a null item return; Apply_Item_Ammo(item); //CH if (self.tf_items & item) //We are selling { if (item == NIT_HOVER_BOOTS && self.tf_items & NIT_HOVER_BOOTS_UPGRADE) { // self.money = self.money + 350; //sync with buying of upgrade // item &= ~NIT_HOVER_BOOTS_UPGRADE; BuyItem (350, NIT_HOVER_BOOTS_UPGRADE); // sync with buying of upgrade } PrintRefund(cost); self.tf_items -= item; return; } //Special rules if (item == NIT_AUTOSCANNER && !(self.tf_items & NIT_SCANNER)) { sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"Sorry, you have to have the scanner first\n"); return; } if ((item == NIT_RL_LASER_SIGHT || item == NIT_CLUSTER_ROCKETS) && !(self.weapons_carried & WEAP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER)) { sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"Sorry, you have to have the rocket launcher first\n"); return; } if (item == NIT_HOVER_BOOTS) sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"Hold down jump to use the boots\n"); if (item == NIT_HOVER_BOOTS_UPGRADE && !(self.tf_items & NIT_HOVER_BOOTS)) { sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"Sorry, you have to have the hover boots first\n"); return; } if (cost > self.money) { PrintNotEnoughMoney(cost); return; } self.tf_items |= item; self.money = self.money - cost; PrintMoney(); }; void(float cost, float type) BuyJob = { if (type == 0) //Make sure we don't buy a null grenade return; if (type == self.job) //We are selling { if (self.job & JOB_WARLOCK) { if (!(self.cutf_items & CUTF_DEMONLORE)) cost = cost - 300; // sync with demonlore cost else self.cutf_items &= ~CUTF_DEMONLORE; } if (self.job & JOB_RUNNER) { if (!(self.cutf_items & CUTF_HIGHJUMP)) cost = cost - 200; // sync with highjump cost else self.cutf_items &= ~CUTF_HIGHJUMP; } if (self.job & JOB_JUDOKA) { if (!(self.cutf_items & CUTF_STEALTH)) cost = cost - 400; // sync with stealth cost else self.cutf_items &= ~CUTF_STEALTH; } PrintRefund(cost); self.job = 0; return; } if (cost > self.money) { PrintNotEnoughMoney(cost); return; } if (self.job) { //Make sure we haven't bought another kind already sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"You already have a job. Leave your other one first.\n"); return; } //Special rules for buying jobs if (type == JOB_WARLOCK && !(self.cutf_items & CUTF_KNIFE)) { sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"Every Warlock needs a good bloody knife. Buy one.\n"); return; } if (type == JOB_WARLOCK) if (self.cutf_items & CUTF_DEMONLORE) self.money = self.money + 300; // sync this with demonlore cost else self.cutf_items |= CUTF_DEMONLORE; // warlocks see demon health if (type == JOB_RUNNER) if (self.cutf_items & CUTF_HIGHJUMP) self.money = self.money + 200; // sync with highjump cost else self.cutf_items |= CUTF_HIGHJUMP; // runner jumps high if (type == JOB_JUDOKA) if (self.cutf_items & CUTF_STEALTH) self.money = self.money + 400; // sync with stealth price else self.cutf_items |= CUTF_STEALTH; // Judo is a master of stealth by default //Ok we buy it self.job = type; self.money = self.money - cost; PrintMoney(); }; void (float cost, float type) BuyGren = { ///local float level; // This is the level of legs we have. if (type == 0) // if type is 0 we are buying the NULL GRENADE(tm) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Congratulations. You have just attempted to buy a null grenade.\n"); RPrint("WARNING: Attempted purchase of NULL GRENADE. BUG BUG BUG BUG BUG BUG BUG\n"); return; } // Check whether we're allowing gren purchase. /*level = ReturnLegLevel(self.custom_speed); if (level == 1) // grens are a no-no { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Sorry, you are not allowed any grenades at that speed. It is very dangerous.\n"); return; } else if (level == 2) { local float acc; // Acceptable. acc = FALSE; if (type == GR_TYPE_CALTROP) acc = TRUE; else if (type == GR_TYPE_CONCUSSION) acc = TRUE; else if (type == GR_TYPE_STASIS) acc = TRUE; else if (type == GR_TYPE_ANTIGRAV) acc = TRUE; else if (type == GR_TYPE_FLARE) acc = TRUE; if (!acc) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Sorry, using those grenades at your speed could be dangerous.\n"); return; } } else if (level == 3) { if (type == GR_TYPE_MIRV) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Sorry, you aren't allowed MIRVs at that speed.\n"); return; } }*/ // Grenade and speed is fine. if (!self.tp_grenades_1 && cost <= self.money) // if we don't have gren1s, make it a gren1 { /* if (self.money_misc + cost > self.money_spent - self.money_misc) { PrintTooHighProportion(); return; } */ self.tp_grenades_1 = type; //sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You buy the grenades and add them to your first grenade slot for "); } else if (!self.tp_grenades_2 && cost <= self.money) // We already have gren1s, can we buy gren2s? { /*if (self.money_misc + cost > self.money_spent - self.money_misc) { PrintTooHighProportion(); return; }*/ self.tp_grenades_2 = type; //sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You buy the grenades and add them to your second grenade slot for "); } else // We have both gren1s and gren2s so now we need to try to sell some { // If our type matches gren1 AND gren2s we want to sell both if (self.tp_grenades_1 == type && self.tp_grenades_2 == type) { PrintRefund(cost * 2); //self.money_misc = self.money_misc - cost * 2; //self.money = self.money + cost * 2; //*2 self.tp_grenades_1 = 0; self.tp_grenades_2 = 0; } else if (self.tp_grenades_1 == type) // otherwise if our gren1s are the type { PrintRefund(cost); //self.money_misc = self.money_misc - cost; //self.money = self.money + cost; self.tp_grenades_1 = 0; } else if (self.tp_grenades_2 == type) // otherwise if we have gren2s as the type.. { PrintRefund(cost); //self.money_misc = self.money_misc - cost; //self.money = self.money + cost; self.tp_grenades_2 = 0; } else if (cost <= self.money) sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"You already have a full set of grenades. Sell some back first.\n"); else PrintNotEnoughMoney(cost); return; } self.money = self.money - cost; //self.money_misc = self.money_misc + cost; //self.money_spent = self.money_spent + cost; /*talk = ftos(cost); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, talk); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, " dollars. You have "); talk = ftos(self.money); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, talk); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, " dollars left.\n");*/ }; /* void(float cost, float type) BuyGren1 = { if (type == 0) //Make sure we don't buy a null grenade return; if (type == self.tp_grenades_1) //We are selling { PrintRefund(cost); self.tp_grenades_1 = 0; return; } if (cost > self.money) { PrintNotEnoughMoney(cost); return; } if (self.tp_grenades_1) { //Make sure we haven't bought another kind already sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"You already have grenades. Sell back the ones you bought first.\n"); return; } //Ok we buy it self.tp_grenades_1 = type; self.money = self.money - cost; PrintMoney(); }; void(float cost, float type) BuyGren2 = { if (type == 0) //Make sure we don't buy a null grenade return; if (type == self.tp_grenades_2) //We are selling { PrintRefund(cost); self.tp_grenades_2 = 0; return; } if (cost > self.money) { PrintNotEnoughMoney(cost); return; } if (self.tp_grenades_2) { //Make sure we haven't bought another kind already sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"You already have grenades. Sell back the ones you bought first.\n"); return; } //Ok we buy it self.tp_grenades_2 = type; self.money = self.money - cost; PrintMoney(); }; */ //Functions for our new grenades void() fragspike_touch = { //if (pointcontents(self.origin) == CONTENTS_SKY) if (pointcontents(self.origin) != CONTENTS_EMPTY) { dremove(self); return; } // hit something that bleeds if (other.takedamage) { deathmsg = DMSG_GREN_FRAG; TF_T_Damage (other, self, self.real_owner, 150, TF_TD_NOTTEAM, TF_TD_NAIL); dremove(self); } else { //We bounce off NIL since we are fragments if (self.heat > 0) { // self.heat = self.heat - 1; // if (self.velocity = '0 0 0') { //Skip around if (1) { //Skip around self.velocity_x = (random() - 0.5) * 200; self.velocity_y = (random() - 0.5) * 200; self.velocity_z = random() * 200; } } else { if (other.classname == "force_field") //- OfN - Makes field explosion b4 removing it FieldExplosion(other,self.origin,self); else { WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_SUPERSPIKE); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z); multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS); } dremove(self); } } }; void() FragSpikeThink = { if (self.heat > 0) { self.heat = self.heat - 1; self.angles_y = random() * 360; self.angles_x = 0; self.angles_z = 0; makevectors(self.angles); if (self.velocity == '0 0 0') self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 50; self.velocity = v_forward * 1000; self.velocity_z = (random() + 0.25) * 1000; self.nextthink = time + 0.5 + random(); } else { WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_SUPERSPIKE); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z); multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS); dremove(self); } }; void() FragGrenadeTouch = { if (other == self.owner) return; // don't explode on owner // Thrown grenades don't detonate when hitting an enemy sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/bounce.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); // bounce sound if (self.velocity == '0 0 0') self.avelocity = '0 0 0'; }; void() FragGrenadeExplode = { local float shraps; local entity newmis; //Small explosive radius deathmsg = DMSG_GREN_HAND; T_RadiusDamage (self, self.owner, 80, NIL); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_EXPLOSION); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z); multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS); shraps = rint(6 * random()) + 6; //Pieces of shrapmetal; while (shraps > 0) { self.angles_y = random() * 360; self.angles_x = 0; self.angles_z = 0; makevectors(self.angles); deathmsg = DMSG_GREN_NAIL; newmis = spawn (); //WK Make shraps hit owner newmis.owner = self.owner; newmis.real_owner = self.owner; newmis.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; newmis.solid = SOLID_BBOX; newmis.angles = '0 0 0'; newmis.classname = "spike"; newmis.think = FragSpikeThink; // newmis.think = SUB_Remove; newmis.nextthink = time + 1; setmodel (newmis, "progs/spike.mdl"); setsize (newmis, VEC_ORIGIN, VEC_ORIGIN); setorigin (newmis, self.origin); //Start it over the ground newmis.origin_z = newmis.origin_z + 10; newmis.velocity = v_forward * 1000; if (random() < 0.5) newmis.velocity_z = 20; else newmis.velocity_z = random() * 1000; newmis.avelocity = '100 100 100'; newmis.touch = fragspike_touch; newmis.weapon = DMSG_GREN_NAIL; //Make it bounce six times. newmis.heat = 5; shraps = shraps - 1; } WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_EXPLOSION); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z); multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS); dremove(self); }; void() KracGrenadeTouch = { //WK Have it detonate on impact if (other == self.owner) return; // don't explode on owner sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/bounce.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); // bounce sound KracGrenadeExplode(); }; void() KracGrenadeExplode = { local entity te; local entity oldself; te = findradius(self.origin, 150); while (te) { // Player? if (te.classname == "player") { //WW: Kracs disable detpack oldself = self; self = te; TeamFortress_DetpackStop(TRUE); self = oldself; //Gel armor makes kracs do less damage if (te.armorclass & AT_SAVEMELEE) { if (te.armorvalue > 75) te.armorvalue = 75; } else { if (te.armorvalue > 10) te.armorvalue = 10; } te.ammo_cells = 0; //Kill their metal supply too } else if (te.classname == "pipebomb") te.nextthink = time + 0.1 + random(); else if (te.classname == "grenade" && te.netname == "land_mine") { te.think = GuerillaExplode; te.nextthink = time + 0.1; } else if (te.classname == "building_sentrygun") TF_T_Damage(te, self, self.owner, 200, 0, 0); else if (te.classname == "building_tesla") TF_T_Damage(te, self, self.owner, 200, 0, 0); else if (te.classname == "building_dispenser") TF_T_Damage(te, self, self.owner, 500, 0, 0); else if (te.classname == "building_camera") TF_T_Damage(te, self, self.owner, 400, 0, 0); else if (te.classname == "building_teleporter") TF_T_Damage(te, self, self.owner, 200, 0, 0); else if (te.classname == "building_sensor") //- Often - needed? TF_T_Damage(te, self, self.owner, 200, 0, 0); else if (te.classname == "item_armor1" || te.classname == "item_armor2" || te.classname == "item_armorInv") { te.solid = SOLID_NOT; te.model = ""; te.nextthink = time + 45; //WK 20 te.think = SUB_regen; //SUB_UseTargets(); } else if (te.classname == "detpack") { if (te.owner.netname != self.owner.netname) { bprint (PRINT_MEDIUM, te.owner.netname); bprint (PRINT_MEDIUM, "'s detpack was Kraced by "); bprint (PRINT_MEDIUM, self.owner.netname); bprint (PRINT_MEDIUM, "\n"); } else { sprint (te.owner, PRINT_MEDIUM, "You Kraced your own detpack!\n"); } // This code handles disarming a detpack if (te.weaponmode == 1) // Detpack was being disarmed { te.enemy.tfstate &= ~TFSTATE_CANT_MOVE; TeamFortress_SetSpeed(te.enemy); dremove(te.oldenemy); // CountDown dremove(te.observer_list); // Disarm timer } else { //Not being disarmed dremove(te.oldenemy); // CountDown } te.think = BecomeExplosion; te.nextthink = time + 0.1; } te = te.chain; } WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_EXPLOSION); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z); multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS); dremove(self); }; //Stops us from lowering the time immunity void(entity immuner,float timeimmune) makeImmune = { if (!immuner) return; if (immuner.immune_to_chec > timeimmune) return; immuner.immune_to_chec = timeimmune; }; void() BastardTimer = { local entity te; local float tc, tc2; te = self.owner; //makeImmune(te,time+5); if (te.penance_time < time) { stuffcmd(te, "cl_yawspeed 140;-right;-left\n"); //stuffcmd(te, "name \""); //stuffcmd(te, te.old_netname); //stuffcmd(te, "\"\n"); // Reset their color tc = TeamGetColor (te.team_no) - 1; tc2 = TeamGetNiceColor (te.team_no); SetPlayerColor (te, tc, tc2); bprint (PRINT_MEDIUM, te.netname); bprint (PRINT_MEDIUM, " has his teamkill curse removed\n"); //Don't let up on them. Two more teamkills and its back into the tarpit for them te.ff_count = self.frags - 1.9; if (te.ff_count < 0) te.ff_count = 0; TF_T_Damage(te, NIL, NIL, te.health + 300, TF_TD_IGNOREARMOUR, TF_TD_OTHER); remove(self); return; } if (random() > 0.5) { stuffcmd(te, "cl_yawspeed 500;-left;+right\n"); SetPlayerColor (te, 8, 8); } else { stuffcmd(te, "cl_yawspeed 500;-right;+left\n"); SetPlayerColor (te, 9, 9); } //te.immune_to_check = time + 5; te.ammo_rockets = 0; te.ammo_cells = 0; te.ammo_nails = 0; te.ammo_shells = 0; te.ammo_detpack = 0; te.ammo_c4det = 0; te.no_grenades_1 = 0; te.no_grenades_2 = 0; if (te.health > 50) te.health = 50; if (te.armorvalue > 10) te.armorvalue = 10; self.nextthink = time + 2; }; void(entity bastard,float threshold) createBastard = { local entity te; if (!bastard) return; if (bastard.penance_time > time) { bastard.ff_count = bastard.ff_count - 1; //Dont count it bastard.penance_time = time + 60; //Just reset the clock makeImmune(bastard,time+65); return; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// // Why do I not like MegaTF? ------------------------------------------------// // Look at http://www.planetfortress.com/history/people/shaka.html ----------// if (bastard.ff_count == threshold + 0.1 || bastard.ff_count == threshold + 0.6) { //- OfN - lol //bprint(PRINT_HIGH,"ÔÉÍÅ ÔÏ ËÉÃË ÈÉM\n"); bprint(PRINT_HIGH,"ok, lets send "); bprint(PRINT_HIGH,bastard.netname); bprint(PRINT_HIGH," to a nice megaTF server...\n"); stuffcmd(bastard, "name \"CustomTF reject-wanna play Mega\"\n"); //stuffcmd(bastard, "name \"im gay, wanna make new friends\"\n"); local string st; st = infokey(NIL,"curseserver"); //if (!st) st = ""; if (!st) st = ""; stuffcmd(bastard, "connect "); stuffcmd(bastard, st); stuffcmd(bastard, "\n"); return; //- OfN - (missing) OLD BUG? } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------// newmis = spawn(); newmis.classname = "timer"; newmis.netname = "bastardtimer"; newmis.owner = bastard; newmis.think = BastardTimer; newmis.nextthink = time + 1; newmis.frags = threshold; //Let the timer know what the thresh is makeImmune(bastard,time+65); //bastard.immune_to_check = time + 65; //Make him immune while purple //bastard.old_netname = bastard.netname; bprint (PRINT_MEDIUM, bastard.netname); bprint (PRINT_MEDIUM, " has been struck down by the wrath of the admin.\n"); bprint (PRINT_MEDIUM, "Feel free to frag him at will.\n"); bastard.penance_time = time + 60; stuffcmd(bastard, "name \"ÔåáíËéììåò ("); // stuffcmd(bartard, "name \"\ ("); stuffcmd(bastard, bastard.netname); stuffcmd(bastard, ")\"\n"); // Drop any GoalItems te = find (NIL, classname, "item_tfgoal"); while (te) { if (te.owner == bastard) { // Remove it from the player, if it is supposed to be if (!(te.goal_activation & TFGI_KEEP)) { tfgoalitem_RemoveFromPlayer(te, bastard, 0); } // CTF support if (CTF_Map == TRUE && te.goal_no == CTF_FLAG1) { bprint(PRINT_HIGH, bastard.netname); bprint(PRINT_HIGH, " ÌÏÓÔ the ÂÌÕÅ flag!\n"); } else if (CTF_Map == TRUE && te.goal_no == CTF_FLAG2) { bprint(PRINT_HIGH, bastard.netname); bprint(PRINT_HIGH, " ÌÏÓÔ the ÒÅÄ flag!\n"); } } te = find(te, classname, "item_tfgoal"); } return; }; void() Autoitem_think = { local entity oself; local float happy; if (self.heat == TRUE) self.heat = FALSE; else self.heat = TRUE; happy = self.heat; oself = self; self = self.owner; if (self.tf_items & NIT_AUTOID) { //Do an id TeamFortress_ID(TRUE); //TRUE means we are in autoitemthink } if (self.weapons_carried & WEAP_MEDIKIT) { //Do a heal, passing it TRUE tells it not to "tink" //Don't automedic whack while fully invisible if (!(self.job & JOB_THIEF && (self.job & JOB_ACTIVE || self.job & JOB_FULL_HIDE))) W_FireMedikit(TRUE); } if (happy) { //Only do this every two seconds if (self.tf_items & NIT_AUTOSCANNER) { //Do a scan15 TeamFortress_Scan(15,TRUE); } } self = oself; self.nextthink = time + 0.5; }; void() custom_lay = { if (self.last_saveme_sound < time) { bprint(PRINT_HIGH,self.netname); bprint(PRINT_HIGH,"'s legs were broken when he tried to 'lay'\n"); sound(self,CHAN_VOICE,"player/pain1.wav",1,ATTN_NONE); self.last_saveme_sound = time + 60; } self.suicide_time = time + 60; self.leg_damage = 9; TeamFortress_SetSpeed(self); if (self.health > 50) self.health = 50; if (self.armorvalue > 10) self.armorvalue = 10; }; //Blow up all sentries, dispensers and teslas if we can no longer build them void() DetonateAllGuns = { if (!(self.cutf_items & CUTF_DISPENSER)) Find_And_Dmg("building_dispenser", self, 1); if (!(self.cutf_items & CUTF_SENTRYGUN)) Find_And_Dmg("building_sentrygun", self, 1); if (!(self.tf_items & NIT_TESLA)) //WK Find_And_Dmg("building_tesla", self, 1); if (!(self.tf_items & NIT_SECURITY_CAMERA)) //CH Find_And_Dmg("building_camera", self, 1); if (!(self.tf_items & NIT_TELEPORTER)) //CH Find_And_Dmg("building_teleporter", self, 1); if (!(self.cutf_items & CUTF_SENSOR)) //SB Find_And_Dmg("building_sensor", self, 1); if (!(self.cutf_items & CUTF_FIELDGEN)) //OfN Find_And_Dmg("building_fieldgen", self, 1); }; //Blow up all sentries, dispensers and teslas if we can no longer build them void() DetonateAllGunsForced = { Find_And_Dmg("building_dispenser", self, 1); Find_And_Dmg("building_sentrygun", self, 1); Find_And_Dmg("building_tesla", self, 1); Find_And_Dmg("building_camera", self, 1); Find_And_Dmg("building_teleporter", self, 1); Find_And_Dmg("building_sensor", self, 1); Find_And_Dmg("building_fieldgen", self, 1); }; //Returns true if the entity is a building -- UPDATE THIS WHEN A NEW ONE IS ADDED float(entity tester) IsBuilding = { if ( tester.classname == "building_sentrygun" || tester.classname == "building_sentrygun_base" || tester.classname == "building_tesla" || tester.classname == "building_dispenser" || tester.classname == "building_camera" || tester.classname == "building_arawana" || tester.classname == "building_teleporter"|| tester.classname == "building_fieldgen"|| tester.classname == "building_sensor" ) return TRUE; return FALSE; };