#include "defs.qh" /*====================================================== SENTRY.QC Custom TeamFortress v2.1 (c) TeamFortress Software Pty Ltd 29/2/97 (c) William Kerney 21/10/99 (c) Craig Hauser 19/3/00 ======================================================== Weapons and functions for the Sentry Guns ======================================================*/ // This is a temporary hack... they'll be replaced with real bots when // the bot code is in (should that be if? :) // WK If is right. :) // SentryGun AI Functions void() Sentry_Rotate; float() Sentry_FindTarget; void() Sentry_FoundTarget; void() Sentry_HuntTarget; void(entity attacker, float damage) Sentry_Pain; void() Sentry_Die; float() Sentry_Fire; //WK - Will kill enemies on touch, and adds support for flying. void() Sentry_Touch; /* WK============================================== #ifndef COOP_MODE void() ai_face = { local vector temp_vect,temp_ang; self.ideal_yaw = vectoyaw(self.enemy.origin - self.origin); self.ideal_yaw = anglemod(self.ideal_yaw); //WK Turrets swivel instanter if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) { //Auto-swivel self.angles_y = self.ideal_yaw; } else ChangeYaw (); }; #endif */ //============================================== $cd /quake/fortress/progs/turrgun $origin 0 -6 24 $base base $skin skin $frame lvl1_stand1 $frame lvl1_shoot1 lvl1_shoot2 $frame lvl2_stand1 $frame lvl2_shoot1 lvl2_shoot2 $frame lvl3_stand1 $frame lvl3_shoot1 lvl3_shoot2 /* WK -- This is how you unhack the turret's position :Þ if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 40; */ void() RemoveGlow = { self.effects = self.effects - (self.effects & EF_DIMLIGHT); }; //=========================== // Level 1 Sentry Gun Frames void() lvl1_sentry_atk3; void() lvl1_sentry_stand =[ $lvl1_stand1, lvl1_sentry_stand ] {RemoveGlow(); Sentry_Rotate();}; void() lvl1_sentry_atk1 =[ $lvl1_shoot1, lvl1_sentry_atk3 ] { ai_face(); if (!self.enemy || self.enemy.health <= 0 || /* !visible(self.enemy) || */ self.enemy.has_disconnected == TRUE) //CH lvl1_sentry_stand(); else if (self.ammo_shells <= 0) lvl1_sentry_stand(); else if (Sentry_Fire() == FALSE) //WK lvl1_sentry_atk3(); lvl1_sentry_stand(); }; void() lvl1_sentry_atk2 =[ $lvl1_shoot2, lvl1_sentry_atk3 ] { ai_face(); Sentry_Fire(); }; void() lvl1_sentry_atk3 =[ $lvl1_stand1, lvl1_sentry_atk1 ] {ai_face();}; //=========================== // Level 2 Sentry Gun Frames void() lvl2_sentry_atk3; void() lvl2_sentry_stand= [ $lvl2_stand1, lvl2_sentry_stand ] {RemoveGlow(); Sentry_Rotate();}; void() lvl2_sentry_atk1 = [ $lvl2_shoot1, lvl2_sentry_atk2 ] { ai_face(); if (!self.enemy || self.enemy.health <= 0 || /* !visible(self.enemy) || */ self.enemy.has_disconnected == TRUE) //CH lvl2_sentry_stand(); else if (self.ammo_shells <= 0) lvl2_sentry_stand(); else if (Sentry_Fire() == FALSE) //WK lvl2_sentry_atk3(); lvl2_sentry_stand(); }; void() lvl2_sentry_atk2 =[ $lvl2_shoot2, lvl2_sentry_atk3 ] { ai_face(); Sentry_Fire(); }; void() lvl2_sentry_atk3 =[ $lvl2_stand1, lvl2_sentry_atk1 ] { ai_face(); Sentry_Fire(); }; //=========================== // Level 3 Sentry Gun Frames void() lvl3_sentry_atk3; void() lvl3_sentry_atk4; void() lvl3_sentry_stand= [ $lvl3_stand1, lvl3_sentry_stand ] {RemoveGlow(); Sentry_Rotate();}; void() lvl3_sentry_atk1 = [ $lvl3_shoot1, lvl3_sentry_atk2 ] { ai_face(); if (!self.enemy || self.enemy.health <= 0 || /* !visible(self.enemy) || */ self.enemy.has_disconnected == TRUE) //CH lvl3_sentry_stand(); else if (self.ammo_shells <= 0 && self.ammo_rockets <= 0) lvl3_sentry_stand(); else if (self.ammo_shells <= 0 && self.ammo_rockets > 0) //CH rocket check { RemoveGlow(); lvl3_sentry_atk4(); } else if (Sentry_Fire() == FALSE) //WK lvl3_sentry_atk3(); lvl3_sentry_stand(); }; void() lvl3_sentry_atk2 =[ $lvl3_shoot2, lvl3_sentry_atk3 ] { ai_face(); Sentry_Fire(); }; void() lvl3_sentry_atk3 =[ $lvl3_stand1, lvl3_sentry_atk1 ] { ai_face(); Sentry_Fire(); }; void() lvl3_sentry_atk4 = [ $lvl3_stand1, lvl3_sentry_atk5 ] { ai_face(); if (!self.enemy || self.enemy.health <= 0 || /* !visible(self.enemy) || */ self.enemy.has_disconnected == TRUE) //CH lvl3_sentry_stand(); else if (self.ammo_shells <= 0 && self.ammo_rockets <= 0) lvl3_sentry_stand(); else if (Sentry_Fire() == FALSE) //WK lvl3_sentry_atk3(); lvl3_sentry_stand(); }; void() lvl3_sentry_atk5 =[ $lvl3_stand1, lvl3_sentry_atk4 ] { ai_face(); Sentry_Fire(); }; //============= void() Sentry_Rotate = { if (self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_ONE) { self.ideal_yaw = self.ideal_yaw + 10; ChangeYaw(); return; } if (Sentry_FindTarget()) return; //- OfN this does the sentry to not return to rotate status after enemy becomes not visible or died // it doesn't alter the real behaviour only the look if (self.attack_finished > time) { self.has_holo=1; return; } if (self.has_holo==1) { self.has_holo=0; sound (self, CHAN_ITEM, "weapons/trr2lost.wav", 0.25, ATTN_NORM); } if (self.heat == 0) { self.ideal_yaw = anglemod(self.waitmin); ChangeYaw(); // 15 // 16 or 14 //was if ((anglemod(self.angles_y) <= (self.waitmin + 1)) && (anglemod(self.angles_y) >= (self.waitmin - 2))) //CH after the && fixed spaz sent!! if ((anglemod(self.angles_y) <= (self.waitmin + 1)) && (anglemod(self.angles_y) >= (self.waitmin - 2))) //CH after the && fixed spaz sent!! { self.heat = 1; if (random() < 0.1) sound (self, CHAN_ITEM, "weapons/turridle.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); } } else { self.ideal_yaw = anglemod(self.waitmax); ChangeYaw(); //was if ((anglemod(self.angles_y) >= (self.waitmax - 1 )) && (anglemod(self.angles_y) <= (self.waitmax + 2))) //CH after the && fixed spaz sent!! if ((anglemod(self.angles_y) >= (self.waitmax - 1 )) && (anglemod(self.angles_y) <= (self.waitmax + 2))) //CH after the && fixed spaz sent!! self.heat = 0; } }; //================================================0 // new RANGE_VERYFAR hacked sentries can shot at it float(entity targ) rangesentry = { local vector spot1, spot2; local float r; spot1 = self.origin + self.view_ofs; spot2 = targ.origin + targ.view_ofs; r = vlen (spot1 - spot2); if (r < 120) return RANGE_MELEE; if (r < 500) return RANGE_NEAR; if (r < 1000) return RANGE_MID; if (r < 2000) return RANGE_FAR; return RANGE_VERYFAR; }; float() Sentry_FindTarget = { self.enemy = NIL; //CH for sbar if (infokey(NIL,"ceasefire")=="on") return FALSE; local entity client = NIL; local float r, gotone, loopc; //WK Hack to get floating sentry working if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) { self.origin_z = self.origin_z - 40; } // Try a few checks to make it react faster r = 0; loopc = 0; gotone = FALSE; //WK Theortetically this will check every client on the server now while (loopc < 32 && gotone == FALSE) //WK 3 { client = checkclient(); gotone = TRUE; if (!client) gotone = FALSE; if (!Pharse_Client(client, self, 1, 0, 0, 1)) gotone = FALSE; r = rangesentry (client); //- ofn //if (r == RANGE_FAR) // gotone = FALSE; //WK Hack, turret should be able to see in all directions... if (!(self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET)) { if (r == RANGE_NEAR) { if (client.show_hostile < time && !infront (client)) gotone = FALSE; } else if (r == RANGE_MID) { if (!infront (client)) gotone = FALSE; } else if (r == RANGE_FAR) //- OfN - Sentries with enhanced circuits can shot at far range { if (!(self.num_mines & IMPROVED_FOUR) || !infront (client)) gotone = FALSE; } } else //- OfN - a turretized sentry gun... { if (r == RANGE_FAR && !(self.num_mines & IMPROVED_FOUR)) gotone = FALSE; } //- OfN ----------------// if (r == RANGE_VERYFAR) gotone = FALSE; //----------------------// loopc = loopc + 1; //WK Solve a bug in sentry targetting? if (gotone) loopc = 1000; } if (!gotone) //if no player target found lets scan for monsters and army.. { local entity te; te = find(NIL, message,"XX"); while (te && gotone == FALSE) { gotone = TRUE; if (Teammate(self.real_owner.team_no,te.real_owner.team_no)) gotone = FALSE; else if (!IsMonster(te)) gotone = FALSE; else if (te.health <= 0) gotone = FALSE; else if ( (!(self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) && !visible2x(self,te)) || ((self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) && !visible2(self,te))) gotone = FALSE; else { r = rangesentry(te); //WK Hack, turret should be able to see in all directions... if (!(self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET)) { if (r == RANGE_NEAR) { if (!infront (te)) gotone = FALSE; } else if (r == RANGE_MID) { if (!infront (te)) gotone = FALSE; } else if (r == RANGE_FAR) //- OfN - Sentries with enhanced circuits can shot at far range { if (!(self.num_mines & IMPROVED_FOUR) || !infront (te)) gotone = FALSE; } } else //- OfN - a turretized sentry gun... { if (r == RANGE_FAR && !(self.num_mines & IMPROVED_FOUR)) gotone = FALSE; } //- OfN ----------------// if (r == RANGE_VERYFAR) gotone = FALSE; //----------------------// } // this is the ELSE of !isMonster() if (gotone) client=te; te = find(te, message, "XX"); } // while } //monster scanning //WK Unhack our hack if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) { self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 40; } if (!gotone) return FALSE; // Found a Target self.enemy = client; //- OfN - what was this for?? /*if (self.enemy.classname != "player") { self.enemy = self.enemy.enemy; if (self.enemy.classname != "player") { self.enemy = NIL; return FALSE; } }*/ Sentry_FoundTarget (); return TRUE; }; void() Sentry_FoundTarget = { // Cannon Powerup Sound? if (self.ammo_shells > 0 || (self.ammo_rockets > 0 && self.weapon == 3)) { if (self.attack_finished < time) //- OfN - sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "weapons/turrspot.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); } Sentry_HuntTarget (); if (self.super_damage_finished < time) { self.super_damage_finished = time + 1.0; //WK Was at .5, which was too fast if (self.num_mines & IMPROVED_FOUR) self.super_damage_finished = time + 0.65; //- OfN - improved circuits! heh } }; void() Sentry_HuntTarget = { self.goalentity = self.enemy; if (self.weapon == 1) self.think = lvl1_sentry_atk1; else if (self.weapon == 2) self.think = lvl2_sentry_atk1; else // if (self.weapon == 3) { if (self.ammo_shells <= 0 && self.ammo_rockets > 0) //CH has rockets but no shells self.think = lvl3_sentry_atk4; else self.think = lvl3_sentry_atk1; } self.ideal_yaw = vectoyaw(self.enemy.origin - self.origin); self.nextthink = time + 0.1; //SUB_AttackFinished (0.5); // WK Does this do anything? // - OfN - Nope lol it didnt local float tfactor; tfactor=1; //- OfN - Does this sentry has enhanced circuits? if so.. cut down lock time if (self.num_mines & IMPROVED_FOUR) tfactor=0.5; //WK --- Invisible people take longer for sentries to lock onto // because they have to use their heat sensors if (self.enemy.modelindex == modelindex_null) self.nextthink = time + (2*tfactor); // Must acquire a heat signal else if (self.enemy.modelindex == modelindex_eyes) self.nextthink = time + (1.5*tfactor); // Some visual, so its a little easier else self.nextthink = time + (0.5*tfactor); // Some visual, so its a little easier }; void(entity attacker, float damage) Sentry_Pain = { if (self.health < 0) return; // Update the owner's status bar self.real_owner.StatusRefreshTime = time + 0.2; //CH special sbar for eng. self.real_owner.StatusBarScreen = 1; local string st = infokey (NIL, "sentry_revenge"); if (!st) st = infokey (NIL, "sr"); if ((st == "on" || st == "1" || st == "yes") && (self.attack_finished < time && self.enemy == NIL)) { self.enemy = attacker; Sentry_FoundTarget(); } }; void() Sentry_Die = { sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Your sentry gun was destroyed.\n"); self.real_owner.has_sentry = self.real_owner.has_sentry - 1; if (self.real_owner.has_sentry < 0) self.real_owner.has_sentry = 0; ThrowGib("progs/t2gib1.mdl", -70); ThrowGib("progs/t2gib2.mdl", -70); ThrowGib("progs/t2gib3.mdl", -70); ThrowGib("progs/t2gib4.mdl", self.skin); if (self.classname == "building_sentrygun_base") { if (self.oldenemy) dremove(self.oldenemy); } else { if (self.trigger_field) dremove(self.trigger_field); } WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_EXPLOSION); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z); multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS); dremove(self); }; float() Sentry_Fire = { local vector dir; local vector miss_factor; //- OfN - local vector soffset; soffset = '0 0 0'; if (!(self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET)) soffset = '0 0 20'; // this on the end.. //self.attack_finished = time + SENTRY_UNLOCKTIME; // don't rotate immediately after target invisible or dead if (infokey(NIL,"ceasefire")=="on") //Cyto return FALSE; //WK Stop gun from shooting at dead spies if (self.enemy.is_feigning) return FALSE; //WK Hack to get floating sentry working - reset before all the returns if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) self.origin_z = self.origin_z - 40; // Only fire if they're within sight dir = self.enemy.origin - self.origin; if (vlen(dir) > 2048) //WK Don't fire if they're too far away { if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 40; return FALSE; } dir = normalize(dir); //WK Turret can shoot in any direction if (!(self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET)) { if ((self.ideal_yaw - anglemod(self.angles_y)) < -10 || (self.ideal_yaw - anglemod(self.angles_y)) > 10) { return FALSE; } } if (self.ammo_shells >= 1) self.ammo_shells = self.ammo_shells - 1; if (self.ammo_shells < 1) //WK Disallow half-shells self.ammo_shells = 0; if ((self.ammo_shells <= 0 && self.weapon != 3) || (self.ammo_shells <= 0 && self.ammo_rockets <= 0 && self.weapon == 3)) //CH stay on target if have rockets { if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 40; return FALSE; } //CH this further checks while firing traceline (self.origin + soffset, self.enemy.origin, TRUE, self); if (trace_fraction != 1 || trace_endpos != self.enemy.origin) { if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 40; return FALSE; } if (self.ammo_shells > 0) { //WK muzzleflash(); self.effects = self.effects | EF_DIMLIGHT; /* if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) sound (self ,CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/asscan2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); else */ //sound (self ,CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/sniper.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); sound (self ,CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/sntr666.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); deathmsg = DMSG_SENTRYGUN_BULLET; } //////////// //WK Our hacked attempt to make sentries shoot right //Make base not shootable //CH if its not floating it needs this if (!(self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET)) { if (self.trigger_field) self.trigger_field.solid = SOLID_NOT; //soffset = '0 0 20'; // non-turretized sentries correction } if (self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_TWO) { miss_factor_z = random() * 200 - 100; miss_factor_y = random() * 200 - 100; miss_factor_x = random() * 200 - 100; traceline (self.origin + soffset, self.enemy.origin + miss_factor, FALSE, self); } else traceline (self.origin + soffset, self.enemy.origin, FALSE, self); if (trace_fraction != 1.0 && trace_ent.takedamage && self.ammo_shells > 0) //Hit something and has shells { SpawnBlood (trace_endpos, 50); local float thedmg; local float therange; therange = rangesentry(trace_ent); thedmg = 6; // OfN - damage now depends on distance to target if (therange == RANGE_MELEE) thedmg = 12; else if (therange == RANGE_NEAR) thedmg = 6; else if (therange == RANGE_MID) thedmg = 4; else if (therange == RANGE_FAR) // only circuit hacked sentries shot at this range thedmg = 3; else thedmg = 2; // this shouldnt happen ever (RANGE_VERYFAR) // OfN - hacked sentries do more damage (improved circuits) if (self.num_mines & IMPROVED_FOUR) thedmg = thedmg * 1.25; // 1.25 too high? TF_T_Damage (trace_ent, self, self, thedmg, TF_TD_NOTTEAM, TF_TD_SHOT); } else if (trace_fraction != 1.0 && trace_ent.classname == "force_field") { FieldExplosion(trace_ent,trace_endpos,trace_ent); PutFieldWork(trace_ent); } //FireBullets (1, dir, '0.1 0.1 0'); //CH if its not floating it needs this if (!(self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET)) { if (self.trigger_field) self.trigger_field.solid = SOLID_BBOX; } ///////////// // Level 3 Turrets fire rockets every 3 seconds if (self.weapon == 3 && self.ammo_rockets > 0 && self.super_damage_finished < time) { //sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/rocket1i.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); UGLY AND STOPS COOL SOUND // wtf happens here, why is this the supernailgun sound? if (self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_THREE) { local float damg; damg = random() * 50 + 120; T_RadiusDamage(self, self, damg, NIL); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_EXPLOSION); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z); if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 40; return FALSE; } newmis = spawn (); newmis.owner = self; newmis.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE; newmis.solid = SOLID_BBOX; // set newmis speed if (self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_TWO) // SB - oh no we've been hax0red { miss_factor_z = random() * 200 - 100; miss_factor_y = random() * 200 - 100; miss_factor_x = random() * 200 - 100; } else { miss_factor_z = 0; miss_factor_y = 0; miss_factor_x = 0; } if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) newmis.velocity = normalize(self.enemy.origin + miss_factor - (self.origin - '0 0 16')) * 800; else newmis.velocity = normalize(self.enemy.origin + miss_factor - (self.origin + '0 0 16')) * 800; newmis.angles = vectoangles(newmis.velocity); newmis.weapon = DMSG_SENTRYGUN_ROCKET; newmis.touch = T_MissileTouch; // set newmis duration newmis.nextthink = time + 5; newmis.think = SUB_Remove; setmodel (newmis, "progs/missile.mdl"); setsize (newmis, '0 0 0', '0 0 0'); if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) //Determines if rocket should spawn above or below sent setorigin (newmis, self.origin + v_forward*8 - '0 0 16'); //CH make rocket 16 below else setorigin (newmis, self.origin + v_forward*8 + '0 0 16'); //CH make rocket 16 above self.super_damage_finished = time + 3; // - OfN - if this sentry has enhanced circuits then delay between rockets firing is cut half if (self.num_mines & IMPROVED_FOUR) self.super_damage_finished = time + 1.5; self.ammo_rockets = self.ammo_rockets - 1; if (self.ammo_rockets == 5) //CH 10 was too high sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Sentry Gun is low on rockets.\n"); } // Warn owner that it's low on ammo //WK if (self.ammo_shells == 0 && (random() < 0.1)) if ((self.ammo_shells == 0 && self.weapon != 3) || (self.ammo_shells == 0 && self.weapon == 3 && self.ammo_rockets > 0 && (random() < 0.05))) //CH .05 seems to be good. sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Sentry Gun is out of shells.\n"); else if (self.ammo_shells == 20) sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Sentry Gun is low on shells.\n"); //WK < 0.1 if (self.ammo_rockets == 0 && self.weapon == 3 && (random() <= 0.1)) sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Sentry Gun is out of rockets.\n"); if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 40; self.attack_finished = time + SENTRY_UNLOCKTIME + 2 * random() - 1; // don't rotate immediately after target invisible or dead return TRUE; }; //WK Returns TRUE if the vector is not a spot a turret can attach to float(vector vec) BadSpot = { /* if (pointcontents(vec) == CONTENTS_SOLID) sprint(self.real_owner,PRINT_HIGH,"SOLID Point\n"); else if (pointcontents(vec) == CONTENTS_EMPTY) sprint(self.real_owner,PRINT_HIGH,"EMPTY Point\n"); else if (pointcontents(vec) == CONTENTS_SKY) sprint(self.real_owner,PRINT_HIGH,"SKY Point\n"); else if (pointcontents(vec) == CONTENTS_WATER) sprint(self.real_owner,PRINT_HIGH,"WATER Point\n"); else sprint(self.real_owner,PRINT_HIGH,"BUG: Other Point\n"); */ if (pointcontents(vec) == CONTENTS_SKY) return TRUE; return FALSE; }; //WK Sentry Touch function //Will kill bad guy void() Sentry_Touch = { //WK Check for blockage if (entpointcontents(self) == CONTENTS_SKY) { sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Your sentry gun flew away.\n"); Sentry_Die(); return; } if (other.takedamage && !(self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET)) // OfN - fixme: doesn't check for enemy disguised spies { deathmsg = DMSG_BUG_ZAPPER; if (IsMonster(other)) { if (!Teammate(other.real_owner.team_no, self.real_owner.team_no)) { TF_T_Damage (other, self, self, 400, TF_TD_NOTTEAM, TF_TD_ELECTRICITY); return; } return; } if (!Teammate(other.team_no,self.real_owner.team_no) && (other.is_undercover != 1)) // <== FIXME //TF_T_Damage (other, self, self.real_owner, 400, TF_TD_NOTTEAM, TF_TD_ELECTRICITY); TF_T_Damage (other, self, self, 400, TF_TD_NOTTEAM, TF_TD_ELECTRICITY); return; } //I'm in midflight and hit something if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET && self.movetype == MOVETYPE_FLY) { //WK Check to see if we are blocked //WK These numbers seem to be about right if ( BadSpot(self.origin + '0 0 20') || BadSpot(self.origin + '0 0 22')) { sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Your sentry gun flew away.\n"); Sentry_Die(); return; } if (!other) { //The eagle has landed! // sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "The eagle has landed!\n"); self.flags = self.flags | FL_ONGROUND; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_STEP; self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 32;//32; // was 40, old custom bug? fixed return; } else if (other.classname == "player") { deathmsg = DMSG_BUG_ZAPPER; //TF_T_Damage (other, self, self.real_owner, 400, TF_TD_NOTTEAM, TF_TD_ELECTRICITY); TF_T_Damage (other, self, self, 400, TF_TD_NOTTEAM, TF_TD_ELECTRICITY); self.velocity_z = 200; //- OfN reset velocity, not stop } else { deathmsg = DMSG_BUG_ZAPPER; //TF_T_Damage (other, self, self.real_owner, 400, TF_TD_NOTTEAM, TF_TD_ELECTRICITY); if (!Teammate(other.real_owner.team_no,self.real_owner.team_no)) TF_T_Damage (other, self, self, 400, TF_TD_NOTTEAM, TF_TD_ELECTRICITY); Sentry_Die(); } //sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "The eagle has died.\n"); } };