#include "defs.qh" #include "menu.qh" /*=======================================================// // haxxx.QC - CustomTF 3.2.OfN - 30/1/2001 - // // Idea and base code by SB-1 tech, rewritten by often // //=======================================================// // Hacker related stuff // //=======================================================*/ void(float input) SBInitiateInterface; string(entity thebuilding) GetBuildingName; float(float input) IntToExp; float (entity hacked) GetICELevel; float() CheckHaxxx; void(entity ignore, string st, string st2, string st3, string st4, string st5, string st6) teamsprint6; void () Menu_Friend_Hax = { if (!self.demon_two) // safety { sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"You have lost the connection!\n"); ResetMenu(); return; } local string st,st2,st3,st4,st5,st6,st7; st6="\n\nComLink åóôáâìéóèåä"; st7=" Áãôéïî: \n\n"; st5="\n\nš.. Hack-Repair Û8 secÝ\n\n’.. Îïôèéîç "; st4=""; st2="\n.. Add ìåöåì “ ICE Û20 secÝ"; st = st3 = ""; if (!visible2x(self,self.demon_two)) st6="\n\nLost connection with target!\n"; /* else { local float dist; dist = vlen(self.origin - self.demon_two.origin); if (dist > HAX_UNSTABLEDIST) { st6="\n\nUnstable connection with target!\n"; } }*/ if (Teammate(self.demon_two.real_owner.team_no, self.team_no)) { if (self.demon_two.classname == "building_dispenser") { st7="Targetº Friendly Dispenser\n\n"; st=".. Improve capacity Û15 secÝ"; // DONE st3="\n•.. Enhance armour Û10 secÝ"; // DONE } else if (self.demon_two.classname == "building_sentrygun") { st7="Targetº Friendly Sentry Gun\n\n"; st=".. Improve capacity Û10 secÝ"; // DONE - increase shells only st3="\n•.. Enhance armour Û25 secÝ"; st4="\n–.. Enhance circuits Û30 secÝ"; // DONE } else if (self.demon_two.classname == "building_tesla") { st7="Targetº Friendly Tesla Sentry\n\n"; st=".. Improve capacity Û10 secÝ"; // DONE st3="\n•.. Enhance armour Û25 secÝ"; // DONE st4="\n–.. Enhance circuits Û30 secÝ"; //\n—.. Add TractorBeam Û20 secÝ"); } else if (self.demon_two.classname == "building_camera") { st7="Targetº Friendly Camera\n\n"; st=".. Improve sensors Û20 secÝ"; // DONE st3="\n•.. Enhance armour Û20 secÝ"; // DONE } else if (self.demon_two.classname == "building_sensor") { st7="Targetº Friendly Motion Sensor\n\n"; st=".. Improve range Û20 secÝ"; // DONE st3="\n•.. Enhance armour Û10 secÝ"; // DONE st4="\n–.. Add spy revealer Û25 secÝ"; // DONE } else if (self.demon_two.classname == "building_teleporter") { st7="Targetº Friendly Teleporter\n\n"; st=".. Improve capacity Û5 secÝ"; // DONE st3="\n•.. Enhance armour Û20 secÝ"; // DONE st4="\n–.. Increase range Û30 secÝ"; // DONE } else if (self.demon_two.classname == "building_fieldgen") { st7="Targetº Friendly Field Generator\n\n"; st= ".. Improve capacity Û10 secÝ"; // DONE st3="\n•.. Enhance armour Û15 secÝ"; // DONE st4="\n–.. Increase range Û20 secÝ"; // DONE } } if (self.demon_two.num_mines & IMPROVED_ONE) { st=""; } if (self.demon_two.num_mines & IMPROVED_TWO) { st2="\n.. Add ìåöåì ” ICE Û25 secÝ"; if (self.demon_two.num_mines & IMPROVED_FIVE) { st2="\n.. Add ìåöåì • ICE Û30 secÝ"; if (self.demon_two.num_mines & IMPROVED_SIX) st2="\n"; } } if (self.demon_two.num_mines & IMPROVED_THREE) { st3="\n"; } if (self.demon_two.classname != "building_sensor") { if (self.demon_two.num_mines & IMPROVED_FOUR) { st4="\n"; } } else { if (self.demon_two.num_mines & IMPROVED_FOUR) { if (self.demon_two.num_mines & IMPROVED_SEVEN) st4="\n"; else st4="\n–.. Thief revealer Û25 secÝ"; } } CenterPrint7(self,st7,st,st2,st3,st4,st5,st6); }; void(float inp) Menu_FriendHax_Inp = { if (self.classname != "player" || !self.demon_two) return; if (inp == 10) { self.impulse=0; self.demon_two=NIL; ResetMenu(); return; } if (inp == 8) { self.impulse=0; SBInitiateInterface(inp); ResetMenu(); return; } if (inp < 5 && inp > 0) { if (inp == 4) { if (self.demon_two.classname == "building_sensor") { if (self.demon_two.num_mines & IMPROVED_FOUR) inp = 7; // already has spy revealer so go for thief, check if it already has thief revealer below.. } else if (self.demon_two.classname == "building_dispenser" || self.demon_two.classname == "building_camera") /*self.demon_two.classname != "building_sentrygun" && self.demon_two.classname != "building_sensor" && self.demon_two.classname != "building_teleporter" && self.demon_two.classname != "building_tesla")*/ return; } if (inp == 2 && self.demon_two.num_mines & IMPROVED_SIX) return; // device completelly iced, so do nothing if (self.demon_two.num_mines & IntToExp(inp) && inp != 2) // exclude ICE's return; // device already has this hack done, so do nothing SBInitiateInterface(inp); ResetMenu(); self.impulse = 0; } }; void(float inp) Menu_EnemyHax_Inp = { if (self.classname != "player" || !self.demon_two) return; if (inp == 10) { self.impulse=0; self.demon_two=NIL; ResetMenu(); return; } if (inp < 5 && inp > 0) { if (self.demon_two.is_malfunctioning & IntToExp(inp)) return; SBInitiateInterface(inp); ResetMenu(); self.impulse = 0; } }; void () Menu_Enemy_Hax = { if (!self.demon_two) // safety { sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"You have lost the connection!\n"); ResetMenu(); return; } local string st,st2,st3,st4,st5,st6,st7; st=st2=st3=st4=st5=st6=st7=""; st6="\n\nComLink åóôáâìéóèåä"; st5="\n\n’.. Îïôèéîç "; st7=" Áãôéïî: \n\n"; if (!visible2x(self,self.demon_two)) st6="\n\nLost connection with target!\n"; else { local float dist; dist = vlen(self.origin - self.demon_two.origin); if (dist > HAX_UNSTABLEDIST) { st6="\n\nUnstable connection with target!\n"; } } if (!Teammate(self.demon_two.real_owner.team_no, self.team_no)) { if (self.demon_two.classname == "building_dispenser") { st7="Ôáòçåô: Åîåíù Dispenser\n\n"; st=".. Disable Û3 secÝ"; st2="\n.. Booby trap Û6 secÝ"; st3="\n•.. No production Û3 secÝ"; st4="\n–.. Subtle bomb Û4 secÝ"; } else if (self.demon_two.classname == "building_sentrygun") { st7="Ôáòçåô: Åîåíù Sentry Gun\n\n"; st=".. Incapacitate Û3 secÝ"; st2="\n.. Reduce accuracy Û5 secÝ"; st3="\n•.. RL malfunction Û4 secÝ"; st4="\n–.. Hostile takeover Û12 secÝ"; } else if (self.demon_two.classname == "building_tesla") { st7="Ôáòçåô: Åîåíù Tesla Sentry\n\n"; st=".. Incapacitate Û8 secÝ"; st2="\n.. Reduce output Û6 secÝ"; st3="\n•.. Overload Û7 secÝ"; st4="\n–.. Hostile takeover Û15 secÝ"; } else if (self.demon_two.classname == "building_camera") { st7="Ôáòçåô: Åîåíù Camera\n\n"; st=".. Disable comms Û5 secÝ"; st2="\n.. Disable speaker Û2 secÝ"; st3="\n•.. Sensor ghosts Û6 secÝ"; st4="\n–.. Hostile takeover Û5 secÝ"; } else if (self.demon_two.classname == "building_sensor") { st7="Ôáòçåô: Åîåíù Motion Sensor\n\n"; st=".. Disable sound Û5 secÝ"; st2="\n.. Disable light Û5 secÝ"; st3="\n•.. Deactivate Û5 secÝ"; st4="\n–.. Hostile takeover Û5 secÝ"; } else if (self.demon_two.classname == "building_teleporter") { st7="Ôáòçåô: Åîåíù Teleporter\n\n"; st=".. Item stripper Û3 secÝ"; st2="\n.. Void location Û7 secÝ"; st3="\n•.. Target builder Û5 secÝ"; st4="\n–.. Disable Û2 secÝ"; } else if (self.demon_two.classname == "building_fieldgen") { st7="Ôáòçåô: Åîåíù Field Generator\n\n"; st=".. Corrupt Generator Û3 secÝ"; st2="\n.. Engineer Trap Û7 secÝ"; st3="\n•.. Reduce Output Û5 secÝ"; st4="\n–.. Disable Û2 secÝ"; } } if (self.demon_two.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_ONE) { st=""; } if (self.demon_two.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_TWO) { st2="\n"; } if (self.demon_two.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_THREE) { st3="\n"; } if (self.demon_two.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_FOUR) { st4="\n"; } CenterPrint7(self,st7,st,st2,st3,st4,st5,st6); }; /* =============== SBFireInterface Uses the Cyber Interface on whatever you're looking at. OfN - Rewritten =============== */ void() SBFireInterface = { if (CheckHaxxx() == FALSE) return; local entity oself; local entity targ; local float hackThis; targ = self.martyr_enemy; hackThis = self.has_camera; oself = self; self = self.owner; oself.think = SUB_Remove; oself.nextthink = 0.1; dremove(oself); self.is_haxxxoring = 0; self.tfstate = self.tfstate - (self.tfstate & TFSTATE_CANT_MOVE); TeamFortress_SetSpeed(self); if (hackThis == -2) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Hack aborted.\n"); return; } if (targ.classname == "player" && (targ.cutf_items & CUTF_CYBERAUG)) { if (!Teammate(targ.team_no, self.team_no)) { targ.is_malfunctioning = 1; sprint(targ, PRINT_HIGH, "Oh no! Your cybernetic augmentations are malfunctioning!\n"); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You tamper with ", targ.netname, "'s cybernetic augmentations.\n"); } else if (Teammate(targ.team_no,self.team_no) && targ.is_malfunctioning) { targ.is_malfunctioning = 0; sprint(targ, PRINT_HIGH, self.netname, " adjusts your cybernetics to work properly again.\n"); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You readjust ", targ.netname, "'s CyberAugs to work properly again.\n"); } } else if (IsBuilding(targ)) { if (!Teammate(targ.real_owner.team_no, self.team_no) && GetICELevel(targ)==1 && random() < 0.2) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "This device has a level 1 ICE, it's not easy to hack!\n"); //sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH,"Somebody tried to hack your stuff...\n"); return; } if (!Teammate(targ.real_owner.team_no, self.team_no) && GetICELevel(targ)==2) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "This device is hack-protected.\n"); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH,"Somebody just tried to hack your stuff...\n"); return; } if (!Teammate(targ.real_owner.team_no, self.team_no) && GetICELevel(targ)==3) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "This device is hack-protected with a level 3 ICE!\n"); deathmsg=DMSG_ANTIHACK; TF_T_Damage(self, self, targ, self.health + 50, TF_TD_IGNOREARMOUR, TF_TD_OTHER); sound (self, CHAN_MISC, "effects/crunch.wav", 1, ATTN_NONE); return; } else if (!Teammate(targ.real_owner.team_no, self.team_no)) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You make a few adjustments...\n"); if (hackThis == SCREWUP_ONE) { targ.is_malfunctioning = targ.is_malfunctioning | SCREWUP_ONE; if (targ.classname == "building_sentrygun") // sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The sentrygun is now incapacitated.\n"); else if (targ.classname == "building_tesla") sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The tesla won't shoot any more.\n"); else if (targ.classname == "building_sensor") sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Better when it doesn't make so much noise.\n"); else if (targ.classname == "building_dispenser") sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "This is one dispenser that won't dispense any more.\n"); else if (targ.classname == "building_camera") sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The camera won't be reporting to its owner any longer, but to all outward appearances remains the same.\n"); else if (targ.classname == "building_teleporter") sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The teleporter will now strip the items off all who enter...\n"); else if (targ.classname == "building_fieldgen") { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The field generator is now rigged to hurt teammates...\n"); targ.martyr_enemy = self; if (targ.fieldgen_hasfield) targ.fieldgen_field.martyr_enemy = self; } } else if (hackThis == SCREWUP_TWO) { targ.is_malfunctioning = targ.is_malfunctioning | SCREWUP_TWO; if (targ.classname == "building_sentrygun") sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The sentrygun's accuracy is now reduced.\n"); else if (targ.classname == "building_tesla") sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "This tesla won't put out enough amperage to hurt a fly.\n"); else if (targ.classname == "building_camera") sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The camera is silenced.\n"); else if (targ.classname == "building_sensor") sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "That glow was always pretty annoying anyway.\n"); else if (targ.classname == "building_dispenser") { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The dispenser is now rigged to explode!\n"); targ.martyr_enemy = self; } else if (targ.classname == "building_teleporter") { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Entering this teleporter could be unhealthy...\n"); targ.martyr_enemy = self; } else if (targ.classname == "building_fieldgen") { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Better not use spanner on this one...\n"); targ.martyr_enemy = self; } } else if (hackThis == SCREWUP_THREE) { targ.is_malfunctioning = targ.is_malfunctioning | SCREWUP_THREE; if (targ.classname == "building_sentrygun") sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The sentrygun rocket launcher will now malfunction...\n"); else if (targ.classname == "building_tesla") sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The tesla may experience some technical difficulties the next time it fires...\n"); else if (targ.classname == "building_camera") sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "This camera will be reading ghosts now...\n"); else if (targ.classname == "building_dispenser") sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The dispenser will no longer regenerate ammo.\n"); else if (targ.classname == "building_teleporter") sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The teleporter will now teleport directly to its builder!\n"); else if (targ.classname == "building_sensor") sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The sensor is now off.\n"); else if (targ.classname == "building_fieldgen") sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The field generator won't hurt too much now.\n"); } else if (hackThis == SCREWUP_FOUR) { if (targ.classname != "building_dispenser" && targ.classname != "building_teleporter" && targ.classname != "building_fieldgen") { local string st; st=GetBuildingName(targ); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH,"You've lost the control of your "); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "!!\n"); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "The "); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint (self,PRINT_HIGH," is now yours!\n"); teamprefixsprint(self.team_no,self); teamsprint6(self,self.netname," hacked ",targ.real_owner.netname,"'s ",st,", now it's ours!\n"); teamprefixsprint(targ.real_owner.team_no,targ.real_owner); teamsprint6(targ.real_owner,targ.real_owner.netname," has lost the control of his ",st,"!\n","",""); if (targ.classname == "building_sentrygun") { targ.real_owner.has_sentry = FALSE; self.has_sentry = TRUE; } else if (targ.classname == "building_tesla") { targ.real_owner.has_tesla = FALSE; self.has_tesla = TRUE; } else if (targ.classname == "building_camera") { targ.real_owner.has_camera = FALSE; self.has_camera = TRUE; } else if (targ.classname == "building_sensor") { targ.real_owner.has_sensor = FALSE; self.has_sensor = TRUE; } targ.real_owner = self; targ.team_no = self.team_no; } else if (targ.classname == "building_fieldgen") { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The field generator is now disabled.\n"); targ.is_malfunctioning = SCREWUP_FOUR; } else if (targ.classname == "building_teleporter") { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The teleporter is now broken.\n"); targ.is_malfunctioning = SCREWUP_FOUR; } else if (targ.classname == "building_dispenser") { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The dispenser will explode when someone attempts to withdraw armour!\n"); targ.martyr_enemy = self; targ.is_malfunctioning = SCREWUP_FOUR; } } else { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Your attempt at hacking fails.\n"); } } else if (Teammate(targ.team_no,self.team_no) && hackThis == -1) { if (targ.is_malfunctioning) { targ.is_malfunctioning = 0; sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You correct the machine's malfunction.\n"); local string st; st=GetBuildingName(targ); if (self!=targ.real_owner) { sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "your "); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH," has been fixed by "); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "\n"); teamprefixsprintbi(self.team_no,self,targ.real_owner); teamsprintbi(self,targ.real_owner,targ.real_owner.netname,"'s malfunctioning ",st," has been fixed by ",self.netname,"\n"); } else { teamprefixsprint(self.team_no,self); teamsprint6(self,self.netname, " fixes his malfuntioning ",st,"\n","",""); } } else { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "There is nothing wrong with this machine.\n"); } } else if (Teammate(targ.team_no,self.team_no)) { //FRIENDLY IMPROVEMENTS targ.num_mines = targ.num_mines | hackThis; local string st; st=GetBuildingName(targ); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You make a few adjustments...\n"); if (hackThis == IMPROVED_ONE) { if (targ.classname=="building_sensor") { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The sensor has greater detection range now.\n"); if (self != targ.real_owner) { sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH,"your motion sensor has greater detection range thanks to "); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, ".\n"); } } else if (targ.classname=="building_camera") { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The camera has greater range of view now.\n"); if (self != targ.real_owner) { sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH," hacked your camera, it has better sensors now.\n"); } } else if (targ.classname=="building_tesla") { targ.maxammo_cells=targ.maxammo_cells*2; sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The tesla has extra cells capacity now.\n"); if (self != targ.real_owner) { sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH," hacked your tesla, it has extra capacity for cells now.\n"); } } else if (targ.classname=="building_sentrygun") { targ.maxammo_shells=targ.maxammo_shells*2; sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The sentry gun has greater ammo capacity for shells now.\n"); if (self != targ.real_owner) { sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH," hacked your sentry gun, it has extra capacity for shells now.\n"); } } else if (targ.classname=="building_dispenser") { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The dispenser capacity was increased.\n"); if (self != targ.real_owner) { sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH," hacked your dispenser to increase its capacity.\n"); } } else if (targ.classname=="building_teleporter") { targ.maxammo_cells=targ.maxammo_cells*2; sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The teleporter cells capacity was increased.\n"); if (self != targ.real_owner) { sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH," hacked your teleporter to increase its cells capacity.\n"); } } else if (targ.classname=="building_fieldgen") { targ.maxammo_cells=targ.maxammo_cells*2; sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The field generator cells capacity was increased.\n"); if (self != targ.real_owner) { sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH," hacked your field generator to increase its cells capacity.\n"); } } } else if (hackThis == IMPROVED_TWO) //- ICE level 1 { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You add a ìåöåì “ ICE to the "); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH,".\n"); if (self!=targ.real_owner) { sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH," adds a ìåöåì “ ICE to your "); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, ".\n"); } } else if (hackThis == IMPROVED_FIVE) //- ICE level 2 { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You add a ìåöåì ” ICE to the "); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH,".\n"); if (self!=targ.real_owner) { sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH," adds a ìåöåì ” ICE to your "); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, ".\n"); } } else if (hackThis == IMPROVED_SIX) //- ICE level 3 { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You add a ìåöåì • ICE to the "); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH,".\n"); if (self!=targ.real_owner) { sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH," adds a ìåöåì • ICE to your "); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, ".\n"); } } else if (hackThis == IMPROVED_THREE) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You enhance the armour of the "); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH,".\n"); if (self!=targ.real_owner) { sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH," enhances the armour of your "); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, ".\n"); } local float num; num = targ.health / targ.max_health; if (num < 0) // this shouldn't happen, but I got a report that it did num = 0; targ.max_health = targ.max_health * 2; targ.health = num * targ.max_health; } else if (hackThis == IMPROVED_SEVEN) { if (targ.classname=="building_sensor") { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The sensor will be able to uncover thieves now.\n"); if (self!=targ.real_owner) { sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "your motion sensor can now uncover thieves after "); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "'s hack.\n"); } } } else if (hackThis == IMPROVED_FOUR) { if (targ.classname=="building_sensor") { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The sensor will be able to uncover spies now.\n"); if (self!=targ.real_owner) { sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "your motion sensor can now detect spies after "); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "'s hack.\n"); } } else if (targ.classname=="building_teleporter") { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The teleporter had its range increased.\n"); if (self!=targ.real_owner) { sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "your teleporter had its range increased by "); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "'s hack.\n"); } } else if (targ.classname=="building_fieldgen") { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The field generator had its range increased.\n"); if (self!=targ.real_owner) { sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "your field generator had its range increased by "); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "'s hack.\n"); } } else if (targ.classname=="building_tesla") { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The tesla has a better chip-set now.\n"); if (self!=targ.real_owner) { sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, " enhances your tesla main circuits.\n"); } } else if (targ.classname=="building_sentrygun") { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "The sentry gun has a better chip-set now.\n"); if (self!=targ.real_owner) { sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); sprint(targ.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, " enhances your sentry gun main circuits.\n"); } } } else { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "OfteN: BUG! unknown hack value BUG! (wtf u hacked)\n"); RPrint(self.netname); RPrint(" just made an unknown hack. (bug)"); } } } //else // sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "There is nothing there to hack!\n"); }; float(float input) IntToExp = { if (input == 1) return 1; if (input == 2) return 2; if (input == 3) return 4; if (input == 4) return 8; if (input == 5) return 16; if (input == 6) return 32; if (input == 7) return 64; //if (input == 8) return 128; return 0; }; float(entity hacked, float r) ReturnFHackDelay; // SB hax0r tool - Cyber Interface // OfN - Rewritten void(float input) SBInitiateInterface = { local entity te; if (!visible2x(self,self.demon_two)) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You are not connected to the target.\n"); self.demon_two=NIL; return; } // DOUBLE CHECK, THIS ONE AFTER MENU, THE OTHER ON JOB_HACKER // if (self.is_feigning) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You cannot hack while feigning.\n"); return; } if (self.is_detpacking || self.is_toffingadet) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You can't hack something while setting a detpack.\n"); return; } if (self.is_building) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You can't hack while building!\n"); return; } // DOUBLE CHECK, THIS ONE AFTER MENU, THE OTHER ON JOB_HACKER // self.is_haxxxoring = 1; te = spawn(); te.owner = self; te.classname = "timer"; te.origin = self.demon_two.origin; te.nextthink = time + 1; te.has_holo = self.demon_two.team_no; // checked on think to break hacking if changes of team te.has_camera = IntToExp(input); if (!Teammate(self.demon_two.team_no,self.team_no)) { te.heat = ReturnHackDelay(self.demon_two, input); if (GetICELevel(self.demon_two)==1) // if it has a level1 ice add more delay to the hack te.heat=te.heat*2.5; local string st; st=GetBuildingName(self.demon_two); teamprefixsprint(self.team_no,self); teamsprint6(self,self.netname," started to hack ",self.demon_two.real_owner.netname,"'s ",st,"\n"); local float dist; dist = vlen(self.origin - self.demon_two.origin); if (dist > HAX_UNSTABLEDIST) { sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"Connection unstable, it will take longer..."); te.heat=te.heat*2; } } else { te.heat = ReturnFHackDelay(self.demon_two, input); if (input==2 && self.demon_two.num_mines & IMPROVED_TWO) { te.has_camera=IMPROVED_FIVE; if (self.demon_two.num_mines & IMPROVED_FIVE) te.has_camera=IMPROVED_SIX; } if (input==8) te.has_camera=-1; } te.martyr_enemy = self.demon_two; te.think = SBHackDotTimerThink; self.tfstate = self.tfstate | TFSTATE_CANT_MOVE; TeamFortress_SetSpeed(self); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "You immerse yourself in the cybernet...\n"); makeImmune(self,time + te.heat); //- OfN - WORKS? yup te.ltime = te.heat; self.demon_two=te; }; float (entity hacked) GetICELevel = { local float retval; retval=0; if (hacked.num_mines & IMPROVED_TWO) retval=1; if (hacked.num_mines & IMPROVED_FIVE) retval=2; if (hacked.num_mines & IMPROVED_SIX) retval=3; return retval; }; float(entity hacked, float r) ReturnHackDelay = { if (hacked.classname == "player") return 5; // cyberaug hack else if (hacked.classname == "building_dispenser") { if (r == 1) return 3; else if (r == 2) return 6; else if (r == 3) return 3; else return 4; } else if (hacked.classname == "building_sentrygun") { if (r == 1) return 3; else if (r == 2) return 5; else if (r == 3) return 4; else return 12; } else if (hacked.classname == "building_tesla") { if (r == 1) return 8; else if (r == 2) return 6; else if (r == 3) return 7; else return 15; } else if (hacked.classname == "building_sensor") return 5; else if (hacked.classname == "building_camera") { if (r == 1) return 5; else if (r == 2) return 2; else if (r == 3) return 6; else return 5; } else if (hacked.classname == "building_teleporter") { if (r == 1) return 3; else if (r == 2) return 7; else if (r == 3) return 5; else return 2; } else if (hacked.classname == "building_fieldgen") { if (r == 1) return 3; else if (r == 2) return 7; else if (r == 3) return 5; else return 2; } }; float(entity hacked, float r) ReturnFHackDelay = { if (hacked.classname == "player") return 5; // cyberaug hack else if (r == 8) return 8; // repairing.. else if (r == 2 && IsBuilding(hacked)) { if (!(hacked.num_mines & IMPROVED_TWO)) return 20; // level 1 ICE lasts for 20 seconds always if (!(hacked.num_mines & IMPROVED_FIVE)) return 25; // level 2 ICE lasts for 25 seconds always if (!(hacked.num_mines & IMPROVED_SIX)) return 30; } else if (hacked.classname == "building_dispenser") { if (r == 1) return 15; // else if (r == 2) // return 30; else //if (r == 3) return 10; //else // return 8; } else if (hacked.classname == "building_sentrygun") { if (r == 1) return 10; // else if (r == 2) // return 30; else if (r == 3) return 25; else return 30; } else if (hacked.classname == "building_tesla") { if (r == 1) return 10; // else if (r == 2) // return 30; else if (r == 3) return 25; else return 30; } else if (hacked.classname == "building_sensor") { if (r == 1) return 20; // else if (r == 2) // return 30; else if (r == 3) return 10; else //if (r == 4) return 25; //else // return 8; } else if (hacked.classname == "building_camera") { if (r == 1) return 20; // else if (r == 2) // return 30; else // if (r == 3) return 20; //else // return 8; } else if (hacked.classname == "building_teleporter") { if (r == 1) return 5; // else if (r == 2) // return 30; else if (r == 3) return 20; else// if (r == 4) return 30; //else // return 8; } else if (hacked.classname == "building_fieldgen") { if (r == 1) return 10; // else if (r == 2) // return 30; else if (r == 3) return 15; else// if (r == 4) return 20; //else // return 8; } return 999; // hehe, punishment to the bug generator :) }; float() CheckHaxxx = { local float retval; retval = TRUE; if (!self.martyr_enemy) // BUG! retval = FALSE; else if (!(IsBuilding(self.martyr_enemy)) && self.martyr_enemy.classname != "player") // BUG! GR what about cyberaug? retval = FALSE; else if (self.martyr_enemy.health <= 0) { sprint (self.owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Your target has been destroyed!\n"); if (self.has_camera != -2) { deathmsg=DMSG_CYBERNET; TF_T_Damage(self.owner, self.owner, self.martyr_enemy, self.owner.health + 10, TF_TD_IGNOREARMOUR, TF_TD_OTHER); sound (self.owner, CHAN_MISC, "effects/crunch.wav", 1, ATTN_NONE); } retval = FALSE; } else if (self.martyr_enemy.team_no != self.has_holo) // target switched team? if so.. abort { sprint (self.owner, PRINT_HIGH, "The communication has been lost!\n"); retval = FALSE; } else if (self.has_camera == -2) { retval = TRUE; } else if (Teammate(self.martyr_enemy.team_no,self.owner.team_no) && self.martyr_enemy.num_mines & self.has_camera && self.has_camera != -1) { sprint (self.owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Somebody improved that first.\n"); retval = FALSE; } else if (!Teammate(self.martyr_enemy.team_no,self.owner.team_no) && self.martyr_enemy.is_malfunctioning & self.has_camera) { sprint (self.owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Somebody screwed that up first! heh\n"); retval = FALSE; } if (!retval) { self.owner.is_haxxxoring = 0; self.owner.tfstate = self.tfstate - (self.tfstate & TFSTATE_CANT_MOVE); TeamFortress_SetSpeed(self.owner); self.think = SUB_Remove; self.nextthink = time + 0.1; dremove(self); } return retval; }; void() SBHackDotTimerThink = { if (CheckHaxxx() == FALSE) return; local vector org; if (random() < 0.4) //-ofn was 0.3 { org = self.martyr_enemy.origin; if (self.martyr_enemy.classname == "building_tesla" && self.martyr_enemy.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) org_z = org_z - 7; // - 32; else if (self.martyr_enemy.classname == "building_tesla") org_z = org_z + 7; // + 32; else if (self.martyr_enemy.classname == "building_sentrygun" && self.martyr_enemy.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) org_z = org_z - 16; else if (self.martyr_enemy.classname == "building_sentrygun") org_z = org_z + 16; else if (self.martyr_enemy.classname == "building_dispenser") org_z = org_z + 16; else if (self.martyr_enemy.classname == "building_fieldgen") org_z = org_z + 32; WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_GUNSHOT); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, 3); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_z); multicast (org, MULTICAST_PVS); } self.heat = self.heat - 1; if (self.heat <= 0) { SBFireInterface(); return; } self.nextthink = time + 1; }; void() JobHacker = { local vector source; if (self.is_haxxxoring) { if (self.demon_two.has_camera == -2) return; // if we ralready aborting a hack... sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Aborting hack...\n"); self.demon_two.heat = 1 + 2 * random(); self.demon_two.has_camera = -2; return; } if (self.is_feigning) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You cannot hack while feigning.\n"); return; } if (self.is_detpacking || self.is_toffingadet) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You can't hack something while setting a detpack.\n"); return; } if (self.is_building) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You can't hack while building!\n"); return; } source = self.origin + '0 0 16'; traceline (source, source + v_forward*500, FALSE, self); if ( (IsBuilding(trace_ent) && trace_ent.classname != "building_sentrygun_base") || trace_ent.classname == "player") { if (!Teammate(trace_ent.team_no,self.team_no) && trace_ent.real_owner != self) { if (trace_ent.is_malfunctioning == SCREWUP_ONE + SCREWUP_TWO + SCREWUP_THREE + SCREWUP_FOUR) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You couldn't possibly screw that up more than it already is.\n"); return; } else if (IsBuilding(trace_ent) && trace_ent.classname != "building_sentrygun_base") { self.current_menu = MENU_E_HACK; self.menu_count = MENU_REFRESH_RATE; } } else if (IsBuilding(trace_ent) && trace_ent.classname != "building_sentrygun_base") { self.current_menu = MENU_F_HACK; self.menu_count = MENU_REFRESH_RATE; } self.demon_two = trace_ent; if (trace_ent.classname=="player") { if (!(trace_ent.cutf_items & CUTF_CYBERAUG)) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You can't hack him.\n"); ResetMenu(); self.demon_two=NIL; return; } sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "\nScanning for cyberaug equipment...\n"); SBInitiateInterface(0); ResetMenu(); } else { sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "\nEstablishing connection...\n"); local string st; st=GetBuildingName(self.demon_two); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Target ôùðå: "); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "\nTarget ï÷îåò: "); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, self.demon_two.real_owner.netname); if (Teammate(self.team_no,self.demon_two.team_no)) sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "\nFriendly device.\n"); else sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "\nÅîåíù device!\n"); } } else { sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "There is nothing there to hack!\n"); return; } }; //================================================================== // NEEDED? //_-------------- // called on any DIE routine for buildings to ensure nobody // hacks unexistent machine, or eng tries to fix the building // i think this can fix some strange crashes /* void(entity thebuilding) UpdateBuildingMenus = { local entity te; // find all players te = find(NIL, classname, "player"); while (te) { if (te.job & JOB_HACKER) // a hacker? if (!te.is_haxxxoring) // currently hacking? if so.. do nothing, he could be killed by building if (te.demon_two == thebuilding) // this is our target? if (te.current_menu == MENU_E_HACK || te.current_menu == MENU_F_HACK) // and we have the hack menu? { // then reset his menu te.demon_two = NIL; if (te.StatusBarSize == 0) CenterPrint(te, "\n"); else te.StatusRefreshTime = time + 0.1; te.menu_count = MENU_REFRESH_RATE; te.current_menu = MENU_DEFAULT; } if (te.building == thebuilding) // put the eng building to wolrd, and player_menu will reset it te.building = NIL; te = find(te, classname, "player"); } }; */