/*====================================================== OPTIONS.QC TeamFortress v2.5 (c) TeamFortress Software Pty Ltd 29/2/97 ======================================================== Defines for the compilable options within TF. ========================================================*/ #pragma DONT_COMPILE_THIS_FILE //#define COOP_MODE #define NET_SERVER //#define BOTS // doesn't do anything yet //#define DEMO_STUFF #define STATUSBAR #pragma PROGS_DAT "qwprogs.dat" #undef COOP_MODE #define NET_SERVER #ifdef NET_SERVER #define SPY_INVIS_ONLY #OFF // Spy becomes invisible instead of changing skin/color #define DEFAULT_AUTOZOOM #OFF #define WEINER_SNIPER // autoaiming for sniper rifle #define FLAME_MAXWORLDNUM 20 // maximum number of flames in the world. DO NOT PUT BELOW 20. #define MAX_WORLD_PIPEBOMBS 20 // This is divided between teams - this is the most you should have on a net server #define MAX_WORLD_AMMOBOXES 6 // This is divided between teams - this is the most you should have on a net server #define GR_TYPE_MIRV_NO 4 // Number of Mirvs a Mirv Grenade breaks into #define GR_TYPE_NAPALM_NO 8 // Number of flames napalm grenade breaks into (unused if net server) #define MEDIKIT_IS_BIOWEAPON // WK THIS MUST BE DEFINED OR SHIT BREAKS NOW // #define RESTORE_DEAD_SPEEDS // If defined, we restore the cl_speeds #else // LAN options #define SPY_INVIS_ONLY #OFF // Spy changes skin/color instead of becoming invisible #define DEFAULT_AUTOZOOM #OFF #define FLAME_MAXWORLDNUM 60 // maximum number of flames in the world. DO NOT PUT BELOW 20. #define MAX_WORLD_PIPEBOMBS 30 // This is divided between teams #define MAX_WORLD_AMMOBOXES 6 // This is divided between teams #define GR_TYPE_MIRV_NO 12 // Number of Mirvs a Mirv Grenade breaks into #define GR_TYPE_NAPALM_NO 12 // Number of flames napalm grenade breaks into #endif // these defines are ignored if quakeworld is on #define GRAPPLING_HOOK // Allow players to use the Hook on any map #define TEAM_HELP_RATE 60 // used only if teamplay bit 64 (help team with lower score) is set. // 60 is a mild setting, and won't make too much difference // increasing it _decreases_ the amount of help the losing team gets // Minimum setting is 1, which would really help the losing team #define PLAYER_PUSHING // You can push your team mates around! #define DISPLAY_CLASS_HELP #ON // Change this to #OFF if you don't want the class help to // appear whenever a player connects #define NEVER_TEAMFRAGS #ON // teamfrags options always off (i didn't realise people wouldn't like it) #define ALWAYS_TEAMFRAGS #OFF // teamfrags options always on #define CHECK_SPEEDS #ON // makes sure players aren't moving too fast #define SNIPER_RIFLE_RELOAD_TIME 1.5 // seconds #define STOP_MOUSE_MOVEMENT #ON // stops players from moving forward/back with the mouse, and cheating with it. #define RESPAWN_DELAY_TIME 5 // this is the respawn delay, if the RESPAWN_DELAY option is // turned on with temp1. QuakeWorld servers can use // serverinfo respawn_delay to set their own time. // see qw.txt for more info. //#define SPEECH // Don't enable this, ever. #define MEDIKIT_IS_BIOWEAPON // WK THIS MUST BE DEFINED OR SHIT BREAKS NOW #undef COOP_MODE // #undef NET_SERVER #undef PLAYER_PUSHING #define NET_SERVER // Message Options //#define CHEAT_WARNINGS // If defined, the server will be told when players // were caught with different skins/colors. // Debug Options //#define MAP_DEBUG // Debug for Map code. I suggest running in a hi-res // mode and/or piping the output from the server to a file. //#define VERBOSE // Verbose Debugging on/off //#define PRINT_DMG //CH prints out dmg from TF_T_Damage