/* TeamFortress 2.1 - 22/1/97 TeamFortress Software Robin Walker, John Cook, Ian Caughley. Functions handling all the help displaying for TeamFortress. */ #include "defs.qh" // Prototypes // Team Functions float() TeamFortress_TeamPutPlayerInTeam; float(float tno) TeamFortress_TeamSet; float(float tno) TeamGetColor; void(float tno) TeamFortress_TeamSetColor; void() TeamFortress_CheckTeamCheats; void(float tno, float scoretoadd) TeamFortress_TeamIncreaseScore; float(float tno) TeamFortress_TeamGetScore; float (float tno) TeamFortress_TeamGetLives; float(float tno) TeamFortress_TeamGetNoPlayers; float (float tno) TeamFortress_TeamGetMaxPlayers; float() TeamFortress_TeamGetWinner; void(float tno) TeamFortress_TeamShowScores; string(float tno) TeamFortress_TeamGetColorString; void(entity Player) TeamFortress_TeamShowMemberClasses; float(float tno) TeamFortress_TeamGetIllegalClasses; float(float tno) TeamFortress_TeamIsCivilian; void(entity p) SetTeamName; string(float tno) GetTrueTeamName; //-------- OfN ---------------------------------// void(float tno, entity ignore) teamprefixsprint; //- OfN - Extra cheat checking... float (string skin_str) Is_TF_Skin; float (float tno, float theColor ) IsValidTopColor; //========================================================================= // TEAM FUNCTIONS //========================================================================= // Put the player into the team with the least number of players in it. Return TRUE if successful float() TeamFortress_TeamPutPlayerInTeam = { local float lowest, lowest_num; local float i, i_num; local float teams_with_vacancy = 0; local float maxplayers, curplayers; for (i = 1; i <= number_of_teams; i = i + 1) { maxplayers = TeamFortress_TeamGetMaxPlayers (i); curplayers = TeamFortress_TeamGetNoPlayers (i); if (curplayers < maxplayers) teams_with_vacancy = teams_with_vacancy + 1; } lowest = 0; lowest_num = -1; for (i = 1; i <= number_of_teams; i = i + 1) { i_num = TeamFortress_TeamGetNoPlayers(i); if (TeamFortress_TeamGetMaxPlayers (i) > i_num) { if (i_num < lowest_num // eww, ugly || lowest_num == -1 || (i_num == lowest_num && random () < 1 / teams_with_vacancy)) { lowest = i; lowest_num = i_num; } } } if (lowest == 0) { // ummm, I don't think this should be possible.. sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "All teams are full!\n"); return 0; } return TeamFortress_TeamSet (lowest); }; //========================================================================= // Return the color for the team corresponding to the no passed in float(float tno) TeamGetColor = { if (tno == 1) return DARKBLUE; if (tno == 2) return RED; if (tno == 3) return YELLOW; if (tno == 4) return DARKGREEN; return 0; }; //========================================================================= // Set the color for the team corresponding to the no passed in, to self.team_no void(float tno) TeamFortress_TeamSetColor = { if (tno == 1) { team1col = DARKBLUE; return; } if (tno == 2) { team2col = RED; return; } if (tno == 3) { team3col = YELLOW; return; } if (tno == 4) { team4col = DARKGREEN; return; } }; string(float tno) GetTeamName = { local string st; if (tno == 1) { /*if (world.b_b && world.b_b) { return world.b_b; }*/ st = infokey(NIL, "team1"); if (!st) st = infokey(NIL, "t1"); if (!st || st == "") return "blue"; } else if (tno == 2) { /*if (world.b_t != "" && world.b_t) { return world.b_t; }*/ st = infokey(NIL, "team2"); if (!st) st = infokey(NIL, "t2"); if (!st) return "red"; } else if (tno == 3) { /*if (world.b_n != "" && world.b_n) { return world.b_n; }*/ st = infokey(NIL, "team3"); if (!st) st = infokey(NIL, "t3"); if (!st) return "yell"; } else if (tno == 4) { /*if (world.b_o != "" && world.b_o) { return world.b_o; }*/ st = infokey(NIL, "team4"); if (!st) st = infokey(NIL, "t4"); if (!st) return "teal"; } else st = ""; return st; }; //returns only the team color string(float tno) GetTrueTeamName = { if (tno == 1) return "Âìõå"; else if (tno == 2) return "Òåä"; else if (tno == 3) return "Ùåììï÷"; else if (tno == 4) return "Çòååî"; else return "ERROR"; }; void(entity p) SetTeamName = { local string st; st = GetTeamName(p.team_no); stuffcmd(p, "team \""); //careful about empty team stuffcmd(p, st); stuffcmd(p, "\"\n"); setinfokey(p, "team", st); }; //========================================================================= // Set the current player's.team_no to self.impulse. Return TRUE if successful float(float tno) TeamFortress_TeamSet = { local string st; local float tc, tc2; if (teamplay < 1) { sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Teamplay is not On, so FortressTeams are inactive.\n"); return FALSE; } /* if (chris) if (prematch > time) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Sorry, Chris' Teamplay Plus Mode is active and a round is in progress. Please wait for the next round to begin.\n"); PlayerObserverMode(); }*/ if (tno > number_of_teams && number_of_teams != 0) { sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "There can be only "); st = ftos(number_of_teams); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, " teams on this map.\nTry again\n"); return FALSE; } if (self.team_no > 0) { sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "You're already in Team No "); st = ftos(self.team_no); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, ".\n"); return FALSE; } tc = TeamFortress_TeamGetNoPlayers(tno); if (tc >= TeamFortress_TeamGetMaxPlayers(tno)) { //- OfN if (mapname == "huntedr") { if (tno == 3) sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "The game has already enough assassins, be a bodyguard.\n"); else if (tno == 1) sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "You wanna be the vicepresident or what?\n"); } else sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "That team is full. Pick another.\n"); return FALSE; } // If the color for the team this player is changing to is 0, // then this is the first player in this team, and we set the // teamcolor to this player's pants color. // If not, we change this player's color to this team. if (TeamGetColor(tno) == 0) { TeamFortress_TeamSetColor(tno); // If the color wasn't set if (TeamGetColor(tno) == 0) { sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "You can't start a new team with your color, since another "); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "already using that color. Change your pants color, then try again.\n"); return FALSE; } // Announce the new team bprint(PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); bprint(PRINT_HIGH, " has started Team No "); st = ftos(tno); bprint(PRINT_HIGH, st); bprint(PRINT_HIGH, ".\n"); // Prevent the cheatchecking mechanism from nabbing them b4 the // color command works. makeImmune(self,time+10); //self.immune_to_check = time + 10; tc = TeamGetColor (tno) - 1; tc2 = TeamGetNiceColor (tno); SetPlayerColor (self, tc, tc2); self.team_no = tno; self.lives = TeamFortress_TeamGetLives(tno); SetTeamName(self); // Set the Civilian Class of anyone in a Civilian Team if (self.playerclass == PC_UNDEFINED) { if (TeamFortress_TeamIsCivilian(self.team_no)) { self.impulse = 1; TeamFortress_ChangeClass(); } } return TRUE; } // Announce the new teammember bprint(PRINT_HIGH, self.netname); bprint(PRINT_HIGH, " has joined Team No "); st = ftos(tno); bprint(PRINT_HIGH, st); bprint(PRINT_HIGH, ".\n"); tc = TeamGetColor (tno) - 1; tc2 = TeamGetNiceColor (tno); SetPlayerColor (self, tc, tc2); self.team_no = tno; // Prevent the cheatchecking mechanism from nabbing them b4 the // color command works. // makeImmune(self,time+10); //self.immune_to_check = time + 10; self.lives = TeamFortress_TeamGetLives(tno); // Tell them what class the other members of their team are TeamFortress_TeamShowMemberClasses(self); SetTeamName(self); // Set the Civilian Class of anyone in a Civilian Team if (self.playerclass == PC_UNDEFINED) { if (TeamFortress_TeamIsCivilian(self.team_no)) { self.impulse = 1; TeamFortress_ChangeClass(); } } //RJM if (toggleflags & TFLAG_TEAMFRAGS) self.frags = TeamFortress_TeamGetScore(self.team_no); //RJM //- OfN Team3 should have less players than red in Hunted if (mapname == "huntedr") { local float result; result = floor(TeamFortress_TeamGetNoPlayers(2) * HUNTED_YELLOWTEAM_FACTOR); team3maxplayers = result; if (team3maxplayers < 1) team3maxplayers = 1; } return TRUE; }; //========================================================================= // Make sure no-one is changing their colors void() TeamFortress_CheckTeamCheats = { /* local string st, sk; local float tc, tc2; local float rate; if (self.immune_to_chec > time) return; if (self.deadflag) return; #ifdef COOP_MODE if (coop && !deathmatch) // don't worry about it if in coop game return; #endif //WK Add in hack for "skins" cheat. This is as good a place as any if (!self.netname) { stuffcmd(self,"name \"I'm a cheater even when RENAMED\"\n"); stuffcmd(self,"disconnect\n"); } //WK Limit rate to 10k? st = infokey(self,"rate"); if (st) rate = stof(st); if (rate > 10000) { stuffcmd(self,"rate 10000\n"); } //- OfN - Added checking for topcolor changes... (see IsValidTopColor in OfteN.qc) local float tTopColor; st = infokey(self,"topcolor"); tTopColor=stof(st); // Have they changed color? if (self.team_no > 0 && teamplay > 0) { // QuakeWorld st = infokey(self, "bottomcolor"); tc = stof(st); // if they're a spy, check to see if they've changed colors manually if ((self.cutf_items & CUTF_SPY_KIT) && self.undercover_team != 0) { if ((TeamGetColor(self.undercover_team) - 1) != tc || !IsValidTopColor(self.undercover_team,tTopColor)) { #ifdef CHEAT_WARNINGS RPrint(self.netname); RPrint(" had his colors reset.\n"); #endif tc = TeamGetColor (self.undercover_team) - 1; tc2 = TeamGetNiceColor (self.undercover_team); SetPlayerColor (self, tc, tc2); // bprint2(PRINT_MEDIUM, self.netname, " has been kicked for changing color.\n"); // sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You have been kicked for changing your color. Don't do it.\n"); // stuffcmd(self, "disconnect\n"); return; } } else if (tc != (TeamGetColor(self.team_no) - 1) || !IsValidTopColor(self.team_no,tTopColor)) { #ifdef CHEAT_WARNINGS RPrint(self.netname); RPrint(" had his colors reset.\n"); #endif tc = TeamGetColor (self.team_no) - 1; tc2 = TeamGetNiceColor (self.team_no); SetPlayerColor (self, tc, tc2); // bprint2(PRINT_MEDIUM, self.netname, " has been kicked for changing color.\n"); // sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You have been kicked for changing your color. Don't do it.\n"); // stuffcmd(self, "disconnect\n"); return; } // Have they changed their skin? if (self.playerclass != PC_UNDEFINED) { //WK For some reason, this isn't reading right for el PC_CUSTOM st = infokey(self, "skin"); tc = 0; // OfN kick custom player classes using a non TF-skin if (self.playerclass == PC_CUSTOM && !Is_TF_Skin(st)) { TeamFortress_SetSkin(self); // bprint2(PRINT_MEDIUM, self.netname, " has been kicked for changing skin.\n"); // sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You have been kicked for changing your skin. Don't do it.\n"); // stuffcmd(self, "disconnect\n"); } if ((self.cutf_items & CUTF_SPY_KIT) && self.undercover_skin != 0) { //WK tc = PC_SPY; tc = self.playerclass; self.playerclass = self.undercover_skin; } if ( self.playerclass == PC_SCOUT ) sk = "tf_scout"; else if ( self.playerclass == PC_SNIPER ) sk = "tf_snipe"; else if ( self.playerclass == PC_SOLDIER ) sk = "tf_sold"; else if ( self.playerclass == PC_DEMOMAN ) sk = "tf_demo"; else if ( self.playerclass == PC_MEDIC ) sk = "tf_medic"; else if ( self.playerclass == PC_HVYWEAP ) sk = "tf_hwguy"; else if ( self.playerclass == PC_PYRO ) sk = "tf_pyro"; else if ( self.playerclass == PC_SPY ) sk = "tf_spy"; else if ( self.playerclass == PC_ENGINEER ) sk = "tf_eng"; else { if ((self.cutf_items & CUTF_SPY_KIT) && self.undercover_skin != 0) { self.playerclass = tc; } return; //WK Don't check as a safety precaution. } if (self.cutf_items & CUTF_SPY_KIT && self.undercover_skin != 0) { //sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"Mommy Wuvs You!\n"); self.playerclass = tc; } //WK Ignore our custom, spy-kitting friends. Kick everyone else if ((st != sk) && !((self.playerclass == PC_CUSTOM) && (self.cutf_items & CUTF_SPY_KIT))) { #ifdef CHEAT_WARNINGS RPrint(self.netname); RPrint(" had his skin reset.\n"); #endif TeamFortress_SetSkin(self); // bprint2(PRINT_MEDIUM, self.netname, " has been kicked for changing skin.\n"); // sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You have been kicked for changing your skin. Don't do it.\n"); // stuffcmd(self, "disconnect\n"); } } // Have they Changed their Team? st = GetTeamName(self.team_no); if (st != infokey(self, "team")) { if (self.penance_time < time) { //Ignore if we're cursed #ifdef CHEAT_WARNINGS RPrint(self.netname); RPrint(" had his team reset.\n"); #endif // Set the player's team SetTeamName(self); // bprint2(PRINT_MEDIUM, self.netname, " has been kicked for changing team.\n"); // sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You have been kicked for changing your team. Don't do it.\n"); // stuffcmd(self, "disconnect\n"); return; } } } */ }; void (entity pl, float topcolor, float bottomcolor) SetPlayerColor = { local string top; local string bottom; top = ftos (topcolor); bottom = ftos (bottomcolor); setinfokey (pl, "topcolor", top); setinfokey (pl, "bottomcolor", bottom); stuffcmd (pl, "topcolor " + top + "\n"); stuffcmd (pl, "bottomcolor " + bottom + "\n"); // stuffcmd (pl, "color " + top + " " + bottom + "\n"); }; void (string key, string value) UserInfoCallback = { // FIXME: remove the cheat poller local string oldval; oldval = infokey (self, key); if (value == oldval) { // generic reject // dprint ("[oldval [" + self.netname + "](" + key + ")(" + value + ")(" + oldval + ")]\n"); } // dprint ("[[" + self.netname + "](" + key + ")(" + value + ")(" + oldval + ")]\n"); else if (key == "topcolor") { // FIXME: some topcolors may be allowed RPrint ("items: " + ftos (self.cutf_items & CUTF_SPY_KIT) + " "); RPrint ("skin: " + ftos (self.is_undercover) + "\n"); if ((self.cutf_items & CUTF_SPY_KIT) && self.is_undercover) { setinfokey(self, "topcolor", oldval); stuffcmd(self, "color \"" + oldval + "\"\n"); } else setinfokey (self, key, value); } else if (key == "bottomcolor") { setinfokey (self, "bottomcolor", oldval); stuffcmd (self, "bottomcolor \"" + oldval + "\"\n"); } else if (key == "skin") { // FIXME: some other skins may be allowed stuffcmd(self, "skin \"" + oldval + "\"\n"); } else if (key == "name") { self.netname = value; setinfokey (self, key, value); } else if (key == "team") { stuffcmd (self, "team \"" + oldval + "\"\n"); } else { // accept everything else setinfokey (self, key, value); // RPrint ("[default [" + self.netname + "](" + key + ")(" + value + ")(" + oldval + ")]\n"); } }; //========================================================================= // Increase the score of a team void(float tno, float scoretoadd) TeamFortress_TeamIncreaseScore = { local entity e; if (tno == 0 || scoretoadd == 0) return; if (tno == 1) team1score = team1score + scoretoadd; if (tno == 2) team2score = team2score + scoretoadd; if (tno == 3) team3score = team3score + scoretoadd; if (tno == 4) team4score = team4score + scoretoadd; // If TeamFrags is on, update all the team's player's frags. if (toggleflags & TFLAG_TEAMFRAGS) { e = find(NIL, classname, "player"); while (e) { if (e.team_no == tno) e.frags = TeamFortress_TeamGetScore(tno); e = find(e, classname, "player"); } } }; //========================================================================= // Return the score of a team float (float tno) TeamFortress_TeamGetScore = { if (tno == 1) return team1score; if (tno == 2) return team2score; if (tno == 3) return team3score; if (tno == 4) return team4score; return 0; }; //========================================================================= // Return the number of lives each team member in a team has float (float tno) TeamFortress_TeamGetLives = { if (tno == 1) return team1lives; if (tno == 2) return team2lives; if (tno == 3) return team3lives; if (tno == 4) return team4lives; return 0; }; //========================================================================= // Return the number of players in a team float (float tno) TeamFortress_TeamGetNoPlayers = { local float size_team = 0; local entity search; //local string st; search = find (NIL, classname, "player"); while (search) { if (search.team_no == tno) size_team = size_team + 1; search = find (search, classname, "player"); } return size_team; }; //========================================================================= // Return the number of lives each team member in a team has float (float tno) TeamFortress_TeamGetMaxPlayers = { if (tno == 1) return team1maxplayers; if (tno == 2) return team2maxplayers; if (tno == 3) return team3maxplayers; if (tno == 4) return team4maxplayers; return 0; }; //========================================================================= // Return the team that's winning float() TeamFortress_TeamGetWinner = { local float i,j,highest,highestteam; i = 1; highest = 0; highestteam = 0; while (i < (number_of_teams + 1)) { j = TeamFortress_TeamGetScore(i); if (j > highest) { highest = j; highestteam = i; } i = i + 1; } return highestteam; }; //========================================================================= // Return the team that's winning /*CH i saw no uses float() TeamFortress_TeamGetSecond = { local float i,j,highest,highestteam, secondteam, second; i = 1; highestteam = TeamFortress_TeamGetWinner(); highest = TeamFortress_TeamGetScore(highestteam); secondteam = 0; second = 0; while (i < (number_of_teams + 1)) { j = TeamFortress_TeamGetScore(i); if (j < highest && j > second) { second = j; secondteam = i; } i = i + 1; } return secondteam; }; */ //========================================================================= // Display all the Team Scores void(float all) TeamFortress_TeamShowScores = { local string st; local float i,j; i = 1; // short scores if (all == 2) { while (i <= number_of_teams) { if (TeamGetColor(i) > 0) { j = TeamFortress_TeamGetScore(i); st = TeamFortress_TeamGetColorString(i); bprint(PRINT_HIGH, st); bprint(PRINT_HIGH, ": "); st = ftos(j); bprint(PRINT_HIGH, st); bprint(PRINT_HIGH, " "); } i = i + 1; } bprint (PRINT_HIGH, "\n"); return; } // long scores while (i <= number_of_teams) { if (TeamGetColor(i) > 0) { if (all) bprint (PRINT_HIGH, "Team "); else sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Team "); st = ftos(i); if (all) bprint (PRINT_HIGH, st); else sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, st); if (all) bprint (PRINT_HIGH, " ("); else sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, " ("); st = TeamFortress_TeamGetColorString(i); if (all) bprint (PRINT_HIGH, st); else sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, st); if (all) bprint (PRINT_HIGH, ") : "); else sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, ") : "); j = TeamFortress_TeamGetScore(i); st = ftos(j); if (all) bprint (PRINT_HIGH, st); else sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, st); if (all) bprint (PRINT_HIGH, "\n"); else sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "\n"); } i = i + 1; } }; //========================================================================= // Return a string containing the color of the team passed in tno string(float tno) TeamFortress_TeamGetColorString = { local float col; col = TeamGetColor(tno); if (col == 1) return "White"; if (col == 2) return "Brown"; if (col == 3) return "LightBlue"; //- OfN was blue if (col == 4) return "Green"; if (col == 5) return "Red"; if (col == 6) return "Tan"; if (col == 7) return "Pink"; if (col == 8) return "Orange"; if (col == 9) return "Purple"; if (col == 10) return "DarkPurple"; if (col == 11) return "Grey"; if (col == 12) return "DarkGreen"; if (col == 13) return "Yellow"; return "Blue"; // was DarkBlue }; //========================================================================= // Print to the Player's screen a list of all the members of his/her // team, and the class they've chosen void(entity Player) TeamFortress_TeamShowMemberClasses = { /*local string st; st = infokey(NIL, "no_showmembers"); */ local entity e; local float found; found = FALSE; e = find(NIL, classname, "player"); while (e) { if (((e.team_no == Player.team_no) || (e.team_no == 0)) && (e != Player)) { if (e.model) // check if valid player { if (!found) { found = TRUE; sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "The other members of your team are:\n"); } sprint (Player, PRINT_HIGH, e.netname); sprint (Player, PRINT_HIGH, " : "); if (e.playerclass != PC_CUSTOM) TeamFortress_PrintClassName(Player,e.playerclass, (e.tfstate & TFSTATE_RANDOMPC)); else TeamFortress_PrintJobName(Player,e.job); } } e = find(e, classname, "player"); } if (!found) { sprint (Player, PRINT_HIGH, "There are no other players on your team.\n"); } }; void() CalculateTeamEqualiser = { local float t1, t2, t3, t4; local float t_ave, calc; team1advantage = 1; team2advantage = 1; team3advantage = 1; team4advantage = 1; if (number_of_teams < 2) { // not enought teams! // wait a while, then try again (more teams may be created) self.nextthink = time + 60; return; } if (teamplay & TEAMPLAY_LESSPLAYERSHELP) { t1 = TeamFortress_TeamGetNoPlayers(1); t2 = TeamFortress_TeamGetNoPlayers(2); t3 = TeamFortress_TeamGetNoPlayers(3); t4 = TeamFortress_TeamGetNoPlayers(4); if ((t1 + t2 + t3 + t4) < 1) // is there any players at all? { self.nextthink = time + 30; return; } t_ave = (t1 + t2 + t3 + t4) / number_of_teams; // calulate teams equalisation ratio if (t1 > 0) { calc = (t_ave / t1) - 1; if (calc != 0) calc = (calc / 3) + 1; else calc = calc + 1; team1advantage = calc; } if (t2 > 0 && number_of_teams >= 2) { calc = (t_ave / t2) - 1; if (calc != 0) calc = (calc / 3) + 1; else calc = calc + 1; team2advantage = calc; } if (t3 > 0 && number_of_teams >= 3) { calc = (t_ave / t3) - 1; if (calc != 0) calc = (calc / 3) + 1; else calc = calc + 1; team3advantage = calc; } if (t4 > 0 && number_of_teams >= 4) { calc = (t_ave / t4) - 1; if (calc != 0) calc = (calc / 3) + 1; else calc = calc + 1; team4advantage = calc; } } if (teamplay & TEAMPLAY_LESSSCOREHELP) { t1 = team1score + TEAM_HELP_RATE; if (number_of_teams >= 2) t2 = team2score + TEAM_HELP_RATE; else t2 = 0; if (number_of_teams >= 3) t3 = team3score + TEAM_HELP_RATE; else t3 = 0; if (number_of_teams >= 4) t4 = team4score + TEAM_HELP_RATE; else t4 = 0; // calulate teams equalisation ratio t_ave = (t2 + t3 + t4) / (number_of_teams - 1); calc = (t_ave / t1) - 1; if (calc != 0) calc = (calc / 3) + 1; else calc = calc + 1; team1advantage = calc * team1advantage; if (number_of_teams >= 2) { t_ave = (t1 + t3 + t4) / (number_of_teams - 1); calc = (t_ave / t2) - 1; if (calc != 0) calc = (calc / 3) + 1; else calc = calc + 1; team2advantage = calc * team2advantage; } if (number_of_teams >= 3) { t_ave = (t2 + t1 + t4) / (number_of_teams - 1); calc = (t_ave / t3) - 1; if (calc != 0) calc = (calc / 3) + 1; else calc = calc + 1; team3advantage = calc * team3advantage; } if (number_of_teams >= 4) { t_ave = (t2 + t3 + t1) / (number_of_teams - 1); calc = (t_ave / t4) - 1; if (calc != 0) calc = (calc / 3) + 1; else calc = calc + 1; team4advantage = calc * team4advantage; } } self.nextthink = time + 10; }; void() SetupTeamEqualiser = { team1advantage = 1; team2advantage = 1; team3advantage = 1; team4advantage = 1; if (!(teamplay & (TEAMPLAY_LESSPLAYERSHELP | TEAMPLAY_LESSSCOREHELP))) return; // setup teamplay timer local entity TE; TE = spawn(); TE.classname = "Team Equaliser"; TE.think = CalculateTeamEqualiser; TE.nextthink = time + 30; }; float (entity targ, entity attacker, float damage) TeamEqualiseDamage = { if (targ.classname != "player" || attacker.classname != "player") return damage; if (Teammate(targ.team_no, attacker.team_no)) return damage; local float adv = 0, newdam; // increase damage done by attacker's team advantage if (attacker.team_no == 1) adv = team1advantage; else if (attacker.team_no == 2) adv = team2advantage; else if (attacker.team_no == 3) adv = team3advantage; else if (attacker.team_no == 4) adv = team4advantage; if (adv == 0) { RPrint("There is a team with an advantage of 0\n"); adv = 0.1; } newdam = damage * adv; // reduce damage done by target's team advantage if (targ.team_no == 1) adv = team1advantage; else if (targ.team_no == 2) adv = team2advantage; else if (targ.team_no == 3) adv = team3advantage; else if (targ.team_no == 4) adv = team4advantage; if (adv == 0) { RPrint("There is a team with an advantage of 0\n"); adv = 0.1; } newdam = newdam * (1 / adv); return newdam; }; //========================================================================= // StatusQuery void() TeamFortress_StatusQuery = { local float ft; local string st; sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "players per team: "); ft = TeamFortress_TeamGetNoPlayers(1); st = ftos(ft); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, " "); ft = TeamFortress_TeamGetNoPlayers(2); st = ftos(ft); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, " "); ft = TeamFortress_TeamGetNoPlayers(3); st = ftos(ft); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, " "); ft = TeamFortress_TeamGetNoPlayers(4); st = ftos(ft); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "\n"); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, " equalisation: "); st = ftos(team1advantage); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, " "); st = ftos(team2advantage); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, " "); st = ftos(team3advantage); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, " "); st = ftos(team4advantage); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "\n"); st = ftos(teamplay); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Teamplay is "); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "\n"); }; //========================================================================= // Return the illegal classes for this team float(float tno) TeamFortress_TeamGetIllegalClasses = { if (tno == 1) return illegalclasses1; if (tno == 2) return illegalclasses2; if (tno == 3) return illegalclasses3; if (tno == 4) return illegalclasses4; return 0; }; //========================================================================= // Return TRUE if this team is restricted to Civilian class float(float tno) TeamFortress_TeamIsCivilian = { if (tno == 1) { if (civilianteams & TEAM1_CIVILIANS) return TRUE; } else if (tno == 2) { if (civilianteams & TEAM2_CIVILIANS) return TRUE; } else if (tno == 3) { if (civilianteams & TEAM3_CIVILIANS) return TRUE; } else // if (tno == 4) { if (civilianteams & TEAM4_CIVILIANS) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }; //========================================================================= // Sprints to all the members on one team except one void(float tno, entity ignore, string st) teamsprint = { // Don't do teamprints in DM if (tno == 0) return; local entity te; te = find(NIL, classname, "player"); while (te) { if (Teammate(te.team_no,tno) && te != ignore) { sprint(te, PRINT_HIGH, st); } te = find(te, classname, "player"); } };