#include "defs.qh" /*=======================================================// // OfteN.QC - CustomTF 3.2.OfN - 30/1/2001 - // // by Sergio Fuma๑a Grunwaldt - OfteN aka superCOCK2000 // =========================================================// Additional stuff =========================================================*/ //= HOLOGRAPH SETTINGS ==========// #define HOLO_POWER_COST 10 // #define HOLO_CYCLE_COST 2 // #define HOLO_CYCLE_TIME 1.5 // //===============================// //= FLARE GREN SETTINGS =========// #define FLARE_DURATION 60 // //===============================// void() HoloThink; void(entity player) RemoveHolo; //====================================================================// // Initialize stuff, localinfos etc... // // This is called on worldspawn and with the IMPULSE_UPDATEINFO (194) // //====================================================================// void () UpdateInfos = { local string st; st = infokey(world, "allow_debug"); // if (st == "1" || st =="on") allow_debug = 1; else { debug_target=world; allow_debug = 0; } /*st = infokey(world, "cool_gibs"); // if (st == "1" || st =="on") cool_gibs = 1; else cool_gibs = 0;*/ st = infokey(world, "pay_msgs"); // if (st == "1" || st =="on") pay_msgs = 1; else pay_msgs = 0; st = infokey(world, "team_prefix"); // if (st == "1" || st =="on") team_prefix = 1; else team_prefix = 0; /*st = infokey(world, "allow_mauser"); // if (st == "1" || st =="on") allow_mauser = 1; else allow_mauser = 0;*/ st = infokey(world, "headless"); // if (st == "1" || st =="on" ) headless = 1; else headless = 0; st = infokey(world, "no_grapple"); // if (st == "1" || st =="on" ) no_grapple = 1; else no_grapple = 0; st = infokey(world, "no_army"); // if (st == "1" || st =="on" ) no_army = 1; else no_army = 0; st = infokey(world, "nicecolors"); // if (st == "1" || st =="on" ) nicecolors = 1; else nicecolors = 0; st = infokey(world, "relax_cheatcheck"); // if (st == "1" || st =="on" ) relax_cheatcheck = 1; else relax_cheatcheck = 0; /*st = infokey(world, "allow_antigrav"); // if (st == "1" || st =="on" ) allow_antigrav = 1; else allow_antigrav = 0;*/ st = infokey(world, "no_clusters"); // if (st == "1" || st =="on" ) no_clusters = 1; else no_clusters = 0; st = infokey(world, "no_c4"); // if (st == "1" || st =="on" ) no_c4 = 1; else no_c4 = 0; st = infokey(world, "no_otr"); // if (st == "1" || st =="on" ) no_otr = 1; else no_otr = 0; st = infokey(world, "no_laser"); // if (st == "1" || st =="on" ) no_laser = 1; else no_laser = 0; st = infokey(world, "no_detpush"); // if (st == "0" || st =="off" ) no_detpush = 0; else no_detpush = 1; st = infokey(world, "no_monstercolors"); // if (st == "1" || st =="on" ) no_monstercolors = 1; else no_monstercolors = 0; st = infokey(world, "no_chaplan"); // if (st == "1" || st =="on" ) no_chaplan = 1; else no_chaplan = 0; st = infokey(world, "max_mines"); // if (!st) st="4"; //sets default, 4 max mines max_mines = stof(st); if (max_mines < 2 ) max_mines = 2; // the allowed minimum are 2 mines else if (max_mines > 8) max_mines = 8; //the allowed maximum is 8 mines st = infokey(world, "custom_mode"); // if (!st) st="0"; //sets default custom_mode = stof(st); if (custom_mode < 0 ) custom_mode = 0; // the allowed minimum else if (custom_mode > 2) custom_mode = 2; //the allowed maximum st = infokey(world, "stock_mode"); // if (!st) st="0"; //sets default stock_mode = stof(st); if (stock_mode < 0 ) stock_mode = 0; // the allowed minimum else if (stock_mode > 2) stock_mode = 2; //the allowed maximum if (stock_mode == 2 && custom_mode == 2) custom_mode = 0; st = infokey(world, "army_delay"); // if (!st) st="5"; //sets default army_delay = stof(st); if (army_delay < 2 ) army_delay = 2; // the allowed minimum else if (army_delay > 60) army_delay = 60; //the allowed maximum st = infokey(world, "allow_watermonsters"); // if (st == "1" || st =="on" ) allow_watermonsters = 1; else allow_watermonsters = 0; }; //====================================================================// // Sprints to all the members on one team except one the Team> Prefix // // It should be used prior any teamsprint (look at tforttm.qc) // //====================================================================// void(float tno, entity ignore) teamprefixsprint = { if ( team_prefix != 1 ) return; local entity te; // Don't do teamprints in DM if (tno == 0) return; te = find(world, classname, "player"); while (te) { if (Teammate(te.team_no,tno) && te != ignore) { sprint(te, PRINT_HIGH, "Team "); } te = find(te, classname, "player"); } }; //========================================================== // same shit but ignores 2 players void(float tno, entity ignore, entity ignore2) teamprefixsprintbi = { if ( team_prefix != 1 ) return; local entity te; // Don't do teamprints in DM if (tno == 0) return; te = find(world, classname, "player"); while (te) { if (Teammate(te.team_no,tno) && te != ignore && te != ignore2) { sprint(te, PRINT_HIGH, "Team "); } te = find(te, classname, "player"); } }; //- For better performance i added this: --// void(entity ignore, string st, string st2, string st3, string st4, string st5, string st6) teamsprint6 = { local entity te; te = find(world, classname, "player"); while (te) { if (Teammate(te.team_no,ignore.team_no) && te != ignore) { sprint(te, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint(te, PRINT_HIGH, st2); sprint(te, PRINT_HIGH, st3); sprint(te, PRINT_HIGH, st4); sprint(te, PRINT_HIGH, st5); sprint(te, PRINT_HIGH, st6); } te = find(te, classname, "player"); } }; //========================================================== // same shit but ignores 2 players void(entity ignore, entity ignore2, string st, string st2, string st3, string st4, string st5, string st6) teamsprintbi = { local entity te; te = find(world, classname, "player"); while (te) { if (Teammate(te.team_no,ignore.team_no) && te != ignore && te != ignore2) { sprint(te, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint(te, PRINT_HIGH, st2); sprint(te, PRINT_HIGH, st3); sprint(te, PRINT_HIGH, st4); sprint(te, PRINT_HIGH, st5); sprint(te, PRINT_HIGH, st6); } te = find(te, classname, "player"); } }; //================================================// // Kicks any player with no TF skin on tforttm.qc // //================================================// float (string skin_str) Is_TF_Skin = { // if relax_cheatcheck is "on" return its a valid skin if (relax_cheatcheck==1) return TRUE; if ( skin_str != "tf_scout" && skin_str != "tf_snipe" && skin_str != "tf_sold" && skin_str != "tf_demo" && skin_str != "tf_medic" && skin_str != "tf_hwguy" && skin_str != "tf_pyro" && skin_str != "tf_spy" && skin_str != "tf_eng") return FALSE; else return TRUE; }; //============================================================================// // Return the new "NICE" color for the team corresponding to the no passed in // //============================================================================// /*string (float tno) TeamGetNiceColor = { if (tno == 1) return "2 13"; if (tno == 2) return "9 4"; if (tno == 3) return "5 12"; if (tno == 4) return "3 11"; return ""; }; */ float (float tno) TeamGetNiceColor = { if (nicecolors == 1) { if (tno == 1) return 2; if (tno == 2) return 9; if (tno == 3) return 5; if (tno == 4) return 3; } else { if (tno == 1) return 13; if (tno == 2) return 4; if (tno == 3) return 12; if (tno == 4) return 11; } return 0; }; float (float tno, float theColor ) IsValidTopColor = { theColor = floor(theColor); // if relax_cheatcheck is "on" return its a valid color value if (relax_cheatcheck==1) { if (theColor > 13 || theColor < 0) return FALSE; if (tno == 1) { if (theColor == 4) return FALSE; if (number_of_teams > 2 && theColor == 12) return FALSE; if (number_of_teams > 3 && theColor == 11) return FALSE; } if (tno == 2) { if (theColor == 13) return FALSE; if (number_of_teams > 2 && theColor == 12) return FALSE; if (number_of_teams > 3 && theColor == 11) return FALSE; } if (tno == 3) { if (theColor==4||theColor==13) return FALSE; if (number_of_teams > 3 && theColor == 11) return FALSE; } if (tno == 4 && (theColor==4||theColor==13||theColor==12)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } if (tno == 1 && (theColor==2||theColor==13)) return TRUE; if (tno == 2 && (theColor==9||theColor==4)) return TRUE; if (tno == 3 && (theColor==12||theColor==5)) return TRUE; if (tno == 4 && (theColor==11||theColor==3)) return TRUE; return FALSE; }; //==========================// // The new holograph device // //==========================// void(entity player) UpdateCells = { if (player.current_weapon == WEAP_SPANNER || player.current_weapon == WEAP_LIGHTNING || player.current_weapon == WEAP_FLAMETHROWER || player.current_weapon == WEAP_DAEDALUS || player.current_weapon == WEAP_LASERCANNON) { player.currentammo = player.ammo_cells; player.items = player.items | IT_CELLS; } }; void(entity player) ActivateHolo = { if (!(player.cutf_items & CUTF_HOLO)) { //sprint(player, PRINT_MEDIUM, "You do not have the holograph!\n"); return; } if (player.has_holo == 2) return; // avoids overflow, turns to 1 after first think if (player.ammo_cells < 10 && player.has_holo == 0) { local string st; sprint(player, PRINT_HIGH, "Your holograph needs "); st=ftos(HOLO_POWER_COST); sprint(player, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint(player, PRINT_HIGH," cells at least!\n"); return; } if (player.has_holo == 1) { sprint(player, PRINT_HIGH, "You turn off the holograph device\n"); RemoveHolo(player); return; } newmis = spawn(); newmis.solid = SOLID_NOT; newmis.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP; newmis.origin = player.origin; newmis.angles = player.angles; newmis.colormap = player.colormap; newmis.skin = player.skin; setmodel (newmis, "progs/player.mdl"); newmis.classname = "holo"; newmis.owner=player; newmis.frame=player.frame; newmis.nextthink = time + HOLO_CYCLE_TIME; newmis.think = HoloThink; newmis.effects = EF_DIMLIGHT; player.ammo_cells = player.ammo_cells - HOLO_POWER_COST; UpdateCells(player); stuffcmd (player, "bf\nbf\n"); sprint(player,PRINT_HIGH,"you turn on your holograph...\n"); sound (newmis, CHAN_MISC, "effects/bodyhit2.wav", 0.5, ATTN_NORM); player.has_holo = 2; // 2 makes it wait until first think for turning off the holo }; void() HoloThink = { //local entity oldself; if (self.owner.ammo_cells < 1) { sprint(self.owner, PRINT_MEDIUM, "your hologram runs out of energy\n"); sound (self, CHAN_MISC, "effects/bodyhit1.wav", 0.6, ATTN_NORM); spawnFOG(self.origin); self.owner.has_holo = 0; dremove(self); return; } self.owner.ammo_cells = self.owner.ammo_cells - HOLO_CYCLE_COST; /*oldself = self; self = self.owner; W_SetCurrentAmmo(); self = oldself;*/ UpdateCells(self.owner); self.nextthink = time + HOLO_CYCLE_TIME; self.owner.has_holo = 1; // ready to be turned off }; void (entity player) RemoveHolo = { local entity te; te = find(world, classname, "holo"); while (te) { if (te.owner == player) { te.owner.has_holo = 0; sound (te, CHAN_MISC, "effects/bodyhit1.wav", 0.6, ATTN_NORM); spawnFOG(te.origin); dremove(te); return; } te = find(te, classname, "holo"); } }; vector (vector pos, vector dir) NudgeOnePosition = { local float a, b; a = pointcontents (pos + dir); b = pointcontents (pos - dir); if (a != CONTENTS_SOLID && b == CONTENTS_SOLID) return dir; else if (a == CONTENTS_SOLID && b != CONTENTS_SOLID) return -dir; else return '0 0 0'; }; vector (vector pos) NudgePosition = { pos += NudgeOnePosition (pos, '1 0 0'); pos += NudgeOnePosition (pos, '0 1 0'); pos += NudgeOnePosition (pos, '0 0 1'); return pos; }; //===========================// // THE FLARES ARE BACK! hehe // //===========================// void() FlareBounce; //---------------------------// // Flare touch function. // void() FlareGrenadeTouch = { if (other == self.owner) return; // don't bounce on owner if (pointcontents(self.origin) == CONTENTS_SKY || pointcontents(self.origin) == CONTENTS_SOLID) // if in wall or sky { dremove(self); return; } if (self.has_holo==0) { self.skin=1; //setmodel (self, "progs/flare.mdl"); } if (other == world && self.movetype != MOVETYPE_BOUNCE) { self.velocity = '0 0 0'; if (random()<0.6) { sound (self, CHAN_MISC, "effects/bodyhit2.wav", 0.7, ATTN_NORM); // bounce sound } else { sound (self, CHAN_MISC, "effects/bodyhit1.wav", 0.6, ATTN_NORM); // bounce sound } // the networking imprecision causes them to be through the // wall on clients, and in QF this stops the light from // working properly. So I try to nudge them away from the // wall setorigin (self, NudgePosition (self.origin)); } else { self.movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; self.avelocity = '1000 200 850'; self.touch = FlareBounce; } if (self.velocity == '0 0 0') self.avelocity = '0 0 0'; }; void() FlareBounce = { if (other == self.owner) return; // don't bounce on owner if (self.velocity == '0 0 0') self.avelocity = '0 0 0'; }; //---------------------------// // Flare grenade explosion. // void() FlareGrenadeExplode = { sound (self, CHAN_MISC, "items/flare1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); //setmodel (self, "progs/flare.mdl"); self.skin=0; self.has_holo=1; local vector org; org=self.origin; WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_GUNSHOT); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, 3); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, org_z); multicast (org, MULTICAST_PVS); self.effects = self.effects | EF_DIMLIGHT; self.think = SUB_Remove; self.nextthink = time + FLARE_DURATION; }; //========================================================// // My stupid contributions to optimize something! // //========================================================// float(entity thing) IsMonster = { if (thing.classname=="monster_shambler") return TRUE; if (thing.classname=="monster_demon1") return TRUE; if (thing.classname=="monster_wizard") return TRUE; if (thing.classname=="monster_army") return TRUE; if (thing.classname=="monster_knight") return TRUE; if (thing.classname=="monster_hknight") return TRUE; return FALSE; }; float(entity thing) IsMonsterNonArmy = { if (thing.classname=="monster_shambler") return TRUE; if (thing.classname=="monster_demon1") return TRUE; if (thing.classname=="monster_wizard") return TRUE; if (thing.classname=="monster_knight") return TRUE; if (thing.classname=="monster_hknight") return TRUE; return FALSE; }; float(entity player) HasMonster = { if ((player.job & JOB_WARLOCK && player.job & JOB_DEMON_OUT) ||(player.job & JOB_ARMY && player.job & JOB_DEMON_OUT)) return TRUE; return FALSE; }; string(entity themonster) GetMonsterName = { if (themonster.classname == "monster_wizard") return "scrag"; if (themonster.classname == "monster_shambler") return "shambler"; if (themonster.classname == "monster_demon1") return "fiend"; if (themonster.classname == "monster_army") return "army soldier"; if (themonster.classname == "monster_knight") return "knight"; if (themonster.classname == "monster_hknight") return "hell knight"; return "unknown monster"; }; void(entity themonster) KillTheMonster = { local entity oself; oself=self; self=themonster; if (themonster.classname == "monster_wizard") wiz_die(); else if (themonster.classname == "monster_shambler") custom_shambler_die(); else if (themonster.classname == "monster_demon1") custom_demon_die(); else if (themonster.classname == "monster_army") custom_grunt_die(); else if (themonster.classname == "monster_knight") knight_die(); else if (themonster.classname == "monster_hknight") hknight_die(); self=oself; }; string(entity thebuilding) GetBuildingName = { if (thebuilding.classname == "building_dispenser") return "dispenser"; else if (thebuilding.classname == "building_sentrygun") return "sentry gun"; else if (thebuilding.classname == "building_tesla") return "tesla sentry"; else if (thebuilding.classname == "building_sensor") return "motion sensor"; else if (thebuilding.classname == "building_camera") return "security camera"; else if (thebuilding.classname == "building_teleporter") return "teleporter pad"; else if (thebuilding.classname == "building_fieldgen") return "field generator"; else return "unknown building (BUG)"; }; // soldiers don't target unoffensive buildings, or cloaked teslas! float(entity thebuilding) IsOffenseBuilding = { if (!IsBuilding(thebuilding)) return FALSE; if (thebuilding.classname == "building_sentrygun") return TRUE; if (thebuilding.classname == "building_tesla") { if (thebuilding.tf_items & NIT_TESLA_CLOAKING) { if (thebuilding.job == 2) return TRUE; // tesla is uncloaked, so soldier can see it } else { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }; string(entity thething) GetEnemyName = { if (thething.classname == "player") return thething.netname; if (IsMonster(thething)) return GetMonsterName(thething); if (IsBuilding(thething)) return GetBuildingName(thething); if (thething.classname == "grenade" && thething.netname == "land_mine") return "land mine"; if (thething.classname != "") return thething.classname; return "unknown stuff"; }; //======================================================// void() ExpBodyThink; void(entity body) ExpBody = { newmis=spawn(); newmis.owner=body; newmis.think=ExpBodyThink; newmis.nextthink=time; newmis.origin=body.origin; }; void() ExpBodyThink = { //deathmsg = DMSG_EXPBODY; TF_T_Damage(self.owner, self.owner, self.owner.martyr_enemy, self.owner.health + 60, TF_TD_IGNOREARMOUR, TF_TD_OTHER);// TF_TD_OTHER); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_EXPLOSION); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z); multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS); deathmsg = DMSG_EXPBODY; T_RadiusDamage (self.owner, self.owner, EXPBODY_DMG, self.owner); // self.owner.is_abouttodie = TRUE; dremove(self); }; //===========================================// void(vector where) spawnFOG = { WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_TELEPORT); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, where_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, where_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, where_z); multicast (where, MULTICAST_PHS); }; //=========================================================// // called on any try to dismantle something from menu.qc // returns true if the thing should be dismantled float() CheckEnemyDismantle = { if (Teammate(self.building.real_owner.team_no,self.team_no)) return TRUE; local string st; st=GetBuildingName(self.building); if (GetICELevel(self.building) == 1 && random() > 0.5) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "This "); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, " isn't easy to dismantle, it has a level 1 ICE!\n"); sprint(self.building.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Somebody is trying to dismantle your "); sprint(self.building.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH,st); sprint(self.building.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "!\n"); return FALSE; } else if (GetICELevel(self.building) == 2) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You can't dismantle this "); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, ", it's protected with a level 2 ICE!\n"); sprint(self.building.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Somebody tried to dismantle your "); sprint(self.building.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH,st); sprint(self.building.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "!\n"); return FALSE; } else if (GetICELevel(self.building) == 3) { sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "This "); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, " is protected with a level 3 ICE!\n"); deathmsg=DMSG_ANTIDISM; TF_T_Damage(self, self, self.building, self.health + 50, TF_TD_IGNOREARMOUR, TF_TD_OTHER); sound (self, CHAN_MISC, "effects/crunch.wav", 1, ATTN_NONE); return FALSE; } bprint(PRINT_MEDIUM, self.building.real_owner.netname); bprint(PRINT_MEDIUM, "'s "); bprint(PRINT_MEDIUM, st); bprint(PRINT_MEDIUM, " has been dismantled by "); bprint(PRINT_MEDIUM, self.netname); bprint(PRINT_MEDIUM, "\n"); sprint(self.building.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "The enemy has dismantled your "); sprint(self.building.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, st); sprint(self.building.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "!\n"); logfrag(self, self.building.real_owner); self.real_frags = self.real_frags + 1; if (!(toggleflags & TFLAG_TEAMFRAGS)) self.frags = self.real_frags; return TRUE; }; //- OfN - Checks spots are visible between them float (vector spot1, vector spot2) vis2orig = { traceline (spot1, spot2, TRUE, world); // see through other monsters if (trace_inopen && trace_inwater) return FALSE; // sight line crossed contents if (trace_fraction == 1 && trace_endpos == spot2) //CH just extra check return TRUE; return FALSE; }; //========================================================================= // Return the number of players in game float() GetNoPlayers = { local float num_players = 0; local entity search; search = find (world, classname, "player"); while (search != world) { num_players = num_players + 1; search = find (search, classname, "player"); } return num_players; }; //================================================================== // prints the overall resutls, best player etc.. on intermission entity() GetBestPlayer = { local float bestscore; local entity theplayer, search; theplayer = world; search = world; bestscore = 0; search = find (world, classname, "player"); while (search != world) { if (search.frags > bestscore) { bestscore = search.frags; theplayer = search; } search = find (search, classname, "player"); } return theplayer; }; entity() GetBestKiller = { local float bestscore; local entity theplayer, search; theplayer = world; search = world; bestscore = 0; search = find (world, classname, "player"); while (search != world) { if (search.frags - TeamFortress_TeamGetScore(search.team_no) > bestscore && search.team_no > 0) { bestscore = search.frags - TeamFortress_TeamGetScore(search.team_no); theplayer = search; } search = find (search, classname, "player"); } return theplayer; }; void() bprintline = { bprint(PRINT_HIGH,"\nžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžžŸ\n\n"); }; void() PrintResults = { local string winteam; local entity theplayer; bprintline(); if (time >= timelimit) { bprint(PRINT_HIGH,"Time limit reached!\n"); } bprint(PRINT_HIGH,"Map "); bprint(PRINT_HIGH,mapname); bprint(PRINT_HIGH," was played for "); bprint(PRINT_HIGH,ftos(floor(time/60))); bprint(PRINT_HIGH," minutes.\n"); bprint(PRINT_HIGH,"\nžžžžžžžžžžŸ าๅ๓๕์๔๓: žžžžžžžžžžžžŸ\n\n"); winteam = GetTrueTeamName(TeamFortress_TeamGetWinner()); if (winteam != "ERROR") { bprint(PRINT_HIGH,winteam); bprint(PRINT_HIGH," team ืษฮำ the game!!\n\n"); } bprint(PRINT_HIGH,"ยๅ๓๔ ะ์แ๙ๅ๒: "); theplayer = GetBestPlayer(); if (theplayer != world) { bprint(PRINT_HIGH,theplayer.netname); bprint(PRINT_HIGH," ("); bprint(PRINT_HIGH,GetTrueTeamName(theplayer.team_no)); bprint(PRINT_HIGH,") with "); bprint(PRINT_HIGH,ftos(floor(theplayer.frags))); bprint(PRINT_HIGH," frags."); } else bprint(PRINT_HIGH,"None."); bprint(PRINT_HIGH,"\nห้์์้๎็ อแใ่้๎ๅ: "); theplayer = GetBestKiller(); if (theplayer != world) { bprint(PRINT_HIGH,theplayer.netname); bprint(PRINT_HIGH," ("); bprint(PRINT_HIGH,GetTrueTeamName(theplayer.team_no)); bprint(PRINT_HIGH,") with "); bprint(PRINT_HIGH,ftos(floor(theplayer.frags - TeamFortress_TeamGetScore(theplayer.team_no)))); bprint(PRINT_HIGH," kills."); } else bprint(PRINT_HIGH,"None."); bprint(PRINT_HIGH,"\n"); bprintline(); }; //====================================================================================== // called on clientobituary to check if warlock knife kills should be increased void(entity attacker) MonsterKill = { if (attacker.job & JOB_WARLOCK) if (deathmsg == DMSG_AXE || deathmsg == DMSG_BACKSTAB) if (attacker.demon_blood < MAX_KNIFE_BLOOD) attacker.demon_blood = attacker.demon_blood + 1; }; //=============================================================================== // this function returns the max amount of grens a player can carry float(entity theplayer, float grenslot) GetMaxGrens = { if (theplayer.tf_items & NIT_AMMO_BANDOLIER) // player can carry more grens cause he got bandolier { if (grenslot == 2) //2nd slot { if (theplayer.tp_grenades_2 == 0) return 0; if (theplayer.tp_grenades_2 == GR_TYPE_NAIL) return 3;// was 1 if (theplayer.tp_grenades_2 == GR_TYPE_FRAG) return 4;// was 1 if (theplayer.tp_grenades_2 == GR_TYPE_CALTROP) return 4;// was 1 if (theplayer.tp_grenades_2 == GR_TYPE_MIRV) return 3;// was 1 if (theplayer.tp_grenades_2 == GR_TYPE_FLARE) return 8; return 5; } else // first slot, or bug :) { if (theplayer.tp_grenades_1 == 0) return 0; if (theplayer.tp_grenades_1 == GR_TYPE_NAIL) return 3;// was 1 if (theplayer.tp_grenades_1 == GR_TYPE_FRAG) return 4;// was 1 if (theplayer.tp_grenades_1 == GR_TYPE_CALTROP) return 4;// was 1 if (theplayer.tp_grenades_1 == GR_TYPE_MIRV) return 3;// was 1 if (theplayer.tp_grenades_1 == GR_TYPE_FLARE) return 8; return 5; } } if (grenslot == 2) //2nd slot { if (theplayer.tp_grenades_2 == 0) return 0; if (theplayer.tp_grenades_2 == GR_TYPE_NAIL) return 2;// was 1 if (theplayer.tp_grenades_2 == GR_TYPE_FRAG) return 3;// was 1 if (theplayer.tp_grenades_2 == GR_TYPE_CALTROP) return 3;// was 1 if (theplayer.tp_grenades_2 == GR_TYPE_MIRV) return 2;// was 1 if (theplayer.tp_grenades_2 == GR_TYPE_FLARE) return 6; return 4; } else // first slot, or bug :) { if (theplayer.tp_grenades_1 == 0) return 0; if (theplayer.tp_grenades_1 == GR_TYPE_NAIL) return 2;// was 1 if (theplayer.tp_grenades_1 == GR_TYPE_FRAG) return 3;// was 1 if (theplayer.tp_grenades_2 == GR_TYPE_CALTROP) return 3;// was 1 if (theplayer.tp_grenades_1 == GR_TYPE_MIRV) return 2;// was 1 if (theplayer.tp_grenades_1 == GR_TYPE_FLARE) return 6; return 4; } return 0; // shouldnt happen ever. }; //=====================================================// /*void(entity attacker) Check_PainInflictor = { if (self.health <= 0) return; local entity real_attacker; real_attacker = attacker; if (!IsMonster(attacker) && attacker.classname!="player") { if (!IsMonster(atta } if (self.enemy!=self && self.enemy!=world && self.enemy!=attacker && self.enemy!=attacker.owner) { if (!visible(self.enemy)) { } } };*/ /* void(entity player) SwitchToCamera = { if (player.classname!="player") { RPrint("OFTEN BUG REPORT: Object '"); RPrint(player.classname); RPrint("' in SwitchToCamera()\n"); return; } local entity camera; local float done; if (!player.has_camera) return; if (player.is_cameraviewing) return; // FIXME: no inair, no water, no moving, no haxxxoring, no building, no detpacking, no throwing a det, // no feinginG? (special) camera = find(world, classname, "building_camera"); if (camera.real_owner == player) done = TRUE; while (!done) { camera = find(camera, classname, "building_camera"); if (camera.real_owner == player) done = TRUE; if (camera == world) done = TRUE; } if (camera == world) return; /* msg_entity = player; WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_SETVIEWPORT); WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, camera); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_SETANGLES); WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, camera.angles_x); WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, camera.angles_y); WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, camera.angles_z); */ /* //- OfN create the "fake" player image newmis=spawn(); newmis.solid = SOLID_BBOX; //SOLID_BSP newmis.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; newmis.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; newmis.origin = player.origin; newmis.angles = player.angles; newmis.colormap = player.colormap; newmis.skin = player.skin; setmodel (newmis, "progs/player.mdl"); //setsize (newmis,????); // NEEDED? //setorigin (newmis, newmis.origin); // NEEDED? newmis.classname = "fake_player"; newmis.owner=player; newmis.frame=player.frame; newmis.th_pain = FakePain; newmis.th_die = FakeDie; newmis.max_health = 9999; newmis.health = 9999; //newmis.nextthink = time + HOLO_CYCLE_TIME; //newmis.think = HoloThink; //newmis.effects = EF_DIMLIGHT; //player.ammo_cells = player.ammo_cells - HOLO_POWER_COST; player.fixangle = TRUE; player.is_cameraviewing = TRUE; player.t_s_h = player.weaponmodel; // FIXME: reloadingฟ? player.weaponmodel= ""; // FIXME: reloadingฟ? player.view_ofs = '0 0 0'; setorigin (player, camera.origin); sprint(player, PRINT_HIGH, "Camera view activated.\n"); }; void(entity player) SwitchFromCamera = { if (player.classname!="player") { RPrint("OFTEN BUG REPORT: Object '"); RPrint(player.classname); RPrint("' in SwitchFromCamera()\n"); return; } if (!player.has_camera) return; if (!player.is_cameraviewing) return; /* msg_entity = player; WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_SETVIEWPORT); WriteEntity(MSG_ONE, player); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, SVC_SETANGLES); WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, player.angles_x); WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, player.angles_y); WriteAngle(MSG_ONE, player.angles_z); */ /* player.fixangle = FALSE; player.weaponmodel = player.t_s_h; // FIXME: reloadingฟ? player.view_ofs = '0 0 22'; player.is_cameraviewing = FALSE; }; */ // hola