#include "defs.qh" /*====================================================== MEDIC.QC SB-1 Tech 15/12/2000 ======================================================== Functions for the MEDIC class and associated weaponry ========================================================*/ // Functions within this file: float (entity targ, entity attacker, float prob) BioInfect; void () BioGrenadeTouch; void () BioGrenadeExplode; // Functions referenced from this file: void() BioInfection_Decay; void(entity p) TeamFortress_SetSpeed; //========================================================================= // Attacker attempts to infect targ. float (entity targ, entity attacker, float prob) BioInfect = { local entity BioInfection; local float r; // If they have medikit, don't infect them. if (targ.weapons_carried & WEAP_MEDIKIT) return FALSE; // Only allow one infection at once. if (targ.tfstate & TFSTATE_INFECTED) return FALSE; if (Teammate(targ.team_no, attacker.team_no) && targ != attacker) return FALSE; if (targ.invincible_finished > time) return FALSE; r = random(); if (prob < r) return FALSE; r = random(); //Melee armour stops infection 75% of the time if (targ.tf_items & NIT_GEL && r < 0.75) return FALSE; if (attacker == targ) // we infected ourselves! lol { sprint(attacker,PRINT_HIGH,"You infect yourself!\n"); /*bprint(PRINT_HIGH,attacker.netname); bprint(PRINT_HIGH," infects himself!\n");*/ } else { sprint(attacker,PRINT_HIGH,"Your grenade infects "); sprint(attacker,PRINT_HIGH,targ.netname); sprint(attacker,PRINT_HIGH,"!\n"); } targ.tfstate = targ.tfstate | TFSTATE_INFECTED; BioInfection = spawn (); BioInfection.classname = "timer"; BioInfection.netname = "biotimer"; BioInfection.owner = targ; BioInfection.nextthink = time + 2; BioInfection.think = BioInfection_Decay; BioInfection.enemy = attacker; targ.infection_team_no = attacker.team_no; return TRUE; }; //========================================================================= // Touch function for the bioinfection grenade. void() BioGrenadeTouch = { if (other == self.owner) return; // don't explode on owner // Thrown grenades don't detonate when hitting an enemy sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/bounce.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); // bounce sound if (self.velocity == '0 0 0') self.avelocity = '0 0 0'; }; //========================================================================= // Biogrenade explosion. Does no damage...but infects... void() BioGrenadeExplode = { local entity dier; // He's the dier and he's dying dier = findradius(self.origin, BIO_GREN_RADIUS); while (dier) { if (dier.classname == "player") if (visible(dier)) if (dier.takedamage) { BioInfect(dier, self.owner, 1); // was 0.7 } dier = dier.chain; } WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); WriteByte (MSG_MULTICAST, TE_EXPLOSION); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y); WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z); multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS); dremove(self); }; float(entity doc, entity patient, vector org) CureAdverseEffects = { local entity te; // remove concussion from player // Try to find a concusstimer entity for this player te = find(world, classname, "timer"); while (((te.owner != patient) || (te.think != ConcussionGrenadeTimer)) && (te != world)) { te = find(te, classname, "timer"); } if (te != world) { SpawnBlood(org, 20); patient.tfstate = patient.tfstate - (patient.tfstate & TFSTATE_CONCUSSIONED); if (doc == patient) sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, "The ground is behaving itself now.\n"); else { sprint(patient, PRINT_HIGH, doc.netname, " heals you of your concussion\n"); sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, "You heal ", patient.netname, "'s concussion\n"); } // Give the medic a frag for doing it, only if it was caused by an enemy if (!Teammate(doc.team_no,te.team_no)) { doc.real_frags = doc.real_frags + 1; if (!(toggleflags & TFLAG_TEAMFRAGS)) doc.frags = doc.real_frags; } TeamFortress_SetSpeed(patient); dremove(te); return TRUE; } // remove hallucination from player // Try to find a hallucination timer entity for this player if (patient.tfstate & TFSTATE_HALLUCINATING) { te = find(world, classname, "timer"); while (((te.owner != patient) || (te.think != HallucinationTimer)) && (te != world)) { te = find(te, classname, "timer"); } if (te != world) { patient.tfstate = patient.tfstate - (patient.tfstate & TFSTATE_HALLUCINATING); SpawnBlood(org, 20); if (patient == doc) sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, "The visions have stopped.\n"); else { sprint(patient, PRINT_HIGH, doc.netname, " heals you of your hallucinations\n"); sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, "You halt ", patient.netname, "'s hallucinations\n"); } // Give the medic a frag for doing it, only if it was caused by an enemy if (!Teammate(doc.team_no,te.team_no)) { doc.real_frags = doc.real_frags + 1; if (!(toggleflags & TFLAG_TEAMFRAGS)) doc.frags = doc.real_frags; } dremove(te); return TRUE; } else { dprint("Warning: Error in Hallucination Timer logic.\n"); } } // remove tranquilisation from player // Try to find a tranquilisation timer entity for this player if (patient.tfstate & TFSTATE_TRANQUILISED) { te = find(world, classname, "timer"); while (((te.owner != patient) || (te.think != TranquiliserTimer)) && (te != world)) { te = find(te, classname, "timer"); } if (te != world) { patient.tfstate = patient.tfstate - (patient.tfstate & TFSTATE_TRANQUILISED); TeamFortress_SetSpeed(patient); SpawnBlood(org, 20); if (doc == patient) sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, "You feel more alert now.\n"); else { sprint(patient, PRINT_HIGH, doc.netname, " heals you of your tranquilisation!\n"); sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, "You heal ", patient.netname, "'s tranquilisation\n"); } // Give the medic a frag for doing it, only if it was caused by an enemy if (!Teammate(doc.team_no,te.team_no)) { doc.real_frags = doc.real_frags + 1; if (!(toggleflags & TFLAG_TEAMFRAGS)) doc.frags = doc.real_frags; } dremove(te); return TRUE; } else { dprint("Warning: Error in Tranquilisation Timer logic.\n"); } } // check if the healed player is blinded /*if (patient.tfstate & TFSTATE_STASIS) { patient.tfstate = patient.tfstate - (patient.tfstate & TFSTATE_STASIS); TeamFortress_SetSpeed(patient); if (doc == patient) sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, "You can move freely again!\n"); else { sprint(patient, PRINT_HIGH, doc.netname, " removes the effect of stasis on you!\n"); sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, "You halt the effects of stasis on ", patient.netname, "!\n"); } // patient.movetype = patient.stasismovetype; patient.gravity = patient.stasisGravity; patient.effects = patient.effects - (patient.effects & EF_BRIGHTFIELD); return 1; }*/ // check if the healed player is infected if (patient.tfstate & TFSTATE_INFECTED) { local float healam; local entity te; healam = rint(patient.health / 2); // remove the infection patient.tfstate = patient.tfstate - (patient.tfstate & TFSTATE_INFECTED); te = find(world, netname, "biotimer"); while (te != world) { if (te.classname == "timer") if (te.owner == patient) dremove(te); te = find(te, netname, "biotimer"); } // some damage is caused (because of the use of leeches!) // remove half their remaining health deathmsg = DMSG_MEDIKIT; TF_T_Damage(patient, doc, doc, healam, 0, TF_TD_OTHER); SpawnBlood(org, 30); if (doc == patient) sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, "Your sores disappear.\n"); else { sprint(patient, PRINT_HIGH, doc.netname, " cures your infection!\n"); if (doc.classname == "player") { sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, "You have healed "); sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, patient.netname); sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, " of the infection.\n"); // Give the medic a frag for doing it, only if it was caused by an enemy if (!Teammate(patient.infection_team_no, doc.team_no)) { doc.real_frags = doc.real_frags + 1; if (!(toggleflags & TFLAG_TEAMFRAGS)) doc.frags = doc.real_frags; } } } return TRUE; } // put out the fire if they are burning if (patient.numflames > 0) { sound(patient, CHAN_WEAPON, "items/r_item1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); patient.numflames = 0; if (doc == patient) sprint (doc, PRINT_HIGH, "Your flames are extinguished!\n"); else { sprint(patient, PRINT_HIGH, doc.netname, " stops you burning!\n"); if (doc.classname == "player") { sprint(doc, PRINT_MEDIUM, "You have put out "); sprint(doc, PRINT_MEDIUM, patient.netname); sprint(doc, PRINT_MEDIUM, "'s fire.\n"); } } return TRUE; } };