/*====================================================== TFORTHLP.QC CustomTeamFortress v3.1 (c) TeamFortress Software Pty Ltd 29/2/97 (c) William Kerney 5/22/00 parts (c) Craig Hauser ======================================================== Functions handling all the help displaying for TeamFortress. ========================================================*/ // Prototypes // Help Functions void() TeamFortress_MOTD; void() TeamFortress_HelpMap; void() AliasTimer; //ofN void() bprintline; //========================================================================= // HELP FUNCTIONS //========================================================================= void() TeamFortress_MOTD = { local string ya; local string st; local entity atimer; // check if player already has aliases if (self.motd == 4) { stuffcmd(self,"prozacalias\n"); self.show_hostile = 0; } if (self.motd <= #MOTD_FINISHED - 2) { if (self.show_hostile < time) { //local string CP_MOTD; //CP_MOTD = GetProzacMOTD(self.motd); CenterPrint2(self,#MSG_INTRO,#MSG_INTRO2);//,CP_MOTD); self.show_hostile = time + #MOTD_REFRESHRATE; //was 1 //.5? } self.menu_count = #MENU_REFRESH_RATE; self.current_menu = #MENU_DEFAULT; self.motd = self.motd + 1; return; } if (self.motd == #MOTD_FINISHED - 1) { #ifdef QUAKE_WORLD //WK CHECK TO SEE IF WE ARE REDIRECTING PLAYERS st = infokey(world, "redir"); if (st != string_null && st != "off") { stuffcmd(self,"connect "); stuffcmd(self,st); stuffcmd(self,"\n"); } #endif // Set Default autozoom if (#DEFAULT_AUTOZOOM == #OFF) self.tfstate = self.tfstate | #TFSTATE_ZOOMOFF; // Set their color to white, so they stand out from teams if ((teamplay != 0) && (self.team_no == 0)) { stuffcmd(self, "color "); ya = ftos(#WHITE - 1); stuffcmd(self, ya); stuffcmd(self, "\n"); } /* if (self.got_aliases == #FALSE) sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "\n\n\n");*/ //CH prints customTF version. Edit in messages.qc sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "\n"); sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH,#MSG_OFTEN_CUTFVERSION); sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "\n���� "); // was \n sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, #MSG_CUTFVERSION); sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " �����\n"); sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " ����������� ��������:\n"); sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " www�telefragged�com�shaka"); //sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "�������� Modified by �fte� ���������\n\n"); sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "\n������������������������������������\n\n"); self.current_menu = #MENU_INTRO; self.menu_count = #MENU_REFRESH_RATE; self.motd = #MOTD_FINISHED; //WK CustomTF Commands TeamFortress_Alias("custom", (#TF_CHANGEPC + #PC_CUSTOM), 0); TeamFortress_Alias("upgrade", (#TF_SELL), 0); TeamFortress_Alias("skill", (#TF_SKILL), 0); TeamFortress_Alias("throwdet", (#THROW_DETPACK), 0); // SB new impulse aliases //TeamFortress_Alias("buildsensor", (#BUILD_SENSOR), 0); //TeamFortress_Alias("interface", (#IMPULSE_INTERFACE), 0); TeamFortress_Alias("holo", (#IMPULSE_HOLO), 0); //TeamFortress_Alias("debug", (#IMPULSE_DEBUG), 0); 193 // check if player already has aliases if (self.got_aliases == #TRUE) return; //WK If not, spawn off a timer to slowly send the aliases to //prevent overflow atimer = spawn (); atimer.classname = "timer"; atimer.owner = self; atimer.nextthink = time + 0.5; atimer.heat = 0; atimer.think = AliasTimer; } }; //========================================================================= // Help displayed when someone types the alias "maphelp" void() TeamFortress_HelpMap = { local entity te; te = find(world, classname, "info_tfdetect"); if (te) { if (te.non_team_broadcast != string_null) { sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, te.non_team_broadcast); return; } } sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "There is no help for you.\n"); }; void() AliasTimer = { local entity oself; local float myheat; self.heat = self.heat + 1; myheat = self.heat; if (self.heat > 5) { self.think = SUB_Remove; self.nextthink = time + 0.1; } oself = self; self = self.owner; if (myheat == 1) { sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "binding aliases...\n"); // Stuff Aliases // Grenades TeamFortress_Alias("primeone", #TF_GRENADE_1, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("primetwo", #TF_GRENADE_2, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("throwgren", #TF_GRENADE_T, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("+gren1", #TF_GRENADE_1, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("+gren2", #TF_GRENADE_2, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("-gren1", #TF_GRENADE_T, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("-gren2", #TF_GRENADE_T, 0); // Pipebombs TeamFortress_Alias("detpipe", #TF_PB_DETONATE, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("uncustom", #TF_UNCUSTOM, 0); } else if (myheat == 2) { // Reloading TeamFortress_Alias("reload", #TF_RELOAD, 0); // Actions TeamFortress_Alias("special", #TF_SPECIAL_SKILL, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("saveme", #TF_MEDIC_HELPME, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("discard", #TF_DISCARD, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("id", #TF_ID, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("inv",#TF_INVENTORY, 0); // Class Ability Impulses TeamFortress_Alias("disguise", #TF_SPY_SPY, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("feign", #TF_SPY_DIE, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("sfeign", #TF_SPY_DIE2, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("build", #TF_ENGINEER_BUILD, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("detdispenser", (#TF_ENGINEER_BUILD), 7); // General TeamFortress_Alias("dropammo", #TF_DROP_AMMO, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("flaginfo", #FLAG_INFO, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("autozoom", #TF_AUTOZOOM, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("showloc", #TF_DISPLAYLOCATION, 0); //TeamFortress_Alias("changeclass",#TF_CHANGECLASS, 0); //- OfN - it was(#TF_CHANGEPC + #PC_CUSTOM) } else if (myheat == 3) { //Taunts TeamFortress_Alias("taunt1", #TF_TAUNT, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("taunt2", #TF_TAUNT2, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("taunt3", #TF_TAUNT3, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("taunt4", #TF_TAUNT4, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("taunt5", #TF_TAUNT5, 0); // Class Changing TeamFortress_Alias("scout",(#TF_CHANGEPC + #PC_SCOUT), 0); TeamFortress_Alias("sniper",(#TF_CHANGEPC + #PC_SNIPER), 0); TeamFortress_Alias("soldier",(#TF_CHANGEPC + #PC_SOLDIER), 0); TeamFortress_Alias("demoman",(#TF_CHANGEPC + #PC_DEMOMAN), 0); TeamFortress_Alias("medic",(#TF_CHANGEPC + #PC_MEDIC), 0); TeamFortress_Alias("hwguy",(#TF_CHANGEPC + #PC_HVYWEAP), 0); TeamFortress_Alias("pyro",(#TF_CHANGEPC + #PC_PYRO), 0); TeamFortress_Alias("spy",(#TF_CHANGEPC + #PC_SPY), 0); TeamFortress_Alias("engineer",(#TF_CHANGEPC + #PC_ENGINEER), 0); TeamFortress_Alias("randompc",(#TF_CHANGEPC + #PC_RANDOM), 0); TeamFortress_Alias("showtf",#TF_SHOWTF, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("maphelp", #TF_HELP_MAP, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("dropkey", #TF_DROPKEY, 0); } else if (myheat == 4) { // Sample aliases for the Scanner TeamFortress_Alias("scan10", #TF_SCAN_10, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("scan30", #TF_SCAN_30, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("scan100", #TF_SCAN_100, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("scanf", #TF_SCAN_FRIENDLY, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("scane", #TF_SCAN_ENEMY, 0); // Team handlers TeamFortress_Alias("showscores",#TF_TEAM_SCORES, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("showclasses",#TF_TEAM_CLASSES, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("query", #TF_STATUS_QUERY, 0); // Sample aliases for the Detpack TeamFortress_Alias("det5", #TF_DETPACK_5, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("det20", #TF_DETPACK_20, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("det50", #TF_DETPACK_50, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("+det5", #TF_DETPACK_5, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("-det5", #TF_DETPACK_STOP, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("+det20", #TF_DETPACK_20, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("-det20", #TF_DETPACK_STOP, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("+det50", #TF_DETPACK_50, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("-det50", #TF_DETPACK_STOP, 0); } else if (myheat == 5) { //Get rid of silly MegaTF 10 year olds TeamFortress_Alias("lay", #TF_LAY, 0); //CH allow dropitems //TeamFortress_Alias("dropitems", #TF_DROPITEMS, 0); //TeamFortress_Alias("get", #TF_ADMIN_KICK_CYCLE, 0); //TeamFortress_Alias("kick", #TF_ADMIN_KICK_PERSON, 0); //TeamFortress_Alias("ban", #TF_ADMIN_BAN_PERSON, 0); //TeamFortress_Alias("ceasefire", #TF_ADMIN_CEASEFIRE, 0); //TeamFortress_Alias("cmnd", #IMPULSE_STUFFCMD, 0); #ifdef STATUSBAR TeamFortress_Alias("sbar_on", #TF_STATUSBAR_ON, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("sbar_off", #TF_STATUSBAR_OFF, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("sbar_200", #TF_STATUSBAR_RES_START, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("sbar_240", #TF_STATUSBAR_RES_START + 1, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("sbar_300", #TF_STATUSBAR_RES_START + 2, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("sbar_350", #TF_STATUSBAR_RES_START + 3, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("sbar_384", #TF_STATUSBAR_RES_START + 4, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("sbar_400", #TF_STATUSBAR_RES_START + 5, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("sbar_480", #TF_STATUSBAR_RES_START + 6, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("sbar_600", #TF_STATUSBAR_RES_START + 7, 0); TeamFortress_Alias("sbar_768", #TF_STATUSBAR_RES_START + 8, 0); #endif // Set up the alias check TeamFortress_Alias("prozacalias", #TF_ALIAS_CHECK, 0); // Do the binds stuffcmd(self, "bind 9 \"impulse 9\"\n"); stuffcmd(self, "bind 0 \"impulse 10\"\n"); //WK INTRO THUNDER stuffcmd(self, "play ambience/thunder1\n"); } self = oself; self.nextthink = time + 1; };