- annihilate string_null (and empty_float and vector_null)
- remove self.netname = infokey(self, "name");, since the server
should do that for us
- add a quotename function, to stick \xFF around a name
- add a few death messages
- set a "timeleft" serverinfo to be the number of minutes left in the
- reworked map cycler so that it saves the map number to
cf/nextmapnum, and restores it in case of a crash
- add a cyclenow infokey, which causes the timelimit to be hit
instantly. needed because the map cycling doesn't kick in until the
timelimit is reached
- add cf/mapcycle which contains the names of maps to be cycled
(seperated by nuls). it overwrites the normal "exec
qwmcycle/map1.cfg" behavior.
- change the MOTD time to 15 seconds (from 24.2)
- make mapcfg.cfg exec'd if mapcfg is enabled (so you can reset the
config vars
- add a thing to enable sv_gc if it's disabled. (I'm using string
appending now)
- add support for automatic per-map configs. set the mapcfg localinfo to
either 1 or on and "mapcfg/canyon1.cfg" will be exec'd when that map is
loaded. put mapcfg to a different string to use that dir instead.