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mirror of https://git.code.sf.net/p/quake/prozac-qfcc synced 2025-03-01 07:11:44 +00:00

Fiddled a bit with flash grenades. Now the effect is more realistic: anyone

who sees a flash gets a .1 second bright flash and then darkness for 60 seconds,
gradually lightening up.

I've noticed this doesn't work in water. Has flash always not worked in water?
This commit is contained in:
Finny Merrill 2003-11-29 08:15:31 +00:00
parent fdfe205c63
commit da80934d1c

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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ void() FlashGrenadeTouch =
#define SMOOTH_FLASH 1
#define SMOOTH_FLASH 0.3
#define SMOOTH_FLASH 0.1
@ -49,43 +49,19 @@ void() FlashTimer =
te.FlashTime = te.FlashTime - SMOOTH_FLASH;
if (te.FlashTime < 4)
if (te.FlashTime < 4 && te.FlashTime != -1)
te.FlashTime = 0;
stuffcmd(te, "v_cshift 0\n");
stuffcmd(te, "r_norefresh 0;wait;echo;wait;echo;wait;echo;wait;echo\n"); //WK
// OfN- now we use the centerprint replacement
//centerprint(te,"Your eyes finally clear\n");
StatusPrint(te,2,"Your eyes finally clear\n");
stuffcmd(te, "v_cshift 0 0 0 0\n");
local string st;
st = ftos(te.FlashTime * 15); //WK Multiplier 10
stuffcmd(te, "v_cshift ");
stuffcmd(te, st);
stuffcmd(te, " ");
stuffcmd(te, st);
stuffcmd(te, " ");
stuffcmd(te, st);
stuffcmd(te, " ");
stuffcmd(te, st);
stuffcmd(te, "\n");
if (te.FlashTime > 15 || (te.FlashTime < 12 && te.FlashTime > 11) || (te.FlashTime < 9 && te.FlashTime > 7) || te.FlashTime < 5)
if (self.heat != 1) {
StatusPrint(te,2,"Your eyes burn\n with the pain\n of \n glowing phosphor\n \n \n");
stuffcmd(te, "r_norefresh 1;wait;echo;wait;echo;wait;echo;wait;echo\n");
self.heat = 1;
if (self.heat != 0) {
StatusPrint(te,2,"Your eyes water\n and momentarily lessen\n the \n Indescribable Pain\n \n \n");
stuffcmd(te, "r_norefresh 0;wait;echo;wait;echo;wait;echo;wait;echo\n");
self.heat = 0;
// Sequential III math proved useful! GR
st = ftos(-0.1 * (te.FlashTime - 5) * (te.FlashTime - 115));
stuffcmd(te, "v_cshift 0 0 0 " + st + "\n");
self.nextthink = time + SMOOTH_FLASH;
@ -95,63 +71,48 @@ void() FlashTimer =
void() FlashGrenadeExplode =
local entity te;
local float loopc = 0;
self.effects = self.effects | EF_BRIGHTLIGHT;
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z);
multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS);
sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/r_exp3.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
// Find all people in area
te = findradius(self.origin, 200);
while (te)
while (loopc < 32)
te = checkclient();
// Player?
if (te.classname == "player")
if (te && te.classname == "player")
// Damage player and explode
deathmsg = DMSG_GREN_FLASH;
TF_T_Damage(te, self, self.owner, 60, 0, TF_TD_FIRE);
if (te.health > 0)
// no, don't damage
if (te.health > 0 && (normalize(self.origin - te.origin) * v_forward > -0.5))
local float ft = 60 - (vlen(self.origin - te.origin) * 6 / 50);
if (te.FlashTime == 0)
// create flash timer
newmis = spawn();
newmis.classname = "timer";
newmis.netname = "flashtimer";
newmis.team_no = self.owner.team_no;
newmis.owner = te;
newmis.think = FlashTimer;
newmis.nextthink = time + 1;
newmis.nextthink = time + 0.1;
newmis.heat = 1;
te.FlashTime = 16; //WK 24 for non-owners
if (ft > 0)
te.FlashTime = ft;
local string st;
st = ftos(te.FlashTime * 15);
stuffcmd(te, "v_cshift ");
stuffcmd(te, st);
stuffcmd(te, " ");
stuffcmd(te, st);
stuffcmd(te, " ");
stuffcmd(te, st);
stuffcmd(te, " ");
stuffcmd(te, st);
stuffcmd(te, "\n");
stuffcmd(te, "r_norefresh 1;wait;echo;wait;echo;wait;echo;wait;echo\n"); //WK
StatusPrint(te,2,"Your eyes burn\n with the pain\n of \n glowing phosphor\n \n \n");
stuffcmd (te, "v_cshift 255 255 255 245\n"); // big white flash
te = te.chain;