- add a ALLOW_RCON_ABUSE define, so that stuffing commands to the

clients can be disabled (the default)
- fix teleporter space checking to only check the space a player would
  take up
- add a check so that teslas can't get negative health when hacking.
  (shouldn't happen?!)
- clean up building placement, so that anywhere from 20 below to 30
  above your feet is fair game.  it then checks for solid a second
  time if the top was solid
- add defines for checkmove (SV_Move wrapper)'s type field
- add a printtrace function, since I do it so often in debugging.
This commit is contained in:
Adam Olsen 2001-10-12 06:10:59 +00:00
parent 3d3c7170fc
commit 81f9c7f253
9 changed files with 84 additions and 28 deletions

View file

@ -21,4 +21,4 @@
- scuba gear doesn't set the rad suit anymore
- I think getting a rad suit clears your scuba gear when it expires
- "hit to disguise to blue, then before it finishes stop disguising, then quick disguise to change your skin.......boop your color will finish disguising, then do another disguise (doesnt matter color/skin) then boop your skin will finish"
- I think the tesla is shorter than it's model because it would hit the model. this needs to be fixed because the tesla can fire while it can't be hit.

View file

@ -13,12 +13,13 @@ X move from *preqcc to cpp
o add more variety to tinkering
o add a way to edit the respawn ammo entities
X add localinfo string for bottom half of the MOTD
o add a define to disable abusive admin commands (eg stuffcmd)
X add a define to disable abusive admin commands (eg stuffcmd)
X the thief skill should set the "invisible" face
o "slave teslas"
o instead of not allowing two fastest legs when upgraded, restrict the health/armor you're allowed when you have fast legs
o make a seperate menu for detonating engineer buildings
o remove RPrint, since it's really kinda pointless and just makes the code ugliero change the color defines (eg DARKBLUE) to be the exact number, not number + 1
o remove RPrint, since it's really kinda pointless and just makes the code uglier
o change the color defines (eg DARKBLUE) to be the exact number, not number + 1
o remove the old method for teleports checking if blocked, after confirming it's not needed. (moving platforms block it?)
o only allow people to use certain topcolors
o allow more variation in skins
@ -29,3 +30,6 @@ o give airborn pipebombs a different death message
o Health should be given automatically based on the amount of money you have left. That'd get rid of the "can't undo health" problem
o Hitting 0 when customizing should give you a confirmation screen, instead of exiting immedietly
o Make 50 frag (upgrade from frags? maybe not) teslas change color or do something special. (not yellow though, as that can happen normally)
o Medikits should trigger buttons
o Fix Sentry movement on platforms. (Make the top the only real entity, and the bottom one purely visual and adjusted to match it's position every frame)

View file

@ -296,10 +296,13 @@ void() Admin_Cmd =
else if (st == "gimmedat")
sprint(self.admin_kick,PRINT_HIGH,"If you are using this to cheat, you are LAME!\n");
self.admin_kick.money = 99999;
sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Rcon abuse is disabled.\n");
else if (st == "team1" || st == "team2" || st == "team3" || st == "team4")
@ -403,6 +406,7 @@ void() Admin_Cmd =
stuffcmd(self.admin_kick,st); // execute command
sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH, "Command '");
@ -410,6 +414,9 @@ void() Admin_Cmd =
sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH, "' has been executed for ");
sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, self.admin_kick.netname);
sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "\n");
sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Rcon abuse has been disabled.\n");

View file

@ -108,3 +108,17 @@ void(entity who) MakeMeDebug =
sprint(debug_target,PRINT_HIGH,"(OfteN debug): Server debug messages (dprints) will be sent to you...\n");
void (float oneline) printtrace =
local string sep = oneline ? " " : "\n";
dprint ("allsolid: " + ftos (trace_allsolid) + sep);
dprint ("startsolid: " + ftos (trace_startsolid) + sep);
dprint ("fraction: " + ftos (trace_fraction) + sep);
dprint ("endpos: " + vtos (trace_endpos) + sep);
dprint ("plane_normal: " + vtos (trace_plane_normal) + sep);
dprint ("plane_dist: " + ftos (trace_plane_dist) + sep);
dprint ("ent: " + (trace_ent ? "yes" : "no") + sep);
dprint ("inopen: " + ftos (trace_inopen) + sep);
dprint ("inwater: " + ftos (trace_inwater) + "\n");

View file

@ -34,6 +34,11 @@
#define MOVETYPE_BOUNCEMISSILE 11 // bounce with extra size
// checkmove types
#define MOVE_NORMAL 0
#define MOVE_MISSILE 2
// edict.solid values
#define SOLID_NOT 0 // no interaction with other objects
#define SOLID_TRIGGER 1 // touch on edge, but not blocking

View file

@ -532,7 +532,6 @@ float(entity obj, entity builder) CheckArea =
void(float objtobuild) TeamFortress_Build =
local float btime;
local vector mins, maxs;
local entity obj;
obj = spawn();
@ -568,8 +567,8 @@ void(float objtobuild) TeamFortress_Build =
sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "You must buy the dispenser before you can build it.\n");
mins = '-8 -8 0';
maxs = '8 8 24';
obj.mins = '-8 -8 0';
obj.maxs = '8 8 24';
#ifdef no_new_dispenser
obj.mdl = "progs/disp.mdl";
@ -594,8 +593,8 @@ void(float objtobuild) TeamFortress_Build =
mins = '-16 -16 0';
maxs = '16 16 48';
obj.mins = '-16 -16 0';
obj.maxs = '16 16 48';
//obj.mdl = "progs/turrbase.mdl";
obj.mdl = "progs/trrbs2.mdl";
obj.netname = "sentrygun";
@ -615,10 +614,10 @@ void(float objtobuild) TeamFortress_Build =
// mins = '-16 -16 0'; //- OfN commented by
mins = '-16 -16 -25';
// maxs = '16 16 48'; //WK 62 is better, but crashes?
maxs = '16 16 23';
// obj.mins = '-16 -16 0'; //- OfN commented by
obj.mins = '-16 -16 -25';
// obj.maxs = '16 16 48'; //WK 62 is better, but crashes?
obj.maxs = '16 16 23';
//obj.mdl = "progs/newtesla.mdl";
obj.mdl = "progs/coil.mdl";
obj.netname = "tesla";
@ -654,8 +653,8 @@ void(float objtobuild) TeamFortress_Build =
mins = '-16 -16 0';
maxs = '16 16 4';
obj.mins = '-16 -16 0';
obj.maxs = '16 16 4';
obj.mdl = "progs/telepad.mdl";
obj.netname = "teleporter";
@ -674,8 +673,8 @@ void(float objtobuild) TeamFortress_Build =
mins = '-6 -6 0';
maxs = '6 6 54';
obj.mins = '-6 -6 0';
obj.maxs = '6 6 54';
obj.mdl = "progs/ffgen2.mdl";
obj.netname = "field generator";
@ -684,11 +683,22 @@ void(float objtobuild) TeamFortress_Build =
if (objtobuild != BUILD_SECURITY_CAMERA)
checkmove(obj.origin + '0 0 8', mins, maxs, obj.origin - '0 0 64', 0, self);
local vector startpos, endpos;
startpos = obj.origin;
startpos_z = self.absmin_z - obj.mins_z + 30;
endpos = obj.origin;
endpos_z = self.absmin_z - obj.mins_z - 20;
checkmove(startpos, obj.mins, obj.maxs, endpos, MOVE_NORMAL, self);
if (trace_startsolid || trace_fraction == 1) {
sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Not enough room to build here\n");
checkmove (trace_endpos, obj.mins, obj.maxs, trace_endpos,
printtrace (TRUE);
if (trace_startsolid) {
sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Not enough room to build here\n");
obj.origin = trace_endpos;
@ -696,8 +706,9 @@ void(float objtobuild) TeamFortress_Build =
obj.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
if (objtobuild == BUILD_TELEPORTER) {
checkmove (obj.origin, '-32 -32 8', '32 32 72', obj.origin - '0 0 128', 0, self);
if (trace_startsolid || trace_fraction == 1) {
checkmove (obj.origin + '0 0 32', '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32',
obj.origin + '0 0 30', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, self);
if (trace_startsolid || trace_fraction != 1) {
sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Not enough room for teleportation\n");
dremove (obj);
@ -715,12 +726,13 @@ void(float objtobuild) TeamFortress_Build =
obj.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
setmodel (obj, obj.mdl);
setsize (obj, mins, maxs);
setsize (obj, obj.mins, obj.maxs);
setorigin (obj, obj.origin);
if (objtobuild == BUILD_TELEPORTER)
if (Teleporter_CheckBlocked (obj)) {
sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Not enough room for teleportation.\n");
sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Not enough room for " +
dremove (obj);

View file

@ -728,9 +728,11 @@ void() SBFireInterface =
local float num;
num = targ.health / targ.max_health;
if (num < 0) // this shouldn't happen, but I got a report that it did
num = 0;
targ.max_health = targ.max_health * 2;
targ.health = num * targ.max_health;
else if (hackThis == IMPROVED_SEVEN)

View file

@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
//#define MAD_MONSTERS // for testing
//#define MAD_TESLA // for testing
//#define ALLOW_RCON_ABUSE // lets them stuff commands to the players
//--- additional global defines ----------------------//

View file

@ -161,6 +161,15 @@ void() Teleporter_heat_think =
integer (entity ent) Teleporter_CheckBlocked =
checkmove (ent.origin + '0 0 32', '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32',
ent.origin + '0 0 32', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent);
if (trace_startsolid || trace_fraction != 1)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
local float pos, num;
local vector loc;
@ -185,6 +194,7 @@ integer (entity ent) Teleporter_CheckBlocked =
num = num + 1;
return FALSE;