- added some items to BUGS and TODO

- reworked map cycler so that it saves the map number to
  cf/nextmapnum, and restores it in case of a crash
- add a cyclenow infokey, which causes the timelimit to be hit
  instantly.  needed because the map cycling doesn't kick in until the
  timelimit is reached
- add cf/mapcycle which contains the names of maps to be cycled
  (seperated by nuls).  it overwrites the normal "exec
  qwmcycle/map1.cfg" behavior.
- change the MOTD time to 15 seconds (from 24.2)
- make mapcfg.cfg exec'd if mapcfg is enabled (so you can reset the
  config vars
- add a thing to enable sv_gc if it's disabled.  (I'm using string
  appending now)
This commit is contained in:
Adam Olsen 2001-07-23 15:08:39 +00:00
parent 315d84dfa0
commit 1100082217
5 changed files with 150 additions and 37 deletions

View file

@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
- duplicate connects
- the curse color is rejected by the color changing code
- the map cycler (including if you set nmap) just sit there if it doesn't change map. instead, it should have failsafe behavior
- "has_sentry" should be a counter, not a flag (allows a second build if you hack and it gets roasted)

View file

@ -10,3 +10,5 @@ I make sure team/color is cleared when a client connects
o allow lay mode if purchased
o various drop items
o move from *preqcc to cpp
o add more variety to tinkering
o add a way to edit the respawn ammo entities

View file

@ -966,12 +966,122 @@ void() SetCycleTimer =
newmis.think = cycle_timer_think;
void() GotoNextMap =
float() GetNextMapNum =
local float desc;
local string st;
local string infostring;
local float infonum;
infostring = infokey (world, "n");
infonum = stof(infostring);
if (infostring != "") // always use info when available
return infonum;
if (cvar("crudefile_quota") < 0)
return infonum;
desc = cfopen("nextmapnum", "r");
if (desc < 0)
return infonum;
st = cfread(desc);
if (st == "")
return infonum;
return stof(st);
void(float mapnum) SetNextMapNum =
local float desc;
local string mapstring;
mapstring = ftos (mapnum);
if (cvar("crudefile_quota") >= 0)
desc = cfopen ("nextmapnum", "w");
// if nextmapnum has a num in it, but we can't modify it.. stuck in a loop
if (desc >= 0)
cfwrite (desc, mapstring);
cfclose (desc);
localcmd("serverinfo n \"\"\n"); // use localinfo instead
localcmd("localinfo n ");
void() LoadNextMap =
local float nextlevel;
local string sl;
local entity te;
local string cyc;
local float desc;
local float mapcount;
local string map;
nextlevel = GetNextMapNum();
nextlevel = nextlevel + 1; // next level
// get count of maps
mapcount = 0;
desc = cfopen ("mapcycle", "r");
while (cfread(desc) != "")
mapcount = mapcount + 1;
cfclose ("mapcycle");
if (mapcount > 0)
if (nextlevel > mapcount)
while (nextlevel > mapcount)
nextlevel = nextlevel - mapcount;
SetNextMapNum (nextlevel);
desc = cfopen ("mapcycle", "r");
local float i;
i = 0;
while (i < nextlevel)
i = i + 1;
map = cfread(desc);
if (map == "")
mapcount = 0; // fall back to old mapcycle method
localcmd ("map " + map + "\n");
if (mapcount == 0)
cyc = infokey(world, "cycledir");
if ( cyc == string_null )
cyc = "qwmcycle";
localcmd("exec ");
already_chosen_map = #CYCLED;
void() GotoNextMap =
if (nextmap != mapname)
@ -989,37 +1099,9 @@ void() GotoNextMap =
//- OfN - super new map cycling code :)
if (already_chosen_map == #FALSE)
// ------- - ------- //
sl = infokey(world, "n");
nextlevel = stof(sl);
nextlevel = nextlevel + 1; // next level
sl = ftos(nextlevel);
localcmd("serverinfo n \"\"\n"); // use localinfo instead
localcmd("localinfo n ");
// change map
cyc = infokey(world, "cycledir");
if ( cyc == string_null )
localcmd("exec qwmcycle/map");
localcmd("exec ");
} //.................//
already_chosen_map = #CYCLED;
if (infokey(world, "n") == "0")
if (GetNextMapNum() == 0)
already_chosen_map = #FALSE;
if (already_chosen_map == #FALSE) // nothing was done yet, so set the damn timer..
@ -2225,6 +2307,8 @@ void() NextLevel =
o.nextthink = time + 0.1;
float cyclenow;
@ -2234,9 +2318,23 @@ Exit deathmatch games upon conditions
void() CheckRules =
if (timelimit && time >= timelimit)
local string st;
st = infokey (world, "cyclenow");
if (!cyclenow && (st == "1" || st == "on"))
cyclenow = 1;
localcmd ("serverinfo cyclenow \"\"\n");
localcmd ("localinfo cyclenow \"\"\n");
dprint ("Cycling Map.\n");
NextLevel ();
else if (fraglimit && self.frags >= fraglimit)
else if (cyclenow
|| (timelimit && time >= timelimit)
|| (fraglimit && self.frags >= fraglimit))
NextLevel ();

View file

@ -842,6 +842,12 @@ void(vector where, float set) multicast = #82; // sends the temp message to a
// of clients, possibly in PVS or PHS
void (entity ent, string key, string value) setinfokey = #102;
float (string path, string mode) cfopen = #103;
void (float desc) cfclose = #104;
string (float desc) cfread = #105;
float (float desc, string buf) cfwrite = #106;
float (float desc) cfeof = #107;
float () cfquota = #108;
@ -1013,7 +1019,8 @@ float(entity targ, entity inflictor) CanDamage;
.float weaponmode; // Used for multiple mode weapons
//WK 152 Default, must be > 6.
#define MOTD_FINISHED 242 //Delay in 1/10th seconds for motd to show
//#define MOTD_FINISHED 242 //Delay in 1/10th seconds for motd to show
#define MOTD_FINISHED 150
.float motd; // Used to display MOTD
.float current_menu; // is set to the number of the current menu, is 0 if they are not in a menu
.float menu_count; // keeps track of display times for menus

View file

@ -193,13 +193,18 @@ void() worldspawn =
if (st == "1" || st == "on")
st = "mapcfg";
localcmd("exec mapcfg.cfg\n"); // generic stuff
localcmd("exec \"");
localcmd(infokey(world, "map")); // FIXME: this is safe chaining, right?
localcmd(infokey(world, "map"));
if (!cvar("sv_gc"))
cvar_set ("sv_gc", "10");
// custom map attributes
if (self.model == "maps/e1m8.bsp")