#define MAX_KNIFE_BLOOD 12 // maximum of knife kill points that can be accumulated by warlocks
#define GRUNTY_HP 600 // initial HP for soldier
#define GRUNT_MAX_HP 1200 // OfN - Max health for the damn soldier, no 5000 hp grunts anymore! =)
#define SHAMBLER_HP 2600 // 2000 - 3000 - 2600
#define HKNIGHT_HP 2200 //
#define DEMON_HP 1800 // 1200 - 2000 - 1400
#define KNIGHT_HP 1400 //
#define SCRAG_HP 1000 // 800
#define SCRAG_DMG 29 // damage the scrag does
#define WAYPOINT_LIFE 240 // 120 after this amount of seconds any unused waypoint will be removed
#define OTR_DMGFACTOR 1.10 // *damage facter for the OTR armed sniper rifle (MUST BE GREATER THAN 1!!!)
#define SENTRY_UNLOCKTIME 2.5 // (must be greater than 1.1) time for the sentries to begin to rotate after they have no target (+/- 1 second)
#define HAX_UNSTABLEDIST 300 // distance at which enemy hacks take longer cause of "unstable connection"
#define WAYPOINT_AI_LIFE 10 // life for grunty ai created waypoints - last seen enemy mark
#define MINE_SCANRATE 0.6 // mines look again for nearby enemy after this time - it was 1 which caused high ping players to not trigger mines sometimes walking around them fast
#define EXPBODY_DMG 160 // damage exp. body does /was 140
#define MINE_DMG 200 // was 240 /215
#define LASER_CANNON_DMG 26 // was 28
#define RE_LASER_CANNON 10
#define BIO_GREN_RADIUS 200 // was 150
// field generator ranges
#define FIELDGEN_RANGE 275 // max distance between the to generators to work