2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
#include "defs.qh"
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
TESLA.QC Custom TeamFortress v3.1
(c) William Kerney 5/21/00
(c) Craig Hauser 19/3/00
Weapons and functions for the Tesla Sentries
#ifdef foobar
.ammo_shells = voltage upgrades (0-3) 0 = 200 1 = 600 2 = 1200 3 = unlimitied
.ammo_nails = amp upgrades (0-3) 0 = 30/1 secs 1 = 60/1 sec 2 = 120/s cont. 3 = 500/s
.ammo_rockets = power upgrades(0-3) 0 = 100 health/50 battery 1 = 200h/120b 2 = 350h/200b 3 = 500h/300b
.health = current health
.ammo_cells = Cells currently in battery, max cells always dynamically calculated
.maxhealth = max health
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
.tf_items NIT_AUTOID = spydetector upgrade (0-1) 0 = no spy 1 = tesla will attack disguised spies
.tf_items NIT_FLYING_SENTRY = turret upgrade (0-1) 0 = normal 1 = tesla launches into the air and attaches to ceiling
.tf_items NIT_SCANNER = Improved Targeter (0-1) 0 = normal checkclient 1 = radiuscan attacks enemy mines & demons, etc
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
.currentammo = total upgrades (0-5)
.waitmin = battery drain
Battery Drain = Power = I*V = (i+2)*(v+2) which will range between 4 to 25 cells per shot
Initial Attack Delay -- 0 = 1.5secs 1 = 1.5sec 2 = 1secs 3 = 2secs
.ammo_shells = voltage upgrades (0-3) 0 = 200 1 = 600 2 = 1200 3 = 3000
.ammo_nails = amp upgrades (0-3) 0 = 30/1 secs 1 = 60/1 sec 2 = 120/s cont. 3 = 500/s
.ammo_rockets = power upgrades(0-3) 0 = 100 health/50 battery 1 = 200h/120b 2 = 350h/200b 3 = 500h/300b
.health = health
.ammo_cells = Cells currently in battery
.maxammo_cells = Max cells
.maxhealth = max health
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
.tf_items NIT_AUTOID = spydetector upgrade (0-1) 0 = no spy 1 = tesla will attack disguised spies
.tf_items NIT_FLYING_SENTRY = turret upgrade (0-1) 0 = normal 1 = tesla launches into the air and attaches to ceiling
.tf_items NIT_SCANNER = Improved Targeter (0-1) 0 = normal checkclient 1 = radiuscan attacks enemy mines & demons, etc
.tf_items NIT_TESLA_CLOAKING = Cloaking device (0-1) 0=nothing 1=Cloaked unless firing does not glow
.tf_items NIT_KEVLAR = Kevlar Armor (0-1) 0=nothing 1=has Kevlar Armor
.tf_items NIT_BLAST = Blast Armor (0-1) 0=nothing 1=has Blast Armor
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
.has_sentry = Normal upgrades left
.has_tesla = Misc upgrades left
.waitmin = battery drain
Battery Drain = Power = I*V = (i+2)*(v+2) which will range between 4 to 25 cells per shot
Initial Attack Delay -- based on range/1000 (spy detector is range/500) amps and other stuff
float modelindex_tesla; //CH
// Tesla AI Functions
float() Tesla_FindTarget;
void() Tesla_FoundTarget;
2001-10-17 07:48:11 +00:00
void(entity attacker, float damage) Tesla_Pain;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
void() Tesla_Die;
float() Tesla_Fire;
void() Tesla_Idle;
void() Tesla_Touch;
float() ReturnTeslaDelay;
entity(entity scanner, float scanrange) Tesla_RadiusScan;
entity(entity OldTesla) TeslaClone;
//--------- NEW TESLA MODEL (COIL.MDL) FRAMES ----------//
$frame on1 on2 on3 on4 on5 on6 on7
$frame fire1 fire2 fire3 fire4 fire5 fire6
//- I took this model from labyrinth server ------------//
void() Tesla_Check_Frags =
2002-08-30 05:40:09 +00:00
switch (self.has_teleporter) {
case 0:
if (self.frags >= 10) {
Tesla_Add_Rand_Upgrade(self, self.real_owner);
self.has_teleporter = 1;
case 1:
if (self.frags >= 20) {
Tesla_Add_Rand_Upgrade(self, self.real_owner);
self.has_teleporter = 2;
case 2:
if (self.frags >= 30) {
Tesla_Add_Rand_Upgrade(self, self.real_owner);
self.has_teleporter = 3;
case 3:
if (self.frags >= 40) {
Tesla_Add_Rand_Upgrade(self, self.real_owner);
self.has_teleporter = 4;
case 4:
if (self.frags >= 50) {
Tesla_Add_Rand_Upgrade(self, self.real_owner);
bprint(PRINT_HIGH, self.real_owner.netname);
bprint(PRINT_HIGH, " is a master of tesla placement, his tesla has at least 50 kills!!\n");
self.has_teleporter = 5;
case 5:
if (self.frags >= 60) {
Tesla_Add_Rand_Upgrade(self, self.real_owner);
self.has_teleporter = 6;
case 6:
if (self.frags >= 70) {
Tesla_Add_Rand_Upgrade(self, self.real_owner);
self.has_teleporter = 7;
case 7:
if (self.frags >= 80) {
Tesla_Add_Rand_Upgrade(self, self.real_owner);
self.has_teleporter = 8;
case 8:
if (self.frags >= 90) {
Tesla_Add_Rand_Upgrade(self, self.real_owner);
self.has_teleporter = 9;
case 9:
if (self.frags >= 100) {
Tesla_Add_Rand_Upgrade(self, self.real_owner);
bprint(PRINT_HIGH, self.real_owner.netname);
bprint(PRINT_HIGH, " is a true legend at tesla placement, his tesla has at least 100 kills!!\n");
self.has_teleporter = 10;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
void() Tesla_Lose_Glow =
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ((self.tf_items & NIT_TESLA_CLOAKING && (self.effects & EF_DIMLIGHT)) || self.job == 3)
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (self.is_haxxxoring == 0)
self.modelindex = modelindex_null;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sound (self, CHAN_MISC, "misc/r_tele3.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (self.job == 3) self.job = 1;
2004-04-12 05:37:50 +00:00
self.effects &= ~EF_DIMLIGHT;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
void() Tesla_Give_Glow =
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.tf_items & NIT_TESLA_CLOAKING && !(self.effects & EF_DIMLIGHT))
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (self.is_haxxxoring == 0)
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sound (self, CHAN_MISC, "misc/r_tele4.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2004-04-12 05:37:50 +00:00
self.effects |= EF_DIMLIGHT;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
void() TeslaThink;
//- OfN - A new main think sub is needed for the new tesla model animation //
void() tsla_on1 =[ $on1, tsla_on2 ] {self.job=1; TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_on2 =[ $on1, tsla_on3 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_on3 =[ $on2, tsla_on4 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_on4 =[ $on2, tsla_on5 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_on5 =[ $on3, tsla_on6 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_on6 =[ $on3, tsla_on7 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_on7 =[ $on4, tsla_on8 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_on8 =[ $on4, tsla_on9 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_on9 =[ $on5, tsla_on10 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_on10 =[ $on5, tsla_on11 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_on11 =[ $on6, tsla_on12 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_on12 =[ $on6, tsla_on13 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_on13 =[ $on7, tsla_on14 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_on14 =[ $on7, tsla_on1 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_fire1 =[ $fire1, tsla_fire2 ] {self.job=2; TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_fire2 =[ $fire1, tsla_fire3 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_fire3 =[ $fire2, tsla_fire4 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_fire4 =[ $fire2, tsla_fire5 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_fire5 =[ $fire3, tsla_fire6 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_fire6 =[ $fire3, tsla_fire7 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_fire7 =[ $fire4, tsla_fire8 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_fire8 =[ $fire4, tsla_fire9 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_fire9 =[ $fire5, tsla_fire10 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_fire10 =[ $fire5, tsla_fire11 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_fire11 =[ $fire6, tsla_fire12 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() tsla_fire12 =[ $fire6, tsla_fire1 ] {TeslaThink();};
void() TeslaThink =
if (self.pain_finished == 1) // replace tesla entity if it was cloaked
local entity TSelf;
self.nextthink = time + 0.05;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.has_holo <= time && self.no_grenades_1 == FALSE)
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self.no_grenades_1 = TRUE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.job == 1 && self.effects & EF_DIMLIGHT)
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
else if (self.job == 2 && !(self.effects & EF_DIMLIGHT))
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//Main loop for tesla - OfN - was
void() Tesla_Idle =
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_ONE)
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self.has_holo = time + 0.25; //FIXED - unhacked teslas work again
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self.no_grenades_1 = FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.tf_items & NIT_TELEPORTER) //CH
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//self.waitmax holds if we have a target
if (self.waitmax) //If we have target, shoot it
2004-03-20 00:09:41 +00:00
self.waitmax = Tesla_Fire();
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (!self.waitmax)
2004-03-20 00:09:41 +00:00
self.attack_finished = 1;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//Try to reacquire target
2004-03-20 00:09:41 +00:00
Tesla_Lose_Glow ();
self.has_holo = time + 0.25;
self.no_grenades_1 = FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (Tesla_FindTarget())
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self.waitmax = TRUE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (self.attack_finished < 1)
self.attack_finished = self.attack_finished + 0.1;
//self.think = Tesla_Idle; //WK Unecessary but keeps us in the loop
float() Tesla_FindTarget =
local entity client;
//WK Hack to get floating tesla working
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET)
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self.origin_z = self.origin_z - 40;//40;
// self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 24;
2001-11-02 17:00:52 +00:00
self.oldenemy = NIL; //CH for sbar
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (self.ammo_shells == 0)
client = Tesla_RadiusScan (self, 400);
else if (self.ammo_shells == 1)
client = Tesla_RadiusScan (self, 800);
else if (self.ammo_shells == 2)
client = Tesla_RadiusScan (self, 1200);
client = Tesla_RadiusScan (self, 3500); //I dont think that anyone would be this far away
//WK Unhack our hack
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET)
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 40;//+ 40;
// self.origin_z = self.origin_z - 24;
if (client != self)
// Found a Target
/*if (self.enemy == client) //Recovering lock
return Tesla_Fire();*/ // SB not any more you're not
self.enemy = client;
self.oldenemy = self.enemy; //CH for sbar
Tesla_FoundTarget ();
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return TRUE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
void() Tesla_FoundTarget =
// Cannon Powerup Sound?
if (self.ammo_cells > self.waitmin)
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "weapons/guerilla_set.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self.goalentity = self.enemy;
//self.nextthink = time + ReturnTeslaDelay();
self.has_holo = time + ReturnTeslaDelay(); //- OfN -
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self.no_grenades_1 = FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-10-17 07:48:11 +00:00
void(entity attacker, float damage) Tesla_Pain =
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2003-12-14 13:15:13 +00:00
if (self.health < 0)
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Update the owner's status bar
self.real_owner.StatusRefreshTime = time + 0.2;
//CH special sbar for eng.
self.real_owner.StatusBarScreen = 4;
1) Attempted to give players positive frags whenever possible. You now
should get frags for blowing people up with others' dispensers/mines/expbody,
airfisting rockets, etc.
2) Redid Give_Frags_Out
3) Changed many uses of pointcontents and ugly hacks to use hullpointcontents
and checkmove, now a lot cleaner and less buggy
4) You can grapple builds again. This caused really odd bugs.
5) You can now damage your own buildings again (gasp). Any time a tesla or sentry
is damaged it turns on its attacker, friendly or otherwise. This is both a counter-TK
and counter-spy mechanism.
6) Teslas are now entirely inside their bounding box
7) Now check every frame for players startsolid and for outside of the map cube.
8) #define WALL_HURT to make it hurt when you hit a wall
9) Used some cool ideas (aka laws of physics) to make the airfist a little less annoying
10) You now only get 1 mirv per slot without bandolier. Demoman and hwguy gain bandolier.
demoman loses his extra mirv but gains an extra grenade and pair of detpacks. Hwguy
gets extra grenade.
11) New and improved EMP grenade now does damage based on range. no longer blows up shells.
Doesn't directly damage sentries anymore, but does significant damage to dispensers.
EMP someone who's setting a det and it blows up in their face.
12) Players now do radius damage from getting EMPed (again)
13) EMPs now go through walls (again)
14) EMP number lowered by one (3 without, 4 with bandolier) and cost raised by $100
15) You can only have 2 frag grens, 3 with bandolier now.
16) Hover boots will now eat cells if they get low on charge. In addition, the silly bug
where their charge wasn't restored when you die is fixed now.
17) EMPing a detpack now sets its timer to anywhere between 1 and 121 seconds from current time,
with a logarithmic probability of it being lower. (random() * random() * 120 + 1). Also, probably
more time the closer it is to the EMP.
18) Judo can now be blocked by people with close combat, knife or judo. Blocked judo means that the
attacker loses 3 seconds of attack.
19) Judo missing now makes them unable to fire.
20) Shortened judo range (back to normal if w/ close combat)
21) Attempted to rework the railgun. Seems to be okay now.
Probably still a lot of bugs in here, but since this is the devel version I thought I would commit
all my changes so people could start testing it. I'll commit fixes as soon as I find the bugs.
2003-11-26 08:53:44 +00:00
2004-03-21 00:36:37 +00:00
local string st = infokey (NIL, "sentry_revenge");
if (!st)
st = infokey (NIL, "sr");
if (!self.waitmax && (st == "yes" || st == "1" || st == "on"))
1) Attempted to give players positive frags whenever possible. You now
should get frags for blowing people up with others' dispensers/mines/expbody,
airfisting rockets, etc.
2) Redid Give_Frags_Out
3) Changed many uses of pointcontents and ugly hacks to use hullpointcontents
and checkmove, now a lot cleaner and less buggy
4) You can grapple builds again. This caused really odd bugs.
5) You can now damage your own buildings again (gasp). Any time a tesla or sentry
is damaged it turns on its attacker, friendly or otherwise. This is both a counter-TK
and counter-spy mechanism.
6) Teslas are now entirely inside their bounding box
7) Now check every frame for players startsolid and for outside of the map cube.
8) #define WALL_HURT to make it hurt when you hit a wall
9) Used some cool ideas (aka laws of physics) to make the airfist a little less annoying
10) You now only get 1 mirv per slot without bandolier. Demoman and hwguy gain bandolier.
demoman loses his extra mirv but gains an extra grenade and pair of detpacks. Hwguy
gets extra grenade.
11) New and improved EMP grenade now does damage based on range. no longer blows up shells.
Doesn't directly damage sentries anymore, but does significant damage to dispensers.
EMP someone who's setting a det and it blows up in their face.
12) Players now do radius damage from getting EMPed (again)
13) EMPs now go through walls (again)
14) EMP number lowered by one (3 without, 4 with bandolier) and cost raised by $100
15) You can only have 2 frag grens, 3 with bandolier now.
16) Hover boots will now eat cells if they get low on charge. In addition, the silly bug
where their charge wasn't restored when you die is fixed now.
17) EMPing a detpack now sets its timer to anywhere between 1 and 121 seconds from current time,
with a logarithmic probability of it being lower. (random() * random() * 120 + 1). Also, probably
more time the closer it is to the EMP.
18) Judo can now be blocked by people with close combat, knife or judo. Blocked judo means that the
attacker loses 3 seconds of attack.
19) Judo missing now makes them unable to fire.
20) Shortened judo range (back to normal if w/ close combat)
21) Attempted to rework the railgun. Seems to be okay now.
Probably still a lot of bugs in here, but since this is the devel version I thought I would commit
all my changes so people could start testing it. I'll commit fixes as soon as I find the bugs.
2003-11-26 08:53:44 +00:00
self.enemy = attacker;
2003-12-14 13:15:13 +00:00
self.waitmax = TRUE;
1) Attempted to give players positive frags whenever possible. You now
should get frags for blowing people up with others' dispensers/mines/expbody,
airfisting rockets, etc.
2) Redid Give_Frags_Out
3) Changed many uses of pointcontents and ugly hacks to use hullpointcontents
and checkmove, now a lot cleaner and less buggy
4) You can grapple builds again. This caused really odd bugs.
5) You can now damage your own buildings again (gasp). Any time a tesla or sentry
is damaged it turns on its attacker, friendly or otherwise. This is both a counter-TK
and counter-spy mechanism.
6) Teslas are now entirely inside their bounding box
7) Now check every frame for players startsolid and for outside of the map cube.
8) #define WALL_HURT to make it hurt when you hit a wall
9) Used some cool ideas (aka laws of physics) to make the airfist a little less annoying
10) You now only get 1 mirv per slot without bandolier. Demoman and hwguy gain bandolier.
demoman loses his extra mirv but gains an extra grenade and pair of detpacks. Hwguy
gets extra grenade.
11) New and improved EMP grenade now does damage based on range. no longer blows up shells.
Doesn't directly damage sentries anymore, but does significant damage to dispensers.
EMP someone who's setting a det and it blows up in their face.
12) Players now do radius damage from getting EMPed (again)
13) EMPs now go through walls (again)
14) EMP number lowered by one (3 without, 4 with bandolier) and cost raised by $100
15) You can only have 2 frag grens, 3 with bandolier now.
16) Hover boots will now eat cells if they get low on charge. In addition, the silly bug
where their charge wasn't restored when you die is fixed now.
17) EMPing a detpack now sets its timer to anywhere between 1 and 121 seconds from current time,
with a logarithmic probability of it being lower. (random() * random() * 120 + 1). Also, probably
more time the closer it is to the EMP.
18) Judo can now be blocked by people with close combat, knife or judo. Blocked judo means that the
attacker loses 3 seconds of attack.
19) Judo missing now makes them unable to fire.
20) Shortened judo range (back to normal if w/ close combat)
21) Attempted to rework the railgun. Seems to be okay now.
Probably still a lot of bugs in here, but since this is the devel version I thought I would commit
all my changes so people could start testing it. I'll commit fixes as soon as I find the bugs.
2003-11-26 08:53:44 +00:00
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
void() Tesla_Die =
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Your tesla gun was destroyed.\n");
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self.real_owner.has_tesla = self.real_owner.has_tesla - 1;
if (self.real_owner.has_tesla < 0)
self.real_owner.has_tesla = 0;
//CH REAL tesla gibs
ThrowGib("progs/tesgib1.mdl", -70);
ThrowGib("progs/tesgib2.mdl", -70);
ThrowGib("progs/tesgib3.mdl", -70);
ThrowGib("progs/tesgib4.mdl", self.skin);
ThrowGib("progs/tesgib4.mdl", self.skin);
2001-10-13 23:02:22 +00:00
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z);
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS);
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
float (vector where) DoorsAt =
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
traceline (where, where, FALSE, self);
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (trace_ent.classname == "door" || trace_ent.classname == "plat")
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return TRUE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
float() Tesla_Fire =
2001-10-19 03:31:30 +00:00
local float damage = 0;
2001-08-01 06:08:35 +00:00
local float cheater = FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
local vector below;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET)
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
below = '0 0 1'; // So as not to hit tesla.
below_z = below_z + self.size_z; // Below should be 1 unit below the tesla.
// Check a varity of locations for a door. 5 and -5 should be the with of tesla
if (DoorsAt(self.origin - below + '0 0 0'))
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
cheater = TRUE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (DoorsAt(self.origin - below + '8 0 0'))
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
cheater = TRUE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (DoorsAt(self.origin - below + '-8 0 0'))
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
cheater = TRUE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (DoorsAt(self.origin - below + '0 8 0'))
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
cheater = TRUE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (DoorsAt(self.origin - below + '0 -8 0'))
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
cheater = TRUE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (cheater){
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint(self.real_owner,PRINT_HIGH,"The door's wiring conflicts with your tesla's!\n");
2001-11-02 17:00:52 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//WK Stop gun from shooting at dead spies
if (!self.enemy)
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;
2001-11-02 17:00:52 +00:00
if (!self.enemy)
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (self.enemy == self)
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (self.enemy.health <= 0)
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;
2001-11-02 17:00:52 +00:00
if (infokey(NIL,"ceasefire")=="on") //CH
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (self.enemy.classname == "player")
if (self.enemy.has_disconnected)
2001-11-02 17:00:52 +00:00
self.enemy = NIL;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (!(self.tf_items & NIT_AUTOID))
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (self.enemy.is_feigning)
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;
1) Attempted to give players positive frags whenever possible. You now
should get frags for blowing people up with others' dispensers/mines/expbody,
airfisting rockets, etc.
2) Redid Give_Frags_Out
3) Changed many uses of pointcontents and ugly hacks to use hullpointcontents
and checkmove, now a lot cleaner and less buggy
4) You can grapple builds again. This caused really odd bugs.
5) You can now damage your own buildings again (gasp). Any time a tesla or sentry
is damaged it turns on its attacker, friendly or otherwise. This is both a counter-TK
and counter-spy mechanism.
6) Teslas are now entirely inside their bounding box
7) Now check every frame for players startsolid and for outside of the map cube.
8) #define WALL_HURT to make it hurt when you hit a wall
9) Used some cool ideas (aka laws of physics) to make the airfist a little less annoying
10) You now only get 1 mirv per slot without bandolier. Demoman and hwguy gain bandolier.
demoman loses his extra mirv but gains an extra grenade and pair of detpacks. Hwguy
gets extra grenade.
11) New and improved EMP grenade now does damage based on range. no longer blows up shells.
Doesn't directly damage sentries anymore, but does significant damage to dispensers.
EMP someone who's setting a det and it blows up in their face.
12) Players now do radius damage from getting EMPed (again)
13) EMPs now go through walls (again)
14) EMP number lowered by one (3 without, 4 with bandolier) and cost raised by $100
15) You can only have 2 frag grens, 3 with bandolier now.
16) Hover boots will now eat cells if they get low on charge. In addition, the silly bug
where their charge wasn't restored when you die is fixed now.
17) EMPing a detpack now sets its timer to anywhere between 1 and 121 seconds from current time,
with a logarithmic probability of it being lower. (random() * random() * 120 + 1). Also, probably
more time the closer it is to the EMP.
18) Judo can now be blocked by people with close combat, knife or judo. Blocked judo means that the
attacker loses 3 seconds of attack.
19) Judo missing now makes them unable to fire.
20) Shortened judo range (back to normal if w/ close combat)
21) Attempted to rework the railgun. Seems to be okay now.
Probably still a lot of bugs in here, but since this is the devel version I thought I would commit
all my changes so people could start testing it. I'll commit fixes as soon as I find the bugs.
2003-11-26 08:53:44 +00:00
#if 0 // pharse handles these two, we can still hit thieves and spies if they attack us. feign still fools us tho
if (self.enemy.is_undercover) //haha, even to their own team? yeah right. No thanks
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;
1) Attempted to give players positive frags whenever possible. You now
should get frags for blowing people up with others' dispensers/mines/expbody,
airfisting rockets, etc.
2) Redid Give_Frags_Out
3) Changed many uses of pointcontents and ugly hacks to use hullpointcontents
and checkmove, now a lot cleaner and less buggy
4) You can grapple builds again. This caused really odd bugs.
5) You can now damage your own buildings again (gasp). Any time a tesla or sentry
is damaged it turns on its attacker, friendly or otherwise. This is both a counter-TK
and counter-spy mechanism.
6) Teslas are now entirely inside their bounding box
7) Now check every frame for players startsolid and for outside of the map cube.
8) #define WALL_HURT to make it hurt when you hit a wall
9) Used some cool ideas (aka laws of physics) to make the airfist a little less annoying
10) You now only get 1 mirv per slot without bandolier. Demoman and hwguy gain bandolier.
demoman loses his extra mirv but gains an extra grenade and pair of detpacks. Hwguy
gets extra grenade.
11) New and improved EMP grenade now does damage based on range. no longer blows up shells.
Doesn't directly damage sentries anymore, but does significant damage to dispensers.
EMP someone who's setting a det and it blows up in their face.
12) Players now do radius damage from getting EMPed (again)
13) EMPs now go through walls (again)
14) EMP number lowered by one (3 without, 4 with bandolier) and cost raised by $100
15) You can only have 2 frag grens, 3 with bandolier now.
16) Hover boots will now eat cells if they get low on charge. In addition, the silly bug
where their charge wasn't restored when you die is fixed now.
17) EMPing a detpack now sets its timer to anywhere between 1 and 121 seconds from current time,
with a logarithmic probability of it being lower. (random() * random() * 120 + 1). Also, probably
more time the closer it is to the EMP.
18) Judo can now be blocked by people with close combat, knife or judo. Blocked judo means that the
attacker loses 3 seconds of attack.
19) Judo missing now makes them unable to fire.
20) Shortened judo range (back to normal if w/ close combat)
21) Attempted to rework the railgun. Seems to be okay now.
Probably still a lot of bugs in here, but since this is the devel version I thought I would commit
all my changes so people could start testing it. I'll commit fixes as soon as I find the bugs.
2003-11-26 08:53:44 +00:00
if (self.enemy.job & JOB_THIEF && self.enemy.job & JOB_ACTIVE) // pharse handles this
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;
1) Attempted to give players positive frags whenever possible. You now
should get frags for blowing people up with others' dispensers/mines/expbody,
airfisting rockets, etc.
2) Redid Give_Frags_Out
3) Changed many uses of pointcontents and ugly hacks to use hullpointcontents
and checkmove, now a lot cleaner and less buggy
4) You can grapple builds again. This caused really odd bugs.
5) You can now damage your own buildings again (gasp). Any time a tesla or sentry
is damaged it turns on its attacker, friendly or otherwise. This is both a counter-TK
and counter-spy mechanism.
6) Teslas are now entirely inside their bounding box
7) Now check every frame for players startsolid and for outside of the map cube.
8) #define WALL_HURT to make it hurt when you hit a wall
9) Used some cool ideas (aka laws of physics) to make the airfist a little less annoying
10) You now only get 1 mirv per slot without bandolier. Demoman and hwguy gain bandolier.
demoman loses his extra mirv but gains an extra grenade and pair of detpacks. Hwguy
gets extra grenade.
11) New and improved EMP grenade now does damage based on range. no longer blows up shells.
Doesn't directly damage sentries anymore, but does significant damage to dispensers.
EMP someone who's setting a det and it blows up in their face.
12) Players now do radius damage from getting EMPed (again)
13) EMPs now go through walls (again)
14) EMP number lowered by one (3 without, 4 with bandolier) and cost raised by $100
15) You can only have 2 frag grens, 3 with bandolier now.
16) Hover boots will now eat cells if they get low on charge. In addition, the silly bug
where their charge wasn't restored when you die is fixed now.
17) EMPing a detpack now sets its timer to anywhere between 1 and 121 seconds from current time,
with a logarithmic probability of it being lower. (random() * random() * 120 + 1). Also, probably
more time the closer it is to the EMP.
18) Judo can now be blocked by people with close combat, knife or judo. Blocked judo means that the
attacker loses 3 seconds of attack.
19) Judo missing now makes them unable to fire.
20) Shortened judo range (back to normal if w/ close combat)
21) Attempted to rework the railgun. Seems to be okay now.
Probably still a lot of bugs in here, but since this is the devel version I thought I would commit
all my changes so people could start testing it. I'll commit fixes as soon as I find the bugs.
2003-11-26 08:53:44 +00:00
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//CH rechecks if target is out of range, has a little extra room added.
// SB +100 for each one, values were incorrect before
local float maxrange;
maxrange = 500;
if (self.ammo_shells == 0)
maxrange = 500;
else if (self.ammo_shells == 1) //+300 no
maxrange = 900;
else if (self.ammo_shells == 2) //+500 no
maxrange = 1300;
else if (self.ammo_shells == 3) //+800 no
maxrange = 4100;
/*if (self.ammo_shells == 0 && vlen(self.origin - self.enemy.origin) >= 500)
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
else if (self.ammo_shells == 1 && vlen(self.origin - self.enemy.origin) >= 900) //+300 no
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
else if (self.ammo_shells == 2 && vlen(self.origin - self.enemy.origin) >= 1300) //+500 no
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
else if (self.ammo_shells == 3 && vlen(self.origin - self.enemy.origin) >= 4100) //+800 no
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;*/
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (vlen(self.origin - self.enemy.origin) >= maxrange) //+800 no
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self.oldenemy = self.enemy; //CH for sbar
//WK Hack to get floating sentry working - reset before all the returns
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) self.origin_z = self.origin_z - 40;// 40
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//else self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 24;
if (!visible2(self.enemy, self))
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 40; // 40
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//else self.origin_z = self.origin_z - 24;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self.ammo_cells = self.ammo_cells - self.waitmin; //Waitmin is precalculated cost
if (self.ammo_cells < 0)
self.ammo_cells = 0;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 40; // 40
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//else self.origin_z = self.origin_z - 24;
2001-11-02 17:00:52 +00:00
self.enemy = NIL;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Tesla_Give_Glow(); //FIXED
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_THREE)
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
local float damg;
damg = random() * 100 + 200 * self.ammo_nails; // the bigger they come, the harder they fall
2004-02-17 00:23:39 +00:00
deathmsg = DMSG_LIGHTNING;
2001-10-13 23:02:22 +00:00
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z);
2001-11-02 17:00:52 +00:00
T_RadiusDamage(self, self, damg, NIL);
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 40; // 40
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//else self.origin_z = self.origin_z - 24;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2004-02-17 00:23:39 +00:00
deathmsg = DMSG_LIGHTNING;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// OfN - Check for force field
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
traceline (self.origin, self.enemy.origin, FALSE, self);
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-10-13 23:02:22 +00:00
WriteEntity (MSG_MULTICAST, self);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y);
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET)
2001-10-13 23:02:22 +00:00
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z + 10);
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-10-13 23:02:22 +00:00
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z + 30);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, trace_endpos_x);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, trace_endpos_y);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, trace_endpos_z);
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS);
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
1) Attempted to give players positive frags whenever possible. You now
should get frags for blowing people up with others' dispensers/mines/expbody,
airfisting rockets, etc.
2) Redid Give_Frags_Out
3) Changed many uses of pointcontents and ugly hacks to use hullpointcontents
and checkmove, now a lot cleaner and less buggy
4) You can grapple builds again. This caused really odd bugs.
5) You can now damage your own buildings again (gasp). Any time a tesla or sentry
is damaged it turns on its attacker, friendly or otherwise. This is both a counter-TK
and counter-spy mechanism.
6) Teslas are now entirely inside their bounding box
7) Now check every frame for players startsolid and for outside of the map cube.
8) #define WALL_HURT to make it hurt when you hit a wall
9) Used some cool ideas (aka laws of physics) to make the airfist a little less annoying
10) You now only get 1 mirv per slot without bandolier. Demoman and hwguy gain bandolier.
demoman loses his extra mirv but gains an extra grenade and pair of detpacks. Hwguy
gets extra grenade.
11) New and improved EMP grenade now does damage based on range. no longer blows up shells.
Doesn't directly damage sentries anymore, but does significant damage to dispensers.
EMP someone who's setting a det and it blows up in their face.
12) Players now do radius damage from getting EMPed (again)
13) EMPs now go through walls (again)
14) EMP number lowered by one (3 without, 4 with bandolier) and cost raised by $100
15) You can only have 2 frag grens, 3 with bandolier now.
16) Hover boots will now eat cells if they get low on charge. In addition, the silly bug
where their charge wasn't restored when you die is fixed now.
17) EMPing a detpack now sets its timer to anywhere between 1 and 121 seconds from current time,
with a logarithmic probability of it being lower. (random() * random() * 120 + 1). Also, probably
more time the closer it is to the EMP.
18) Judo can now be blocked by people with close combat, knife or judo. Blocked judo means that the
attacker loses 3 seconds of attack.
19) Judo missing now makes them unable to fire.
20) Shortened judo range (back to normal if w/ close combat)
21) Attempted to rework the railgun. Seems to be okay now.
Probably still a lot of bugs in here, but since this is the devel version I thought I would commit
all my changes so people could start testing it. I'll commit fixes as soon as I find the bugs.
2003-11-26 08:53:44 +00:00
if (trace_ent.classname == "force_field")
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/lhit.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
1) Attempted to give players positive frags whenever possible. You now
should get frags for blowing people up with others' dispensers/mines/expbody,
airfisting rockets, etc.
2) Redid Give_Frags_Out
3) Changed many uses of pointcontents and ugly hacks to use hullpointcontents
and checkmove, now a lot cleaner and less buggy
4) You can grapple builds again. This caused really odd bugs.
5) You can now damage your own buildings again (gasp). Any time a tesla or sentry
is damaged it turns on its attacker, friendly or otherwise. This is both a counter-TK
and counter-spy mechanism.
6) Teslas are now entirely inside their bounding box
7) Now check every frame for players startsolid and for outside of the map cube.
8) #define WALL_HURT to make it hurt when you hit a wall
9) Used some cool ideas (aka laws of physics) to make the airfist a little less annoying
10) You now only get 1 mirv per slot without bandolier. Demoman and hwguy gain bandolier.
demoman loses his extra mirv but gains an extra grenade and pair of detpacks. Hwguy
gets extra grenade.
11) New and improved EMP grenade now does damage based on range. no longer blows up shells.
Doesn't directly damage sentries anymore, but does significant damage to dispensers.
EMP someone who's setting a det and it blows up in their face.
12) Players now do radius damage from getting EMPed (again)
13) EMPs now go through walls (again)
14) EMP number lowered by one (3 without, 4 with bandolier) and cost raised by $100
15) You can only have 2 frag grens, 3 with bandolier now.
16) Hover boots will now eat cells if they get low on charge. In addition, the silly bug
where their charge wasn't restored when you die is fixed now.
17) EMPing a detpack now sets its timer to anywhere between 1 and 121 seconds from current time,
with a logarithmic probability of it being lower. (random() * random() * 120 + 1). Also, probably
more time the closer it is to the EMP.
18) Judo can now be blocked by people with close combat, knife or judo. Blocked judo means that the
attacker loses 3 seconds of attack.
19) Judo missing now makes them unable to fire.
20) Shortened judo range (back to normal if w/ close combat)
21) Attempted to rework the railgun. Seems to be okay now.
Probably still a lot of bugs in here, but since this is the devel version I thought I would commit
all my changes so people could start testing it. I'll commit fixes as soon as I find the bugs.
2003-11-26 08:53:44 +00:00
if (vlen(self.enemy.origin - self.origin) >= 800 && vlen(trace_endpos - self.enemy.origin) <= 100) //Only play end sound if far away
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sound (self.enemy, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/lhit.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); //CH at start and end of arc
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
/*if (self.ammo_nails == 0) damage = 40;
if (self.ammo_nails == 1) damage = 80;
if (self.ammo_nails == 2) damage = 160;
if (self.ammo_nails == 3) damage = 320;*/
if (self.ammo_nails == 0) damage = 40;
if (self.ammo_nails == 1) damage = 80;
if (self.ammo_nails == 2) damage = 130;
if (self.ammo_nails == 3) damage = 240;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.num_mines & IMPROVED_FOUR) damage = damage * 1.15; //- OfN - Improved circuit hack - was 1.2 - TOO LOW NOW?
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.is_malfunctioning & SCREWUP_TWO) damage = 1;
//TF_T_Damage (self.enemy, self, self.real_owner, damage, TF_TD_NOTTEAM, TF_TD_ELECTRICITY);
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
1) Attempted to give players positive frags whenever possible. You now
should get frags for blowing people up with others' dispensers/mines/expbody,
airfisting rockets, etc.
2) Redid Give_Frags_Out
3) Changed many uses of pointcontents and ugly hacks to use hullpointcontents
and checkmove, now a lot cleaner and less buggy
4) You can grapple builds again. This caused really odd bugs.
5) You can now damage your own buildings again (gasp). Any time a tesla or sentry
is damaged it turns on its attacker, friendly or otherwise. This is both a counter-TK
and counter-spy mechanism.
6) Teslas are now entirely inside their bounding box
7) Now check every frame for players startsolid and for outside of the map cube.
8) #define WALL_HURT to make it hurt when you hit a wall
9) Used some cool ideas (aka laws of physics) to make the airfist a little less annoying
10) You now only get 1 mirv per slot without bandolier. Demoman and hwguy gain bandolier.
demoman loses his extra mirv but gains an extra grenade and pair of detpacks. Hwguy
gets extra grenade.
11) New and improved EMP grenade now does damage based on range. no longer blows up shells.
Doesn't directly damage sentries anymore, but does significant damage to dispensers.
EMP someone who's setting a det and it blows up in their face.
12) Players now do radius damage from getting EMPed (again)
13) EMPs now go through walls (again)
14) EMP number lowered by one (3 without, 4 with bandolier) and cost raised by $100
15) You can only have 2 frag grens, 3 with bandolier now.
16) Hover boots will now eat cells if they get low on charge. In addition, the silly bug
where their charge wasn't restored when you die is fixed now.
17) EMPing a detpack now sets its timer to anywhere between 1 and 121 seconds from current time,
with a logarithmic probability of it being lower. (random() * random() * 120 + 1). Also, probably
more time the closer it is to the EMP.
18) Judo can now be blocked by people with close combat, knife or judo. Blocked judo means that the
attacker loses 3 seconds of attack.
19) Judo missing now makes them unable to fire.
20) Shortened judo range (back to normal if w/ close combat)
21) Attempted to rework the railgun. Seems to be okay now.
Probably still a lot of bugs in here, but since this is the devel version I thought I would commit
all my changes so people could start testing it. I'll commit fixes as soon as I find the bugs.
2003-11-26 08:53:44 +00:00
//TF_T_Damage (self.enemy, self, self, damage, TF_TD_NOTTEAM, TF_TD_ELECTRICITY);
local vector org = self.origin;
if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET)
org_z += 10;
org_z += 30;
LightningDamage(org, self.enemy.origin, self, damage);
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//self.nextthink = time + ReturnTeslaDelay();
//self.has_holo = time + ReturnTeslaDelay(); //?? wTF
self.attack_finished = 1;
self.has_holo = time + ReturnTeslaDelay(); //- OfN -
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self.no_grenades_1 = FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Warn owner that it's low on ammo
if (self.ammo_cells == 0 && (random() < 0.1))
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Tesla is out of cells.\n");
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
else if (self.ammo_cells <= self.waitmin)
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Tesla is low on cells.\n");
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 40; //40
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//else self.origin_z = self.origin_z - 24;
//self.attack_finished = 1;
if (self.enemy.health <= 0)
2001-11-02 17:00:52 +00:00
self.enemy = NIL;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return TRUE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//WK Sentry Touch function
//Will kill bad guy
void() Tesla_Touch =
local vector below;
local float cheater;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
cheater = FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//WK Check for blockage
1) Attempted to give players positive frags whenever possible. You now
should get frags for blowing people up with others' dispensers/mines/expbody,
airfisting rockets, etc.
2) Redid Give_Frags_Out
3) Changed many uses of pointcontents and ugly hacks to use hullpointcontents
and checkmove, now a lot cleaner and less buggy
4) You can grapple builds again. This caused really odd bugs.
5) You can now damage your own buildings again (gasp). Any time a tesla or sentry
is damaged it turns on its attacker, friendly or otherwise. This is both a counter-TK
and counter-spy mechanism.
6) Teslas are now entirely inside their bounding box
7) Now check every frame for players startsolid and for outside of the map cube.
8) #define WALL_HURT to make it hurt when you hit a wall
9) Used some cool ideas (aka laws of physics) to make the airfist a little less annoying
10) You now only get 1 mirv per slot without bandolier. Demoman and hwguy gain bandolier.
demoman loses his extra mirv but gains an extra grenade and pair of detpacks. Hwguy
gets extra grenade.
11) New and improved EMP grenade now does damage based on range. no longer blows up shells.
Doesn't directly damage sentries anymore, but does significant damage to dispensers.
EMP someone who's setting a det and it blows up in their face.
12) Players now do radius damage from getting EMPed (again)
13) EMPs now go through walls (again)
14) EMP number lowered by one (3 without, 4 with bandolier) and cost raised by $100
15) You can only have 2 frag grens, 3 with bandolier now.
16) Hover boots will now eat cells if they get low on charge. In addition, the silly bug
where their charge wasn't restored when you die is fixed now.
17) EMPing a detpack now sets its timer to anywhere between 1 and 121 seconds from current time,
with a logarithmic probability of it being lower. (random() * random() * 120 + 1). Also, probably
more time the closer it is to the EMP.
18) Judo can now be blocked by people with close combat, knife or judo. Blocked judo means that the
attacker loses 3 seconds of attack.
19) Judo missing now makes them unable to fire.
20) Shortened judo range (back to normal if w/ close combat)
21) Attempted to rework the railgun. Seems to be okay now.
Probably still a lot of bugs in here, but since this is the devel version I thought I would commit
all my changes so people could start testing it. I'll commit fixes as soon as I find the bugs.
2003-11-26 08:53:44 +00:00
if (entpointcontents(self) == CONTENTS_SKY)
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Your sentry gun flew away.\n");
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (other.classname=="player" && !(self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET) && (self.tf_items & NIT_TESLA_CLOAKING) && self.no_grenades_2 < time && self.job == 1 && Teammate(self.team_no,other.team_no))
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (self.real_owner == other)
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint(other,PRINT_HIGH,"Your cloaked tesla here!\n");
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint(other,PRINT_HIGH,"There is a cloaked friendly tesla here!\n");
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self.no_grenades_2 = time + 2;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (other.takedamage && !(self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET)) // OfN - fixme: doesn't check for enemy disguised spies
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
deathmsg = DMSG_BUG_ZAPPER;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (IsMonster(other))
if (!Teammate(other.real_owner.team_no, self.real_owner.team_no))
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
TF_T_Damage (other, self, self, 400, TF_TD_NOTTEAM, TF_TD_ELECTRICITY);
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (!Teammate(other.team_no, self.real_owner.team_no) && (other.is_undercover != 1)) // <== FIXME
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
//TF_T_Damage (other, self, self.real_owner, 400, TF_TD_NOTTEAM, TF_TD_ELECTRICITY);
TF_T_Damage (other, self, self, 400, TF_TD_NOTTEAM, TF_TD_ELECTRICITY);
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//I'm in midflight and hit something
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.tf_items & NIT_TURRET && self.movetype == MOVETYPE_FLY)
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//WK Check to see if we are blocked
1) Attempted to give players positive frags whenever possible. You now
should get frags for blowing people up with others' dispensers/mines/expbody,
airfisting rockets, etc.
2) Redid Give_Frags_Out
3) Changed many uses of pointcontents and ugly hacks to use hullpointcontents
and checkmove, now a lot cleaner and less buggy
4) You can grapple builds again. This caused really odd bugs.
5) You can now damage your own buildings again (gasp). Any time a tesla or sentry
is damaged it turns on its attacker, friendly or otherwise. This is both a counter-TK
and counter-spy mechanism.
6) Teslas are now entirely inside their bounding box
7) Now check every frame for players startsolid and for outside of the map cube.
8) #define WALL_HURT to make it hurt when you hit a wall
9) Used some cool ideas (aka laws of physics) to make the airfist a little less annoying
10) You now only get 1 mirv per slot without bandolier. Demoman and hwguy gain bandolier.
demoman loses his extra mirv but gains an extra grenade and pair of detpacks. Hwguy
gets extra grenade.
11) New and improved EMP grenade now does damage based on range. no longer blows up shells.
Doesn't directly damage sentries anymore, but does significant damage to dispensers.
EMP someone who's setting a det and it blows up in their face.
12) Players now do radius damage from getting EMPed (again)
13) EMPs now go through walls (again)
14) EMP number lowered by one (3 without, 4 with bandolier) and cost raised by $100
15) You can only have 2 frag grens, 3 with bandolier now.
16) Hover boots will now eat cells if they get low on charge. In addition, the silly bug
where their charge wasn't restored when you die is fixed now.
17) EMPing a detpack now sets its timer to anywhere between 1 and 121 seconds from current time,
with a logarithmic probability of it being lower. (random() * random() * 120 + 1). Also, probably
more time the closer it is to the EMP.
18) Judo can now be blocked by people with close combat, knife or judo. Blocked judo means that the
attacker loses 3 seconds of attack.
19) Judo missing now makes them unable to fire.
20) Shortened judo range (back to normal if w/ close combat)
21) Attempted to rework the railgun. Seems to be okay now.
Probably still a lot of bugs in here, but since this is the devel version I thought I would commit
all my changes so people could start testing it. I'll commit fixes as soon as I find the bugs.
2003-11-26 08:53:44 +00:00
if (entpointcontents(self) == CONTENTS_SKY)
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "Your tesla flew away.\n");
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
below = '0 0 1'; // So as not to hit tesla.
below_z = below_z + self.size_z;
// Check a varity of locations for a door. 5 and -5 should be the with of tesla
if (DoorsAt(self.origin - below + '0 0 0'))
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
cheater = TRUE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (DoorsAt(self.origin - below + '8 0 0'))
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
cheater = TRUE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (DoorsAt(self.origin - below + '-8 0 0'))
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
cheater = TRUE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (DoorsAt(self.origin - below + '0 8 0'))
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
cheater = TRUE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (DoorsAt(self.origin - below + '0 -8 0'))
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
cheater = TRUE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (cheater){
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint(self.real_owner,PRINT_HIGH,"The door's wiring conflicts with your tesla's!\n");
2001-11-02 17:00:52 +00:00
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-11-02 17:00:52 +00:00
if (!other)
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
{ //The eagle has landed!
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
// sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "The eagle has landed!\n");
self.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
2004-04-12 05:37:50 +00:00
self.flags |= FL_ONGROUND;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self.movetype = MOVETYPE_STEP;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 40;
self.is_haxxxoring=0; // this flag is for cloaked teslas be able to cloak again
if (self.job == 1)
2004-04-12 05:37:50 +00:00
self.effects |= EF_DIMLIGHT; // hack to make lose_glow to run properly to make disappear again the tesla
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
else if (other.classname == "player")
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
deathmsg = DMSG_BUG_ZAPPER;
//TF_T_Damage (other, self, self.real_owner, 400, TF_TD_NOTTEAM, TF_TD_ELECTRICITY);
TF_T_Damage (other, self, self, 400, TF_TD_NOTTEAM, TF_TD_ELECTRICITY);
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self.velocity_z = 200; //- OfN reset velocity, not stop
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
deathmsg = DMSG_BUG_ZAPPER;
//TF_T_Damage (other, self, self.real_owner, 400, TF_TD_NOTTEAM, TF_TD_ELECTRICITY);
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (!Teammate(other.real_owner.team_no,self.real_owner.team_no))
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
TF_T_Damage (other, self, self, 400, TF_TD_NOTTEAM, TF_TD_ELECTRICITY);
//sprint(self.real_owner, PRINT_HIGH, "The eagle has died.\n");
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//CH this sets the 'charge time' needed in order to fire at the target.
//Using the idea that a certain charge has to be generated in order for the current to arc to the enemy
//The time it takes to make this charge would be based on distance and amp plus some extras
//Thus fast firing close and slower as you get away and or the more amps to generate.
//This code works nicely to do that :)
float() ReturnTeslaDelay =
local float r;
local float tesladelay;
if (self.ammo_nails == 0) //Initial delay based on AMPS
tesladelay = 0.5;
else if (self.ammo_nails == 1) //So its not as fast, but still fast
tesladelay = 0.75;
else if (self.ammo_nails == 2)
tesladelay = 1;
tesladelay = 1.5;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.enemy.cutf_items & CUTF_JAMMER) // if we have jammer - Share and Enjoy!
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
tesladelay = tesladelay + 0.5;
r = vlen(self.enemy.origin - self.origin);
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.tf_items & NIT_AUTOID) //spy detect takes twice as long, as it does more in depth search
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
tesladelay = tesladelay + (r / 500);
tesladelay = tesladelay + (r / 1000);
// Invisible people take longer for sentries to lock onto, MAY HAPPEN
if (self.enemy.modelindex == modelindex_null)
tesladelay = tesladelay + 2; // Must acquire a heat signal
else if (self.enemy.modelindex == modelindex_eyes)
tesladelay = tesladelay + 1; // Some visual, so its a little easier
//Improved targetter decreases lock time to 5/8
//WK Changed to 7/8ths
// Changed back again, what a lame item
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.tf_items & NIT_SCANNER)
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
tesladelay = (tesladelay * 5) / 8;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if (self.num_mines & IMPROVED_FOUR) tesladelay = tesladelay * 0.85; //was 0.8
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
tesladelay = tesladelay * self.attack_finished; // SB so we don't fire instantly at old targ...
// SB this also means we don't have to fully charge for new target
self.attack_finished = 0;
return tesladelay;
// Returns a list of players within a radius around the origin, like findradius,
// except that some parsing of the list can be done based on the parameters passed in.
// Make sure you check that the return value is not NULL b4 using it.
entity(entity scanner, float scanrange) Tesla_RadiusScan =
local entity head;
local float gotatarget;
head = findradius(scanner.origin, scanrange);
while (head)
gotatarget = 0;
if (vlen(head.origin - scanner.origin) <= scanrange && head != scanner && visible2(head,scanner))
if (head.classname == "player")
#ifdef MAD_TESLA
gotatarget = 1;
gotatarget = Pharse_Client(head, scanner, 1, 0, 1, 1);
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
else if (scanner.tf_items & NIT_SCANNER && scanner.team_no > 0) //Improved targeter
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if (head.classname == "monster_demon1")
if (!Teammate(head.real_owner.team_no,scanner.team_no))
gotatarget = 1;
if (head.classname == "monster_army")
if (!Teammate(head.real_owner.team_no,scanner.team_no))
gotatarget = 1;
if (head.classname == "monster_shambler")
if (!Teammate(head.real_owner.team_no,scanner.team_no))
gotatarget = 1;
if (head.classname == "monster_wizard") //- OfN
if (!Teammate(head.real_owner.team_no,scanner.team_no))
gotatarget = 1;
else if (head.classname == "grenade" && head.netname == "land_mine")
if (!Teammate(head.owner.team_no, scanner.team_no))
gotatarget = 1;
else if (!Teammate(head.team_no,scanner.team_no))
if (IsBuilding(head) && head.classname != "building_sentrygun_base")
gotatarget = 1;
if (gotatarget)
return head;
head = head.chain;
return scanner;
//- Ofn - ugly hack i know... ------------------------------//
//- This is needed for the cloaking tesla to work ----------//
entity(entity OldTesla) TeslaClone =
newmis = spawn();
//here the updates of any entity pointers (demon_two and building for players, plus goalentity and enemy for grunts)
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
local entity te;
local vector tmp1, tmp2;
//now hack inside hack! =)
2001-11-02 17:00:52 +00:00
te = find(NIL, classname, "player");
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
while (te)
if (te.is_haxxxoring) // if we r currently hacking...
if (te.demon_two.martyr_enemy==OldTesla) // ...this tesla
te.demon_two.martyr_enemy=newmis; //UPDATE IT
else if (te.demon_two == OldTesla) // if we r targetting this tesla for a hack
te.demon_two = newmis; // UPDATE POINTER
if (te.building == OldTesla) // if we r fixing (menu) this tesla..
te.building = newmis; // update it
te = find(te, classname, "player");
2001-11-02 17:00:52 +00:00
te = find(NIL, classname, "monster_army");
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
while (te)
if (te.goalentity == OldTesla)
te.goalentity = newmis;
if (te.enemy == OldTesla)
te.enemy = newmis;
te = find(te, classname, "monster_army");
//solid_not also
//newmis.origin = self.origin + v_forward;
newmis.origin = OldTesla.origin;
tmp1 = '-16 -16 -25';
//tmp2 = '16 16 48'; //WK 62 is better, but crashes?
tmp2 = '16 16 23';
//newmis.mdl = "progs/newtesla.mdl";
newmis.mdl = "progs/coil.mdl";
newmis.netname = "tesla";
//newmis.origin = newmis.origin + '0 0 25';
newmis.origin = OldTesla.origin;
newmis.owner = OldTesla.owner;
newmis.real_owner = OldTesla.real_owner;//self;
newmis.think = OldTesla.think;
newmis.nextthink = time + 0.05;
newmis.colormap = OldTesla.colormap;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
newmis.weapon = BUILD_TESLA;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//newmis.angles_y = anglemod(self.angles_y + 180);
newmis.angles = OldTesla.angles;
//newmis.velocity = '0 0 8';
newmis.velocity = OldTesla.velocity; // AVOIDS TURRET LAUNCHING BUG?
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
newmis.movetype = OldTesla.movetype;// MOVETYPE_TOSS;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
newmis.solid = SOLID_BBOX; // ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
setmodel (newmis, newmis.mdl);
setsize (newmis, tmp1, tmp2);
setorigin (newmis, newmis.origin);
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
//if (objtobuild==BUILD_TESLA) newmis.skin = self.team_no;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//if (self.team_no==3) newmis.skin=0;
//else if (self.team_no==4) newmis.skin=3;
newmis.skin = OldTesla.skin; //
2004-04-12 05:37:50 +00:00
//newmis.flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
newmis.flags = OldTesla.flags;
newmis.classname = "building_tesla";
newmis.netname = "tesla";
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
newmis.takedamage = OldTesla.takedamage; //DAMAGE_AIM;
//newmis.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
newmis.th_die = OldTesla.th_die; //Tesla_Die; // Death function
newmis.th_pain = OldTesla.th_pain; //Tesla_Pain; // BUG WAS DIE!!
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
//self.ammo_cells = self.ammo_cells - BUILD_COST_TESLA;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
newmis.health = OldTesla.health; //BUILD_HEALTH_TESLA;
newmis.movetype = OldTesla.movetype; //MOVETYPE_TOSS;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
newmis.colormap = OldTesla.colormap; //self.colormap; // Set the Base Color
//newmis.velocity = '0 0 -8';
newmis.avelocity = '0 0 0';
2004-04-12 05:37:50 +00:00
newmis.flags = OldTesla.flags; // &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
newmis.team_no = OldTesla.team_no;
//- OfN -
//newmis.think = OldTesla.think;
//newmis.nextthink = time + 0.1;
newmis.has_holo = OldTesla.has_holo; // next Tesla_Idle run
newmis.job = OldTesla.job; // this flag will determine which frame animation is currently on
//newmis.job_finished = time; // change for frame animation purposes, instead of increasing its nextthing during charging
newmis.job_finished = OldTesla.job_finished;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
newmis.no_grenades_1 = OldTesla.no_grenades_1; //FALSE; // first think reset
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
newmis.no_grenades_2 = OldTesla.no_grenades_2; //0; // cloak touch delay reset
newmis.touch = Tesla_Touch;
2001-11-02 17:00:52 +00:00
newmis.enemy = OldTesla.enemy; //NIL;
newmis.oldenemy = OldTesla.oldenemy; //NIL; //CH for sbar
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//Set all initial tesla values here
newmis.maxammo_shells = OldTesla.maxammo_shells; //Voltage == 0
newmis.maxammo_nails = OldTesla.maxammo_nails; //Amps == 0
newmis.maxammo_rockets = OldTesla.maxammo_rockets; //Battery == 0
newmis.max_health = OldTesla.max_health;//150;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
newmis.ammo_cells = OldTesla.ammo_cells; //MAXCELLS0; //Initial ammo allocation
newmis.maxammo_cells = OldTesla.maxammo_cells; //MAXCELLS0; //Initial maxammo
newmis.tf_items = OldTesla.tf_items; //NIT_CERAMIC; //Start with shock armor
newmis.armorclass = OldTesla.armorclass; //AT_SAVEELECTRICITY; //Shock armor
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
newmis.has_sentry = OldTesla.has_sentry;
newmis.has_tesla = OldTesla.has_tesla;
newmis.has_teleporter = OldTesla.has_teleporter; //0; //CH for frag related upgrades
newmis.ammo_shells = OldTesla.ammo_shells;
newmis.ammo_nails = OldTesla.ammo_nails;
newmis.ammo_rockets = OldTesla.ammo_rockets;
newmis.health = OldTesla.health;
//newmis.health = newmis.max_health;
newmis.waitmin = OldTesla.waitmin; //(newmis.ammo_shells + 2) * (newmis.ammo_nails + 2);
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
newmis.waitmax = OldTesla.waitmax; //FALSE; //No target yet
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
newmis.frags = OldTesla.frags; //0; //CH how many people has your sent killed?
newmis.lip = OldTesla.lip; //0; //WK How many tinkers have been done
//modelindex_tesla = newmis.modelindex; //CH
newmis.num_mines=OldTesla.num_mines; //0; // OfN - reset HACKER improvements
newmis.is_malfunctioning = OldTesla.is_malfunctioning;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
return newmis;