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2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
#include "defs.qh"
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// system globals
entity self;
entity other;
entity world;
float time;
float frametime;
entity newmis; // if this is set, the entity that just
// run created a new missile that should
// be simulated immediately
float force_retouch; // force all entities to touch triggers
// next frame. this is needed because
// non-moving things don't normally scan
// for triggers, and when a trigger is
// created (like a teleport trigger), it
// needs to catch everything.
// decremented each frame, so set to 2
// to guarantee everything is touched
string mapname;
float serverflags; // propagated from level to level, used to
// keep track of completed episodes
float total_secrets;
float total_monsters;
float found_secrets; // number of secrets found
float killed_monsters; // number of monsters killed
// spawnparms are used to encode information about clients across server
// level changes
float parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4, parm5, parm6, parm7, parm8, parm9, parm10, parm11, parm12, parm13, parm14, parm15, parm16;
// global variables set by built in functions
vector v_forward, v_up, v_right; // set by makevectors()
// set by traceline / tracebox
float trace_allsolid;
float trace_startsolid;
float trace_fraction;
vector trace_endpos;
vector trace_plane_normal;
float trace_plane_dist;
entity trace_ent;
float trace_inopen;
float trace_inwater;
entity msg_entity; // destination of single entity writes
// required prog functions
void() main; // only for testing
void() StartFrame;
void() PlayerPreThink;
void() PlayerPostThink;
void() ClientKill;
void() ClientConnect;
void() PutClientInServer; // call after setting the parm1... parms
void() ClientDisconnect;
void() SetNewParms; // called when a client first connects to
// a server. sets parms so they can be
// saved off for restarts
void() SetChangeParms; // call to set parms for self so they can
// be saved for a level transition
void end_sys_globals; // flag for structure dumping
// system fields (*** = do not set in prog code, maintained by C code)
.float modelindex; // *** model index in the precached list
.vector absmin, absmax; // *** origin + mins / maxs
.float ltime; // local time for entity
.float lastruntime; // *** to allow entities to run out of sequence
.float movetype;
.float solid;
.vector origin; // ***
.vector oldorigin; // ***
.vector velocity;
.vector angles;
.vector avelocity;
.string classname; // spawn function
.string model;
.float frame;
.float skin;
.float effects;
.vector mins, maxs; // bounding box extents reletive to origin
.vector size; // maxs - mins
.void() touch;
.void() use;
.void() think;
.void() blocked; // for doors or plats, called when can't push other
.float nextthink;
.entity groundentity;
// stats
.float health;
.float frags;
.float weapon; // one of the IT_SHOTGUN, etc flags
.string weaponmodel;
.float weaponframe;
.float currentammo;
.float ammo_shells, ammo_nails, ammo_rockets, ammo_cells;
.float items; // bit flags
.float takedamage;
.entity chain;
.float deadflag;
.vector view_ofs; // add to origin to get eye point
.float button0; // fire
.float button1; // use
.float button2; // jump
.float impulse; // weapon changes
.float fixangle;
.vector v_angle; // view / targeting angle for players
.string netname;
.entity enemy; //WK We use this on players now, for the martyr code
.float flags;
.float colormap;
.float team;
.float max_health; // players maximum health is stored here
.float teleport_time; // don't back up
.float armortype; // save this fraction of incoming damage
.float armorvalue; //Current NUMBER of armor being worn
.float waterlevel; // 0 = not in, 1 = feet, 2 = wast, 3 = eyes
.float watertype; // a contents value
.float ideal_yaw;
.float yaw_speed;
.entity aiment;
.entity goalentity; // a movetarget or an enemy
.float spawnflags;
.string target;
.string targetname;
// damage is accumulated through a frame. and sent as one single
// message, so the super shotgun doesn't generate huge messages
.float dmg_take;
.float dmg_save;
.entity dmg_inflictor;
.entity owner; // who launched a missile
.vector movedir; // mostly for doors, but also used for waterjump
.string message; // trigger messages
.float sounds; // either a cd track number or sound number
.string noise, noise1, noise2, noise3; // contains names of wavs to play
void end_sys_fields; // flag for structure dumping
// globals
float movedist;
entity activator; // the entity that activated a trigger or brush
entity damage_attacker; // set by T_Damage
float framecount;
float skill;
// cvars checked each frame
float teamplay;
float timelimit;
float fraglimit;
float deathmatch;
// NIL fields (FIXME: make globals)
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
.string wad;
.string map;
.float worldtype; // 0=medieval 1=metal 2=base
.string killtarget;
// quakeed fields
.float light_lev; // not used by game, but parsed by light util
.float style;
// monster ai
.void() th_stand;
.void() th_walk;
.void() th_run;
.void() th_missile;
.void() th_melee;
.void(entity attacker, float damage) th_pain;
.void() th_die;
.entity oldenemy; // mad at this player before taking damage
.float speed;
.float lefty;
.float search_time; //WK Used for hover boots. :/
.float attack_state; //WK Not usable?
// player only fields
.float walkframe;
.float maxspeed;
.float gravity;
//WK -- Holds how much money we have left while building, and
// for toggling between engineer and spy menus in the game (hackish, yes)
.float money;
.float custom_speed;
.float ff_count; //How many friendlies killed
//.float be_count; //Bad Engy count, break threshold, RESTICTED BUILD
.float penance_time; //Time your penance will cease
.float last_attacked_time; //Time that you were last shot at
.entity inspirator; //Holds pointer to your chaplan
.float has_cheated; //Holds if the user has tried to cheat or not
// SB - for demons
//.float demon_points; UNUSED - OfN
.float demon_choice;
.float demon_blood;
.entity demon_one;
.entity demon_two; //- OfN Not used for demons, used for hacking
//- OfN -
.float army_ready; //- if #TRUE, soldier ready for teleport, this is set by the army_timer's
.float num_mines; // OfN Number of guerilla mines the player has
// Also used for friendly hacks on machines
//- OfN - Cool gibs data stored on each TF_T_Damage
//.vector gb_origin; // Origin of last damage
//.float gb_disable; // if #TRUE don't use cool gibs
// hacker defences
//.float hacker_defence; // -OfN by SB, I use num_mines instead, for hacker improvements/ice
//For the demon
.void() th_fireball;
.float hover_time; //How much fuel we have left in boots
.float done_custom;
.entity scaned; //CH used for scanner.
.float attack_finished;
.float pain_finished;
.float invincible_finished;
.float invisible_finished;
.float super_damage_finished;
.float radsuit_finished;
.float invincible_time, invincible_sound;
.float invisible_time, invisible_sound;
.float super_time, super_sound;
.float rad_time;
.float fly_sound;
.float axhitme;
.float show_hostile; // set to time+0.2 whenever a client fires a
// weapon or takes damage. Used to alert
// monsters that otherwise would let the player go
.float jump_flag; // player jump flag
.float swim_flag; // player swimming sound flag
.float air_finished; // when time > air_finished, start drowning
.float bubble_count; // keeps track of the number of bubbles
.string deathtype; // keeps track of how the player died
// object stuff
.string mdl;
.vector mangle; // angle at start
.vector oldorigin; // only used by secret door
.float t_length, t_width;
// doors, etc
.vector dest, dest1, dest2;
.float wait; // time from firing to restarting
.float delay; // time from activation to firing
.entity trigger_field; // door's trigger entity
.string noise4;
// monsters
.float pausetime;
.entity movetarget;
// doors
.float aflag;
.float dmg; // damage done by door when hit
// misc
.float cnt; // misc flag
// subs
.void() think1;
.vector finaldest, finalangle;
// triggers
.float count; // for counting triggers
// plats / doors / buttons
.float lip;
.float state;
.vector pos1, pos2; // top and bottom positions
.float height;
// sounds
.float waitmin, waitmax;
.float distance;
.float volume;
1) Attempted to give players positive frags whenever possible. You now should get frags for blowing people up with others' dispensers/mines/expbody, airfisting rockets, etc. 2) Redid Give_Frags_Out 3) Changed many uses of pointcontents and ugly hacks to use hullpointcontents and checkmove, now a lot cleaner and less buggy 4) You can grapple builds again. This caused really odd bugs. 5) You can now damage your own buildings again (gasp). Any time a tesla or sentry is damaged it turns on its attacker, friendly or otherwise. This is both a counter-TK and counter-spy mechanism. 6) Teslas are now entirely inside their bounding box 7) Now check every frame for players startsolid and for outside of the map cube. 8) #define WALL_HURT to make it hurt when you hit a wall 9) Used some cool ideas (aka laws of physics) to make the airfist a little less annoying 10) You now only get 1 mirv per slot without bandolier. Demoman and hwguy gain bandolier. demoman loses his extra mirv but gains an extra grenade and pair of detpacks. Hwguy gets extra grenade. 11) New and improved EMP grenade now does damage based on range. no longer blows up shells. Doesn't directly damage sentries anymore, but does significant damage to dispensers. EMP someone who's setting a det and it blows up in their face. 12) Players now do radius damage from getting EMPed (again) 13) EMPs now go through walls (again) 14) EMP number lowered by one (3 without, 4 with bandolier) and cost raised by $100 15) You can only have 2 frag grens, 3 with bandolier now. 16) Hover boots will now eat cells if they get low on charge. In addition, the silly bug where their charge wasn't restored when you die is fixed now. 17) EMPing a detpack now sets its timer to anywhere between 1 and 121 seconds from current time, with a logarithmic probability of it being lower. (random() * random() * 120 + 1). Also, probably more time the closer it is to the EMP. 18) Judo can now be blocked by people with close combat, knife or judo. Blocked judo means that the attacker loses 3 seconds of attack. 19) Judo missing now makes them unable to fire. 20) Shortened judo range (back to normal if w/ close combat) 21) Attempted to rework the railgun. Seems to be okay now. Probably still a lot of bugs in here, but since this is the devel version I thought I would commit all my changes so people could start testing it. I'll commit fixes as soon as I find the bugs.
2003-11-26 08:53:44 +00:00
// stuck time
.float stucktime;
.entity chain2;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// builtin functions
void(vector ang) makevectors = #1; // sets v_forward, etc globals
void(entity e, vector o) setorigin = #2;
void(entity e, string m) setmodel = #3; // set movetype and solid first
void(entity e, vector min, vector max) setsize = #4;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// #5 was removed
2002-09-07 23:55:26 +00:00
void() Break = #6;
float() random = #7; // returns 0 - 1
void(entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten) sound = #8;
vector(vector v) normalize = #9;
void(string e) error = #10;
void(string e) objerror = #11;
float(vector v) vlen = #12;
float(vector v) vectoyaw = #13;
2001-08-13 21:51:06 +00:00
entity() spawn = #14;
void(entity e) remove = #15;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// sets trace_* globals
// nomonsters can be:
// An entity will also be ignored for testing if forent == test,
// forent->owner == test, or test->owner == forent
// a forent of NIL is ignored
void(vector v1, vector v2, float nomonsters, entity forent) traceline = #16;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
entity() checkclient = #17; // returns a client to look for
entity(entity start, .string fld, string match) find = #18;
string(string s) precache_sound = #19;
string(string s) precache_model = #20;
void(entity client, string s)stuffcmd = #21;
entity(vector org, float rad) findradius = #22;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//void(float level, string s) bprint = #23;
//void(entity client, float level, string s) sprint = #24;
void(...) bprint = #23;
void(...) sprint = #24;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
void(...) bprint2 = #23;
void(...) sprint2 = #24;
void(...) bprint3 = #23;
void(...) sprint3 = #24;
void(...) bprint4 = #23;
void(...) sprint4 = #24;
void(...) bprint5 = #23;
void(...) sprint5 = #24;
void(...) bprint6 = #23;
void(...) sprint6 = #24;
void(...) bprint7 = #23;
void(...) sprint7 = #24;
void(...) bprint8 = #23;
void(string s) dprint = #25;
void() coredump = #28; // prints all edicts
void() traceon = #29; // turns statment trace on
void() traceoff = #30;
void(entity e) eprint = #31; // prints an entire edict
float(float yaw, float dist) walkmove = #32; // returns #TRUE or #FALSE
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// #33 was removed
float() droptofloor= #34; // #TRUE if landed on floor
void(float style, string value) lightstyle = #35;
float(float v) rint = #36; // round to nearest int
float(float v) floor = #37; // largest integer <= v
float(float v) ceil = #38; // smallest integer >= v
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// #39 was removed
float(entity e) checkbottom = #40; // true if self is on ground
float(vector v) pointcontents = #41; // returns a CONTENT_*
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// #42 was removed
float(float f) fabs = #43;
vector(entity e, float speed) aim = #44; // returns the shooting vector
float(string s) cvar = #45; // return cvar.value
void(string s) localcmd = #46; // put string into local que
entity(entity e) nextent = #47; // for looping through all ents
// #48 was removed
void() ChangeYaw = #49; // turn towards self.ideal_yaw
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// at self.yaw_speed
// #50 was removed
vector(vector v) vectoangles = #51;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// direct client message generation
void(float to, float f) WriteByte = #52;
void(float to, float f) WriteChar = #53;
void(float to, float f) WriteShort = #54;
void(float to, float f) WriteLong = #55;
void(float to, float f) WriteCoord = #56;
void(float to, float f) WriteAngle = #57;
void(float to, string s) WriteString = #58;
void(float to, entity s) WriteEntity = #59;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2004-01-21 16:05:58 +00:00
void(float to, vector a) WriteAngleV = #0;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
void(float step) movetogoal = #67;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
string(string s) precache_file = #68; // no effect except for -copy
void(entity e) makestatic = #69;
void(string s) changelevel = #70;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//#71 was removed
void(string var, string val) cvar_set = #72; // sets cvar.value
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//void(entity client, string s) centerprint = #73; // sprint, but in middle
void(...) centerprint = #73;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
void(entity pl, string s1) CenterPrint = #73;
void(entity pl, string s1, string s2) CenterPrint2 = #73;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
void(vector pos, string samp, float vol, float atten) ambientsound = #74;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
string(string s) precache_model2 = #75; // registered version only
string(string s) precache_sound2 = #76; // registered version only
string(string s) precache_file2 = #77; // registered version only
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
void(entity e) setspawnparms = #78; // set parm1... to the
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// values at level start
// for coop respawn
void(entity killer, entity killee) logfrag = #79; // add to stats
string(entity e, string key) infokey = #80; // get a key value (NIL = serverinfo)
void(vector where, float set) multicast = #82; // sends the temp message
2001-07-25 22:15:15 +00:00
// to a set of clients,
// possibly in PVS or PHS
entity (entity ent) testentitypos = #92;
integer (entity ent, vector mins, vector maxs, vector point) hullpointcontents = #93;
vector (integer hull, integer max) getboxbounds = #94;
integer () getboxhull = #95;
void (integer hull) freeboxhull = #96;
void (integer hull, vector right, vector forward, vector up,
vector mins, vector maxs) rotate_bbox = #97;
2001-07-25 22:15:15 +00:00
void (vector start, vector mins, vector maxs, vector end, float type,
entity passent) checkmove = #98; // Wrapper around SV_Move.
void (entity ent, string key, string value) setinfokey = #102;
float (string path, string mode) cfopen = #103;
void (float desc) cfclose = #104;
string (float desc) cfread = #105;
float (float desc, string buf) cfwrite = #106;
float (float desc) cfeof = #107;
float () cfquota = #108;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
string (...) sprintf = #109;
string (float f) ftos = #26;
integer (float f) ftoi = #110;
float (integer i) itof = #110;
string (integer i) itos = #112;
float (string s) stof = #81;
integer (string s) stoi = #113;
vector (string s) stov = #114;
string (vector v) vtos = #27;
integer () Cmd_Argc = #0;
string (integer i) Cmd_Argv = #0;
string (integer i) Cmd_Args = #0;
integer (string cmd, void() func) Cmd_AddCommand = #0;
integer (string cmd, void() func, integer noredir) SV_AddUserCommand = #0;
2004-01-21 16:05:58 +00:00
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// subs.qc
void(vector tdest, float tspeed, void() func) SUB_CalcMove;
void(entity ent, vector tdest, float tspeed, void() func) SUB_CalcMoveEnt;
void(vector destangle, float tspeed, void() func) SUB_CalcAngleMove;
void() SUB_CalcMoveDone;
void() SUB_CalcAngleMoveDone;
void() SUB_UseTargets;
void() SUB_Remove;
void() dont_think; // null function for think
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// combat.qc
void(entity targ, entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage) T_Damage;
float (entity e, float healamount, float ignore) T_Heal; // health function
float(entity targ, entity inflictor) CanDamage;
// tforttm.qc
void (entity pl, float topcolor, float bottomcolor) SetPlayerColor;
string (string s) quotename;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
.float playerclass;
.float nextpc; // The playerclass you'll respawn as
.float last_impulse; // The previous impulse command from this player
.float armorclass; // Type of *special* armor being worn
.float tf_items; // Another flag for player items
.float job; // WK Yet another flag for player items
.float job_finished; // WK Time for job ability to end/reload
.float tf_items_flags; // Flags for the player items
.float no_grenades_1; // Number of grenades of type 1 being carried
.float no_grenades_2; // Number of grenades of type 2 being carried
.float tp_grenades_1; // 1st type of grenades being carried
.float tp_grenades_2; // 2nd type of grenades being carried
.float got_aliases; // controls state of alias checker
.float got_aliases_bits; // version number bits
.float got_aliases_num; // batch of aliases that are done
.float got_aliases_time; // time next alias will be set automatically
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
.float cheat_check; // Time when we'll next check for team cheats
.float is_removed; // TRUE if the entity has been removed
.float is_undercover; // TRUE for a SPY if they're undercover
.float is_building; // TRUE for an ENGINEER if they're building something
.float is_detpacking; // TRUE for a DEMOMAN if they're setting a detpack
.float is_feigning; // TRUE for a SPY if they're feigning death
.float is_haxxxoring; // TRUE if the player is hax0ring something
.float is_toffingadet; // TRUE if the player is arming a C4 det
.float is_unabletospy; // TRUE for a SPY if they can't go undercover
.float is_malfunctioning; //- SB/OfN For buildings and cyberaug players to determine if screwed up
.float is_abouttodie; // Oh no I am a martyr and about to die
//.float is_cameraviewing; // We're gazing out of the camera
.float is_killed; // avoids stack overflow on killed() ?? (only skips killed() for buildings)
.float option; // - OfN - used for megatf effect_random_sound support, and for camera/sensor build-destroy overflow control
.float option2; // - OfN - used for megatf effect_random_sound support
.float has_disconnected; // TRUE if the player has disconnected
.float has_dispenser; // TRUE for an ENGINEER if he has a dispenser
.float has_sentry; // TRUE for an ENGINEER if he has a sentry
.float has_tesla; // TRUE for an ENGINEER if he has a tesla
.float has_camera; // TRUE for an ENGINEER if he has a camera
.float has_sensor; // TRUE for an ENGINEER if he has a motion sensor
.float has_teleporter; // contains # of teleporters
.float has_fieldgen; // contains # of field generators
.float admin_flag; // TRUE if player has admin access
.entity admin_kick; // Contains the current client to kick
.entity martyr_enemy; // The last guy that shot the martyr. self = nobody
.float stored_deathmsg; // OfN - UNUSED? - ofn nope hehe
.float cluster_mode; // 0=nothing 1=normal 2=cluster
//- OfN fields ---------------------------------//
.float has_holo; // holds player's holo status
// Rotation entities fields
.vector neworigin;
.vector rotate;
.float endtime;
.float rotate_type;
.string path;
.string group;
.string event;
.float duration;
// AirFist fields -
.float AIRG_Timeout;
.float AIRG_FireCount;
.float AIRG_Flags;
.entity AIRG_FlyTracker;
// crusader fields
.float aura; // The aura of the player
.float aura_time; // When the aura runs out
.entity crusader_inspirator; // different than inspirator for chapplan
// OfN Warlock monsters
.entity summon_one;
.entity summon_two;
// laser cannon fields -
// NONE, i used alternative ones
//.vector old_velocity; // I use neworigin
.float reload_laser_cannon;
// fieldgen fields
.float fieldgen_status;
.float fieldgen_hasfield;
.entity fieldgen_field;
.vector forcefield_offset;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// TeamFortress State Flags
.float tfstate; // State flags for TeamFortress
.entity linked_list; // Used just like chain. Has to be separate so
// it doesn't interfere with chain. See T_RadiusScan
.entity observer_list; // Used by undefined classes, see TF_MovePlayer
// Defines used by TF_T_Damage (see combat.qc)
// Playerclass handling variables
.float maxammo_shells; // Class holding details
.float maxammo_nails;
.float maxammo_cells;
.float maxammo_rockets;
.float items_allowed;
.float armor_allowed; //Maximum color armor we can have. 0.3 for scouts...
.float maxarmor; //Maximum number of armor we can have. 200 for soldiers...
//WK .float maxfbspeed; // Maximum forward/back speed
//WK .float maxstrafespeed; // Maximum side speed
.float weaponmode; // Used for multiple mode weapons
.float motd; // Used to display MOTD
.float current_menu; // is set to the number of the current menu, is 0 if they are not in a menu
.float menu_count; // keeps track of display times for menus
.float menu_displaytime; // keep track of how many times this menu is refreshed
.integer rotated_bbox;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
/* Toggleable Game Settings */
float toggleflags; // toggleable flags
float respawn_delay_time;
// FortressMap stuff
float number_of_teams; // number of teams supported by the map
float illegalclasses; // Illegal playerclasses for all teams
float illegalclasses1; // Illegal playerclasses for team 1
float illegalclasses2; // Illegal playerclasses for team 2
float illegalclasses3; // Illegal playerclasses for team 3
float illegalclasses4; // Illegal playerclasses for team 4
float civilianteams; // Bitfield holding Civilian teams
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
float team1col; // Colours for each of the 4 teams
float team2col; // If there's enough demand, we'll
float team3col; // allow more than four teams...
float team4col; // but there's no demand at all, so no
float team1score; // Goal Score of each team
float team2score;
float team3score;
float team4score;
float team1lives; // Number of lives each team's players have
float team2lives;
float team3lives;
float team4lives;
//--- OfN global vars ----//
float pay_msgs;
float team_prefix;
float max_mines;
//float allow_mauser;
//float allow_antigrav;
float no_clusters;
float no_c4;
float no_otr;
float no_laser;
float no_grapple;
float headless;
float custom_mode;
float stock_mode;
float nicecolors;
float relax_cheatcheck;
//float cool_gibs;
float army_delay;
float no_monstercolors;
float no_army;
float no_chaplan;
float no_detpush;
entity debug_target; // server dprints will go to this client too
float allow_debug;
float allow_watermonsters; // if 0, grunts and monsters can be in water, in check_contents ai.qc
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Chris' Teamplay Plus Mode
/*float chris; // Is Chris mode on or off
float team1rounds; // No. of rounds won per team
float team2rounds;
float team3rounds;
float team4rounds;
float team1total; // no. of players alive per team
float team2total;
float team3total;
float team4total;
float roundstowin; // No. of rounds required to win
float roundendtime; // The end time of the current round
float roundtime; // Time per round
float livesperguy; // Number of lives per guy
// end Chris*/
float team1maxplayers; // Max number of players allowed in each team
float team2maxplayers;
float team3maxplayers;
float team4maxplayers;
float team1advantage; // only used if the teamplay equalisation bits are set
float team2advantage; // stores the damage ratio players take/give
float team3advantage;
float team4advantage;
//WK Holds the next time that we'll allow a spam grenade to be thrown.
float team1nextspam;
float team2nextspam;
float team3nextspam;
float team4nextspam;
.float team_no; // The team you belong to
.float old_team_no; // WK The team you used belong to
.float lives; // The number of lives you have left
.float infection_team_no; // The team_no of the person who infected you
// CTF stuff
float CTF_Map;
float coop;
float rj; // Rocket Jump Modifier
// Defines for the playerclass
.entity building; // The building the ENGINEER is using
.float building_wait; // Used to prevent using a building again immediately
.entity real_owner;
.float real_frags; // Used to store the players frags when TeamFrags is On
.float respawn_time; // players can't respawn within this time.
.float suicide_time; // players can't suicide within this time.
/* New Weapon Defines */
.float weapons_carried; // the weapons the player is carrying
.float current_weapon; // the weapon the player is using
//WK On to the third 24-wide bitfield for holding purchases
.float cutf_items;
.float ammo_medikit; // Ammo used for the medikit
.float maxammo_medikit;
.float ammo_detpack; // Ammo used for the detpack
.float maxammo_detpack;
.float ammo_c4det; // ammo for c4 throwable det
// by scanners that only detect movement
/* Variables used for New Weapons and Reloading */
.float reload_shotgun;
.float reload_super_shotgun;
.float reload_grenade_launcher;
.float reload_rocket_launcher;
.float reload_light_assault;
// Assault Cannon
.float heat;
// Team Color Cheat Checking
.float immune_to_chec; //xxxx
// Make sure people don't do too many saveme sounds
.float last_saveme_sound;
// Variables used in the Goals
.float goal_no; // Goal number of this goal
.float group_no; // Goal group this goal is in
.float goal_state; // State of this goal
.float owned_by; // The team this goal/item/whatever belongs to
// Goal Activation details
.float goal_activation; // Bitfields. Determines how this goal is activated
.float goal_effects; // Bitfields. Determines which players are affected by this goal
.float goal_result; // Bitfields. Determines the results of activation
.float goal_group; // Bitfields. Determines how groups are affected by activation of this goal
.float else_goal; // A Goal that's activated if this one fails to activate
.float if_goal_is_active;
.float if_goal_is_inactive;
.float if_goal_is_removed;
.float if_group_is_active;
.float if_group_is_inactive;
.float if_group_is_removed;
// Goal Result details
.float activate_goal_no;
.float inactivate_goal_no;
.float remove_goal_no;
.float restore_goal_no;
.float activate_group_no;
.float inactivate_group_no;
.float remove_group_no;
.float restore_group_no;
// Item State behaviour
.float has_item_from_group;
.float remove_item_group;
.float return_item_no;
.float if_item_has_moved;
.float if_item_hasnt_moved;
// Spawnpoint behaviour
.float remove_spawnpoint;
.float restore_spawnpoint;
.float remove_spawngroup;
.float restore_spawngroup;
// Item Displaying details
.float display_item_status1; // Goal displays the status of these items
.float display_item_status2;
.float display_item_status3;
.float display_item_status4;
.string team_str_home; // Displayed when the item is at home base
.string team_str_moved; // Displayed when the item has been moved
.string team_str_carried; // Displayed when the item is being carried
.string non_team_str_home; // Displayed when the item is at home base
.string non_team_str_moved; // Displayed when the item has been moved
.string non_team_str_carried; // Displayed when the item is being carried
.vector goal_min; //CH
.vector goal_max; //CH
// Goal/Timer/GoalItem/Trigger existence checking
.float ex_skill_min; // Exists when the skill is >= this value
.float ex_skill_max; // Exists when the skill is <= this value
//.float ex_num_players_min; // Exists when the number of players is >= this value
//.float ex_num_players_max; // Exists when the number of players is <= this value
// Score increases
.float increase_team1; // Increase the scores of particular teams
.float increase_team2;
.float increase_team3;
.float increase_team4;
// Centerprinting
.string broadcast; // Centerprinted to all, overridden by the next two
.string team_broadcast; // Centerprinted to AP's team members, but not the AP
.string non_team_broadcast; // Centerprinted to non AP's team members
.string owners_team_broadcast; // Centerprinted to the members of the team that own the Goal/Item
.string netname_broadcast; // same as above, prepended by AP netname and bprinted
.string netname_team_broadcast; // same as above, prepended by AP netname and bprinted
.string netname_non_team_broadcast; // same as above, prepended by AP netname and bprinted
.string netname_owners_team_broadcast; // same as above, prepended by AP netname and bprinted
.string team_drop; // Centerprinted to item owners team
.string non_team_drop; // Centerprinted to everone not on item owners team
.string netname_team_drop; // same as above, prepended by AP netname and bprinted
.string netname_non_team_drop; // same as above, prepended by AP netname and bprinted
string team_menu_string;
.float all_active;
.float item_list; // Used to keep track of which goalitems are
// affecting the player at any time.
// GoalItems use it to keep track of their own
// mask to apply to a player's item_list
float item_list_bit; // Global, used to determine what the bit of
// each new GoalItem will be.
.float delay_time; // For delayed goal results
.float dont_do_triggerwork;
// Abbreviations for the above
.float g_a; // goal_activation
.float g_e; // goal_effects
.string t_s_h; // team_str_home
.string t_s_m; // team_str_moved
.string t_s_c; // team_str_carried
.string n_s_h; // non_team_str_home
.string n_s_m; // non_team_str_moved
.string n_s_c; // non_team_str_carried
.string b_b; // broadcast
.string b_t; // team_broadcast
.string b_n; // non_team_broadcast
.string b_o; // owners_team_broadcast
.string n_b; // netname_broadcast
.string n_t; // netname_team_broadcast
.string n_n; // netname_non_team_broadcast
.string n_o; // netname_owners_team_broadcast
.string d_t; // team_drop
.string d_n; // non_team_drop
.string d_n_t; // netname_team_drop
.string d_n_n; // netname_non_team_drop
/* Flamethrower */
float num_world_flames;
.float numflames; //number of flames on entity
// .float timecount; //timelength of the flames on entity
// this uses .health now
.string flame_id; // has to be string so that the C function find() can be used
/* Limit handling for various things */
// pipebomb limits
// when the limit is exceeded, older pipebombs explode
float num_world_pipebombs;
float num_team_pipebombs_1;
float num_team_pipebombs_2;
float num_team_pipebombs_3;
float num_team_pipebombs_4;
// ammobox limits
// when the limit is exceeded, older ammoboxes disappear
float num_world_ammoboxes;
float num_team_ammoboxes_1;
float num_team_ammoboxes_2;
float num_team_ammoboxes_3;
float num_team_ammoboxes_4;
/* Spy variables */
.float undercover_team; // The team the Spy is pretending to be in
.float undercover_skin; // The skin the Spy is pretending to have
2004-04-06 04:11:43 +00:00
.float undercover_job; // The job "" ""
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
.string undercover_name; // The name of the player the Spy is pretending to be
float spy_off; // Spy class off/on
float invis_only; // Spy invisible instead of color/skin changing
float allow_hook; // Allow players to use the hook
float jello; //WK Jello water! If this is true, you bounce on water
float light_damage; //WK Armor more expensive, damage at 75%
float prematch; //WK Jello water! If this is true, you bounce on water
float bounty; //WK Bounty system off/on
float custom_money; // WK Set starting money
float team_with_flag; // CG steal4d who has flag code
float friends1_mask; // KK masks of friendly teams, code for > 2 team maps
float friends2_mask;
float friends3_mask;
float friends4_mask;
.float hook_out;
/* Camera defines */
float live_camera;
.float camdist;
.vector camangle;
.entity camera_list;
/* QuakeWorld defines */
// some redecs for printing in QW
float already_chosen_map;
float triggered_cycle;
// grappling hook variables
.entity hook;
.float on_hook;
.float fire_held_down;// flag - TRUE if player is still holding down the
// fire button after throwing a hook.
// sniper location damage stuff
.vector head_shot_vector;
.float leg_damage;
.float cheat_level;
.float speed_level;
// flash grenade level
.float FlashTime;
// status bar stuff
.float StatusRefreshTime; // time to next refresh the status bar
// any function that uses a CenterPrintnt
// should reset this value
.float StatusBarSize; // the size of the bar. 1 is default, 0 is off
.float StatusBarRes; // the gfx res the player's running in
.float StatusBarScreen; //CH what screen to jump to when next called.
/* Death Message defines */
float deathmsg; // Global, which is set before every T_Damage, to indicate
// the death message that should be used.
float no_pogo_stick;
1) Attempted to give players positive frags whenever possible. You now should get frags for blowing people up with others' dispensers/mines/expbody, airfisting rockets, etc. 2) Redid Give_Frags_Out 3) Changed many uses of pointcontents and ugly hacks to use hullpointcontents and checkmove, now a lot cleaner and less buggy 4) You can grapple builds again. This caused really odd bugs. 5) You can now damage your own buildings again (gasp). Any time a tesla or sentry is damaged it turns on its attacker, friendly or otherwise. This is both a counter-TK and counter-spy mechanism. 6) Teslas are now entirely inside their bounding box 7) Now check every frame for players startsolid and for outside of the map cube. 8) #define WALL_HURT to make it hurt when you hit a wall 9) Used some cool ideas (aka laws of physics) to make the airfist a little less annoying 10) You now only get 1 mirv per slot without bandolier. Demoman and hwguy gain bandolier. demoman loses his extra mirv but gains an extra grenade and pair of detpacks. Hwguy gets extra grenade. 11) New and improved EMP grenade now does damage based on range. no longer blows up shells. Doesn't directly damage sentries anymore, but does significant damage to dispensers. EMP someone who's setting a det and it blows up in their face. 12) Players now do radius damage from getting EMPed (again) 13) EMPs now go through walls (again) 14) EMP number lowered by one (3 without, 4 with bandolier) and cost raised by $100 15) You can only have 2 frag grens, 3 with bandolier now. 16) Hover boots will now eat cells if they get low on charge. In addition, the silly bug where their charge wasn't restored when you die is fixed now. 17) EMPing a detpack now sets its timer to anywhere between 1 and 121 seconds from current time, with a logarithmic probability of it being lower. (random() * random() * 120 + 1). Also, probably more time the closer it is to the EMP. 18) Judo can now be blocked by people with close combat, knife or judo. Blocked judo means that the attacker loses 3 seconds of attack. 19) Judo missing now makes them unable to fire. 20) Shortened judo range (back to normal if w/ close combat) 21) Attempted to rework the railgun. Seems to be okay now. Probably still a lot of bugs in here, but since this is the devel version I thought I would commit all my changes so people could start testing it. I'll commit fixes as soon as I find the bugs.
2003-11-26 08:53:44 +00:00
float last_team_no;
float instant_repair;