2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
# include "defs.qh"
# include "messages.qh"
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
TFORTMAP . QC Custom TeamFortress v3 .1
( c ) TeamFortress Software Pty Ltd 29 / 2 / 97
( c ) William Kerney 2 / 23 / 00
( c ) Craig Hauser 2 / 23 / 00
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Functions handling TeamFortress Map Entities
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = */
// Prototypes
// Team Functions
void ( float tno , float scoretoadd ) TeamFortress_TeamIncreaseScore ;
void ( float all ) TeamFortress_TeamShowScores ;
float ( ) TeamFortress_TeamGetWinner ;
// Functions to handle entity placement when spawned
void ( ) TF_PlaceItem ;
void ( ) TF_StartItem ;
void ( ) TF_PlaceGoal ;
void ( ) TF_StartGoal ;
// Spawn functions for all Map Entities
float ( ) CheckExistence ;
void ( ) info_tfdetect ;
void ( ) info_player_teamspawn ;
void ( ) info_tfgoal ;
void ( ) info_tfgoal_timer ;
void ( ) item_tfgoal ;
// AutoDetection Function
void ( entity AD ) ParseTFDetect ;
// Generic Functions
entity ( float ino ) Finditem ;
entity ( float gno ) Findgoal ;
entity ( float gno ) Findteamspawn ;
void ( entity Goal ) InactivateGoal ;
void ( entity Goal ) RestoreGoal ;
void ( entity Goal ) RemoveGoal ;
float ( entity Goal , entity Player , entity AP ) IsAffectedBy ;
void ( entity Goal , entity Player , entity AP , float addb ) Apply_Results ;
float ( entity Goal , entity AP ) APMeetsCriteria ;
void ( entity Goal ) SetupRespawn ;
void ( ) DoRespawn ;
void ( entity Goal , entity AP ) DoGoalWork ;
void ( entity Goal , entity AP ) DoGroupWork ;
void ( entity Item , entity AP ) DoItemGroupWork ;
void ( entity Goal , entity AP ) DoTriggerWork ;
void ( entity Goal , entity AP , float addb ) DoResults ;
void ( entity Goal , entity Player ) RemoveResults ;
void ( ) tfgoalitem_dropthink2 ;
void ( ) tfgoalitem_settouchandthink ;
//CH 3 checks for a returning goalitem
void ( ) tfgoalitem_checkoriginagain ;
void ( ) tfgoalitem_checkoriginagain2 ;
void ( ) tfgoalitem_checkoriginagain3 ;
// Goal Functions
void ( ) tfgoal_touch ;
void ( ) info_tfgoal_use ;
// Timer Goal Functions
void ( ) tfgoal_timer_tick ;
// Item Functions
void ( ) item_tfgoal_touch ;
void ( entity Item , entity AP , entity Goal ) tfgoalitem_GiveToPlayer ;
void ( float Item ) Update_team_with_flag_touch ;
void ( float Item ) Update_team_with_flag_drop ;
void ( entity Item , entity AP , float method ) tfgoalitem_RemoveFromPlayer ;
void ( ) tfgoalitem_remove ;
void ( entity Item ) tfgoalitem_drop ;
void ( entity Item ) tfgoalitem_checkgoalreturn ;
void ( ) ReturnItem ;
void ( entity Goal , entity Player , entity Item ) DisplayItemStatus ;
// CTF Support Functions
void ( ) CTF_FlagCheck ;
// Chris Support Functions
//void (float winner) RoundStop;
// Copy the abbreviations into their storage areas
void ( entity Goal ) UpdateAbbreviations =
// The first time we enter this, copy the abbreviations
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . has_disconnected = = FALSE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Floats
if ( Goal . g_a ! = 0 & & Goal . goal_activation = = 0 )
Goal . goal_activation = Goal . g_a ;
if ( Goal . g_e ! = 0 & & Goal . goal_effects = = 0 )
Goal . goal_effects = Goal . g_e ;
// Strings
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . t_s_h )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Goal . team_str_home = Goal . t_s_h ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . t_s_m )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Goal . team_str_moved = Goal . t_s_m ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . t_s_c )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Goal . team_str_carried = Goal . t_s_c ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . n_s_h )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Goal . non_team_str_home = Goal . n_s_h ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . n_s_m )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Goal . non_team_str_moved = Goal . n_s_m ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . n_s_c )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Goal . non_team_str_carried = Goal . n_s_c ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . b_b )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Goal . broadcast = Goal . b_b ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . b_t )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Goal . team_broadcast = Goal . b_t ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . b_n )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Goal . non_team_broadcast = Goal . b_n ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . b_o )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Goal . owners_team_broadcast = Goal . b_o ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . n_b )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Goal . netname_broadcast = Goal . n_b ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . n_t )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Goal . netname_team_broadcast = Goal . n_t ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . n_n )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Goal . netname_non_team_broadcast = Goal . n_n ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . n_o )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Goal . netname_owners_team_broadcast = Goal . n_o ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . d_t )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Goal . team_drop = Goal . d_t ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . d_n )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Goal . non_team_drop = Goal . d_n ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . d_n_t )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Goal . netname_team_drop = Goal . d_n_t ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . d_n_n )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Goal . netname_non_team_drop = Goal . d_n_n ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Goal . has_disconnected = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
} ;
// Place the Goal Item
void ( ) TF_PlaceItem =
local vector temp1 ;
local vector temp2 ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . flags = FL_ITEM ; // make extra wide
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . touch = item_tfgoal_touch ;
setorigin ( self , self . origin ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//CH my updates
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( self . goal_activation & TFGI_GOAL_TO_GROUND )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . oldorigin = self . origin ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . velocity_z = - 40 ;
self . velocity_x = 0 ; //-50 + (random() * 100);
self . velocity_y = 0 ; //-50 + (random() * 100);
self . nextthink = time + 5.0 ; // give it 5 seconds
self . think = tfgoalitem_dropthink2 ; // and then find where it ended up
self . velocity = ' 0 0 0 ' ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . oldorigin = self . origin ;
//CH sets goal bounding box size
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( self . goal_min )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
temp1 = self . goal_min ;
temp1 = ' - 16 - 16 - 24 ' ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( self . goal_max )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
temp2 = self . goal_max ;
temp2 = ' 16 16 32 ' ;
setsize ( self , temp1 , temp2 ) ; //CH sets box size from above
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( self . goal_activation & TFGI_GOAL_IS_SOLID )
self . solid = SOLID_BBOX ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . solid = SOLID_TRIGGER ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//CH end my updates
//On tfgoalitem_dropthink2
// self.velocity = '0 0 0';
// self.oldorigin = self.origin; // So we can return it later
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( self . goal_activation & TFGI_ITEMGLOWS )
self . effects = self . effects | EF_DIMLIGHT ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Setup the item_list mask
if ( item_list_bit = = 0 )
item_list_bit = 1 ;
self . item_list = item_list_bit ;
item_list_bit = item_list_bit * 2 ;
} ;
// Start the Goal Item
void ( ) TF_StartItem =
UpdateAbbreviations ( self ) ;
self . nextthink = time + 0.2 ; // items start after other solids
self . think = TF_PlaceItem ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( self . goal_state = = TFGS_REMOVED )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
RemoveGoal ( self ) ;
} ;
// Place the Goal
void ( ) TF_PlaceGoal =
if ( self . classname ! = " info_tfgoal_timer " )
// Only give touch functions to goals that can be activated by touch
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( self . goal_activation & TFGA_TOUCH )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . touch = tfgoal_touch ;
// Set up the next Timer Tick
self . think = tfgoal_timer_tick ;
self . nextthink = time + self . search_time ;
// So searches for this goal work later on
self . classname = " info_tfgoal " ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . flags = FL_ITEM ; // make extra wide
self . movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . velocity = ' 0 0 0 ' ;
self . oldorigin = self . origin ; // So we can return it later
} ;
// Start the Goal
void ( ) TF_StartGoal =
UpdateAbbreviations ( self ) ;
self . nextthink = time + 0.2 ; // goals start after other solids
self . think = TF_PlaceGoal ;
self . use = info_tfgoal_use ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( self . goal_state = = TFGS_REMOVED )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
RemoveGoal ( self ) ;
} ;
// Checks whether this entity should exist under the current settings
float ( ) CheckExistence =
UpdateAbbreviations ( self ) ;
if ( self . ex_skill_min & & ( skill < = self . ex_skill_min ) )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
else if ( self . ex_skill_max & & ( skill > = self . ex_skill_max ) )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
} ;
// Spawn a detection entity
void ( ) info_tfdetect =
UpdateAbbreviations ( self ) ;
// The rest of the checking is done in the ParseTFDetect() function,
// which is called the first time someone enters the map, in client.qc
} ;
// Spawn a Team Spawn Point
void ( ) info_player_teamspawn =
local entity te ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( CheckExistence ( ) = = FALSE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
dremove ( self ) ;
return ;
// find the highest team number
if ( number_of_teams < self . team_no )
number_of_teams = self . team_no ;
// Team spawnpoints must have a team associated with them
if ( self . team_no < = 0 )
RPrint ( " no team_no associated with info_player_teamspawn \n " ) ;
dremove ( self ) ;
// Does this give out a GoalItem?
if ( self . items ! = 0 )
te = Finditem ( self . items ) ;
if ( ! te )
RPrint ( " info_player_teamspawn specifies a GoalItem that does not exist \n " ) ;
dremove ( self ) ;
if ( self . team_no = = 1 )
self . team_str_home = " ts1 " ;
else if ( self . team_no = = 2 )
self . team_str_home = " ts2 " ;
else if ( self . team_no = = 3 )
self . team_str_home = " ts3 " ;
else if ( self . team_no = = 4 )
self . team_str_home = " ts4 " ;
} ;
void ( ) i_p_t =
self . classname = " info_player_teamspawn " ;
info_player_teamspawn ( ) ;
} ;
// Spawn a goal entity
void ( ) info_tfgoal =
local vector temp1 ;
local vector temp2 ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( CheckExistence ( ) = = FALSE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
dremove ( self ) ;
return ;
// Graphic
if ( self . mdl )
// We try both, so at least one will work
precache_model ( self . mdl ) ;
precache_model2 ( self . mdl ) ;
setmodel ( self , self . mdl ) ;
// Activation sound
if ( self . noise )
// We try both, so at least one will work
precache_sound ( self . noise ) ;
precache_sound2 ( self . noise ) ;
// For the powerups
precache_sound ( " items/protect.wav " ) ;
precache_sound ( " items/protect2.wav " ) ;
precache_sound ( " items/protect3.wav " ) ;
precache_sound2 ( " items/protect2.wav " ) ;
precache_sound2 ( " items/protect3.wav " ) ;
precache_sound ( " items/suit.wav " ) ;
precache_sound ( " items/suit2.wav " ) ;
precache_sound ( " items/inv1.wav " ) ;
precache_sound ( " items/inv2.wav " ) ;
precache_sound ( " items/inv3.wav " ) ;
precache_sound ( " items/damage.wav " ) ;
precache_sound ( " items/damage2.wav " ) ;
precache_sound ( " items/damage3.wav " ) ;
//CH set solid state
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( self . goal_activation & TFGI_GOAL_IS_SOLID )
self . solid = SOLID_BBOX ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . solid = SOLID_TRIGGER ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( self . goal_state = = 0 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//CH sets goal bounding box size
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( self . goal_min )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
temp1 = self . goal_min ;
temp1 = ' - 16 - 16 - 24 ' ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( self . goal_max )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
temp2 = self . goal_max ;
temp2 = ' 16 16 32 ' ;
setsize ( self , temp1 , temp2 ) ; //CH sets box size from above
TF_StartGoal ( ) ;
} ;
void ( ) i_t_g =
self . classname = " info_tfgoal " ;
info_tfgoal ( ) ;
} ;
// Spawn a Timer goal entity
void ( ) info_tfgoal_timer =
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( CheckExistence ( ) = = FALSE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
dremove ( self ) ;
return ;
// Graphic
if ( self . mdl )
// We try both, so at least one will work
precache_model ( self . mdl ) ;
precache_model2 ( self . mdl ) ;
setmodel ( self , self . mdl ) ;
// Activation sound
if ( self . noise )
// We try both, so at least one will work
precache_sound ( self . noise ) ;
precache_sound2 ( self . noise ) ;
// Timer Goals must have a time specified
if ( self . search_time < = 0 )
RPrint ( " Timer Goal created with no specified time. \n " ) ;
dremove ( self ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . solid = SOLID_NOT ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( self . goal_state = = 0 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
setsize ( self , ' - 16 - 16 - 24 ' , ' 16 16 32 ' ) ;
TF_StartGoal ( ) ;
} ;
void ( ) i_t_t =
self . classname = " info_tfgoal_timer " ;
info_tfgoal_timer ( ) ;
} ;
// Spawn a goalitem entity
void ( ) item_tfgoal =
local vector temp1 ;
local vector temp2 ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( CheckExistence ( ) = = FALSE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
dremove ( self ) ;
return ;
// Graphic
if ( self . mdl )
// We try both, so at least one will work
precache_model ( self . mdl ) ;
precache_model2 ( self . mdl ) ;
setmodel ( self , self . mdl ) ;
// Default mdl for a GoalItem
self . mdl = " " ;
setmodel ( self , " " ) ;
// Respawn sound
precache_sound2 ( " items/itembk2.wav " ) ;
// Activation sound
if ( self . noise )
// We try both, so at least one will work
precache_sound ( self . noise ) ;
precache_sound2 ( self . noise ) ;
self . touch = item_tfgoal_touch ;
if ( self . goal_state = = 0 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//CH sets how it is
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( self . goal_activation & TFGI_GOAL_IS_SOLID )
self . solid = SOLID_BBOX ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . solid = SOLID_TRIGGER ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
setorigin ( self , self . origin ) ;
if ( ! ( self . netname ) )
self . netname = " goalitem " ;
if ( self . pausetime < = 0 )
self . pausetime = 60 ;
// for backwards compatability
if ( self . delay ! = 0 & & self . pausetime = = 0 )
self . pausetime = self . delay ;
//CH sets goal bounding box size
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( self . goal_min )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
temp1 = self . goal_min ;
temp1 = ' - 16 - 16 - 24 ' ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( self . goal_max )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
temp2 = self . goal_max ;
temp2 = ' 16 16 32 ' ;
setsize ( self , temp1 , temp2 ) ; //CH sets box size from above
TF_StartItem ( ) ;
} ;
// Parse the Detection entities variables and set anything relevant
void ( entity AD ) ParseTFDetect =
// Check Version
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( AD . broadcast )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( AD . broadcast ! = " TeamFortress v2.5 " )
RPrint ( " This map was designed to be run on " ) ;
RPrint ( AD . broadcast ) ;
RPrint ( " \n You are using TeamFortress v2.5 \n " ) ;
RPrint ( " You can get the latest version of this patch at: " ) ;
RPrint ( " http://www.planetquake.com/teamfortress/ \n " ) ;
// Set the team menu string
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( AD . team_broadcast )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
team_menu_string = AD . team_broadcast ;
// Set toggleflags (DEFUNCT)
// toggleflags = AD.impulse;
// Do localcmds
localcmd ( AD . message ) ;
// Set life limits
team1lives = AD . ammo_shells ;
team2lives = AD . ammo_nails ;
team3lives = AD . ammo_rockets ;
team4lives = AD . ammo_cells ;
// If the lives of any of the teams are 0, they want infinite lives,
// so we set their number to -1
if ( team1lives = = 0 )
team1lives = - 1 ;
if ( team2lives = = 0 )
team2lives = - 1 ;
if ( team3lives = = 0 )
team3lives = - 1 ;
if ( team4lives = = 0 )
team4lives = - 1 ;
// Prevent hook use
if ( ( AD . hook_out = = 1 ) | | no_grapple = = 1 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
allow_hook = FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Set player number limits for each team
team1maxplayers = AD . ammo_medikit ;
team2maxplayers = AD . ammo_detpack ;
team3maxplayers = AD . maxammo_medikit ;
team4maxplayers = AD . maxammo_detpack ;
if ( team1maxplayers = = 0 )
team1maxplayers = 100 ;
if ( team2maxplayers = = 0 )
team2maxplayers = 100 ;
if ( team3maxplayers = = 0 )
team3maxplayers = 100 ;
if ( team4maxplayers = = 0 )
team4maxplayers = 100 ;
// Set illegal playerclasses
illegalclasses = AD . playerclass ;
illegalclasses1 = AD . maxammo_shells ;
illegalclasses2 = AD . maxammo_nails ;
illegalclasses3 = AD . maxammo_rockets ;
illegalclasses4 = AD . maxammo_cells ;
civilianteams = 0 ;
// Civilian team checking
if ( illegalclasses1 = = - 1 )
illegalclasses1 = 0 ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
civilianteams = civilianteams | TEAM1_CIVILIANS ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( illegalclasses2 = = - 1 )
illegalclasses2 = 0 ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
civilianteams = civilianteams | TEAM2_CIVILIANS ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( illegalclasses3 = = - 1 )
illegalclasses3 = 0 ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
civilianteams = civilianteams | TEAM3_CIVILIANS ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( illegalclasses4 = = - 1 )
illegalclasses4 = 0 ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
civilianteams = civilianteams | TEAM4_CIVILIANS ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
} ;
// Return the item with a goal_no equal to ino
entity ( float ino ) Finditem =
local entity tg ;
local string st ;
// Look for the goal
tg = find ( world , classname , " item_tfgoal " ) ;
while ( tg )
if ( tg . goal_no = = ino )
return tg ;
tg = find ( tg , classname , " item_tfgoal " ) ;
// Goal does not exist
RPrint ( " Could not find an item with a goal_no of " ) ;
st = ftos ( ino ) ;
RPrint ( st ) ;
RPrint ( " . \n " ) ;
} ;
// Return the goal with a goal_no equal to gno
entity ( float gno ) Findgoal =
local entity tg ;
local string st ;
// Look for the goal
tg = find ( world , classname , " info_tfgoal " ) ;
while ( tg )
if ( tg . goal_no = = gno )
return tg ;
tg = find ( tg , classname , " info_tfgoal " ) ;
// Goal does not exist
RPrint ( " Could not find a goal with a goal_no of " ) ;
st = ftos ( gno ) ;
RPrint ( st ) ;
RPrint ( " . \n " ) ;
} ;
// Return the TeamSpawn with a goal_no equal to gno
entity ( float gno ) Findteamspawn =
local entity tg ;
local string st ;
// Look for the goal
tg = find ( world , classname , " info_player_teamspawn " ) ;
while ( tg )
if ( tg . goal_no = = gno )
return tg ;
tg = find ( tg , classname , " info_player_teamspawn " ) ;
// Goal does not exist
RPrint ( " Could not find a Teamspawn with a goal_no of " ) ;
st = ftos ( gno ) ;
RPrint ( st ) ;
RPrint ( " . \n " ) ;
} ;
// Inactivate a Timer/Goal
void ( entity Goal ) InactivateGoal =
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint ( " Attempting to Inactivate " ) ;
RPrint ( Goal . netname ) ;
# endif
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_state = = TFGS_ACTIVE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Not a timer goal
if ( Goal . search_time = = 0 ) {
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_activation & TFGI_GOAL_IS_SOLID )
Goal . solid = SOLID_BBOX ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Goal . solid = SOLID_TRIGGER ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Goal . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . mdl )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
setmodel ( Goal , Goal . mdl ) ;
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint ( " ... failed. Goal is " ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_state = = TFGS_INACTIVE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
RPrint ( " inactive \n " ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
else if ( Goal . goal_state = = TFGS_REMOVED )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
RPrint ( " removed \n " ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
else if ( Goal . goal_state = = TFGS_DELAYED )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
RPrint ( " delayed \n " ) ;
# endif
} ;
void ( entity Goal ) RestoreGoal =
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint ( " Attempting to Restore " ) ;
RPrint ( Goal . netname ) ;
# endif
if ( Goal . search_time = = 0 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_activation & TFGI_GOAL_IS_SOLID )
Goal . solid = SOLID_BBOX ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Goal . solid = SOLID_TRIGGER ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . mdl )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
setmodel ( Goal , Goal . mdl ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_state = = TFGS_REMOVED )
Goal . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_state = = TFGS_REMOVED )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint ( " ... succeeded. \n " ) ;
# endif
// Not a timer goal
if ( Goal . search_time ! = 0 )
// {
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
// if (Goal.goal_activation & TFGI_GOAL_IS_SOLID)
// Goal.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// else
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
// Goal.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// }
// else
Goal . nextthink = time + Goal . search_time ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Goal . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
// if (Goal.mdl)
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// setmodel(Goal, Goal.mdl);
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint ( " ... failed. Goal is " ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_state = = TFGS_INACTIVE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
RPrint ( " inactive \n " ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
else if ( Goal . goal_state = = TFGS_ACTIVE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
RPrint ( " active \n " ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
else if ( Goal . goal_state = = TFGS_DELAYED )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
RPrint ( " delayed \n " ) ;
# endif
} ;
// Remove a Timer/Goal
void ( entity Goal ) RemoveGoal =
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint ( " Removing " ) ;
RPrint ( Goal . netname ) ;
RPrint ( " \n " ) ;
# endif
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Goal . solid = SOLID_NOT ;
Goal . goal_state = TFGS_REMOVED ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . mdl )
setmodel ( Goal , " " ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
} ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
// Return TRUE if the player is affected by the goal
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
float ( entity Goal , entity Player , entity AP ) IsAffectedBy =
local float genv ;
// Don't affect anyone who isn't alive or is in Observer mode
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Player . playerclass = = PC_UNDEFINED )
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// if (Player.health <= 0)
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
// return FALSE;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Same Environment Check
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_effects & TFGE_SAME_ENVIRONMENT )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
genv = pointcontents ( Goal . origin ) ;
if ( pointcontents ( Player . origin ) ! = genv )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( Goal . t_length ! = 0 )
// Within radius?
if ( vlen ( Goal . origin - Player . origin ) < = Goal . t_length )
// Obstructed by walls?
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_effects & TFGE_WALL )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
traceline ( Goal . origin , Player . origin , TRUE , Goal ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( trace_fraction = = 1 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( Goal . classname ! = " info_tfgoal_timer " )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( ( Goal . goal_effects & TFGE_AP ) & & ( Player = = AP ) )
return TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( ( Goal . goal_effects & TFGE_AP_TEAM ) & & ( AP . team_no = = Player . team_no ) )
return TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( ( Goal . goal_effects & TFGE_NOT_AP_TEAM ) & & ( AP . team_no ! = Player . team_no ) )
return TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( ( Goal . goal_effects & TFGE_NOT_AP ) & & ( Player ! = AP ) )
return TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( ( Goal . maxammo_shells ! = 0 ) & & ( Player . team_no = = Goal . maxammo_shells ) )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( ( Goal . maxammo_nails ! = 0 ) & & ( Player . team_no ! = Goal . maxammo_shells ) )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
} ;
// Apply modifications to the Player passed in
void ( entity Goal , entity Player , entity AP , float addb ) Apply_Results =
local entity oldself , te , oldte ;
stuffcmd ( Player , " bf \n " ) ;
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint ( " Applying Results from " ) ;
RPrint ( Goal . netname ) ;
RPrint ( " to " ) ;
RPrint ( AP . netname ) ;
RPrint ( " \n " ) ;
# endif
// If this is a goalitem, record the fact that this player
// has been affected by it.
if ( Goal . classname = = " item_tfgoal " )
Player . item_list = Player . item_list | Goal . item_list ;
if ( Player = = AP )
// Increase the team score
if ( Goal . count > 0 )
if ( Player . team_no > 0 )
TeamFortress_TeamIncreaseScore ( Player . team_no , Goal . count ) ;
// Display short team scores
TeamFortress_TeamShowScores ( 2 ) ;
// Apply Stats, only if told to
if ( addb )
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint ( " Adding bonuses. \n " ) ;
# endif
// Some results are not applied to dead players
if ( Player . health > 0 )
if ( Goal . health > 0 )
T_Heal ( Player , Goal . health , 0 ) ;
if ( Goal . health < 0 )
if ( Goal . invincible_finished < 0 )
// KK allow goal to strip invinc cheats
2001-08-10 10:03:36 +00:00
Player . items = Player . items & ~ IT_INVULNERABILITY ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Player . invincible_time = 0 ;
Player . invincible_finished = 0 ;
// Make sure we don't gib them. We don't want to gib, because
// it creates too many entities if a lot of players are affected
// by this Goal.
if ( ( 0 - Player . health ) > Goal . health )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
TF_T_Damage ( Player , Goal , Goal , ( Player . health + 1 ) , TF_TD_IGNOREARMOUR , TF_TD_OTHER ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
TF_T_Damage ( Player , Goal , Goal , ( 0 - Goal . health ) , TF_TD_IGNOREARMOUR , TF_TD_OTHER ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// The player may be dead now, so check again
if ( Player . health > 0 )
if ( Goal . armortype )
Player . armortype = Goal . armortype ;
Player . armorvalue = Player . armorvalue + Goal . armorvalue ;
if ( Goal . armorclass )
{ //WK Modify to | it with bought armor
//TODO: Make this a map specific option
//WK Don't give wooden armor since it doesn't exist
// any more. And we don't want gel for free, right?
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Player . armorclass = Goal . armorclass - ( Goal . armorclass & AT_SAVEMELEE ) ;
if ( Player . tf_items & NIT_KEVLAR )
Player . armorclass = Player . armorclass | AT_SAVESHOT ;
if ( Player . tf_items & NIT_GEL )
Player . armorclass = Player . armorclass | AT_SAVEMELEE ;
if ( Player . tf_items & NIT_BLAST )
Player . armorclass = Player . armorclass | AT_SAVEEXPLOSION ;
if ( Player . tf_items & NIT_CERAMIC )
Player . armorclass = Player . armorclass | AT_SAVEELECTRICITY ;
if ( Player . tf_items & NIT_ASBESTOS )
Player . armorclass = Player . armorclass | AT_SAVEFIRE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Player . ammo_shells = Player . ammo_shells + Goal . ammo_shells ;
Player . ammo_nails = Player . ammo_nails + Goal . ammo_nails ;
Player . ammo_rockets = Player . ammo_rockets + Goal . ammo_rockets ;
Player . ammo_cells = Player . ammo_cells + Goal . ammo_cells ;
Player . ammo_medikit = Player . ammo_medikit + Goal . ammo_medikit ;
Player . ammo_detpack = Player . ammo_detpack + Goal . ammo_detpack ;
if ( Player . tp_grenades_1 ! = 0 ) //WK Stop Bug grenades
Player . no_grenades_1 = Player . no_grenades_1 + Goal . no_grenades_1 ;
if ( Player . tp_grenades_2 ! = 0 ) //WK Stop Bug grenades
Player . no_grenades_2 = Player . no_grenades_2 + Goal . no_grenades_2 ;
if ( Player . no_grenades_1 > GetMaxGrens ( Player , 1 ) )
Player . no_grenades_1 = GetMaxGrens ( Player , 1 ) ;
if ( Player . no_grenades_2 > GetMaxGrens ( Player , 2 ) )
Player . no_grenades_2 = GetMaxGrens ( Player , 2 ) ;
/*if (Player.no_grenades_1 > 4)
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Player . tf_items & NIT_AMMO_BANDOLIER )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Player . no_grenades_1 = 5 ;
Player . no_grenades_1 = 4 ;
if ( Player . no_grenades_2 > 4 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Player . tf_items & NIT_AMMO_BANDOLIER )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Player . no_grenades_2 = 5 ;
Player . no_grenades_2 = 4 ; */
if ( Player . ammo_detpack > Player . maxammo_detpack )
Player . ammo_detpack = Player . maxammo_detpack ;
// Apply any powerups
if ( Goal . invincible_finished > 0 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Player . items = Player . items | IT_INVULNERABILITY ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Player . invincible_time = 1 ;
Player . invincible_finished = time + Goal . invincible_finished ;
// if its a GoalItem, powerup is permanent, so we use TFSTATE flags
if ( Goal . classname = = " item_tfgoal " )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Player . tfstate = Player . tfstate | TFSTATE_INVINCIBLE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Player . invincible_finished = time + 666 ;
if ( Goal . invisible_finished > 0 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Player . items = Player . items | IT_INVISIBILITY ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Player . invisible_time = 1 ;
Player . invisible_finished = time + Goal . invisible_finished ;
// if its a GoalItem, powerup is permanent, so we use TFSTATE flags
if ( Goal . classname = = " item_tfgoal " )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Player . tfstate = Player . tfstate | TFSTATE_INVISIBLE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Player . invisible_finished = time + 666 ;
if ( Goal . super_damage_finished > 0 )
//WK Remove Inspiration when we get the real thing
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Player . tfstate = Player . tfstate - ( Player . tfstate & TFSTATE_INSPIRED ) ;
Player . items = Player . items | IT_QUAD ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Player . super_time = 1 ;
Player . super_damage_finished = time + Goal . super_damage_finished ;
// if its a GoalItem, powerup is permanent, so we use TFSTATE flags
if ( Goal . classname = = " item_tfgoal " )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Player . tfstate = Player . tfstate | TFSTATE_QUAD ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Player . super_damage_finished = time + 666 ;
if ( Goal . radsuit_finished > 0 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Player . items = Player . items | IT_SUIT ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Player . rad_time = 1 ;
Player . radsuit_finished = time + Goal . radsuit_finished ;
// if its a GoalItem, powerup is permanent, so we use TFSTATE flags
if ( Goal . classname = = " item_tfgoal " )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Player . tfstate = Player . tfstate | TFSTATE_RADSUIT ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Player . radsuit_finished = time + 666 ;
// These results are applied to dead and living players
if ( Goal . lives < 0 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Player . lives = Player . lives + Goal . lives ;
Player . real_frags = Player . real_frags + Goal . frags ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( ! ( toggleflags & TFLAG_TEAMFRAGS ) )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Player . frags = Player . real_frags ;
// Now apply the Playerclass limitations & Redisplay Ammo counts
oldself = self ;
self = Player ;
TeamFortress_CheckClassStats ( ) ;
//WK Fix CH's bug fix with this if statement :)
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( ! ( self . current_weapon = = WEAP_ASSAULT_CANNON & & self . heat > = 0 ) )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
W_SetCurrentAmmo ( ) ; //CH stops interrupt weapon fire bug
self = oldself ;
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint ( " NOT Adding bonuses. \n " ) ;
# endif
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_result & TFGR_CAUSERESPAWN & & Player ! = world )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( ( Player . playerclass = = PC_CUSTOM & & Player . done_custom & CUSTOM_FINISHED ) | | ( Player . playerclass ! = PC_UNDEFINED & & Player . playerclass ! = PC_CUSTOM ) ) //CH respawn player
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//CH this needs lots of testing
local entity temp ;
temp = self ;
self = Player ;
PutClientInServer ( ) ;
self = temp ;
// If the Goal resets Spy skin/color then do it
//CH added looking for spykit also removes thief
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_result & TFGR_REMOVE_DISGUISE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Player . job & JOB_THIEF & & ( Player . job & JOB_ACTIVE | | Player . job & JOB_FULL_HIDE ) )
RevealThief ( Player , FALSE ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Player . playerclass = = PC_SPY | | Player . cutf_items & CUTF_SPY_KIT )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
makeImmune ( self , time + 4 ) ;
//self.immune_to_check = time + 4;
Spy_RemoveDisguise ( Player ) ;
// If there's a GoalItem for this goal, give it to the player
// GoalItems use "items" for the console lights... so don't do it for items.
if ( Goal . items ! = 0 & & Goal . classname ! = " item_tfgoal " )
// Find the item
te = Finditem ( Goal . items ) ;
if ( te )
tfgoalitem_GiveToPlayer ( te , Player , Goal ) ;
// If this goal removes an item from the player, remove it
if ( Goal . axhitme ! = 0 )
te = Finditem ( Goal . axhitme ) ;
if ( te . owner = = Player )
tfgoalitem_RemoveFromPlayer ( te , Player , 1 ) ;
// if this goal removes a group of items from the player, remove them
if ( Goal . remove_item_group ! = 0 )
// Find all goals
te = find ( world , classname , " item_tfgoal " ) ;
while ( te )
if ( te . group_no = = Goal . remove_item_group & & te . owner = = AP )
// messy, since we need the item to find the next one,
// and we also want to remove it
oldte = te ;
te = find ( te , classname , " item_tfgoal " ) ;
tfgoalitem_RemoveFromPlayer ( oldte , Player , 1 ) ;
te = find ( te , classname , " item_tfgoal " ) ;
// If this goal displays some Item statuses, then do so
if ( Goal . display_item_status1 ! = 0 )
te = Finditem ( Goal . display_item_status1 ) ;
if ( te )
DisplayItemStatus ( Goal , Player , te ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( Player , PRINT_HIGH , " Item is missing. \n " ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( Goal . display_item_status2 ! = 0 )
te = Finditem ( Goal . display_item_status2 ) ;
if ( te )
DisplayItemStatus ( Goal , Player , te ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( Player , PRINT_HIGH , " Item is missing. \n " ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( Goal . display_item_status3 ! = 0 )
te = Finditem ( Goal . display_item_status3 ) ;
if ( te )
DisplayItemStatus ( Goal , Player , te ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( Player , PRINT_HIGH , " Item is missing. \n " ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( Goal . display_item_status4 ! = 0 )
te = Finditem ( Goal . display_item_status4 ) ;
if ( te )
DisplayItemStatus ( Goal , Player , te ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( Player , PRINT_HIGH , " Item is missing. \n " ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
} ;
// Remove any results applied to this player by the Goal
// Used when a GoalItem is dropped/removed
void ( entity Goal , entity Player ) RemoveResults =
local entity oldself , te ;
local float puinvin , puinvis , puquad , purad ;
// Only remove the stats if the player has been affected
// by this item. This is needed because the player may have
// died since being affected
if ( Goal . classname = = " item_tfgoal " )
if ( ! ( Player . item_list & Goal . item_list ) )
return ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_activation & TFGI_DONTREMOVERES )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
return ;
// Remove the affected flag
Player . item_list = Player . item_list - ( Player . item_list & Goal . item_list ) ;
if ( Goal . health > 0 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
TF_T_Damage ( Player , Goal , Goal , Goal . health , TF_TD_IGNOREARMOUR , TF_TD_OTHER ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( Goal . health < 0 )
T_Heal ( Player , ( 0 - Goal . health ) , 0 ) ;
Player . lives = Player . lives - Goal . lives ;
Player . armortype = Player . armortype - Goal . armortype ;
Player . armorvalue = Player . armorvalue - Goal . armorvalue ;
Player . armorclass = Player . armorclass - ( Player . armorclass & Goal . armorclass ) ;
Player . real_frags = Player . real_frags - Goal . frags ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( ! ( toggleflags & TFLAG_TEAMFRAGS ) )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Player . frags = Player . real_frags ;
Player . ammo_shells = Player . ammo_shells - Goal . ammo_shells ;
Player . ammo_nails = Player . ammo_nails - Goal . ammo_nails ;
Player . ammo_rockets = Player . ammo_rockets - Goal . ammo_rockets ;
Player . ammo_cells = Player . ammo_cells - Goal . ammo_cells ;
Player . ammo_medikit = Player . ammo_medikit - Goal . ammo_medikit ;
Player . ammo_detpack = Player . ammo_detpack - Goal . ammo_detpack ;
Player . no_grenades_1 = Player . no_grenades_1 - Goal . no_grenades_1 ;
Player . no_grenades_2 = Player . no_grenades_2 - Goal . no_grenades_2 ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
puinvin = FALSE ;
puinvis = FALSE ;
puquad = FALSE ;
purad = FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Make sure we don't remove an effect another Goal is also supplying
te = find ( world , classname , " item_tfgoal " ) ;
while ( te )
if ( ( te . owner = = Player ) & & ( te ! = Goal ) )
if ( te . invincible_finished > 0 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
puinvin = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( te . invisible_finished > 0 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
puinvis = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( te . super_damage_finished > 0 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
puquad = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( te . radsuit_finished > 0 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
purad = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
te = find ( te , classname , " item_tfgoal " ) ;
// Remove all powerups
if ( ( Goal . invincible_finished > 0 ) & & ( ! puinvin ) )
// if its a GoalItem, powerup was permanent, so we remove TFSTATE flag
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Player . tfstate = Player . tfstate - ( Player . tfstate & TFSTATE_INVINCIBLE ) ;
Player . items = Player . items | IT_INVULNERABILITY ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Player . invincible_time = 1 ;
Player . invincible_finished = time + Goal . invincible_finished ;
if ( ( Goal . invisible_finished > 0 ) & & ( ! puinvis ) )
// if its a GoalItem, powerup was permanent, so we remove TFSTATE flag
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Player . tfstate = Player . tfstate - ( Player . tfstate & TFSTATE_INVISIBLE ) ;
Player . items = Player . items | IT_INVISIBILITY ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Player . invisible_time = 1 ;
Player . invisible_finished = time + Goal . invisible_finished ;
if ( ( Goal . super_damage_finished > 0 ) & & ( ! puquad ) )
// if its a GoalItem, powerup was permanent, so we remove TFSTATE flag
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Player . tfstate = Player . tfstate - ( Player . tfstate & TFSTATE_QUAD ) ;
Player . items = Player . items | IT_QUAD ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Player . super_time = 1 ;
Player . super_damage_finished = time + Goal . super_damage_finished ;
//WK Don't remove the scuba gear
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( ( Goal . radsuit_finished > 0 ) & & ( ! purad ) & & ! ( Player . tf_items & NIT_SCUBA ) )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// if its a GoalItem, powerup was permanent, so we remove TFSTATE flag
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Player . tfstate = Player . tfstate - ( Player . tfstate & TFSTATE_RADSUIT ) ;
Player . items = Player . items | IT_SUIT ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Player . rad_time = 1 ;
Player . radsuit_finished = time + Goal . radsuit_finished ;
// Now apply the Playerclass limitations & Redisplay Ammo counts
oldself = self ;
self = Player ;
TeamFortress_CheckClassStats ( ) ;
W_SetCurrentAmmo ( ) ;
self = oldself ;
} ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
// Return TRUE if the player meets the AP criteria
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
float ( entity Goal , entity AP ) APMeetsCriteria =
local float gotone , temp ;
local entity te ;
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint ( " ========================== \n " ) ;
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " AP Criteria Checking \n " ) ;
RPrint ( " Goal: " ) ;
# else
RPrint ( " APCriteria: " ) ;
# endif
RPrint ( Goal . netname ) ;
# endif
if ( AP ! = world )
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " \n AP : " ) ;
# else
RPrint ( " by " ) ;
# endif
RPrint ( AP . netname ) ;
RPrint ( " \n " ) ;
RPrint ( " Checking team. " ) ;
# endif
// If a player of a specific team can only activate this
if ( Goal . team_no )
if ( Goal . team_no ! = AP . team_no )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " passed. \n Checking class... " ) ;
# else
RPrint ( " class. " ) ;
# endif
# endif
//CH uses function in tfort.qc to return the class for evaluation
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( AP . playerclass = = PC_CUSTOM & & ( Goal . playerclass ) )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
temp = Return_Custom_Skins ( AP ) ;
//CH now that we have their 'class' check
if ( Goal . playerclass ! = temp )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// If a player of a specific class can only activate this
else if ( Goal . playerclass )
if ( Goal . playerclass ! = AP . playerclass )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " passed. \n Checking items... " ) ;
# else
RPrint ( " items. " ) ;
# endif
# endif
// If this activation needs a GoalItem, make sure the player has it
if ( Goal . items_allowed )
te = Finditem ( Goal . items_allowed ) ;
if ( te . owner ! = AP )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " passed. \n Checking goal states... " ) ;
# else
RPrint ( " goal states. " ) ;
# endif
# endif
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
if ( AP ! = world )
RPrint ( " passed. \n Checking Goal States... " ) ;
RPrint ( " \n Checking Goal States... " ) ;
# else
RPrint ( " Goal States. " ) ;
# endif
# endif
// Check Goal states
if ( Goal . if_goal_is_active )
te = Findgoal ( Goal . if_goal_is_active ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( te . goal_state ! = TFGS_ACTIVE )
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( Goal . if_goal_is_inactive )
te = Findgoal ( Goal . if_goal_is_inactive ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( te . goal_state ! = TFGS_INACTIVE )
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( Goal . if_goal_is_removed )
te = Findgoal ( Goal . if_goal_is_removed ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( te . goal_state ! = TFGS_REMOVED )
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " passed. \n Checking group states... " ) ;
# else
RPrint ( " group states. " ) ;
# endif
# endif
if ( Goal . if_group_is_active )
// Find all goals in the group
te = find ( world , classname , " info_tfgoal " ) ;
while ( te )
if ( te . group_no = = Goal . if_group_is_active )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( te . goal_state ! = TFGS_ACTIVE )
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
te = find ( te , classname , " info_tfgoal " ) ;
if ( Goal . if_group_is_inactive )
// Find all goals in the group
te = find ( world , classname , " info_tfgoal " ) ;
while ( te )
if ( te . group_no = = Goal . if_group_is_inactive )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( te . goal_state ! = TFGS_INACTIVE )
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
te = find ( te , classname , " info_tfgoal " ) ;
if ( Goal . if_group_is_removed )
// Find all goals in the group
te = find ( world , classname , " info_tfgoal " ) ;
while ( te )
if ( te . group_no = = Goal . if_group_is_removed )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( te . goal_state ! = TFGS_REMOVED )
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
te = find ( te , classname , " info_tfgoal " ) ;
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " passed. \n Checking item states... " ) ;
# else
RPrint ( " item states. " ) ;
# endif
# endif
if ( Goal . if_item_has_moved )
// Find the item
te = Finditem ( Goal . if_item_has_moved ) ;
if ( te )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( te . goal_state ! = TFGS_ACTIVE & & te . origin = = te . oldorigin )
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( Goal . if_item_hasnt_moved )
// Find the item
te = Finditem ( Goal . if_item_hasnt_moved ) ;
if ( te )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( te . goal_state = = TFGS_ACTIVE | | te . origin ! = te . oldorigin )
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " passed. \n Checking item groups... " ) ;
# else
RPrint ( " item groups " ) ;
# endif
# endif
if ( AP ! = world )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
gotone = FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( Goal . has_item_from_group )
// Find all goals
te = find ( world , classname , " item_tfgoal " ) ;
while ( te ! = world & & ! gotone )
if ( te . group_no = = Goal . has_item_from_group & & te . owner = = AP )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
gotone = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
te = find ( te , classname , " item_tfgoal " ) ;
if ( ! gotone )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint ( " passed. \n " ) ;
# endif
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
} ;
// Setup the way this Timer/Goal/Item will respawn
void ( entity Goal ) SetupRespawn =
// Timer Goal?
if ( Goal . search_time ! = 0 )
InactivateGoal ( Goal ) ;
Goal . think = tfgoal_timer_tick ;
Goal . nextthink = time + Goal . search_time ;
return ;
// Check status of respawn for this goal
// Single Activation, do nothing
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_result & TFGR_SINGLE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
RemoveGoal ( Goal ) ;
return ;
// Respawn Activation, set up respawn
if ( Goal . wait > 0 )
Goal . nextthink = time + Goal . wait ;
Goal . think = DoRespawn ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . mdl ) //CH if it has mdl, remove it so
setmodel ( Goal , " " ) ; //that people dont think it works
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
return ;
// Permanently active goal?
else if ( Goal . wait = = - 1 )
return ;
// Otherwise, it's a Multiple Goal
InactivateGoal ( Goal ) ;
} ;
// Respawn the goal
void ( ) DoRespawn =
RestoreGoal ( self ) ;
InactivateGoal ( self ) ;
} ;
// THE Function for knowing whether to activate or not
// Fuck this map code is a mess!
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
// Returns TRUE if you should activate, FALSE if not
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
float ( entity Goal , entity AP ) Activated =
local float APMet , RevAct , Act ;
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " \n DoIActivate: " ) ;
# else
RPrint ( " \n Goal: " ) ;
# endif
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( ! Goal . netname )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
RPrint ( Goal . classname ) ;
RPrint ( Goal . netname ) ;
RPrint ( " , AP: " ) ;
RPrint ( AP . netname ) ;
RPrint ( " \n " ) ;
# endif
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_state = = TFGS_ACTIVE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " -- Goal already active -- \n " ) ;
# endif
# endif
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_state = = TFGS_REMOVED )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " -- Goal is in Removed state -- \n " ) ;
# endif
# endif
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_state = = TFGS_DELAYED )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " -- Goal is being Delayed -- \n " ) ;
# endif
# endif
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
return FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
APMet = APMeetsCriteria ( Goal , AP ) ;
if ( Goal . classname = = " item_tfgoal " )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
RevAct = Goal . goal_activation & TFGI_REVERSE_AP ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
RevAct = Goal . goal_activation & TFGA_REVERSE_AP ;
Act = FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Does the AP match the AP Criteria?
if ( APMet )
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint ( " \n " ) ;
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " -- Criteria met -- \n " ) ;
# endif
# endif
if ( ! RevAct )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Act = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint ( " \n " ) ;
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " -- Criteria not met -- \n " ) ;
# endif
# endif
if ( RevAct )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Act = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " Reverse \n " ) ;
# endif
# endif
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
if ( Act )
RPrint ( " Activation. \n " ) ;
RPrint ( " NO Activation. \n " ) ;
# endif
# endif
return Act ;
} ;
// Attempt to activate a Goal
void ( entity Goal , entity AP , entity ActivatingGoal ) AttemptToActivate =
local entity te ;
if ( Activated ( Goal , AP ) )
// It's all cool. Do the Results.
if ( ActivatingGoal = = Goal )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
DoResults ( Goal , AP , TRUE ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
else if ( ActivatingGoal ! = world )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
DoResults ( Goal , AP , ( ActivatingGoal . goal_result & TFGR_ADD_BONUSES ) ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
DoResults ( Goal , AP , 0 ) ;
// If an else goal should be activated, activate it
if ( Goal . else_goal ! = 0 )
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " Else Goal. \n " ) ;
# endif
# endif
te = Findgoal ( Goal . else_goal ) ;
if ( te )
AttemptToActivate ( te , AP , ActivatingGoal ) ;
} ;
// Do all the activation/inactivation/etc of individual Goals
void ( entity Goal , entity AP ) DoGoalWork =
local entity te , RI ;
// If another goal should be activated, activate it
if ( Goal . activate_goal_no ! = 0 )
Update_team_with_flag_touch ( Goal . activate_goal_no ) ;
te = Findgoal ( Goal . activate_goal_no ) ;
if ( te )
AttemptToActivate ( te , AP , Goal ) ;
// If another goal should be inactivated, inactivate it
if ( Goal . inactivate_goal_no ! = 0 )
Update_team_with_flag_drop ( Goal . inactivate_goal_no ) ;
te = Findgoal ( Goal . inactivate_goal_no ) ;
if ( te )
InactivateGoal ( te ) ;
// If another goal should be restored, restore it
if ( Goal . restore_goal_no ! = 0 )
te = Findgoal ( Goal . restore_goal_no ) ;
if ( te )
RestoreGoal ( te ) ;
// If another goal should be removed, remove it
if ( Goal . remove_goal_no ! = 0 )
te = Findgoal ( Goal . remove_goal_no ) ;
if ( te )
RemoveGoal ( te ) ;
// If a GoalItem should be returned, return it
if ( Goal . return_item_no ! = 0 )
te = Finditem ( Goal . return_item_no ) ;
if ( te )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( te . goal_state = = TFGS_ACTIVE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
tfgoalitem_RemoveFromPlayer ( te , te . owner , 1 ) ;
RI = spawn ( ) ;
RI . enemy = te ;
RI . think = ReturnItem ;
RI . nextthink = time + 0.1 ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
te . solid = SOLID_NOT ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Spawnpoint behaviour
if ( Goal . remove_spawnpoint ! = 0 )
te = Findteamspawn ( Goal . remove_spawnpoint ) ;
if ( te )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
te . goal_state = TFGS_REMOVED ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
te . team_str_home = " " ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( Goal . restore_spawnpoint ! = 0 )
te = Findteamspawn ( Goal . restore_spawnpoint ) ;
if ( te )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( te . goal_state = = TFGS_REMOVED )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
te . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( te . team_no = = 1 )
te . team_str_home = " ts1 " ;
else if ( te . team_no = = 2 )
te . team_str_home = " ts2 " ;
else if ( te . team_no = = 3 )
te . team_str_home = " ts3 " ;
else if ( te . team_no = = 4 )
te . team_str_home = " ts4 " ;
} ;
// Do all the activation/inactivation/etc of Goal Groups
void ( entity Goal , entity AP ) DoGroupWork =
local string st ;
local entity tg ;
local float allset ;
// Check all goals activated flag
if ( Goal . all_active ! = 0 )
if ( Goal . last_impulse = = 0 )
// No goal specified in .lastimpulse. Print error.
RPrint ( " Goal " ) ;
st = ftos ( Goal . goal_no ) ;
RPrint ( st ) ;
RPrint ( " has a .all_active specified, but no .last_impulse \n " ) ;
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " All Active Group Check. \n " ) ;
# endif
# endif
allset = 1 ;
// Find all goals
tg = find ( world , classname , " info_tfgoal " ) ;
while ( tg )
if ( tg . group_no = = Goal . all_active )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( tg . goal_state ! = TFGS_ACTIVE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
allset = 0 ;
tg = find ( tg , classname , " info_tfgoal " ) ;
// If all goals in this group are activated, do it
if ( allset )
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " All Active, Activating last_impulse. \n " ) ;
# endif
# endif
tg = Findgoal ( Goal . last_impulse ) ;
if ( tg )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
DoResults ( tg , AP , ( Goal . goal_result & TFGR_ADD_BONUSES ) ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " Not all Active. \n " ) ;
# endif
# endif
// Check Activate all in the group flag
if ( Goal . activate_group_no ! = 0 )
// Find all goals
tg = find ( world , classname , " info_tfgoal " ) ;
while ( tg )
if ( tg . group_no = = Goal . activate_group_no )
DoResults ( tg , AP , 0 ) ; // Don't apply bonuses
tg = find ( tg , classname , " info_tfgoal " ) ;
// Check Inactivate all in the group flag
if ( Goal . inactivate_group_no ! = 0 )
// Find all goals
tg = find ( world , classname , " info_tfgoal " ) ;
while ( tg )
if ( tg . group_no = = Goal . inactivate_group_no )
InactivateGoal ( tg ) ;
tg = find ( tg , classname , " info_tfgoal " ) ;
// Check Remove all in the group flag
if ( Goal . remove_group_no ! = 0 )
// Find all goals
tg = find ( world , classname , " info_tfgoal " ) ;
while ( tg )
if ( tg . group_no = = Goal . remove_group_no )
RemoveGoal ( tg ) ;
tg = find ( tg , classname , " info_tfgoal " ) ;
// Check Restore all in the group flag
if ( Goal . restore_group_no ! = 0 )
// Find all goals
tg = find ( world , classname , " info_tfgoal " ) ;
while ( tg )
if ( tg . group_no = = Goal . restore_group_no )
RestoreGoal ( tg ) ;
tg = find ( tg , classname , " info_tfgoal " ) ;
// Spawnpoint behaviour
if ( Goal . remove_spawngroup ! = 0 )
// Find all goals
tg = find ( world , classname , " info_player_teamspawn " ) ;
while ( tg )
if ( tg . group_no = = Goal . remove_spawngroup )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
tg . goal_state = TFGS_REMOVED ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
tg . team_str_home = " " ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
tg = find ( tg , classname , " info_player_teamspawn " ) ;
if ( Goal . restore_spawngroup ! = 0 )
// Find all goals
tg = find ( world , classname , " info_player_teamspawn " ) ;
while ( tg )
if ( tg . group_no = = Goal . restore_spawngroup )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
tg . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( tg . team_no = = 1 )
tg . team_str_home = " ts1 " ;
else if ( tg . team_no = = 2 )
tg . team_str_home = " ts2 " ;
else if ( tg . team_no = = 3 )
tg . team_str_home = " ts3 " ;
else if ( tg . team_no = = 4 )
tg . team_str_home = " ts4 " ;
tg = find ( tg , classname , " info_player_teamspawn " ) ;
} ;
// Do all the checking of Item Groups
void ( entity Item , entity AP ) DoItemGroupWork =
local entity tg , carrier ;
local float allcarried ;
local string st ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
allcarried = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( Item . distance ! = 0 )
if ( Item . pain_finished = = 0 )
// No goal specified in .pain_finished. Print error.
RPrint ( " GoalItem " ) ;
st = ftos ( Item . goal_no ) ;
RPrint ( st ) ;
RPrint ( " has a .distance specified, but no .pain_finished \n " ) ;
// Find all goals
tg = find ( world , classname , " item_tfgoal " ) ;
while ( tg )
if ( tg . group_no = = Item . distance )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( tg . goal_state ! = TFGS_ACTIVE )
allcarried = FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
tg = find ( tg , classname , " item_tfgoal " ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( allcarried = = TRUE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
tg = Findgoal ( Item . pain_finished ) ;
if ( tg )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
DoResults ( tg , AP , ( Item . goal_result & TFGR_ADD_BONUSES ) ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
allcarried = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( Item . speed ! = 0 )
if ( Item . attack_finished = = 0 )
// No goal specified in .attack_finished. Print error.
RPrint ( " GoalItem " ) ;
st = ftos ( Item . goal_no ) ;
RPrint ( st ) ;
RPrint ( " has a .speed specified, but no .attack_finished \n " ) ;
carrier = world ;
// Find all goals
tg = find ( world , classname , " item_tfgoal " ) ;
while ( tg )
if ( tg . group_no = = Item . speed )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( tg . goal_state ! = TFGS_ACTIVE )
allcarried = FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
else if ( carrier = = world )
carrier = tg . owner ;
else if ( carrier ! = tg . owner )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
allcarried = FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
tg = find ( tg , classname , " item_tfgoal " ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( allcarried = = TRUE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
tg = Findgoal ( Item . attack_finished ) ;
if ( tg )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
DoResults ( tg , AP , ( Item . goal_result & TFGR_ADD_BONUSES ) ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
} ;
// Do all the activation/removal of Quake Triggers
void ( entity Goal , entity AP ) DoTriggerWork =
local entity otemp , stemp , t ;
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . killtarget )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
RPrint ( " Killing Target(s): " ) ;
RPrint ( Goal . killtarget ) ;
RPrint ( " \n " ) ;
# endif
// remove targets
if ( Goal . killtarget )
t = world ;
t = find ( t , targetname , Goal . killtarget ) ;
2001-09-22 06:53:00 +00:00
if ( t ! = world & & t ! = Goal )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
remove ( t ) ;
} while ( t ! = world ) ;
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . target )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
RPrint ( " Activating Target(s): " ) ;
RPrint ( Goal . target ) ;
RPrint ( " \n " ) ;
# endif
// fire targets
if ( Goal . target )
t = world ;
activator = AP ;
t = find ( t , targetname , Goal . target ) ;
if ( t = = world )
return ;
stemp = self ;
otemp = other ;
self = t ;
other = stemp ;
if ( self . use ! = SUB_Null )
if ( self . use )
self . use ( ) ;
self = stemp ;
other = otemp ;
activator = AP ;
} while ( t ! = world ) ;
} ;
// Handles Delayed Activation of Goals
void ( ) DelayedResult =
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( self . enemy . goal_state = = TFGS_DELAYED )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
DoResults ( self . enemy , self . owner , self . weapon ) ;
dremove ( self ) ;
} ;
// Do the results for the Timer/Goal/Item
void ( entity Goal , entity AP , float addb ) DoResults =
2001-09-23 04:25:02 +00:00
local entity te ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
local float winners ;
// Is the goal already activated?
// This check is needed for goals which are being activated by other goals
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_state = = TFGS_ACTIVE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
return ;
// Delayed Activation?
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . delay_time > 0 & & Goal . goal_state ! = TFGS_DELAYED )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint ( " Delaying Results of " ) ;
RPrint ( Goal . netname ) ;
RPrint ( " \n " ) ;
# endif
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Goal . goal_state = TFGS_DELAYED ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
te = spawn ( ) ;
te . think = DelayedResult ;
te . nextthink = time + Goal . delay_time ;
te . owner = AP ;
te . enemy = Goal ;
te . weapon = addb ;
return ;
UpdateAbbreviations ( Goal ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Goal . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " -= Doing Results =- \n " ) ;
RPrint ( " Goal: " ) ;
# else
RPrint ( " DoRes: " ) ;
# endif
RPrint ( Goal . netname ) ;
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " \n AP : " ) ;
# else
RPrint ( " by " ) ;
# endif
RPrint ( AP . netname ) ;
if ( addb )
RPrint ( " \n adding bonuses " ) ;
RPrint ( " \n NOT adding bonuses " ) ;
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " \n -=================- \n " ) ;
# else
RPrint ( " \n " ) ;
# endif
# endif
//- OfN if Goal.option is 1 then no sound attenuation (ATTN_NONE)
local float attn_value ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
attn_value = ATTN_NORM ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( Goal . option = = 1 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
attn_value = ATTN_NONE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Make the sound
if ( Goal . noise )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sound ( other , CHAN_ITEM , Goal . noise , 1 , attn_value ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
winners = FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Increase scores
if ( Goal . increase_team1 ! = 0 )
TeamFortress_TeamIncreaseScore ( 1 , Goal . increase_team1 ) ;
//if (chris)
// RoundStop(1);
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
winners = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( Goal . increase_team2 ! = 0 )
TeamFortress_TeamIncreaseScore ( 2 , Goal . increase_team2 ) ;
//if (chris)
// RoundStop(2);
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
winners = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( Goal . increase_team3 ! = 0 )
TeamFortress_TeamIncreaseScore ( 3 , Goal . increase_team3 ) ;
//if (chris)
// RoundStop(3);
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
winners = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( Goal . increase_team4 ! = 0 )
TeamFortress_TeamIncreaseScore ( 4 , Goal . increase_team4 ) ;
//if (chris)
// RoundStop(4);
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
winners = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Display short team scores only if scores changed
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( winners = = TRUE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
TeamFortress_TeamShowScores ( 2 ) ;
// CTF Map support
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( CTF_Map = = TRUE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( AP ! = world )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_no = = CTF_FLAG1 )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
te = find ( world , classname , " player " ) ;
while ( te ! = world )
if ( te . team_no = = 2 )
if ( te = = AP )
winners = random ( ) ;
if ( winners < 0.1 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , MSG_CTF_FLAG_GRAB_TEAM1 ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
else if ( winners < 0.2 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , MSG_CTF_FLAG_GRAB_TEAM2 ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
else if ( winners < 0.6 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , MSG_CTF_FLAG_GRAB_TEAM3 ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
else if ( winners < 0.7 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , MSG_CTF_FLAG_GRAB_TEAM4 ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
else if ( winners < 0.8 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , MSG_CTF_FLAG_GRAB_TEAM5_2 ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
else if ( winners < 0.95 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , MSG_CTF_FLAG_GRAB_TEAM6 ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , MSG_CTF_FLAG_GRAB_TEAM7 ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , " Your team <20> <> <EFBFBD> the <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> flag!! " ) ;
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , " Your flag has been <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> !! " ) ;
te = find ( te , classname , " player " ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
bprint ( PRINT_HIGH , AP . netname ) ;
bprint ( PRINT_HIGH , " <20> <> <EFBFBD> the <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> flag! \n " ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
AP . items = AP . items | IT_KEY1 ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
else if ( Goal . goal_no = = CTF_FLAG2 )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
te = find ( world , classname , " player " ) ;
while ( te ! = world )
if ( te . team_no = = 1 )
if ( te = = AP )
winners = random ( ) ;
if ( winners < 0.1 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , MSG_CTF_FLAG_GRAB_TEAM1 ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
else if ( winners < 0.2 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , MSG_CTF_FLAG_GRAB_TEAM2 ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
else if ( winners < 0.6 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , MSG_CTF_FLAG_GRAB_TEAM3 ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
else if ( winners < 0.7 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , MSG_CTF_FLAG_GRAB_TEAM4 ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
else if ( winners < 0.8 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , MSG_CTF_FLAG_GRAB_TEAM5_1 ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
else if ( winners < 0.95 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , MSG_CTF_FLAG_GRAB_TEAM6 ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , MSG_CTF_FLAG_GRAB_TEAM7 ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , " Your team <20> <> <EFBFBD> the <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> flag!! " ) ;
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , " Your flag has been <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> !! " ) ;
te = find ( te , classname , " player " ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
bprint ( PRINT_HIGH , AP . netname ) ;
bprint ( PRINT_HIGH , " <20> <> <EFBFBD> the <20> <> <EFBFBD> flag! \n " ) ;
AP . items = AP . items | IT_KEY2 ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
else if ( Goal . goal_no = = CTF_DROPOFF1 )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
te = find ( world , classname , " player " ) ;
while ( te ! = world )
if ( te . team_no = = 2 )
if ( te = = AP )
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , " You <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> the flag!! " ) ;
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , " Your flag was <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> !! " ) ;
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , " Your team <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> the flag!! " ) ;
te = find ( te , classname , " player " ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
bprint ( PRINT_HIGH , AP . netname ) ;
bprint ( PRINT_HIGH , " <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> the <20> <> <EFBFBD> flag! \n " ) ;
2001-08-10 10:03:36 +00:00
AP . items = AP . items & ~ IT_KEY2 ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
else if ( Goal . goal_no = = CTF_DROPOFF2 )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
te = find ( world , classname , " player " ) ;
while ( te ! = world )
if ( te . team_no = = 1 )
if ( te = = AP )
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , " You <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> the flag!! " ) ;
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , " Your flag was <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> !! " ) ;
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , " Your team <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> the flag!! " ) ;
te = find ( te , classname , " player " ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
bprint ( PRINT_HIGH , AP . netname ) ;
bprint ( PRINT_HIGH , " <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> the <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> flag! \n " ) ;
2001-08-10 10:03:36 +00:00
AP . items = AP . items & ~ IT_KEY1 ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Go through all the players and do any results
te = find ( world , classname , " player " ) ;
while ( te ! = world )
// Centerprinting
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . broadcast & & CTF_Map = = FALSE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , Goal . broadcast ) ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . netname_broadcast & & CTF_Map = = FALSE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( te , PRINT_HIGH , AP . netname ) ;
sprint ( te , PRINT_HIGH , Goal . netname_broadcast ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( AP = = te )
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . message )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , Goal . message ) ;
else if ( AP . team_no = = te . team_no )
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . owners_team_broadcast & & te . team_no = = Goal . owned_by )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , Goal . owners_team_broadcast ) ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
else if ( Goal . team_broadcast )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , Goal . team_broadcast ) ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . netname_owners_team_broadcast & & te . team_no = = Goal . owned_by )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( te , PRINT_HIGH , AP . netname ) ;
sprint ( te , PRINT_HIGH , Goal . netname_owners_team_broadcast ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
else if ( Goal . netname_team_broadcast )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( te , PRINT_HIGH , AP . netname ) ;
sprint ( te , PRINT_HIGH , Goal . netname_team_broadcast ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . owners_team_broadcast & & te . team_no = = Goal . owned_by )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , Goal . owners_team_broadcast ) ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
else if ( Goal . non_team_broadcast )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , Goal . non_team_broadcast ) ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Goal . netname_owners_team_broadcast & & te . team_no = = Goal . owned_by )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( te , PRINT_HIGH , AP . netname ) ;
sprint ( te , PRINT_HIGH , Goal . netname_owners_team_broadcast ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
else if ( Goal . netname_non_team_broadcast )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( te , PRINT_HIGH , AP . netname ) ;
sprint ( te , PRINT_HIGH , Goal . netname_non_team_broadcast ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( IsAffectedBy ( Goal , te , AP ) )
// If its a Timer Goal, see if it needs to check Criteria again
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . search_time ! = 0 & & Goal . goal_effects & TFGE_TIMER_CHECK_AP )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( APMeetsCriteria ( Goal , te ) )
Apply_Results ( Goal , te , AP , addb ) ;
Apply_Results ( Goal , te , AP , addb ) ;
te = find ( te , classname , " player " ) ;
// Goal is now active
// Items are not always set to active. They handle their modes.
if ( Goal . classname ! = " item_tfgoal " )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Goal . goal_state = TFGS_ACTIVE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// EndGame checking
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_result & TFGR_ENDGAME )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Display Long TeamScores to everyone
TeamFortress_TeamShowScores ( 1 ) ;
winners = TeamFortress_TeamGetWinner ( ) ;
// Stop everyone
te = find ( world , classname , " player " ) ;
while ( te )
te . takedamage = 0 ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
te . movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
te . velocity = ' 0 0 0 ' ;
te . avelocity = ' 0 0 0 ' ;
te = find ( te , classname , " player " ) ;
te = spawn ( ) ;
te . nextthink = time + 5 ; // Allow 5 secs to read the scores
te . think = execute_changelevel ;
dremove ( Goal ) ;
return ;
//CH spawn explosions if so needed
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_effects & TFGE_CAUSE_EXPLOSION )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
WriteCoord ( MSG_BROADCAST , self . origin_x ) ;
WriteCoord ( MSG_BROADCAST , self . origin_y ) ;
WriteCoord ( MSG_BROADCAST , self . origin_z ) ;
multicast ( self . origin , MULTICAST_PHS ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// BecomeExplosion();
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " Doing Groupwork... \n " ) ;
# endif
# endif
// Do Goal Group checking
DoGroupWork ( Goal , AP ) ;
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " Doing Goalwork... \n " ) ;
# endif
# endif
// Do Goal checking
DoGoalWork ( Goal , AP ) ;
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " Doing Triggerwork... \n " ) ;
# endif
# endif
// Do Quake Trigger actions
DoTriggerWork ( Goal , AP ) ;
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " Setting up Respawn... \n " ) ;
# endif
# endif
2001-09-22 22:30:33 +00:00
if ( Goal . killtarget & & Goal . killtarget = = Goal . targetname ) {
// self destructive trigger
remove ( Goal ) ;
} else {
// Setup for Respawn
// Items and Triggers do their own respawn work
if ( Goal . classname = = " info_tfgoal " )
SetupRespawn ( Goal ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
} ;
// Touch function for Goals
void ( ) tfgoal_touch =
local entity te ;
// If it is not activated in by the player's touch, return
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( ! ( self . goal_activation & TFGA_TOUCH ) )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
return ;
if ( other . classname ! = " player " )
return ;
// If we're in prematch mode, ignore the touch
if ( prematch > = time )
return ;
if ( other . penance_time > = time )
return ;
// If it's already active, don't bother
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( self . goal_state = = TFGS_ACTIVE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint ( " Goal already active. aborting touch. \n " ) ;
# endif
return ;
// CTF Hack to make sure the key is in place.
// Temporary hack :)
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( CTF_Map = = TRUE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( ( self . goal_no = = CTF_DROPOFF1 ) & & ( other . team_no = = 1 ) )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
te = Finditem ( CTF_FLAG1 ) ;
if ( ( te . goal_state = = TFGS_ACTIVE ) | | ( te . origin ! = te . oldorigin ) )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
return ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( ( self . goal_no = = CTF_DROPOFF2 ) & & ( other . team_no = = 2 ) )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
te = Finditem ( CTF_FLAG2 ) ;
if ( ( te . goal_state = = TFGS_ACTIVE ) | | ( te . origin ! = te . oldorigin ) )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
return ;
AttemptToActivate ( self , other , self ) ;
} ;
// Use (Triggered) function for Goals
void ( ) info_tfgoal_use =
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint ( " \n " ) ;
RPrint ( " TFGoal triggered by other entity. \n " ) ;
# endif
AttemptToActivate ( self , activator , self ) ;
} ;
// Timer goal tick
void ( ) tfgoal_timer_tick =
// Check criteria
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( self . goal_state ! = TFGS_REMOVED )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint ( " ========================== \n " ) ;
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " Timer Tick for: " ) ;
# else
RPrint ( " Tick: " ) ;
# endif
RPrint ( self . netname ) ;
RPrint ( " Checking criteria... " ) ;
# endif
if ( APMeetsCriteria ( self , world ) )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
DoResults ( self , world , TRUE ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
InactivateGoal ( self ) ;
self . think = tfgoal_timer_tick ;
self . nextthink = time + self . search_time ;
} ;
// Touch function for the goalitem entity
void ( ) item_tfgoal_touch =
if ( infokey ( world , " ceasefire " ) = = " on " ) //OfN
return ;
local entity te ;
if ( other . classname ! = " player " )
return ;
if ( other . health < = 0 )
return ;
// Don't let them take goalitems in prematch
if ( prematch > = time )
return ;
// Don't let lame teamkillers take items
if ( other . penance_time > = time )
return ;
// CTF Hack to return your key.
// Temporary hack :)
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( CTF_Map = = TRUE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( self . goal_no = = CTF_FLAG1 )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Flag not at home?
if ( self . origin ! = self . oldorigin )
if ( other . team_no = = 1 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
bprint ( PRINT_HIGH , other . netname ) ;
bprint ( PRINT_HIGH , " <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> the <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> flag! \n " ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
te = find ( world , classname , " player " ) ;
while ( te ! = world )
if ( te . team_no = = 1 )
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , " Your flag was <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> !! " ) ;
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , " The <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> flag was <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> !! " ) ;
te = find ( te , classname , " player " ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
self . solid = SOLID_TRIGGER ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . touch = item_tfgoal_touch ;
self . origin = self . oldorigin ;
setmodel ( self , self . mdl ) ;
setorigin ( self , self . origin ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sound ( self , CHAN_VOICE , " items/itembk2.wav " , 1 , ATTN_NORM ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
return ;
if ( other . team_no = = 1 )
return ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
else if ( self . goal_no = = CTF_FLAG2 )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Flag not at home?
if ( self . origin ! = self . oldorigin )
if ( other . team_no = = 2 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
bprint ( PRINT_HIGH , other . netname ) ;
bprint ( PRINT_HIGH , " <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> the <20> <> <EFBFBD> flag! \n " ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
te = find ( world , classname , " player " ) ;
while ( te ! = world )
if ( te . team_no = = 2 )
CenterPrint ( te , " \n \n \n Your flag was <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> !! " ) ;
CenterPrint ( te , " \n \n \n The <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> flag was <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> !! " ) ;
te = find ( te , classname , " player " ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
self . solid = SOLID_TRIGGER ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . touch = item_tfgoal_touch ;
self . origin = self . oldorigin ;
setmodel ( self , self . mdl ) ;
setorigin ( self , self . origin ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sound ( self , CHAN_VOICE , " items/itembk2.wav " , 1 , ATTN_NORM ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
return ;
if ( other . team_no = = 2 )
return ;
if ( Activated ( self , other ) )
// Give it to the player
tfgoalitem_GiveToPlayer ( self , other , self ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . goal_state = TFGS_ACTIVE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// If an else goal should be activated, activate it
if ( self . else_goal ! = 0 )
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " Else Goal. \n " ) ;
# endif
# endif
te = Findgoal ( self . else_goal ) ;
if ( te )
AttemptToActivate ( te , other , self ) ;
} ;
// Give the GoalItem to a Player.
void ( entity Item , entity AP , entity Goal ) tfgoalitem_GiveToPlayer =
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint ( " Giving " ) ;
RPrint ( Item . netname ) ;
RPrint ( " to " ) ;
RPrint ( AP . netname ) ;
RPrint ( " \n " ) ;
# endif
Item . owner = AP ;
// Remove it from the map
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Item . mdl )
setmodel ( Item , " " ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Item . solid = SOLID_NOT ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Do the deeds on the player
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Item . goal_activation & TFGI_GLOW )
AP . effects = AP . effects | EF_DIMLIGHT ;
if ( Item . goal_activation & TFGI_SLOW )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
TeamFortress_SetSpeed ( AP ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Item . goal_activation & TFGI_ITEMGLOWS )
Item . effects = Item . effects - ( Item . effects | EF_DIMLIGHT ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Light up console icons
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Item . items & IT_KEY1 )
AP . items = AP . items | IT_KEY1 ;
if ( Item . items & IT_KEY2 )
AP . items = AP . items | IT_KEY2 ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Only do the results if we're allowed to
if ( Goal ! = Item )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Goal . goal_result & TFGR_NO_ITEM_RESULTS )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Item . goal_state = TFGS_ACTIVE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
return ;
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
# ifdef VERBOSE
RPrint ( " Doing item results... \n " ) ;
# endif
# endif
// Prevent the Player from disguising themself if applicable
//CH added looking for spykit & thief
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Item . goal_result & TFGR_REMOVE_DISGUISE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( AP . job & JOB_THIEF & & ( AP . job & JOB_ACTIVE | | AP . job & JOB_FULL_HIDE ) )
RevealThief ( AP , FALSE ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( AP . playerclass = = PC_SPY | | AP . cutf_items & CUTF_SPY_KIT )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
AP . is_unabletospy = 1 ;
// Do the Results, adding the bonuses
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
DoResults ( Item , AP , TRUE ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Check the Item Group Stuff
DoItemGroupWork ( Item , AP ) ;
} ;
//Update which team has the flag
void ( float item ) Update_team_with_flag_touch =
if ( mapname ! = " steal4d " )
team_with_flag = 0 ;
return ;
if ( item = = 103 )
team_with_flag = 1 ;
friends1_mask = 0 ;
friends2_mask = friends3_mask = friends4_mask = 14 ;
return ;
if ( item = = 203 ) {
team_with_flag = 2 ;
friends2_mask = 0 ;
friends1_mask = friends3_mask = friends4_mask = 13 ;
return ;
if ( item = = 303 ) {
team_with_flag = 3 ;
friends3_mask = 0 ;
friends1_mask = friends2_mask = friends4_mask = 11 ;
return ;
if ( item = = 403 ) {
team_with_flag = 4 ;
friends4_mask = 0 ;
friends1_mask = friends2_mask = friends3_mask = 7 ;
return ;
} ;
//Update which team has the flag
void ( float item ) Update_team_with_flag_drop =
if ( mapname ! = " steal4d " ) {
team_with_flag = 0 ;
return ;
if ( item ! = 103 & & item ! = 203 & & item ! = 303 & & item ! = 403 )
return ;
team_with_flag = 0 ;
friends1_mask = friends2_mask = friends3_mask = friends4_mask = 0 ;
} ;
// Return the Item to its starting point
void ( ) ReturnItem =
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . enemy . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//CH sets solid type
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( self . enemy . goal_activation & TFGI_GOAL_IS_SOLID )
self . enemy . solid = SOLID_BBOX ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . enemy . solid = SOLID_TRIGGER ;
self . enemy . movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . enemy . touch = item_tfgoal_touch ;
self . enemy . origin = self . enemy . oldorigin ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( self . enemy . mdl )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
setmodel ( self . enemy , self . enemy . mdl ) ;
setorigin ( self . enemy , self . enemy . origin ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sound ( self . enemy , CHAN_VOICE , " items/itembk2.wav " , 1 , ATTN_NORM ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Restore a goal if needed
tfgoalitem_checkgoalreturn ( self . enemy ) ;
dremove ( self ) ;
} ;
// Remove the GoalItem from a Player.
void ( entity Item , entity AP , float method ) tfgoalitem_RemoveFromPlayer =
local entity te ;
local float lighton , slowon ;
local float key1on , key2on ;
local float spyoff ;
local entity DelayReturn ;
if ( Item = = world )
RPrint ( " error: tfgoalitem_RemoveFromPlayer(): Item == world " ) ;
return ;
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint ( " Removing " ) ;
RPrint ( Item . netname ) ;
RPrint ( " from " ) ;
RPrint ( AP . netname ) ;
RPrint ( " \n " ) ;
# endif
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
lighton = FALSE ;
slowon = FALSE ;
key1on = FALSE ;
key2on = FALSE ;
spyoff = FALSE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Remove the deeds from the player
// Make sure we don't remove an effect another Goal is also supplying
te = find ( world , classname , " item_tfgoal " ) ;
while ( te )
if ( ( te . owner = = AP ) & & ( te ! = Item ) )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( te . goal_activation & TFGI_GLOW )
lighton = TRUE ;
if ( te . goal_activation & TFGI_SLOW )
slowon = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( te . items & IT_KEY1 )
key1on = TRUE ;
if ( te . items & IT_KEY2 )
key2on = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( te . goal_result & TFGR_REMOVE_DISGUISE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
spyoff = 1 ;
te = find ( te , classname , " item_tfgoal " ) ;
// Check Powerups too
if ( ! lighton )
if ( AP . invincible_finished > time + 3 )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
lighton = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( ! lighton )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
AP . effects = AP . effects - ( AP . effects & EF_DIMLIGHT ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Item . goal_activation & TFGI_ITEMGLOWS )
Item . effects = Item . effects | EF_DIMLIGHT ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Remove the Spy prevention
if ( ! spyoff )
AP . is_unabletospy = 0 ;
// Remove the Light up of console icons
if ( ! key1on )
2001-08-10 10:03:36 +00:00
AP . items = AP . items & ~ IT_KEY1 ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( ! key2on )
2001-08-10 10:03:36 +00:00
AP . items = AP . items & ~ IT_KEY2 ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Remove AP Modifications
// Go through all the players and do any results
te = find ( world , classname , " player " ) ;
while ( te ! = world )
if ( IsAffectedBy ( Item , te , AP ) )
RemoveResults ( Item , te ) ;
te = find ( te , classname , " player " ) ;
db1 = ftos ( method ) ;
RPrint ( " returning via method : " ) ;
RPrint ( db1 ) ;
RPrint ( " \n " ) ;
// Return it to the starting point if the flag is set
if ( method = = 0 ) // Dropped by a dying player
// Do messages
te = find ( world , classname , " player " ) ;
while ( te ! = world )
if ( te . team_no = = Item . owned_by )
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Item . team_drop )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , Item . team_drop ) ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Item . netname_team_drop )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( te , PRINT_HIGH , AP . netname ) ;
sprint ( te , PRINT_HIGH , Item . netname_team_drop ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
else // (te.team_no != Item.owned_by)
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Item . non_team_drop )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , Item . non_team_drop ) ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Item . netname_non_team_drop )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( te , PRINT_HIGH , AP . netname ) ;
sprint ( te , PRINT_HIGH , Item . netname_non_team_drop ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
te = find ( te , classname , " player " ) ;
// Drop it if the flag is set
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Item . goal_activation & TFGI_RETURN_DROP )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
DelayReturn = spawn ( ) ;
DelayReturn . enemy = Item ;
DelayReturn . think = ReturnItem ;
DelayReturn . nextthink = time + 0.5 ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Item . solid = SOLID_TRIGGER ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Item . touch = item_tfgoal_touch ;
Item . origin = Item . oldorigin ;
setmodel ( Item , Item . mdl ) ;
setorigin ( Item , Item . origin ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sound ( Item , CHAN_VOICE , " items/itembk2.wav " , 1 , ATTN_NORM ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
else if ( Item . goal_activation & TFGI_DROP )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
tfgoalitem_drop ( Item ) ;
// Remove the Item
Item . owner = world ;
dremove ( Item ) ;
TeamFortress_SetSpeed ( AP ) ;
return ;
Item . owner = world ;
TeamFortress_SetSpeed ( AP ) ;
return ;
// Return it to the starting point if the flag is set
if ( method = = 1 ) // Removed by a goal activation
bprint ( Item . netname ) ;
bprint ( " " ) ;
bprint ( Item . mdl ) ;
bprint ( " " ) ;
bprint ( vtos ( Item . origin ) ) ;
bprint ( " " ) ;
bprint ( vtos ( Item . oldorigin ) ) ;
bprint ( " \n " ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Item . goal_activation & TFGI_RETURN_GOAL )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
DelayReturn = spawn ( ) ;
DelayReturn . enemy = Item ;
DelayReturn . think = ReturnItem ;
DelayReturn . nextthink = time + 0.5 ;
Item . origin = Item . oldorigin ;
setorigin ( Item , Item . origin ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Item . solid = SOLID_TRIGGER ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Item . touch = item_tfgoal_touch ;
setmodel ( Item , Item . mdl ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sound ( Item , CHAN_VOICE , " items/itembk2.wav " , 1 , ATTN_NORM ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Restore a goal if needed
tfgoalitem_checkgoalreturn ( Item ) ;
Item . owner = world ;
TeamFortress_SetSpeed ( AP ) ;
return ;
// Don't remove it, since it may be given away again later
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Item . solid = SOLID_NOT ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Item . owner = world ;
TeamFortress_SetSpeed ( AP ) ;
return ;
RPrint ( " Invalid method passed into tfgoalitem_RemoveFromPlayer \n " ) ;
} ;
// A quick check to make sure the items is not in a wall
void ( ) tfgoalitem_dropthink =
local float pos ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
RPrint ( " DropThink for " ) ;
RPrint ( self . netname ) ;
RPrint ( " \n " ) ;
# endif
// If the flag is set, remove it after 2 minutes
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( self . pausetime ! = 0 )
pos = pointcontents ( self . origin ) ; // find the location of the Item
2001-07-31 17:08:59 +00:00
if ( pos = = CONTENTS_SLIME )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . nextthink = time + ( self . pausetime / 4 ) ;
2001-07-31 17:08:59 +00:00
else if ( pos = = CONTENTS_LAVA )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . nextthink = time + 5 ;
2001-07-31 17:08:59 +00:00
else if ( pos = = CONTENTS_SOLID | | pos = = CONTENTS_SKY ) // oh shit!
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . nextthink = time + 2 ;
self . nextthink = time + self . pausetime ;
self . think = tfgoalitem_remove ;
} ;
//CH does same as above but sets origion when done.
void ( ) tfgoalitem_dropthink2 =
local float pos ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
RPrint ( " DropThink for " ) ;
RPrint ( self . netname ) ;
RPrint ( " \n " ) ;
# endif
// If the flag is set, remove it after 2 minutes
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
/* CH leave this as it is working code. that below this is a test, which seems to work well.
// if (self.pausetime != 0)
// {
pos = pointcontents ( self . origin ) ; // find the location of the Item
2001-07-31 17:08:59 +00:00
if ( pos = = CONTENTS_SLIME )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . nextthink = time + ( self . pausetime / 4 ) ;
2001-07-31 17:08:59 +00:00
else if ( pos = = CONTENTS_LAVA )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . nextthink = time + 5 ;
2001-07-31 17:08:59 +00:00
else if ( pos = = CONTENTS_SOLID | | pos = = CONTENTS_SKY ) // oh shit!
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . nextthink = time + 2 ;
self . nextthink = time + self . pausetime ;
self . think = tfgoalitem_remove ;
self . velocity = ' 0 0 0 ' ;
self . oldorigin = self . origin ;
// }
// if (self.pausetime != 0)
// {
pos = pointcontents ( self . origin ) ; // find the location of the Item
2001-07-31 17:08:59 +00:00
if ( pos = = CONTENTS_SLIME )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
setorigin ( self , self . oldorigin ) ;
2001-07-31 17:08:59 +00:00
else if ( pos = = CONTENTS_LAVA )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
setorigin ( self , self . oldorigin ) ;
2001-07-31 17:08:59 +00:00
else if ( pos = = CONTENTS_SOLID | | pos = = CONTENTS_SKY ) // oh shit!
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
setorigin ( self , self . oldorigin ) ;
setorigin ( self , self . origin ) ;
self . velocity = ' 0 0 0 ' ;
self . oldorigin = self . origin ;
// }
} ;
// Drop the item just like a backpack
void ( entity Item ) tfgoalitem_drop =
local vector temp1 ;
local vector temp2 ;
Item . origin = Item . owner . origin - ' 0 0 8 ' ;
Item . velocity_z = 400 ;
Item . velocity_x = - 50 + ( random ( ) * 100 ) ;
Item . velocity_y = - 50 + ( random ( ) * 100 ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Item . movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
//CH set solid state
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Item . goal_activation & TFGI_GOAL_IS_SOLID )
Item . solid = SOLID_BBOX ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Item . solid = SOLID_TRIGGER ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
setorigin ( Item , Item . origin ) ;
//CH sets goal bounding box size
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Item . goal_min )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
temp1 = Item . goal_min ;
temp1 = ' - 16 - 16 - 24 ' ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Item . goal_max )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
temp2 = Item . goal_max ;
temp2 = ' 16 16 32 ' ;
setsize ( Item , temp1 , temp2 ) ; //CH sets box size from above
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( Item . mdl )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
setmodel ( Item , Item . mdl ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Item . goal_result & TFGR_DROPITEMS ) //checks for dropitems
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Item . nextthink = time + 1 ; //CH wait a sec then make it pickupable
Item . think = tfgoalitem_settouchandthink ;
Item . nextthink = time + 5.0 ; // give it five seconds
Item . think = tfgoalitem_dropthink ; // and then find where it ended up
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
Item . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
Item . touch = item_tfgoal_touch ;
} ;
//CH brings the item online after 1 sec
void ( ) tfgoalitem_settouchandthink =
self . nextthink = time + 4.0 ; // give it five seconds
self . think = tfgoalitem_dropthink ; // and then find where it ended up
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . touch = item_tfgoal_touch ;
} ;
// Remove the item, or Return it if needed
void ( ) tfgoalitem_remove =
local entity te ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
RPrint ( " RemoveItem for " ) ;
RPrint ( self . netname ) ;
RPrint ( " ... " ) ;
# endif
// Has someone picked it up?
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( self . goal_state = = TFGS_ACTIVE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
return ;
// Should it be returned?
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( self . goal_activation & TFGI_RETURN_REMOVE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
RPrint ( " Returned. \n " ) ;
# endif
//CH set solid state
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( self . goal_activation & TFGI_GOAL_IS_SOLID )
self . solid = SOLID_BBOX ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . solid = SOLID_TRIGGER ;
self . movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . touch = item_tfgoal_touch ;
self . origin = self . oldorigin ;
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( self . mdl )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
setmodel ( self , self . mdl ) ;
setorigin ( self , self . origin ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sound ( self , CHAN_VOICE , " items/itembk2.wav " , 1 , ATTN_NORM ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Restore a goal if needed
tfgoalitem_checkgoalreturn ( self ) ;
//CH could it check origin again?? nah...
//CH a better question would be why does it need this to work right???
self . think = tfgoalitem_checkoriginagain ;
self . nextthink = time + 1 ;
// Do we need to do any CenterPrint2ing?
2001-09-30 22:38:44 +00:00
if ( self . noise3 | | self . noise4 )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
te = find ( world , classname , " player " ) ;
while ( te )
if ( te . team_no = = self . owned_by )
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , self . noise3 ) ;
else // (te.team_no != self.owned_by)
CenterPrint2 ( te , " \n \n \n " , self . noise4 ) ;
te = find ( te , classname , " player " ) ;
return ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
# ifdef MAP_DEBUG
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
RPrint ( " Removed. \n " ) ;
# endif
dremove ( self ) ;
} ;
//CH i wonder what this does?
//CH first check
void ( ) tfgoalitem_checkoriginagain =
// RPrint("Check #1 for return goalitem\n");
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( self . origin ! = self . oldorigin & & self . goal_state ! = TFGS_ACTIVE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . origin = self . oldorigin ;
setorigin ( self , self . origin ) ;
self . think = tfgoalitem_checkoriginagain2 ;
self . nextthink = time + 1 ;
} ;
//CH second check
void ( ) tfgoalitem_checkoriginagain2 =
// RPrint("Check #2 for return goalitem\n");
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( self . origin ! = self . oldorigin & & self . goal_state ! = TFGS_ACTIVE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . origin = self . oldorigin ;
setorigin ( self , self . origin ) ;
self . think = tfgoalitem_checkoriginagain3 ;
self . nextthink = time + 1 ;
} ;
//CH third and final check
void ( ) tfgoalitem_checkoriginagain3 =
// RPrint("Check #3 for return goalitem\n");
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( self . origin ! = self . oldorigin & & self . goal_state ! = TFGS_ACTIVE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . origin = self . oldorigin ;
setorigin ( self , self . origin ) ;
} ;
// Activate a goal when this item is removed, if needed
void ( entity Item ) tfgoalitem_checkgoalreturn =
local entity te ;
// Do we need to activate a goal somewhere?
if ( Item . impulse ! = 0 )
// Find the goal
te = Findgoal ( Item . impulse ) ;
if ( te )
te = Findgoal ( Item . impulse ) ;
if ( te )
AttemptToActivate ( te , world , Item ) ;
} ;
// Displays the state of a GoalItem
void ( entity Goal , entity Player , entity Item ) DisplayItemStatus =
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( Item . goal_state = = TFGS_ACTIVE )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( Player . team_no = = Item . owned_by )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( Player , PRINT_HIGH , Goal . team_str_carried ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( Player , PRINT_HIGH , Goal . non_team_str_carried ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( Player , PRINT_HIGH , " " ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( Player = = Item . owner )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( Player , PRINT_HIGH , " You " ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( Player , PRINT_HIGH , Item . owner . netname ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( Player , PRINT_HIGH , " . " ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
else if ( Item . origin ! = Item . oldorigin )
if ( Player . team_no = = Item . owned_by )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( Player , PRINT_HIGH , Goal . team_str_moved ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( Player , PRINT_HIGH , Goal . non_team_str_moved ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
if ( Player . team_no = = Item . owned_by )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( Player , PRINT_HIGH , Goal . team_str_home ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( Player , PRINT_HIGH , Goal . non_team_str_home ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
/*CH prints out the origin and oldorigin via flaginfo
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( Player , PRINT_HIGH , " \n " ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
ac = vtos ( Item . origin ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( Player , PRINT_HIGH , ac ) ;
sprint ( Player , PRINT_HIGH , " " ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
ac = vtos ( Item . oldorigin ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( Player , PRINT_HIGH , ac ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
sprint ( Player , PRINT_HIGH , " \n " ) ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
} ;
// Spawn Functions for CTF entities.
// Team 1 spawnpoints
void ( ) info_player_team1 =
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
CTF_Map = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Convert to a TeamFortress TeamSpawn point
self . classname = " info_player_teamspawn " ;
// We swap them, so that the colors match ours
self . team_no = 2 ;
// Make this point remove itself after being spawned on
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . goal_effects = TFSP_REMOVESELF ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . team_str_home = " ts2 " ;
} ;
// Team 2 spawnpoints
void ( ) info_player_team2 =
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
CTF_Map = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
// Convert to a TeamFortress TeamSpawn point
self . classname = " info_player_teamspawn " ;
// We swap them, so that the colors match ours
self . team_no = 1 ;
// Make this point remove itself after being spawned on
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . goal_effects = TFSP_REMOVESELF ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . team_str_home = " ts1 " ;
} ;
// Team 2 flag
void ( ) item_flag_team2 =
local entity dp ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
CTF_Map = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
precache_model ( " progs/w_s_key.mdl " ) ;
precache_sound ( " ogre/ogwake.wav " ) ;
precache_sound ( " boss2/pop2.wav " ) ;
// Convert the flag to a TeamFortress Goal Item
self . classname = " item_tfgoal " ;
self . netname = " Team 1 Flag " ;
self . broadcast = " <20> <> <EFBFBD> the enemy team's flag! \n " ;
self . deathtype = " You've got the enemy flag! \n " ;
self . noise = " ogre/ogwake.wav " ;
self . mdl = " progs/tf_flag.mdl " ;
self . skin = 0 ;
setmodel ( self , self . mdl ) ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . goal_no = CTF_FLAG1 ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . goal_effects = 1 ;
self . pausetime = 128 ;
setsize ( self , ' - 16 - 16 - 24 ' , ' 16 16 32 ' ) ;
self . touch = item_tfgoal_touch ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
self . solid = SOLID_TRIGGER ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
setorigin ( self , self . origin ) ;
self . nextthink = time + 0.2 ; // items start after other solids
self . think = TF_PlaceItem ;
// Create the dropoff point Goal
dp = spawn ( ) ;
dp . origin = self . origin ;
dp . classname = " info_tfgoal " ;
dp . goal_activation = 1 ;
dp . team_no = 1 ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
dp . items_allowed = CTF_FLAG2 ;
dp . goal_no = CTF_DROPOFF1 ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
dp . goal_effects = 3 ;
dp . broadcast = " <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> the enemy flag! \n " ;
dp . message = " You <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> the enemy flag! \n " ;
dp . noise = " boss2/pop2.wav " ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
dp . goal_result = TFGR_ADD_BONUSES ;
dp . activate_goal_no = CTF_SCORE1 ;
dp . axhitme = CTF_FLAG2 ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
dp . count = 10 ;
dp . frags = 10 ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
dp . solid = SOLID_TRIGGER ;
dp . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
setsize ( dp , ' - 16 - 16 - 24 ' , ' 16 16 32 ' ) ;
dp . nextthink = time + 0.2 ; // goals start after other solids
dp . think = TF_PlaceGoal ;
// Create the extra scoring goal
dp = spawn ( ) ;
dp . origin = dp . origin ;
dp . classname = " info_tfgoal " ;
dp . goal_effects = 1 ;
dp . frags = 5 ;
dp . goal_activation = 0 ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
dp . goal_no = CTF_SCORE1 ;
dp . solid = SOLID_NOT ;
dp . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
setsize ( dp , ' - 16 - 16 - 24 ' , ' 16 16 32 ' ) ;
dp . nextthink = time + 0.2 ; // goals start after other solids
dp . think = TF_PlaceGoal ;
} ;
// Team 1 flag
void ( ) item_flag_team1 =
local entity dp ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
CTF_Map = TRUE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
precache_model ( " progs/tf_flag.mdl " ) ;
precache_sound ( " ogre/ogwake.wav " ) ;
precache_sound ( " boss2/pop2.wav " ) ;
// Convert the flag to a TeamFortress Goal Item
self . classname = " item_tfgoal " ;
self . netname = " Team 2 Flag " ;
self . broadcast = " <20> <> <EFBFBD> the enemy team's flag! \n " ;
self . deathtype = " You've got the enemy flag! \n " ;
self . noise = " ogre/ogwake.wav " ;
self . mdl = " progs/tf_flag.mdl " ;
setmodel ( self , self . mdl ) ;
self . skin = 1 ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . goal_no = CTF_FLAG2 ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
self . goal_effects = 1 ;
self . pausetime = 128 ;
setsize ( self , ' - 16 - 16 - 24 ' , ' 16 16 32 ' ) ;
self . touch = item_tfgoal_touch ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
self . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
self . solid = SOLID_TRIGGER ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
setorigin ( self , self . origin ) ;
self . nextthink = time + 0.2 ; // items start after other solids
self . think = TF_PlaceItem ;
// Create the dropoff point Goal
dp = spawn ( ) ;
dp . origin = self . origin ;
dp . classname = " info_tfgoal " ;
dp . goal_activation = 1 ;
dp . team_no = 2 ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
dp . items_allowed = CTF_FLAG1 ;
dp . goal_no = CTF_DROPOFF2 ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
dp . goal_effects = 3 ;
dp . broadcast = " <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> the enemy flag! \n " ;
dp . message = " You <20> <> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> the enemy flag! \n " ;
dp . noise = " boss2/pop2.wav " ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
dp . goal_result = TFGR_ADD_BONUSES ;
dp . activate_goal_no = CTF_SCORE2 ;
dp . axhitme = CTF_FLAG1 ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
dp . count = 10 ;
dp . frags = 10 ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
dp . solid = SOLID_TRIGGER ;
dp . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
setsize ( dp , ' - 16 - 16 - 24 ' , ' 16 16 32 ' ) ;
dp . nextthink = time + 0.2 ; // goals start after other solids
dp . think = TF_PlaceGoal ;
// Create the extra scoring goal
dp = spawn ( ) ;
dp . origin = dp . origin ;
dp . classname = " info_tfgoal " ;
dp . goal_effects = 1 ;
dp . frags = 5 ;
dp . goal_activation = 0 ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
dp . goal_no = CTF_SCORE2 ;
dp . solid = SOLID_NOT ;
dp . goal_state = TFGS_INACTIVE ;
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
setsize ( dp , ' - 16 - 16 - 24 ' , ' 16 16 32 ' ) ;
dp . nextthink = time + 0.2 ; // goals start after other solids
dp . think = TF_PlaceGoal ;
} ;
// Checks to make sure either flag hasn't got into bad state, and if
// it has, returns it.
void ( ) CTF_FlagCheck =
local entity te ;
local float flagcount , pos ;
flagcount = 0 ;
te = find ( world , classname , " item_tfgoal " ) ;
while ( te ! = world )
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
if ( te . goal_no = = CTF_FLAG1 )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
pos = pointcontents ( te . origin ) ; // find the location of the Flag
2001-07-31 17:08:59 +00:00
if ( pos = = CONTENTS_SOLID | | pos = = CONTENTS_SKY )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
RPrint ( " *****BUG***** \n Flag(s) outside world. \n Please report this. \n " ) ;
te . nextthink = time + 0.2 ;
te . think = tfgoalitem_remove ;
flagcount = flagcount + 1 ;
2001-07-23 20:52:47 +00:00
else if ( te . goal_no = = CTF_FLAG2 )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
pos = pointcontents ( te . origin ) ; // find the location of the Flag
2001-07-31 17:08:59 +00:00
if ( pos = = CONTENTS_SOLID | | pos = = CONTENTS_SKY )
2001-07-17 05:58:10 +00:00
RPrint ( " *****BUG***** \n Flag(s) outside world. \n Please report this. \n " ) ;
te . nextthink = time + 0.2 ;
te . think = tfgoalitem_remove ;
flagcount = flagcount + 1 ;
te = find ( te , classname , " item_tfgoal " ) ;
if ( flagcount ! = 2 )
RPrint ( " *****BUG***** \n Flag(s) missing. \n Please report this. \n " ) ;
self . nextthink = time + 30 ;
} ;