/* vid_sgl.c Video driver for OpenGL-using versions of SDL Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA $Id$ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <signal.h> #include <values.h> #include <SDL/SDL.h> #include "compat.h" #include "host.h" #include "qtypes.h" #include "qendian.h" #include "glquake.h" #include "cvar.h" #include "qargs.h" #include "console.h" #include "input.h" #include "keys.h" #include "menu.h" #include "sys.h" #include "draw.h" #include "quakefs.h" #include "qdefs.h" #define WARP_WIDTH 320 #define WARP_HEIGHT 200 static qboolean vid_initialized = false; cvar_t *vid_mode; cvar_t *vid_fullscreen; extern cvar_t *gl_triplebuffer; extern cvar_t *in_dga_mouseaccel; cvar_t *_windowed_mouse; cvar_t *m_filter; #ifdef WIN32 /* fixme: this is evil hack */ #include <windows.h> HWND mainwindow; #endif unsigned short d_8to16table[256]; unsigned d_8to24table[256]; unsigned char d_15to8table[65536]; int scr_width, scr_height; int VID_options_items = 1; int texture_mode = GL_LINEAR; int texture_extension_number = 1; float gldepthmin, gldepthmax; cvar_t *gl_ztrick; const char *gl_vendor; const char *gl_renderer; const char *gl_version; const char *gl_extensions; qboolean is8bit = false; qboolean gl_mtexable = false; int gl_mtex_enum = TEXTURE0_SGIS; int modestate; static qboolean mouse_avail; static float mouse_x, mouse_y; static float old_mouse_x, old_mouse_y; static float old__windowed_mouse; void D_BeginDirectRect (int x, int y, byte *pbitmap, int width, int height) { } void D_EndDirectRect (int x, int y, int width, int height) { } void VID_Shutdown (void) { if (!vid_initialized) return; Con_Printf ("VID_Shutdown\n"); SDL_Quit (); } #ifndef WIN32 static void signal_handler(int sig) { printf("Received signal %d, exiting...\n", sig); Sys_Quit(); exit(sig); } static void InitSig(void) { signal(SIGHUP, signal_handler); signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); signal(SIGQUIT, signal_handler); signal(SIGILL, signal_handler); signal(SIGTRAP, signal_handler); signal(SIGIOT, signal_handler); signal(SIGBUS, signal_handler); // signal(SIGFPE, signal_handler); signal(SIGSEGV, signal_handler); signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); } #endif void VID_SetPalette (unsigned char *palette) { byte *pal; unsigned r,g,b; unsigned v; int r1,g1,b1; int k; unsigned short i; unsigned *table; QFile *f; char s[256]; float dist, bestdist; static qboolean palflag = false; // // 8 8 8 encoding // // Con_Printf("Converting 8to24\n"); pal = palette; table = d_8to24table; for (i=0; i<256; i++) { r = pal[0]; g = pal[1]; b = pal[2]; pal += 3; // v = (255<<24) + (r<<16) + (g<<8) + (b<<0); // v = (255<<0) + (r<<8) + (g<<16) + (b<<24); v = (255<<24) + (r<<0) + (g<<8) + (b<<16); *table++ = v; } d_8to24table[255] &= 0xffffff; // 255 is transparent // JACK: 3D distance calcs - k is last closest, l is the distance. // FIXME: Precalculate this and cache to disk. if (palflag) return; palflag = true; COM_FOpenFile("glquake/15to8.pal", &f); if (f) { Qread(f, d_15to8table, 1<<15); Qclose(f); } else { for (i=0; i < (1<<15); i++) { /* Maps 000000000000000 000000000011111 = Red = 0x1F 000001111100000 = Blue = 0x03E0 111110000000000 = Grn = 0x7C00 */ r = ((i & 0x1F) << 3)+4; g = ((i & 0x03E0) >> 2)+4; b = ((i & 0x7C00) >> 7)+4; pal = (unsigned char *) d_8to24table; for (v=0, k=0, bestdist = 10000.0; v<256; v++, pal += 4) { r1 = (int) r - (int) pal[0]; g1 = (int) g - (int) pal[1]; b1 = (int) b - (int) pal[2]; dist = sqrt (((r1 * r1) + (g1 * g1) + (b1 * b1))); if (dist < bestdist) { k = v; bestdist = dist; } } d_15to8table[i]=k; } snprintf (s, sizeof (s), "%s/glquake", com_gamedir); Sys_mkdir (s); snprintf(s, sizeof (s), "%s/glquake/15to8.pal", com_gamedir); if ((f = Qopen (s, "wb")) != NULL) { Qwrite (f, d_15to8table, 1<<15); Qclose (f); } } } void VID_ShiftPalette (unsigned char *palette) { VID_SetPalette(palette); } void GL_Init (void) { gl_vendor = glGetString (GL_VENDOR); Con_Printf ("GL_VENDOR: %s\n", gl_vendor); gl_renderer = glGetString (GL_RENDERER); Con_Printf ("GL_RENDERER: %s\n", gl_renderer); gl_version = glGetString (GL_VERSION); Con_Printf ("GL_VERSION: %s\n", gl_version); gl_extensions = glGetString (GL_EXTENSIONS); Con_Printf ("GL_EXTENSIONS: %s\n", gl_extensions); glClearColor (0,0,0,0); glCullFace(GL_FRONT); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.666); glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); /* glShadeMode(GL_SMOOTH) should look better then GL_FLAT but I don't know if it looks any better, sure is slower glShadeModel (GL_SMOOTH); */ glShadeModel (GL_FLAT); glTexParameterf (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameterf (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameterf (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT); glTexParameterf (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT); glBlendFunc (GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // glTexEnvf (GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); glTexEnvf (GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_REPLACE); } /* ================= GL_BeginRendering ================= */ void GL_BeginRendering (int *x, int *y, int *width, int *height) { *x = *y = 0; *width = scr_width; *height = scr_height; } void GL_EndRendering (void) { glFlush(); SDL_GL_SwapBuffers (); } qboolean VID_Is8bit(void) { return is8bit; } #ifdef GL_EXT_SHARED void VID_Init8bitPalette (void) { // Check for 8bit Extensions and initialize them. int i; char thePalette[256*3]; char *oldPalette, *newPalette; if (strstr (gl_extensions, "GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette") == NULL) return; Con_SafePrintf ("8-bit GL extensions enabled.\n"); glEnable (GL_SHARED_TEXTURE_PALETTE_EXT); oldPalette = (char *) d_8to24table; //d_8to24table3dfx; newPalette = thePalette; for (i=0; i<256; i++) { *newPalette++ = *oldPalette++; *newPalette++ = *oldPalette++; *newPalette++ = *oldPalette++; oldPalette++; } glColorTableEXT (GL_SHARED_TEXTURE_PALETTE_EXT, GL_RGB, 256, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (void *) thePalette); is8bit = true; } #else void VID_Init8bitPalette(void) { } #endif void VID_Init (unsigned char *palette) { Uint32 flags = SDL_OPENGL; int i; char gldir[MAX_OSPATH]; int width = 640, height = 480; vid_mode = Cvar_Get ("vid_mode","0",0,"None"); gl_ztrick = Cvar_Get ("gl_ztrick","0",CVAR_ARCHIVE,"None"); vid_fullscreen = Cvar_Get ("vid_fullscreen","0",0,"None"); vid.maxwarpwidth = WARP_WIDTH; vid.maxwarpheight = WARP_HEIGHT; vid.colormap = host_colormap; vid.fullbright = 256 - LittleLong (*((int *)vid.colormap + 2048)); // Interpret command-line params // Set vid parameters if ((i = COM_CheckParm ("-width")) != 0) width = atoi (com_argv[i+1]); if ((i = COM_CheckParm ("-height")) != 0) height = atoi (com_argv[i+1]); if ((i = COM_CheckParm ("-conwidth")) != 0) vid.conwidth = atoi(com_argv[i+1]); else vid.conwidth = width; vid.conwidth &= 0xfff8; // make it a multiple of eight if (vid.conwidth < 320) vid.conwidth = 320; // pick a conheight that matches with correct aspect vid.conheight = vid.conwidth * 3 / 4; i = COM_CheckParm ("-conheight"); if ( i != 0 ) // Set console height, but no smaller than 200 px vid.conheight = max (atoi (com_argv[i+1]), 200); // Initialize the SDL library if (SDL_Init (SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) Sys_Error ("Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError ()); // Check if we want fullscreen if (vid_fullscreen->int_val) { flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN; // Don't annoy Mesa/3dfx folks #ifndef WIN32 // FIXME: Maybe this could be put in a different spot, but I don't know where. // Anyway, it's to work around a 3Dfx Glide bug. SDL_ShowCursor (0); SDL_WM_GrabInput (SDL_GRAB_ON); setenv ("MESA_GLX_FX", "fullscreen", 1); } else { setenv ("MESA_GLX_FX", "window", 1); #endif } // Setup GL Attributes SDL_GL_SetAttribute (SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 1); SDL_GL_SetAttribute (SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 1); SDL_GL_SetAttribute (SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 1); SDL_GL_SetAttribute (SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); SDL_GL_SetAttribute (SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 1); if (SDL_SetVideoMode (width, height, 8, flags) == NULL) { Sys_Error ("Couldn't set video mode: %s\n", SDL_GetError ()); SDL_Quit (); } scr_width = width; scr_height = height; vid.height = vid.conheight = min (vid.conheight, height); vid.width = vid.conwidth = min (vid.conwidth, width); vid.aspect = ((float) vid.height / (float) vid.width) * (320.0 / 240.0); vid.numpages = 2; #ifndef WIN32 InitSig (); // trap evil signals #endif GL_Init(); snprintf(gldir, sizeof(gldir), "%s/glquake", com_gamedir); Sys_mkdir (gldir); GL_CheckGamma (palette); VID_SetPalette (palette); // Check for 3DFX Extensions and initialize them. VID_Init8bitPalette(); Con_SafePrintf ("Video mode %dx%d initialized.\n", width, height); vid_initialized = true; #ifdef WIN32 // fixme: EVIL thing - but needed for win32 until we get // SDL_sound ready - without this DirectSound fails. // could replace this with SDL_SysWMInfo mainwindow=GetActiveWindow(); #endif vid.recalc_refdef = 1; // force a surface cache flush } void VID_InitCvars() { gl_triplebuffer = Cvar_Get("gl_triplebuffer","1",CVAR_ARCHIVE,"None"); } /* ================ IN_SendKeyEvents ================ */ void IN_SendKeyEvents (void) { SDL_Event event; int sym, state, but; int modstate; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: case SDL_KEYUP: sym = event.key.keysym.sym; state = event.key.state; modstate = SDL_GetModState (); switch (sym) { case SDLK_DELETE: sym = K_DEL; break; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: sym = K_BACKSPACE; break; case SDLK_F1: sym = K_F1; break; case SDLK_F2: sym = K_F2; break; case SDLK_F3: sym = K_F3; break; case SDLK_F4: sym = K_F4; break; case SDLK_F5: sym = K_F5; break; case SDLK_F6: sym = K_F6; break; case SDLK_F7: sym = K_F7; break; case SDLK_F8: sym = K_F8; break; case SDLK_F9: sym = K_F9; break; case SDLK_F10: sym = K_F10; break; case SDLK_F11: sym = K_F11; break; case SDLK_F12: sym = K_F12; break; case SDLK_BREAK: case SDLK_PAUSE: sym = K_PAUSE; break; case SDLK_UP: sym = K_UPARROW; break; case SDLK_DOWN: sym = K_DOWNARROW; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: sym = K_RIGHTARROW; break; case SDLK_LEFT: sym = K_LEFTARROW; break; case SDLK_INSERT: sym = K_INS; break; case SDLK_HOME: sym = K_HOME; break; case SDLK_END: sym = K_END; break; case SDLK_PAGEUP: sym = K_PGUP; break; case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: sym = K_PGDN; break; case SDLK_RSHIFT: case SDLK_LSHIFT: sym = K_SHIFT; break; case SDLK_RCTRL: case SDLK_LCTRL: sym = K_CTRL; break; case SDLK_RALT: case SDLK_LALT: sym = K_ALT; break; case SDLK_CAPSLOCK: sym = K_CAPSLOCK; break; case SDLK_KP0: if (modstate & KMOD_NUM) sym = K_INS; else sym = SDLK_0; break; case SDLK_KP1: if (modstate & KMOD_NUM) sym = K_END; else sym = SDLK_1; break; case SDLK_KP2: if (modstate & KMOD_NUM) sym = K_DOWNARROW; else sym = SDLK_2; break; case SDLK_KP3: if (modstate & KMOD_NUM) sym = K_PGDN; else sym = SDLK_3; break; case SDLK_KP4: if (modstate & KMOD_NUM) sym = K_LEFTARROW; else sym = SDLK_4; break; case SDLK_KP5: sym = SDLK_5; break; case SDLK_KP6: if (modstate & KMOD_NUM) sym = K_RIGHTARROW; else sym = SDLK_6; break; case SDLK_KP7: if (modstate & KMOD_NUM) sym = K_HOME; else sym = SDLK_7; break; case SDLK_KP8: if (modstate & KMOD_NUM) sym = K_UPARROW; else sym = SDLK_8; break; case SDLK_KP9: if (modstate & KMOD_NUM) sym = K_PGUP; else sym = SDLK_9; break; case SDLK_KP_PERIOD: if (modstate & KMOD_NUM) sym = K_DEL; else sym = SDLK_PERIOD; break; case SDLK_KP_DIVIDE: sym = SDLK_SLASH; break; case SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY: sym = SDLK_ASTERISK; break; case SDLK_KP_MINUS: sym = SDLK_MINUS; break; case SDLK_KP_PLUS: sym = SDLK_PLUS; break; case SDLK_KP_ENTER: sym = SDLK_RETURN; break; case SDLK_KP_EQUALS: sym = SDLK_EQUALS; break; } // If we're not directly handled and still above 255 // just force it to 0 if (sym > 255) sym = 0; Key_Event(sym, state); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: but = event.button.button; if (but == 2) { but = 3; } else if (but == 3) { but = 2; } switch (but) { case 1: case 2: case 3: Key_Event(K_MOUSE1 + but - 1, event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN); break; case 4: Key_Event(K_MWHEELUP, 1); Key_Event(K_MWHEELUP, 0); break; case 5: Key_Event(K_MWHEELDOWN, 1); Key_Event(K_MWHEELDOWN, 0); break; default: break; } break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: if (_windowed_mouse->int_val) { if ((event.motion.x != (vid.width/2)) || (event.motion.y != (vid.height/2)) ) { mouse_x = event.motion.xrel*2; mouse_y = event.motion.yrel*2; if ( (event.motion.x < ((vid.width/2)-(vid.width/4))) || (event.motion.x > ((vid.width/2)+(vid.width/4))) || (event.motion.y < ((vid.height/2)-(vid.height/4))) || (event.motion.y > ((vid.height/2)+(vid.height/4))) ) { SDL_WarpMouse(vid.width/2, vid.height/2); } } } else { mouse_x = event.motion.xrel*2; mouse_y = event.motion.yrel*2; } break; case SDL_QUIT: CL_Disconnect (); Sys_Quit (); break; default: break; } } } void IN_Init (void) { _windowed_mouse = Cvar_Get ("_windowed_mouse", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Grab mouse and keyboard input"); m_filter = Cvar_Get ("m_filter", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "None"); if (COM_CheckParm ("-nomouse") && !_windowed_mouse->int_val) return; mouse_x = mouse_y = 0.0; mouse_avail = 1; SDL_ShowCursor (0); SDL_WM_GrabInput (SDL_GRAB_ON); // FIXME: disable DGA if in_dgamouse says to } void IN_Shutdown (void) { mouse_avail = 0; } void IN_Commands(void) { if (old__windowed_mouse != _windowed_mouse->int_val) { old__windowed_mouse = _windowed_mouse->int_val; if (_windowed_mouse->int_val) { // grab the pointer SDL_ShowCursor (0); SDL_WM_GrabInput (SDL_GRAB_ON); } else { // ungrab the pointer SDL_WM_GrabInput (SDL_GRAB_OFF); SDL_ShowCursor (1); } } } void IN_Move(usercmd_t *cmd) { if (!mouse_avail) return; if (m_filter->int_val) { mouse_x = (mouse_x + old_mouse_x) * 0.5; mouse_y = (mouse_y + old_mouse_y) * 0.5; } old_mouse_x = mouse_x; old_mouse_y = mouse_y; mouse_x *= sensitivity->value; mouse_y *= sensitivity->value; if ( (in_strafe.state & 1) || (lookstrafe->int_val && (in_mlook.state & 1) )) cmd->sidemove += m_side->value * mouse_x; else cl.viewangles[YAW] -= m_yaw->value * mouse_x; if (in_mlook.state & 1) V_StopPitchDrift (); if ( (in_mlook.state & 1) && !(in_strafe.state & 1)) { cl.viewangles[PITCH] = bound (-70, cl.viewangles[PITCH] + (m_pitch->value * mouse_y), 80); } else { if ((in_strafe.state & 1) && noclip_anglehack) cmd->upmove -= m_forward->value * mouse_y; else cmd->forwardmove -= m_forward->value * mouse_y; } mouse_x = mouse_y = 0.0; } void VID_SetCaption (char *text) { SDL_WM_SetCaption(text, NULL); } void VID_HandlePause (qboolean pause) { } void IN_HandlePause (qboolean pause) { }