

	Copyright (C) 1996-1997  Id Software, Inc.

	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

	See the GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with this program; if not, write to:

		Free Software Foundation, Inc.
		59 Temple Place - Suite 330
		Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA


#ifndef __net_h
#define __net_h

#include "gcc_attr.h"
#include "sizebuf.h"
#include "cvar.h"

struct qsockaddr
	short sa_family;
	unsigned char sa_data[14];

#define	NET_NAMELEN			64

#define NET_MAXMESSAGE		8192
#define NET_HEADERSIZE		(2 * sizeof(unsigned int))

// NetHeader flags
#define NETFLAG_LENGTH_MASK	0x0000ffff
#define NETFLAG_DATA		0x00010000
#define NETFLAG_ACK			0x00020000
#define NETFLAG_NAK			0x00040000
#define NETFLAG_EOM			0x00080000
#define NETFLAG_UNRELIABLE	0x00100000
#define NETFLAG_CTL			0x80000000


// This is the network info/connection protocol.  It is used to find Quake
// servers, get info about them, and connect to them.  Once connected, the
// Quake game protocol (documented elsewhere) is used.
// General notes:
//	game_name is currently always "QUAKE", but is there so this same protocol
//		can be used for future games as well; can you say Quake2?
//		string	game_name				"QUAKE"
//		byte	net_protocol_version	NET_PROTOCOL_VERSION
//		string	game_name				"QUAKE"
//		byte	net_protocol_version	NET_PROTOCOL_VERSION
//		byte	player_number
//		string	rule
//		long	port
//		string	reason
//		string	server_address
//		string	host_name
//		string	level_name
//		byte	current_players
//		byte	max_players
//		byte	protocol_version	NET_PROTOCOL_VERSION
//		byte	player_number
//		string	name
//		long	colors
//		long	frags
//		long	connect_time
//		string	address
//		string	rule
//		string	value

//	note:
//		There are two address forms used above.  The short form is just a
//		port number.  The address that goes along with the port is defined as
//		"whatever address you receive this reponse from".  This lets us use
//		the host OS to solve the problem of multiple host addresses (possibly
//		with no routing between them); the host will use the right address
//		when we reply to the inbound connection request.  The long from is
//		a full address and port in a string.  It is used for returning the
//		address of a server that is not running locally.

#define CCREQ_CONNECT		0x01
#define CCREQ_SERVER_INFO	0x02
#define CCREQ_PLAYER_INFO	0x03
#define CCREQ_RULE_INFO		0x04

#define CCREP_ACCEPT		0x81
#define CCREP_REJECT		0x82
#define CCREP_SERVER_INFO	0x83
#define CCREP_PLAYER_INFO	0x84
#define CCREP_RULE_INFO		0x85

typedef struct qsocket_s
	struct qsocket_s	*next;
	double			connecttime;
	double			lastMessageTime;
	double			lastSendTime;

	qboolean		disconnected;
	qboolean		canSend;
	qboolean		sendNext;
	int				driver;
	int				landriver;
	int				socket;
	void			*driverdata;

	unsigned int	ackSequence;
	unsigned int	sendSequence;
	unsigned int	unreliableSendSequence;
	int				sendMessageLength;
	byte			sendMessage [NET_MAXMESSAGE];

	unsigned int	receiveSequence;
	unsigned int	unreliableReceiveSequence;
	int				receiveMessageLength;
	byte			receiveMessage [NET_MAXMESSAGE];

	struct qsockaddr	addr;
	char				address[NET_NAMELEN];

} qsocket_t;

extern qsocket_t	*net_activeSockets;
extern qsocket_t	*net_freeSockets;
extern int			net_numsockets;

typedef struct
	char		*name;
	qboolean	initialized;
	int			controlSock;
	int			(*Init) (void);
	void		(*Shutdown) (void);
	void		(*Listen) (qboolean state);
	int 		(*OpenSocket) (int port);
	int 		(*CloseSocket) (int socket);
	int 		(*Connect) (int socket, struct qsockaddr *addr);
	int 		(*CheckNewConnections) (void);
	int 		(*Read) (int socket, byte *buf, int len, struct qsockaddr *addr);
	int 		(*Write) (int socket, byte *buf, int len, struct qsockaddr *addr);
	int 		(*Broadcast) (int socket, byte *buf, int len);
	char *		(*AddrToString) (struct qsockaddr *addr);
	int 		(*StringToAddr) (char *string, struct qsockaddr *addr);
	int 		(*GetSocketAddr) (int socket, struct qsockaddr *addr);
	int 		(*GetNameFromAddr) (struct qsockaddr *addr, char *name);
	int 		(*GetAddrFromName) (char *name, struct qsockaddr *addr);
	int			(*AddrCompare) (struct qsockaddr *addr1, struct qsockaddr *addr2);
	int			(*GetSocketPort) (struct qsockaddr *addr);
	int			(*SetSocketPort) (struct qsockaddr *addr, int port);
} net_landriver_t;

#define	MAX_NET_DRIVERS		8
extern int 				net_numlandrivers;
extern net_landriver_t	net_landrivers[MAX_NET_DRIVERS];

typedef struct
	char		*name;
	qboolean	initialized;
	int			(*Init) (void);
	void		(*Listen) (qboolean state);
	void		(*SearchForHosts) (qboolean xmit);
	qsocket_t	*(*Connect) (char *host);
	qsocket_t 	*(*CheckNewConnections) (void);
	int			(*QGetMessage) (qsocket_t *sock);
	int			(*QSendMessage) (qsocket_t *sock, sizebuf_t *data);
	int			(*SendUnreliableMessage) (qsocket_t *sock, sizebuf_t *data);
	qboolean	(*CanSendMessage) (qsocket_t *sock);
	qboolean	(*CanSendUnreliableMessage) (qsocket_t *sock);
	void		(*Close) (qsocket_t *sock);
	void		(*Shutdown) (void);
	int			controlSock;
} net_driver_t;

extern int			net_numdrivers;
extern net_driver_t	net_drivers[MAX_NET_DRIVERS];

extern int			DEFAULTnet_hostport;
extern int			net_hostport;

extern int net_driverlevel;
extern char			playername[];
extern int			playercolor;

extern int		messagesSent;
extern int		messagesReceived;
extern int		unreliableMessagesSent;
extern int		unreliableMessagesReceived;

qsocket_t *NET_NewQSocket (void);
void NET_FreeQSocket(qsocket_t *);
double SetNetTime(void);


typedef struct
	char	name[16];
	char	map[16];
	char	cname[32];
	int		users;
	int		maxusers;
	int		driver;
	int		ldriver;
	struct qsockaddr addr;
} hostcache_t;

extern int hostCacheCount;
extern hostcache_t hostcache[HOSTCACHESIZE];

#if !defined(_WIN32 ) && !defined (__linux__) && !defined (__sun__)
#ifndef htonl
extern unsigned long htonl (unsigned long hostlong);
#ifndef htons
extern unsigned short htons (unsigned short hostshort);
#ifndef ntohl
extern unsigned long ntohl (unsigned long netlong);
#ifndef ntohs
extern unsigned short ntohs (unsigned short netshort);

#ifdef IDGODS
qboolean IsID(struct qsockaddr *addr);

// public network functions

extern	double		net_time;
extern	sizebuf_t	net_message;
extern	int			net_activeconnections;

void		NET_Init (void);
void		NET_Shutdown (void);

struct qsocket_s	*NET_CheckNewConnections (void);
// returns a new connection number if there is one pending, else -1

struct qsocket_s	*NET_Connect (char *host);
// called by client to connect to a host.  Returns -1 if not able to

qboolean NET_CanSendMessage (qsocket_t *sock);
// Returns true or false if the given qsocket can currently accept a
// message to be transmitted.

int			NET_GetMessage (struct qsocket_s *sock);
// returns data in net_message sizebuf
// returns 0 if no data is waiting
// returns 1 if a message was received
// returns 2 if an unreliable message was received
// returns -1 if the connection died

int			NET_SendMessage (struct qsocket_s *sock, sizebuf_t *data);
int			NET_SendUnreliableMessage (struct qsocket_s *sock, sizebuf_t *data);
// returns 0 if the message connot be delivered reliably, but the connection
//		is still considered valid
// returns 1 if the message was sent properly
// returns -1 if the connection died

int			NET_SendToAll(sizebuf_t *data, int blocktime);
// This is a reliable *blocking* send to all attached clients.

void		NET_Close (struct qsocket_s *sock);
// if a dead connection is returned by a get or send function, this function
// should be called when it is convenient

// Server calls when a client is kicked off for a game related misbehavior
// like an illegal protocal conversation.  Client calls when disconnecting
// from a server.
// A netcon_t number will not be reused until this function is called for it

void NET_Poll(void);

typedef struct _PollProcedure
	struct _PollProcedure	*next;
	double					nextTime;
	void					(*procedure)();
	void					*arg;
} PollProcedure;

void SchedulePollProcedure(PollProcedure *pp, double timeOffset);

extern	qboolean	serialAvailable;
extern	qboolean	ipxAvailable;
extern	qboolean	tcpipAvailable;
extern	char		my_ipx_address[NET_NAMELEN];
extern	char		my_tcpip_address[NET_NAMELEN];
extern void (*GetComPortConfig) (int portNumber, int *port, int *irq, int *baud, qboolean *useModem);
extern void (*SetComPortConfig) (int portNumber, int port, int irq, int baud, qboolean useModem);
extern void (*GetModemConfig) (int portNumber, char *dialType, char *clear, char *init, char *hangup);
extern void (*SetModemConfig) (int portNumber, char *dialType, char *clear, char *init, char *hangup);

extern	qboolean	slistInProgress;
extern	qboolean	slistSilent;
extern	qboolean	slistLocal;

void NET_Slist_f (void);

extern cvar_t	*config_com_port;
extern cvar_t	*config_com_irq;
extern cvar_t	*config_com_baud;
extern cvar_t	*config_com_modem;
extern cvar_t	*config_modem_dialtype;
extern cvar_t	*config_modem_clear;
extern cvar_t	*config_modem_init;
extern cvar_t	*config_modem_hangup;
extern cvar_t	*hostname;

#endif // __net_h