#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include "cvar.h" #include "console.h" #include "qargs.h" #include "cmd.h" #include "zone.h" #include "quakefs.h" #include "gib.h" #include "gib_instructions.h" #include "gib_interpret.h" #include "gib_modules.h" #include "gib_parse.h" #include "gib_vars.h" #include "gib_error.h" static gib_inst_t *gibinstructions; char *gib_subret; void GIB_AddInstruction (char *name, gib_func_t func) { gib_inst_t *new; new = malloc(sizeof(gib_inst_t)); new->name = malloc(strlen(name) + 1); new->func = func; strcpy(new->name, name); new->next = gibinstructions; gibinstructions = new; } gib_inst_t *GIB_Find_Instruction (char *name) { gib_inst_t *inst; if (!(gibinstructions)) return 0; for (inst = gibinstructions; strcmp(inst->name, name); inst = inst->next) if (!(inst->next)) return 0; return inst; } void GIB_Init_Instructions (void) { GIB_AddInstruction("echo", GIB_Echo_f); GIB_AddInstruction("call", GIB_Call_f); GIB_AddInstruction("varprint", GIB_VarPrint_f); GIB_AddInstruction("return", GIB_Return_f); } int GIB_Echo_f (void) { Con_Printf("%s\n",GIB_Argv(1)); return 0; } int GIB_Call_f (void) { gib_module_t *mod; gib_sub_t *sub; int i, ret; mod = GIB_Get_ModSub_Mod (GIB_Argv(1)); if (!mod) return GIB_E_NOSUB; sub = GIB_Get_ModSub_Sub (GIB_Argv(1)); if (!sub) return GIB_E_NOSUB; GIB_SUBARGC = GIB_Argc() - 1; GIB_SUBARGV[0] = sub->name; for (i = 1; i <= GIB_SUBARGC; i++) GIB_SUBARGV[i] = GIB_Argv(i + 1); ret = GIB_Run_Sub (mod, sub); if (gib_subret) GIB_Var_Set("retval", gib_subret); gib_subret = 0; return ret; } int GIB_VarPrint_f (void) { gib_var_t *var; int i; for (i = 1; i <= GIB_Argc(); i++) { var = GIB_Var_FindLocal(GIB_Argv(i)); if (!var) return GIB_E_NOVAR; Con_Printf("%s", var->value); } Con_Printf ("\n"); return 0; } int GIB_Return_f (void) { if (GIB_Argc() != 1) return GIB_E_NUMARGS; gib_subret = malloc(strlen(GIB_Argv(1)) + 1); strcpy(gib_subret, GIB_Argv(1)); return GIB_E_RETURN; // Signal to block executor to return immediately }