/* in_ggi.c Input handling for ggi renderer. Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. Copyright (C) 1999 Marcus Sundberg [mackan@stacken.kth.se] This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA $Id$ */ #define _BSD #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "cl_input.h" #include "client.h" #include "cmd.h" #include "console.h" #include "cvar.h" #include "host.h" #include "input.h" #include "joystick.h" #include "keys.h" #include "qargs.h" #include "sys.h" #include "view.h" cvar_t *m_filter; cvar_t *_windowed_mouse; #define NUM_STDBUTTONS 3 #define NUM_BUTTONS 10 static qboolean mouse_avail; static float mouse_x, mouse_y; static float old_mouse_x, old_mouse_y; static int p_mouse_x, p_mouse_y; static float old_windowed_mouse; static ggi_visual_t ggivis = NULL; static int XLateKey (ggi_key_event * ev) { int key = 0; if (GII_KTYP (ev->label) == GII_KT_DEAD) { ev->label = GII_KVAL (ev->label); } switch (ev->label) { case GIIK_P9: key = KP_PGUP; break; case GIIK_PageUp: key = K_PGUP; break; case GIIK_P3: key = KP_PGDN; break; case GIIK_PageDown: key = K_PGDN; break; case GIIK_P7: key = KP_HOME; break; case GIIK_Home: key = K_HOME; break; case GIIK_P1: key = KP_END; break; case GIIK_End: key = K_END; break; case GIIK_P4: key = KP_LEFTARROW; break; case GIIK_Left: key = K_LEFTARROW; break; case GIIK_P6: key = KP_RIGHTARROW; break; case GIIK_Right: key = K_RIGHTARROW; break; case GIIK_P2: key = KP_DOWNARROW; break; case GIIK_Down: key = K_DOWNARROW; break; case GIIK_P8: key = KP_UPARROW; break; case GIIK_Up: key = K_UPARROW; break; case GIIK_P5: key = KP_5; break; case GIIK_PBegin: key = K_AUX32; break; case GIIK_P0: key = KP_INS; break; case GIIK_Insert: key = K_INS; break; case GIIK_PSeparator: case GIIK_PDecimal: key = KP_DEL; break; case GIIUC_Delete: key = K_DEL; break; case GIIK_PStar: key = KP_MULTIPLY; break; case GIIK_PPlus: key = KP_PLUS; break; case GIIK_PMinus: key = KP_MINUS; break; case GIIK_PSlash: key = KP_DIVIDE; break; case GIIK_PEnter: key = KP_ENTER; break; case GIIUC_Return: key = K_ENTER; break; case GIIUC_Escape: key = K_ESCAPE; break; case GIIUC_Tab: key = K_TAB; break; case GIIK_F1: key = K_F1; break; case GIIK_F2: key = K_F2; break; case GIIK_F3: key = K_F3; break; case GIIK_F4: key = K_F4; break; case GIIK_F5: key = K_F5; break; case GIIK_F6: key = K_F6; break; case GIIK_F7: key = K_F7; break; case GIIK_F8: key = K_F8; break; case GIIK_F9: key = K_F9; break; case GIIK_F10: key = K_F10; break; case GIIK_F11: key = K_F11; break; case GIIK_F12: key = K_F12; break; case GIIUC_BackSpace: key = K_BACKSPACE; break; case GIIK_ShiftL: case GIIK_ShiftR: key = K_SHIFT; break; case GIIK_Execute: case GIIK_CtrlL: case GIIK_CtrlR: key = K_CTRL; break; case GIIK_AltL: case GIIK_MetaL: case GIIK_AltR: case GIIK_MetaR: case GIIK_AltGr: case GIIK_ModeSwitch: key = K_ALT; break; case GIIK_Caps: key = K_CAPSLOCK; break; case GIIK_PrintScreen: key = K_PRNTSCR; break; case GIIK_ScrollLock: key = K_SCRLCK; break; case GIIK_Pause: key = K_PAUSE; break; case GIIK_NumLock: key = KP_NUMLCK; break; case GIIUC_Comma: case GIIUC_Minus: case GIIUC_Period: key = ev->label; break; case GIIUC_Section: key = '~'; break; default: if (ev->label >= 0 && ev->label <= 9) return ev->label; if (ev->label >= 'A' && ev->label <= 'Z') { return ev->label - 'A' + 'a'; } if (ev->label >= 'a' && ev->label <= 'z') return ev->label; if (ev->sym <= 0x7f) { key = ev->sym; if (key >= 'A' && key <= 'Z') { key = key - 'A' + 'a'; } return key; } if (ev->label <= 0x7f) { return ev->label; } break; } return key; } static void GetEvent (void) { ggi_event ev; uint32 b; ggiEventRead (ggivis, &ev, emAll); switch (ev.any.type) { case evKeyPress: Key_Event (XLateKey (&ev.key), 0, true); break; case evKeyRelease: Key_Event (XLateKey (&ev.key), 0, false); break; case evPtrRelative: mouse_x += (float) ev.pmove.x; mouse_y += (float) ev.pmove.y; break; case evPtrAbsolute: mouse_x += (float) (ev.pmove.x - p_mouse_x); mouse_y += (float) (ev.pmove.y - p_mouse_y); p_mouse_x = ev.pmove.x; p_mouse_y = ev.pmove.y; break; case evPtrButtonPress: if (!mouse_avail) return; b = ev.pbutton.button - 1; if (b < NUM_STDBUTTONS) { Key_Event (K_MOUSE1 + b, 0, true); } else if (b < NUM_STDBUTTONS + 2) { b -= 3; if (b) Key_Event (K_MWHEELDOWN, 0, true); else Key_Event (K_MWHEELUP, 0, true); } else if (b < NUM_BUTTONS) { Key_Event (K_AUX32 - NUM_BUTTONS + b, 0, true); } break; case evPtrButtonRelease: if (!mouse_avail) return; b = ev.pbutton.button - 1; if (b < NUM_STDBUTTONS) { Key_Event (K_MOUSE1 + b, 0, false); } else if (b < NUM_STDBUTTONS + 2) { b -= 3; if (b) Key_Event (K_MWHEELDOWN, 0, false); else Key_Event (K_MWHEELUP, 0, false); } else if (b < NUM_BUTTONS) { Key_Event (K_AUX32 - NUM_BUTTONS + b, 0, false); } break; #if 0 case ConfigureNotify: //printf("config notify\n"); config_notify_width = ev.xconfigure.width; config_notify_height = ev.xconfigure.height; config_notify = 1; break; default: #endif } } void IN_SendKeyEvents (void) { /* Get events from LibGGI */ if (ggivis) { struct timeval t = { 0, 0 }; if (ggiEventPoll (ggivis, emAll, &t)) { int i = ggiEventsQueued (ggivis, emAll); while (i--) GetEvent (); } } } void IN_Init (void) { JOY_Init (); old_windowed_mouse = -1; /* Force update */ if (COM_CheckParm ("-nomouse")) return; mouse_x = mouse_y = 0.0; mouse_avail = 1; } void IN_Init_Cvars (void) { JOY_Init_Cvars (); _windowed_mouse = Cvar_Get ("_windowed_mouse", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Have Quake grab the mouse from X when you play"); m_filter = Cvar_Get ("m_filter", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Mouse input filtering"); } void IN_Shutdown (void) { JOY_Shutdown (); Con_Printf ("IN_Shutdown\n"); mouse_avail = 0; } void IN_Commands (void) { JOY_Command (); /* Only supported by LibGII 0.7 or later. */ #ifdef GII_CMDCODE_PREFER_RELPTR if (old_windowed_mouse != _windowed_mouse->int_val) { gii_event ev; old_windowed_mouse = _windowed_mouse->int_val; ev.cmd.size = sizeof (gii_cmd_nodata_event); ev.cmd.type = evCommand; ev.cmd.target = GII_EV_TARGET_ALL; ev.cmd.code = _windowed_mouse->int_val ? GII_CMDCODE_PREFER_RELPTR : GII_CMDCODE_PREFER_ABSPTR; ggiEventSend (ggivis, &ev); } #endif } void IN_Move (usercmd_t *cmd) { JOY_Move (cmd); if (!mouse_avail) return; if (m_filter->int_val) { mouse_x = (mouse_x + old_mouse_x) * 0.5; mouse_y = (mouse_y + old_mouse_y) * 0.5; } old_mouse_x = mouse_x; old_mouse_y = mouse_y; mouse_x *= sensitivity->value; mouse_y *= sensitivity->value; if ((in_strafe.state & 1) || (lookstrafe->int_val && freelook)) cmd->sidemove += m_side->value * mouse_x; else cl.viewangles[YAW] -= m_yaw->value * mouse_x; if (freelook) V_StopPitchDrift (); if (freelook && !(in_strafe.state & 1)) { cl.viewangles[PITCH] += m_pitch->value * mouse_y; cl.viewangles[PITCH] = bound (-70, cl.viewangles[PITCH], 80); } else { if ((in_strafe.state & 1) && noclip_anglehack) cmd->upmove -= m_forward->value * mouse_y; else cmd->forwardmove -= m_forward->value * mouse_y; } mouse_x = mouse_y = 0.0; }