Much better for clearing the screen and stuff, will get used more later
on. For now it just makes the sky's edge off in the distance and makes
the non-skybox sky more of a dome than a box with rounded off edges.
Visual bug: drawing everything this way leaves blending off, particles end
up being solid tris. All I gotta do is turn blend back on, no biggie.
Visual bug: skydome being in the distance creates the same see through
walls effect that skyboxes have. Not a problem since I know where to fix
There's tons of dead code in here still, I'm probably going to move the
sky stuff into gl_sky.c and clean up LordHavoc's code a bit, I can do
the skybox at least cheaper than he does. We'll see about the dome.
wholesome, family project (yeah right), it will not be seen anymore.
But fret not. If you need a replacement, just use glBindTexture the way
SGI intended. In fact, every single GL_Bind (target) call was simply
replaced with glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, target).. Since that's more
or less all GL_Bind () did anyway, save a function call!
SGIS_multitexture (I assure you, unless you're on IRIX, you don't have
it!) Added a Sbar_Changed () to fix the sbar overbright for a few people
and the very beginnings of ARB_multitexture are now in glquake.h
split up the headerfiles and such. common.[ch] and qwsvdef.h no longer exist. More work still needs to be done (esp for windows) but this should be a major improvement.