New cvars (oldtree console effects)

gl_conalpha - 0.6, 1 to disable alpha
	gl_conspin - 0, anything else causes it to spin at that speed
	gl_constretch - 0, 1 to stretch console instead of sliding it
This commit is contained in:
Joseph Carter 2000-05-29 10:16:04 +00:00
parent a1559fc7d9
commit 91e380d3b3
2 changed files with 124 additions and 112 deletions

View file

@ -489,6 +489,27 @@ Type : Boolean
Default : 1
Description : whether or not to use RGBA lightmaps
Cvar : gl_conalpha
Targets : gl clients
Category : gl console ui
Type : number
Default : 0.6
Description : alpha value for console
Cvar : gl_conspin
Targets : gl clients
Category : gl console ui
Type : number
Default : 0
Description : speed at which the console spins
Cvar : gl_constretch
Targets : gl clients
Category : gl console ui
Type : boolean
Default : 0
Description : whether to slide or stretch the console
Cvar : gl_cshiftpercent
Targets :
Category :

View file

@ -59,20 +59,15 @@
extern byte *host_basepal;
extern unsigned char d_15to8table[65536];
/* extern cvar_t crosshair, cl_crossx, cl_crossy, crosshaircolor;
extern cvar_t *crosshair, *cl_crossx, *cl_crossy, *crosshaircolor;
cvar_t *gl_nobind;
/* cvar_t gl_max_size = {"gl_max_size", "1024"};
cvar_t *gl_max_size;
/* cvar_t gl_picmip = {"gl_picmip", "0"};
cvar_t *gl_picmip;
/* cvar_t cl_verstring = {"cl_verstring", "QuakeForge " QF_VERSION};
cvar_t *gl_constretch;
cvar_t *gl_conalpha;
cvar_t *gl_conspin;
cvar_t *cl_verstring;
extern byte *draw_chars; // 8*8 graphic characters
@ -101,9 +96,6 @@ typedef struct
float sl, tl, sh, th;
} glpic_t;
byte conback_buffer[sizeof(qpic_t) + sizeof(glpic_t)];
qpic_t *conback = (qpic_t *)&conback_buffer;
int gl_lightmap_format = 4;
int gl_solid_format = 3;
int gl_alpha_format = 4;
@ -324,30 +316,6 @@ qpic_t *Draw_CachePic (char *path)
void Draw_CharToConback (int num, byte *dest)
int row, col;
byte *source;
int drawline;
int x;
row = num>>4;
col = num&15;
source = draw_chars + (row<<10) + (col<<3);
drawline = 8;
while (drawline--)
for (x=0 ; x<8 ; x++)
if (source[x] != 255)
dest[x] = 0x60 + source[x];
source += 128;
dest += 320;
typedef struct
char *name;
@ -419,22 +387,24 @@ Draw_Init
void Draw_Init (void)
int i;
qpic_t *cb;
glpic_t *gl;
int start;
byte *ncdata;
/* Cvar_RegisterVariable (&gl_nobind);
gl_nobind = Cvar_Get("gl_nobind", "0", CVAR_NONE, "None");
/* Cvar_RegisterVariable (&gl_max_size);
gl_max_size = Cvar_Get("gl_max_size", "1024", CVAR_NONE, "None");
/* Cvar_RegisterVariable (&gl_picmip);
gl_picmip = Cvar_Get("gl_picmip", "0", CVAR_NONE, "None");
gl_nobind = Cvar_Get("gl_nobind", "0", CVAR_NONE,
"whether or not to inhibit texture binding");
gl_max_size = Cvar_Get("gl_max_size", "1024", CVAR_NONE,
"None"); // CVAR_FIXME - set a description
gl_picmip = Cvar_Get("gl_picmip", "0", CVAR_NONE,
"None"); // CVAR_FIXME - set a description
cl_verstring = Cvar_Get("cl_verstring", PROGRAM " " VERSION, CVAR_NONE, "Client version string");
// Console effects --KB
gl_constretch = Cvar_Get ("gl_constretch", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE,
"whether slide the console or stretch it");
gl_conalpha = Cvar_Get ("gl_conalpha", "0.6", CVAR_ARCHIVE,
"alpha value for the console background");
gl_conspin = Cvar_Get ("gl_conspin", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE,
"speed at which the console spins");
cl_verstring = Cvar_Get("cl_verstring", PROGRAM " " VERSION, CVAR_NONE,
"client version string");
// 3dfx can only handle 256 wide textures
if (!strncasecmp ((char *)gl_renderer, "3dfx",4) ||
@ -457,63 +427,9 @@ void Draw_Init (void)
// Draw_CrosshairAdjust();
cs_texture = GL_LoadTexture ("crosshair", 8, 8, cs_data, false, true);
start = Hunk_LowMark ();
cb = (qpic_t *)COM_LoadHunkFile ("gfx/conback.lmp");
if (!cb)
Sys_Error ("Couldn't load gfx/conback.lmp");
SwapPic (cb);
#if 0
conback->width = vid.conwidth;
conback->height = vid.conheight;
// scale console to vid size
dest = ncdata = Hunk_AllocName(vid.conwidth * vid.conheight, "conback");
for (y=0 ; y<vid.conheight ; y++, dest += vid.conwidth)
src = cb->data + cb->width * (y*cb->height/vid.conheight);
if (vid.conwidth == cb->width)
memcpy (dest, src, vid.conwidth);
f = 0;
fstep = cb->width*0x10000/vid.conwidth;
for (x=0 ; x<vid.conwidth ; x+=4)
dest[x] = src[f>>16];
f += fstep;
dest[x+1] = src[f>>16];
f += fstep;
dest[x+2] = src[f>>16];
f += fstep;
dest[x+3] = src[f>>16];
f += fstep;
conback->width = cb->width;
conback->height = cb->height;
ncdata = cb->data;
gl = (glpic_t *)conback->data;
gl->texnum = GL_LoadTexture ("conback", conback->width, conback->height, ncdata, false, false);
gl->sl = 0;
gl->sh = 1;
gl->tl = 0;
gl->th = 1;
conback->width = vid.conwidth;
conback->height = vid.conheight;
// free loaded console
Hunk_FreeToLowMark (start);
// save a texture slot for translated picture
translate_texture = texture_extension_number++;
@ -813,21 +729,96 @@ void Draw_TransPicTranslate (int x, int y, qpic_t *pic, byte *translation)
Draws console background (obviously!) Completely rewritten to use
several simple yet very cool GL effects. --KB
void Draw_ConsoleBackground (int lines)
Draw_ConsoleBackground ( int lines )
int y;
qpic_t *conback;
glpic_t *gl;
float ofs;
float alpha;
// This can be a CachePic now, just like in software
conback = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/conback.lmp");
gl = (glpic_t *)conback->data;
// spin the console? - effect described in a QER tutorial
if (gl_conspin->value)
static float xangle = 0;
static float xfactor = .3f;
static float xstep = .005f;
glPushMatrix ();
glMatrixMode (GL_TEXTURE);
glPushMatrix ();
glLoadIdentity ();
xangle += gl_conspin->value;
xfactor += xstep;
if (xfactor > 8 || xfactor < .3f)
xstep = -xstep;
glRotatef (xangle, 0, 0, 1);
glScalef (xfactor, xfactor, xfactor);
// slide console up/down or stretch it?
if (gl_constretch->value)
ofs = 0;
ofs = (vid.conheight - lines)/(float)vid.conheight;
y = (vid.height * 3) >> 2;
if (lines > y)
Draw_Pic(0, lines-vid.height, conback);
Draw_AlphaPic (0, lines - vid.height, conback, (float)(1.2 * lines)/y);
alpha = 1.0;
} else {
// set up to draw alpha console
alpha = (float)(gl_conalpha->value * 2 * lines)/y;
glEnable (GL_BLEND);
glColor4f (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, alpha);
// draw the console texture
GL_Bind (gl->texnum);
glBegin (GL_QUADS);
glTexCoord2f (gl->sl, gl->tl + ofs);
glVertex2f (0, 0);
glTexCoord2f (gl->sh, gl->tl + ofs);
glVertex2f (vid.conwidth, 0);
glTexCoord2f (gl->sh, gl->th);
glVertex2f (vid.conwidth, lines);
glTexCoord2f (gl->sl, gl->th);
glVertex2f (0, lines);
glEnd ();
// turn off alpha blending
if (alpha < 1.0)
glColor4f (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
glDisable (GL_BLEND);
if (gl_conspin->value)
glPopMatrix ();
glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
glPopMatrix ();
// draw version string if not downloading
if (!
Draw_Alt_String (vid.conwidth - strlen(cl_verstring->string)*8 - 11,
lines-14, cl_verstring->string);