/*********************************************** * * * FrikBot Waypoints * * "The better than roaming AI" * * * ***********************************************/ /* This program is in the Public Domain. My crack legal team would like to add: RYAN "FRIKAC" SMITH IS PROVIDING THIS SOFTWARE "AS IS" AND MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, CAPABILITY, EFFICIENCY, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FUNCTIONING OF THIS SOFTWARE AND/OR DOCUMENTATION. IN NO EVENT WILL RYAN "FRIKAC" SMITH BE LIABLE FOR ANY GENERAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF RYAN "FRIKAC" SMITH HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, IRRESPECTIVE OF THE CAUSE OF SUCH DAMAGES. You accept this software on the condition that you indemnify and hold harmless Ryan "FrikaC" Smith from any and all liability or damages to third parties, including attorney fees, court costs, and other related costs and expenses, arising out of your use of this software irrespective of the cause of said liability. The export from the United States or the subsequent reexport of this software is subject to compliance with United States export control and munitions control restrictions. You agree that in the event you seek to export this software, you assume full responsibility for obtaining all necessary export licenses and approvals and for assuring compliance with applicable reexport restrictions. Any reproduction of this software must contain this notice in its entirety. */ #include #include "libfrikbot.h" #include "editor.h" int bot_way_linker; @implementation Bot (Way) -(void)deleteWaypoint:(Waypoint *)what { if (current_way == what) current_way = nil; [waypoint_array removeObject:what]; [what release]; } /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FindRoute & FindThing used by the pathing code in bot_ai.qc -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ -(entity)findThing:(string)s { local entity t; local float tdst, dst; local entity best; dst = 100000; best = nil; t = find (nil, classname, s); while (t != nil) { tdst = vlen(((t.absmin + t.absmax) * 0.5) - ent.origin); if (tdst < dst) { dst = tdst; best = t; } t = find(t, classname, s); } return best; } /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= FindRoute, this is a key function in the pathing. The name is a bit misleading, this code finds the closest waypoint that is part of a route calculated by the beginRoute and end_route routines This is a definite path to an object. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ -(Waypoint *)findRoute:(Waypoint *)lastone { // kinda like FindWaypoint, only of this bots route though local Waypoint *t, *best; local float dst, tdst; local int flag; local int count, i; flag = b_clientflag; dst = 100000; best = nil; count = [waypoint_array count]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { t = [waypoint_array objectAtIndex:i]; tdst = vlen(t.origin - ent.origin); if ((tdst < dst) && (t.bot_bits & flag)) { if ((lastone == nil) || ([lastone isLinkedTo:t])) { dst = tdst; best = t; } } } return best; } /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mark_path After the route has been found, mark it with bitflags so the table can be used for a different bot. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ -(void)markPath:(Target *)this { local Waypoint *t; local int flag; [Waypoint clearMyRoute:self]; t = [this findWaypoint:this.current_way]; // FIXME // ugh, better way to find players please!!! if ([this classname] != "player") this.current_way = t; if (t.enemy == nil) { [self lost:this :FALSE]; if (waypoint_mode == WM_DYNAMIC) route_failed = TRUE; return; } flag = b_clientflag; while(t) { if (t.bot_bits & flag) return; if (t == last_way) return; t.bot_bits |= flag; t = t.enemy; } } /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= beginRoute and getPath PLEASE NOTE: getPath replaces the old calls to beginRoute. Routing isn't done all at once now, but in two stages, the bot will calc a route *THEN* choose a target, *THEN* mark a path. Boy it's confusing. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ -(int)beginRoute { if (busy_waypoints > 0) return FALSE; if (route_table) { if (!route_table.ishuman) { if (route_table.b_clientno != -1) return FALSE; } } route_table = self; [Waypoint clearRouteTable]; last_way = [self findWaypoint:current_way]; if (last_way != nil) { last_way.distance = vlen(last_way.origin - ent.origin); [last_way queueForThink]; last_way.busy = TRUE; busy_waypoints = 1; return TRUE; } else { route_table = nil; busy_waypoints = 0; return FALSE; } } -(void)getPath:(Target *)this :(int)direct { if (this == nil) return; if (route_table == self) { if (busy_waypoints <= 0) { route_table = nil; [self markPath:this]; } return; } if (direct) { if([self beginRoute]) direct_route = TRUE; else [self lost:this :FALSE]; return; } } /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Temporary Marker code -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ -(void)spawnTempWaypoint:(vector)org { local Waypoint *tep; if (!temp_way) temp_way = tep = [[Waypoint alloc] init]; else tep = temp_way; [tep setOrigin:org]; tep.search_time = 0; tep.is_temp = 1; [self targetAdd:tep]; } /* Dynamic Waypoint spawning and linking. Not very good all things considered. */ -(void)dynamicWaypoint { local Waypoint *t; local float dist, dynlink = 0, dynpoint = 0, editor = 0; if (teleport_time > portal_time) { if (!(ent.flags & FL_WATERJUMP)) { dyn_flags = 2; if (!ishuman) { [self lost:targets[0] :TRUE]; ent.enemy = nil; } } portal_time = teleport_time; } // stacking everything on waypoint_mode might've been good for the editor, // but it sucks to beat hell for this code. // convert waypoint_mode to something more usable.. if (waypoint_mode > WM_LOADED) { if (ishuman) { if (waypoint_mode == WM_EDITOR_DYNLINK) dynlink = 1; else if (waypoint_mode == WM_EDITOR_DYNAMIC) dynlink = dynpoint = 1; editor = 1; } } else if (waypoint_mode == WM_DYNAMIC) dynlink = dynpoint = 1; // if there's nothing for dynamic to do.. if (!dynpoint) { if (!editor) return; } // for speed sake, I won't have bots dynamic waypoint in coop if (!ishuman) if (coop) return; // don't waypoint in single player //XXX if (max_clients < 2) //XXX return; // if you're dead else if (ent.health <= 0) { if (dynpoint) { if (current_way) { if (pointcontents(ent.origin) < -4) { if (current_way.flags & AI_BLIND) current_way.flags |= AI_PRECISION; else current_way.flags |= AI_BLIND; } } } dyn_dest = '0 0 0'; current_way = nil; dyn_flags = 0; return; } // you shouldn't be making waypoints mid air if (dynpoint) { if (!((ent.flags & FL_ONGROUND) || ent.waterlevel == 3)) { if (dyn_flags != 2) { dyn_flags = 1; } return; } } // keep from doing the rest of this every frame if (dyn_time > time) return; dyn_time = time + 0.2; // display the links for editor mode if (editor) { if (current_way) { local Waypoint *way = current_way; local int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (way.links[i]) { DeveloperLightning (way, way.links[i], way.flags & (AI_TELELINK_1 << i)); } } } if (b_aiflags & AI_HOLD_SELECT) return; } t = [self findWaypoint:current_way]; if (t) { dist = vlen (ent.origin - t.origin); if (dist < 192) { if (dist < 64) { if (t != current_way) { if (dynlink) { if (!dyn_flags) { if ([t canSee:current_way ignoring:ent]) [t linkWay:current_way]; } if (dyn_flags == 2) [current_way teleLinkWay:t]; else if ([t canSee:current_way ignoring:ent]) [current_way linkWay:t]; } if (editor) { if (current_way) [current_way deselect]; [t select]; [self.editor refresh]; } } current_way = t; dyn_flags = 0; } dyn_dest = ent.origin + ent.view_ofs; return; } } if ([self recognizePlat:FALSE]) { if (vlen(trace_ent.velocity) > 0) { if (dyn_plat) return; dyn_plat = TRUE; if (!dyn_flags) dyn_flags = 1; //bprint("on a plat!!!!!\n"); } else dyn_plat = FALSE; } else dyn_plat = FALSE; if (dyn_flags == 2) dyn_dest = ent.origin + ent.view_ofs; else if (dyn_dest == '0 0 0') dyn_dest = ent.origin + ent.view_ofs; if (!dynpoint) return; t = [[Waypoint alloc] initAt:dyn_dest]; if (!dyn_flags) { if ([t canSee:current_way ignoring:ent]) [t linkWay:current_way]; } if (dyn_flags == 2) [current_way teleLinkWay: t]; else if ([t canSee:current_way ignoring:ent]) [current_way linkWay:t]; if (editor) { setmodel(t.ent, "progs/s_light.spr"); if (current_way) setmodel(current_way.ent, "progs/s_bubble.spr"); } current_way = t; dyn_flags = 0; dyn_dest = ent.origin + ent.view_ofs; if ([self recognizePlat:FALSE]) { if (trace_ent.classname == "door") t.flags |= AI_DOORFLAG; } } -(int)canSee:(Target *)targ { local float thruwater = 0, pc1 = 0, pc2 = 0; local vector spot1, org; org = [targ realorigin]; spot1 = ent.origin + ent.view_ofs; if (targ.ent.solid == SOLID_BSP) { traceline (spot1, org, TRUE, ent); if (trace_ent == targ.ent) return TRUE; else if (trace_fraction == 1) return TRUE; return FALSE; } else { pc1 = pointcontents (org); pc2 = pointcontents (spot1); if (targ.ent.classname == "player") thruwater = FALSE; else if (pc1 == CONTENT_LAVA) return FALSE; else thruwater = TRUE; } if (pc1 < -1) { // targ's origin is in water or other liquid if (pc2 != pc1) { // look for their head traceline (spot1, org + targ.ent.mins, TRUE, ent); // cross the water check if (trace_inopen) if (trace_inwater) if (!thruwater) return FALSE; if (trace_ent == targ.ent) return TRUE; else if (trace_fraction == 1) return TRUE; return FALSE; } } else { if (pc2 != pc1) { traceline (spot1, org + targ.ent.maxs, TRUE, ent); if (trace_inopen) if (trace_inwater) if (!thruwater) return FALSE; if (trace_ent == targ.ent) return TRUE; else if (trace_fraction == 1) return TRUE; return FALSE; } } traceline (spot1, org, TRUE, ent); if (trace_ent == targ.ent) return TRUE; else if (trace_fraction == 1) return TRUE; traceline (spot1, org + targ.ent.maxs, TRUE, ent); if (trace_ent == targ.ent) return TRUE; else if (trace_fraction == 1) return TRUE; traceline (spot1, org + targ.ent.mins, TRUE, ent); if (trace_ent == targ.ent) return TRUE; else if (trace_fraction == 1) return TRUE; return FALSE; } @end