/* ====================================== FrikBot X (Version 0.10.0) QW ====================================== This program is in the Public Domain. My crack legal team would like to add: RYAN "FRIKAC" SMITH IS PROVIDING THIS SOFTWARE "AS IS" AND MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE ACCURACY, CAPABILITY, EFFICIENCY, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FUNCTIONING OF THIS SOFTWARE AND/OR DOCUMENTATION. IN NO EVENT WILL RYAN "FRIKAC" SMITH BE LIABLE FOR ANY GENERAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF RYAN "FRIKAC" SMITH HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, IRRESPECTIVE OF THE CAUSE OF SUCH DAMAGES. You accept this software on the condition that you indemnify and hold harmless Ryan "FrikaC" Smith from any and all liability or damages to third parties, including attorney fees, court costs, and other related costs and expenses, arising out of your use of this software irrespective of the cause of said liability. The export from the United States or the subsequent reexport of this software is subject to compliance with United States export control and munitions control restrictions. You agree that in the event you seek to export this software, you assume full responsibility for obtaining all necessary export licenses and approvals and for assuring compliance with applicable reexport restrictions. Any reproduction of this software must contain this notice in its entirety. ====================================== These installation instructions only apply to QuakeWorld (as does this entire file). For Normal Quake, please refer to bot.qc -------------------------------------- To install on a new mod, do all this: -------------------------------------- FIXME installing and linking instrunctions here -------------------------------------- * Comment out the following functions in defs.qc sound, aim, setspawnparms -------------------------------------- * Add this to worldspawn() in world.qc, right at the very top, before InitBodyQue(); BotInit(); // FrikBot -------------------------------------- * add this line to StartFrame() in world.qc, at the very top BotFrame(); // FrikBot -------------------------------------- * Add these two lines to PlayerPreThink in client.qc at the very top if (BotPreFrame()) // FrikBot return; -------------------------------------- * Add this line to PlayerPostThink in client.qc at the very top if (BotPostFrame()) // FrikBot return; -------------------------------------- * Add the following line to the very top of Client Connect in client.qc ClientInRankings(); // FrikBot -------------------------------------- * Add these lines to the very top of ClientDisconnect in client.qc ClientDisconnected(); // FrikBot -------------------------------------- * Add these lines to the very top of SpectatorConnect in spectate.qc ClientFixRankings(); // FrikBot -------------------------------------- */ #include "libfrikbot.h" integer []bot_way_ref; integer []bot_move_ref; integer []bot_chat_ref; float []stagger_think_ref; integer []bot_fight_ref; void () bot_map_load = { // place your qc loaded waypoints here switch (mapname) { case "dm1": map_dm1 (); break; case "dm2": map_dm2 (); break; case "dm3": map_dm3 (); break; case "dm4": map_dm4 (); break; case "dm5": map_dm5 (); break; case "dm6": map_dm6 (); break; } }; /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Variables and shtuff bot.qc has become pretty much a header file for all variable in the bot... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ Bot [32] players; // -------globals----- float real_frametime; float bot_count, b_options, lasttime; float waypoint_mode, dump_mode; float direct_route; float sv_friction, sv_gravity; float sv_accelerate, sv_maxspeed, sv_stopspeed; Bot route_table; integer busy_waypoints; float coop = 0; // hack void(entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten) frik_sound = #8; vector(entity e, float sped) frik_aim = #44; void(entity e) frik_setspawnparms = #78; entity () SV_AllocClient = #0; void (entity e) SV_FreeClient = #0; void (entity e, string str) SV_SetUserinfo = #0; void (entity e, integer ping) SV_SetPing = #0; void (entity cl, float sec, vector angles, vector move, integer buttons, integer impulse) SV_UserCmd = #0; void (entity cl) SV_Spawn = #0; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Function redeclarations. These allow function designed to work for clients (sprint, so forth) to mainly not complain when working with a bot Although these shouldn't be needed anymore, as the bots truly are clients now, if you don't stop the SZ_ buffer from filling up by disabling direct messages to the bots, it crashes quake :-( -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ void (entity e) setspawnparms = { if (((Bot)e.@this).ishuman) frik_setspawnparms (e); else SetNewParms (); }; vector (entity e, float sped) aim = { ((Bot)e.@this).missile_speed = sped; return frik_aim (e, sped); }; void (entity e, float chan, string samp, float vol, float atten) sound = { frik_sound (e, chan, samp, vol, atten); if (samp == "items/inv3.wav") return; else if (e.classname == "player") ((Bot)e.@this).b_sound = time + 1; else if (other.classname == "player") ((Bot)other.@this).b_sound = time + 1; }; /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stuff mentioned up top it just links the bot into the mod -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ void () ClientFixRankings = { local integer cno; local Bot bot = @self.@this; local entity btmp; local Bot btmp_bot; if (bot.switch_wallhug > time) return; bot.switch_wallhug = 0; btmp = nextent (NIL); for (cno = 0; cno < 32; cno++) { btmp_bot = btmp.@this; if (!btmp_bot.ishuman) { if (players[cno]) [btmp_bot updateClient]; } cno++; btmp = nextent (btmp); } }; void () ClientInRankings = { local integer cl_no = ClientNumber (@self); if (!players[cl_no]) players[cl_no] = [[Bot alloc] initFromPlayer:@self]; }; void () ClientDisconnected = { local integer cl_no = ClientNumber (@self); players[cl_no] = NIL; }; // BotInit ==================================================================== void () BotInit = { [Waypoint clearAll]; bot_way_ref = &bot_way_linker; bot_move_ref = &bot_move_linker; bot_chat_ref = &bot_chat_linker; stagger_think_ref = &stagger_think; bot_fight_ref = &bot_fight_linker; bot_map_load (); }; /* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rankings 'utilities'. Written by Alan Kivlin, this code just fools clients by sending precisely the same network messages as when a real player signs on to the server. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= */ void(Waypoint e1, Waypoint e2, integer flag) DeveloperLightning = {}; // BotConnect and related functions. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= integer (entity cl) ClientNumber = { local entity e = NIL; local integer f = -1; do { f++; e = nextent (e); } while (e != cl); return f; }; void (integer whatbot, integer whatskill) BotConnect = { local entity cl; local Bot bot; local bot_data_t [] name; cl = SV_AllocClient (); if (!cl) { bprint (PRINT_HIGH, "Unable to connect a bot, server is full.\n"); return; } if (whatbot) name = [Bot name:whatbot]; else name = [Bot randomName]; bot = [[Bot alloc] initWithEntity: cl named:name skill:whatskill]; [bot startTopic:1]; }; /* Bot Impulses. Allows the player to perform bot related functions. */ void () BotImpulses = { local integer f; local string h; if (@self.impulse == 100) { h = infokey (NIL, "skill"); f = (integer) stof (h); BotConnect (0, f); } else if (@self.impulse == 102) [Bot kick]; else return; @self.impulse = 0; }; @implementation Bot - (id) init { return [super init]; } - (id) initWithEntity:(entity) e named:(bot_data_t [])name skill:(integer)skill { local integer cl_no = ClientNumber (e); local entity uself; SV_Spawn (e); if (!(self = [super initWithEntity:e])) return NIL; players[cl_no] = self; b_clientno = cl_no + 1; b_clientflag = 1 << cl_no; //ent.colormap = (float) (cl_no + 1); //ent.team = b_pants + 1; b_entertime = time; ent.netname = name.name; b_pants = name.pants; b_shirt = name.shirt; [self updateClient]; //b_num = I bot_count++; if (skill > 3) skill = 3; else if (skill < 0) skill = 0; b_skill = skill; ishuman = FALSE; uself = @self; @self = ent; SetNewParms (); ClientConnect (); PutClientInServer (); @self = uself; return self; } - (id) initFromPlayer: (entity) e { local integer cno; if (!(self = [super initWithEntity:e])) return NIL; cno = (integer)e.colormap - 1; b_clientno = cno; ishuman = TRUE; switch_wallhug = time + 1; return self; } - (void) preThink { local entity uself; if (switch_wallhug) ClientFixRankings (); if (b_frags != ent.frags) { if (b_frags > ent.frags) { if (pointcontents (ent.origin) == CONTENT_LAVA) [self startTopic:10]; else [self startTopic:9]; } else [self startTopic:2]; b_frags = ent.frags; } [self dynamicWaypoint]; uself = @self; @self = ent; PlayerPreThink (); @self = uself; } - (void) postThink { local entity uself; uself = @self; @self = ent; PlayerPostThink (); @self = uself; } -(void)disconnect { local entity uself; uself = @self; @self = ent; ClientDisconnect (); @self = uself; bot_count--; SV_FreeClient (ent); } -(void)frame { [self obstacles]; [self AI]; [self sendMove]; } -(void) updateClient { local string bottomcolor = ftos (b_pants); local string topcolor = ftos (b_shirt); SV_SetPing (ent, 100 * (3 - b_skill)); SV_SetUserinfo (ent, "\\bottomcolor\\" + bottomcolor + "\\topcolor\\" + topcolor + "\\team\\bot\\skin\\base\\name\\" + ent.netname); // FIXME: do teams properly } -(integer)ishuman { return ishuman; } @end void () BotFrame = { local string h; local integer i; h = infokey (NIL, "bot_options"); b_options = stof (h); // for the sake of speed sv_maxspeed = cvar ("sv_maxspeed"); sv_gravity = cvar ("sv_gravity"); sv_friction = cvar ("sv_friction"); sv_accelerate = cvar ("sv_accelerate"); sv_stopspeed = cvar ("sv_stopspeed"); real_frametime = time - lasttime; // in QW frametime is fuxx0red lasttime = time; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (players[i] && !players[i].ishuman) [players[i] frame]; } };