/*---------------------------------------------------------------- POXbot spawning routines These started getting long so I threw them in a seperate file. ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ // // standing // $frame stand1 stand2 stand3 stand4 stand5 $frame axstnd1 axstnd2 axstnd3 axstnd4 axstnd5 axstnd6 $frame axstnd7 axstnd8 axstnd9 axstnd10 axstnd11 axstnd12 //POX - New naming routine (doesn't allow duplicate names) //Modified version of name code from Doombot Skeleton v0.23 by Roscoe A. Sincero float (string st) check_bot_name = { // checks to see if the name is already used. local entity botname; botname = find(world, classname, "bot"); while (botname != world) { if (botname.netname == st) { // name already used return TRUE; } botname = find(botname, classname, "bot"); } }; string() bot_name = { local float r; local string st; do { r = random (); if (r < 0.07) st = "BadMan"; else if (r < 0.10) st = "koRnewt"; else if (r < 0.13) st = "FreakFace"; else if (r < 0.17) st = "Udie!"; else if (r < 0.25) st = "kILLer"; else if (r < 0.32) st = "Sunshine"; else if (r < 0.36) st = "Happy"; else if (r < 0.46) st = "sICKO"; else if (r < 0.48) st = "choke"; else if (r < 0.53) st = "TrasH"; else if (r < 0.55) st = "Johny5"; else if (r < 0.59) st = "who?"; else if (r <0.62) st = "BOO!"; else if (r < 0.68) st = "Radley"; else if (r <0.72) st = "Homer"; else if (r < 0.74) st = "ScoRCh"; else if (r < 0.78) st = "The Wind"; else if (r < 0.80) st = "Reap-err"; else if (r < 0.82) st = "LameO"; else if (r < 0.84) st = "BOB"; else if (r < 0.86) st = "gUMp"; else if (r < 0.89) st = "C64"; else if (r < 0.92) st = "Arse"; else if (r < 0.94) st = "BIGhead"; else if ( r < 0.97) st = "Santa"; else if (r < 1) st = "Dung"; } while (check_bot_name (st)); return st; }; // ------------------------------------------------ void() respawn_bot = // ------------------------------------------------ { local entity spot; // putting him back in game CopyToBodyQue (self);//POX - dead bodies remain spot = SelectSpawnPoint(); self.origin = spot.origin + '0 0 1'; self.angles = spot.angles; self.fixangle = TRUE; spawn_tfog (self.origin); spawn_tdeath (self.origin, self); self.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_STEP; self.flags = self.flags - (self.flags & FL_ONGROUND); makevectors(self.angles); self.velocity = self.velocity + v_forward*20; //POX - Reset PowerUps self.super_damage_finished = 0; self.radsuit_finished = 0; self.invisible_finished = 0; self.invincible_finished = 0; self.invincible_time = 0; //POX v1.2 - missed this - dead bots with powerups could respawn 'glowing' self.effects = 0; // making him normal again // setmodel(self, self.mdl); //Predator Mode if (deathmatch & DM_PREDATOR) { //self.skin = 0; //setmodel(self, "progs/eyes.mdl"); self.invisible_time = 1; self.invisible_finished = time + 9999999999; } else self.skin = self.skinsave; setmodel(self, self.mdl); //POX - DarkMode if (deathmatch & DM_DARK) flash_on(self); //Lastman Standing (Although bots are counted out at death, they don't go away till respawn - same for players) if (self.frags <= 0 && (deathmatch & DM_LMS)) { self.think = SUB_Remove; self.nextthink = time + 0.1; return; } setsize (self, VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX); self.deadflag = DEAD_NO; self.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; self.ideal_yaw = self.angles * '0 1 0'; self.yaw_speed = 120; self.view_ofs = '0 0 22'; self.frame = $stand1; self.button1 = 90; // finishing his characteristics //POX - reset ammo self.ammo_shells = 0; self.ammo_nails = 0; self.ammo_rockets = 0; self.ammo_cells = 0; self.items = IT_TSHOT; self.currentammo = self.ammo_shells = self.ammo_shells + 25; self.weapon = IT_TSHOT; self.health = 100; self.max_health = 100; self.classname = "bot"; self.enemy = world; self.goalentity = world; self.search_time = 0; // POX v1.1 - spawn with 50 armour points self.items = self.items - (self.items & (IT_ARMOR1 | IT_ARMOR2 | IT_ARMOR3)) + IT_ARMOR1; self.armorvalue = 50; self.armortype = 0.9; //FFA Mode if (deathmatch & DM_FFA) { self.invincible_finished = time + 3; self.invincible_time = 1; self.items = IT_BONESAW | IT_TSHOT | IT_COMBOGUN | IT_PLASMAGUN | IT_SUPER_NAILGUN | IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER | IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER | IT_INVULNERABILITY | IT_ARMOR3; self.health = 200; self.max_health = 200; self.armorvalue = 250; self.ammo_shells = 100; self.ammo_nails = 200; self.ammo_rockets = 100; self.ammo_cells = 200; self.armortype = 0.9; sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "items/protect.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); } // making him stand for a bit self.pausetime = time + 5; self.nextthink = time + 0.1; self.think = self.th_stand; self.bot_needs_item = FALSE; //POX - clear any needed items //POX v1.11 - spawn bots AFTER all players are in /* msgUpdateNameToAll (self.fClientNo, self.netname); msgUpdateColorsToAll (self.fClientNo, self.fShirt, self.fPants); msgUpdateFragsToAll (self.fClientNo, self.frags); */ }; // ------------------------------------------------ void(float teem) create_bot = // ------------------------------------------------ { local entity bot, spot, plr; local float r, cno, sn, pn; //POX - NoBots option if (deathmatch & DM_NOBOTS) { bprint ("No bots allowed in this game.\n"); return; } //POX - added for bot ranking support if (botcounter == 8) { // already reached maximum number of bots. bprint ("Maximum number of bots has been\n"); bprint ("reached. Only 8 bots are allowed.\n"); return; } cno = clientNextAvailable (); if (cno == -1) { bprint ("Server is full. Unable to spawn bot.\n"); return; } // initializing the entity bot = spawn(); //POX - added for bot ranking support botcounter = botcounter + 1; spot = SelectSpawnPoint(); bot.origin = spot.origin + '0 0 1'; bot.angles = spot.angles; bot.fixangle = TRUE; spawn_tfog (bot.origin); spawn_tdeath (bot.origin, bot); bot.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX; bot.movetype = MOVETYPE_STEP; // defining his animation //POX - added a couple new skins for bots bot.mdl = "progs/player.mdl"; //POX1.01b - FIX for friendly team bot skin (use base skin) if (teamplay && teem == 2) bot.skin = 0; else { if (random() < 0.5) bot.skin = 1; else bot.skin = 2; } bot.skinsave = bot.skin; bot.frame = $stand1; bot.th_stand = bot_stand1; bot.th_walk = bot_walk1; bot.th_run = bot_run1; bot.th_pain = bot_pain; bot.th_die = bot_die; bot.th_missile = bot_attack; // arming and naming him bot.items = bot.items | IT_TSHOT; bot.currentammo = bot.ammo_shells = bot.ammo_shells + 25; bot.weapon = IT_TSHOT; bot.health = 100; bot.max_health = 100; bot.classname = "bot"; //POX - Added for Powerup Support bot.super_damage_finished = 0; bot.radsuit_finished = 0; bot.invisible_finished = 0; bot.invincible_finished = 0; bot.effects = 0; bot.invincible_time = 0; // POX v1.1 - spawn with 50 armour points self.items = self.items - (self.items & (IT_ARMOR1 | IT_ARMOR2 | IT_ARMOR3)) + IT_ARMOR1; self.armorvalue = 50; self.armortype = 0.9; //POX - Added for Ranking Support clientSetUsed (cno); bot.fClientNo = cno; bot.colormap = cno + 1; if (!teamplay) { bot.fShirt = floor (random() * 13); bot.fPants = floor (random() * 13); } /* POX - I've changed tutor bot team rules to support multiple clients (in theory). Only one all bot team is allowed, but you can mix bots and clients on other teams. This is kind of a hack since every client can create a team bot and/or an all bot team bot. I should implement a user config that limits the number of team members, currently only the server limit will do this, and real clients will always boot a bot when they join if there isn't any space. */ sn = -1; pn = -1; //POX - Create a Friendly Team Bot if (teamplay && teem == 2) { bot.team = self.team; //POX - This is a hack to get the proper colours to show in the rankings (colormap didn't work(?)) //POX - It tests every combination of colours (plus a few more for good luck) until the right one is found while (sn < 15) { while (pn < 15) { //POX - FIX ME - cvars always refer to the server (maybe force teams to wear solid colours) if (cvar("_cl_color") == (sn*16) + pn) { //bot.colormap = self.colormap; bot.fShirt = sn; bot.fPants = pn; sn = 15; pn = 15; } pn = pn + 1; } sn = sn + 1; pn = 0; } } //POX - Create an all Bot Team Bot (bad guys) if (teamplay && teem == 1) { bot.team = 16; //POX - I figured team 17 would never exist so I used it for the all bot team //POX - all bot team is always white on white bot.fShirt = 0; bot.fPants = 0; } //Predator Mode if (deathmatch & DM_PREDATOR) { //setmodel(bot, "progs/eyes.mdl"); //bot.skin = 0; bot.invisible_time = 1; bot.invisible_finished = time + 9999999999; } setmodel(bot, bot.mdl); //Dark Mode if (deathmatch & DM_DARK) flash_on(bot); //Last Man Standing if (deathmatch & DM_LMS) { lms_plrcount = lms_plrcount + 1; if (fraglimit_LMS == 0) bot.frags = 5; else bot.frags = fraglimit_LMS; } //FFA Mode if (deathmatch & DM_FFA) { bot.invincible_finished = time + 5; bot.invincible_time = 1; bot.items = IT_BONESAW | IT_TSHOT | IT_COMBOGUN | IT_PLASMAGUN | IT_SUPER_NAILGUN | IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER | IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER | IT_INVULNERABILITY | IT_ARMOR3; bot.health = 200; bot.max_health = 200; bot.armorvalue = 250; bot.ammo_shells = 100; bot.ammo_nails = 200; bot.ammo_rockets = 100; bot.ammo_cells = 200; bot.armortype = 0.9; sound (bot, CHAN_VOICE, "items/protect.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); } bot.netname = bot_name(); //POX - Added for Ranking Support msgUpdateNameToAll( bot.fClientNo, bot.netname ); msgUpdateColorsToAll( bot.fClientNo, bot.fShirt, bot.fPants ); msgUpdateFragsToAll( bot.fClientNo, bot.frags ); bprint(bot.netname); bprint(" entered the game\n"); // polishing him up setsize (bot, VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX); bot.ideal_yaw = bot.angles * '0 1 0'; bot.yaw_speed = 120; bot.view_ofs = '0 0 22'; bot.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; bot.attack_state = 0; bot.button1 = 90; bot.nextthink = time + 0.1 + random(); bot.think = bot.th_walk; /*POX v1.11 - Cloak is back to eyes (bot powerup check is less accurate now, but good enough) //POX - This part is a hack - it allows the Player who spawned the bot to check it's powerups //POX - This was necessary for the new cloak effect to work with bots //POX - The down side is, when a player disconnects, his bots must go with him self.total_spawned_bots = self.total_spawned_bots + 1; if (self.total_spawned_bots == 1) self.bot_a = bot; if (self.total_spawned_bots == 2) self.bot_b = bot; if (self.total_spawned_bots == 3) self.bot_c = bot; if (self.total_spawned_bots == 4) self.bot_d = bot; if (self.total_spawned_bots == 5) self.bot_e = bot; if (self.total_spawned_bots == 6) self.bot_f = bot; if (self.total_spawned_bots == 7) self.bot_g = bot; if (self.total_spawned_bots == 8) self.bot_h = bot; */ //POX - Define BotPrefs - semi-random based on skill level setting //Skill 1 (default) will spawn randomized bots (but no extremely bad or good ones) local float r; //POX - speed if (skill == 0) bot.botpref_speed = 0.1; if (skill == 1) { r = random() - 0.5; if (r < 0.06) r = 0.06; if (r > 0.09) r = 0.09; bot.botpref_speed = r; } if (skill == 2) bot.botpref_speed = 0.07; if (skill > 2) bot.botpref_speed = 0.05; //POX - health awarness r = floor(random() * 30 + (10*skill) + 20); if (r < 60) r = 60; bot.botpref_health = r; //POX - aim if (skill == 0) bot.botpref_aim = 0.25; if (skill == 1) { r = random(); if (r < 0.05) r = 0.05; if (r > 0.2) r = 0.2; bot.botpref_aim = r; } if (skill == 2) bot.botpref_aim = 0.1; if (skill > 2) bot.botpref_aim = 0; //POX - Client Awareness if (skill == 0) bot.botpref_aware = FALSE; else if (skill == 1 || skill == 2) { r = random(); if (r < skill*0.4) bot.botpref_aware = TRUE; else bot.botpref_aware = FALSE; } else bot.botpref_aware = TRUE; //POX - Attack Styles r = floor(random() * 3); if (r == 1 && random() > 0.5) bot.botpref_attack == AS_RUSH; else if (r == 2) bot.botpref_attack == AS_RETREAT; else bot.botpref_attack == AS_SMART; if (skill == 2 && random() >0.2) bot.botpref_attack == AS_SMART; if (skill > 2) bot.botpref_attack == AS_SMART; //POX - Best Weapon Pref r = random(); if (r > 0.5) bot.botpref_weapon = IT_PLASMAGUN; else bot.botpref_weapon = IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER; //POX - Reaction Time if (skill == 0) bot.botpref_react = 0.1; if (skill == 1 || skill == 2) { r = random (); if (r > 0.1) r = 0.1; else if (r < 0.09) r = 0.09; bot.botpref_react = r; } if (skill > 2) bot.botpref_react == 0.01; };