#include "common.qh" #include "misc.qh" #include "weapon.qh" #include "equip.qh" #include "damage.qh" #include "effect.qh" #define STR_EQUIPID_SHOTGUN "Shotgun" #define PUFF_RADIUS 60 /* FIXME: Base on spread too! */ void() _deathmsg_shotgun = { local string def_nname, att_nname; local float r; def_nname = name(self); att_nname = name(self.dmg_attacker); if (self.dmg_attacker == self) { r = random()*2; if (r < 1) bprint(PRINT_DEATH, def_nname, " eats lead.\n"); else bprint(PRINT_DEATH, def_nname, " can't aim a shotgun.\n"); } else { r = random()*2; if (r < 1) bprint(PRINT_DEATH, def_nname, " eats a load of ", att_nname, "'s buckshot.\n"); else bprint(PRINT_DEATH, att_nname, " fills ", def_nname, " full of lead.\n"); } }; void() _deathmsg_super_shotgun = { local float r; local string def_nname, att_nname; def_nname = name(self); att_nname = name(self.dmg_attacker); if (self.dmg_attacker == self) { r = random()*2; if (r < 1) bprint(PRINT_DEATH, def_nname, " gets 2 shells.\n"); else bprint(PRINT_DEATH, def_nname, " practices hunting with a teleporter.\n"); } else { r = random()*2; if (r < 1) bprint(PRINT_DEATH, def_nname, " eats two loads of ", att_nname, "'s buckshot.\n"); else bprint(PRINT_DEATH, att_nname, " makes ", def_nname, " radiation resistant.\n"); } }; entity(vector org, vector dir, entity ent) spawn_puff_damage = { local entity inflictor; inflictor = world; while ((inflictor = find(inflictor, classname, "PUFF"))) { if (vlen(inflictor.origin - org) > PUFF_RADIUS) continue; if (inflictor.enemy == ent) break; } if (!inflictor) { inflictor = spawn("PUFF"); inflictor.solid = SOLID_BBOX; inflictor.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY; inflictor.deadflag = DEAD_NONLIVING; inflictor.velocity = dir; inflictor.angles = vectoangles(dir); inflictor.owner = ent; inflictor.enemy = ent; inflictor.origin = org; // Don't bother linking. } inflictor.count++; return inflictor; }; void(float shotcount, vector spread, void() deathmessage) _fire_bullets = { local vector dir, direction; local vector src; local entity ignore, puff; local float t_dmg, t_mass; local float dist_left; makevectors(self.v_angle); dir = aim(self, 10000); src = shootorigin(self); /* See what a single missile would take.. */ ghost_inflictor.classname = "BULLET"; ghost_inflictor.velocity = dir*10000; ghost_inflictor.dmg = 4; ghost_inflictor.mass = ghost_inflictor.dmg; damage_attack(ghost_inflictor); t_dmg = ghost_inflictor.dmg; t_mass = ghost_inflictor.mass; /* Create the puff damage entities */ tl_proj_begin(); ignore = self; dist_left = 8192; do { for (; shotcount > 0; shotcount--) { direction = dir + crandom()*spread_x*v_right + crandom()*spread_y*v_up; traceline(src, src + direction*dist_left, FALSE, ignore); puff = spawn_puff_damage(trace_endpos, dir, trace_ent); puff.health = dist_left; } puff = world; while ((puff = find(puff, classname, "PUFF"))) { tl_touch(puff.enemy, puff); if (!tl_issolid(puff.enemy)) { dist_left = puff.health - (dist_left*trace_fraction); if (dist_left > 100) break; } else { puff.dmg = t_dmg * puff.count; puff.mass = t_mass * puff.mass; if (!damage(puff.enemy, self, puff, puff.dmg, deathmessage)) effect_gun_spark(puff.origin, puff.velocity, puff.count); } puff.classname = "REMOVED_PUFF"; safe_remove(puff); } if (!puff) break; src = puff.origin; ignore = puff.enemy; shotcount = puff.count; makevectors(puff.angles); dir = v_forward; remove(puff); } while (1); tl_proj_end(); }; void() _w_shotgun_think = { self.weaponframe++; if (self.weaponframe < 1 || self.weaponframe > 6) { self.w_think = NOTHING_function; self.weaponframe = 0; } }; void() _w_shotgun_fire = { if (!util_weapon_use_ammo(ammo_shells, 1)) return; sound(self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/guncock.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); _fire_bullets(6, '0.04 0.04 0', _deathmsg_shotgun); self.weaponframe = 1; self.w_think = _w_shotgun_think; self.mdl_func(MDL_FUNC_FIRE, 0); effect_smallkick(self); self.attack_finished = time + 0.5; }; /* WEAPON 2 shotgun */ float(float action) w_shotgun = { if (action == WEAPON_AMMO) { self.items |= IT_SHELLS; return self.ammo_shells; } else if (action == WEAPON_WEIGHT) { return 20; } else if (action == WEAPON_SELECTABLE) { if (!equip_query(self, EQUIPID_SHOTGUN)) return 0; if (self.ammo_shells >= 1) return 1; return -1; } else if (action == WEAPON_SELECT) { self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_shot.mdl"; self.weaponframe = 0; self.mdl_mod = (self.mdl_mod & ~MDL_MOD_WEP_MASK) | MDL_MOD_WEP_SHOTGUN; weaponprint(STR_EQUIPID_SHOTGUN); } else if (action == WEAPON_FIRE) { _w_shotgun_fire(); } else if (action == WEAPON_INIT) { precache_model("progs/v_shot.mdl"); precache_sound("weapons/guncock.wav"); } return 0; }; // ================================================================ #define STR_EQUIPID_SUPER_SHOTGUN "Super Shotgun" void() _w_super_shotgun_fire = { if (self.ammo_shells == 1) { _w_shotgun_fire(); return; } if (!util_weapon_use_ammo(ammo_shells, 2)) return; sound(self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/shotgn2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); _fire_bullets(14, '0.14 0.08 0', _deathmsg_super_shotgun); self.weaponframe = 1; self.w_think = _w_shotgun_think; self.mdl_func(MDL_FUNC_FIRE, 0); effect_smallkick(self); self.attack_finished = time + 0.7; }; /* WEAPON 3 super_shotgun */ float(float action) w_super_shotgun = { if (action == WEAPON_AMMO) { self.items |= IT_SHELLS; return self.ammo_shells; } else if (action == WEAPON_WEIGHT) { return 40; } else if (action == WEAPON_SELECTABLE) { if (!equip_query(self, EQUIPID_SUPER_SHOTGUN)) return 0; if (self.ammo_shells >= 2) return 1; return -1; } else if (action == WEAPON_SELECT) { self.weaponmodel = "progs/v_shot2.mdl"; self.weaponframe = 0; self.mdl_mod = (self.mdl_mod & ~MDL_MOD_WEP_MASK) | MDL_MOD_WEP_SUPER_SHOTGUN; weaponprint(STR_EQUIPID_SUPER_SHOTGUN); } else if (action == WEAPON_FIRE) { _w_super_shotgun_fire(); } else if (action == WEAPON_INIT) { precache_model("progs/v_shot2.mdl"); precache_sound("weapons/shotgn2.wav"); } return 0; };