/* ============================================================================== OLD ONE ============================================================================== */ $cd id1/models/old_one $origin 0 0 24 $base base $skin skin $scale 1 void() finale_1; void() finale_2; void() finale_3; void() finale_4; entity shub; $frame old1 old2 old3 old4 old5 old6 old7 old8 old9 $frame old10 old11 old12 old13 old14 old15 old16 old17 old18 old19 $frame old20 old21 old22 old23 old24 old25 old26 old27 old28 old29 $frame old30 old31 old32 old33 old34 old35 old36 old37 old38 old39 $frame old40 old41 old42 old43 old44 old45 old46 $frame shake1 shake2 shake3 shake4 shake5 shake6 shake7 shake8 $frame shake9 shake10 shake11 shake12 shake12.dup shake13 shake14 $frame shake15 shake16 shake17 shake18 shake19 shake20 //void() old_stand =[ $old1, old_stand ] {}; void() old_idle1 =[ $old1, old_idle2 ] {}; void() old_idle2 =[ $old2, old_idle3 ] {}; void() old_idle3 =[ $old3, old_idle4 ] {}; void() old_idle4 =[ $old4, old_idle5 ] {}; void() old_idle5 =[ $old5, old_idle6 ] {}; void() old_idle6 =[ $old6, old_idle7 ] {}; void() old_idle7 =[ $old7, old_idle8 ] {}; void() old_idle8 =[ $old8, old_idle9 ] {}; void() old_idle9 =[ $old9, old_idle10 ] {}; void() old_idle10 =[ $old10, old_idle11 ] {}; void() old_idle11 =[ $old11, old_idle12 ] {}; void() old_idle12 =[ $old12, old_idle13 ] {}; void() old_idle13 =[ $old13, old_idle14 ] {}; void() old_idle14 =[ $old14, old_idle15 ] {}; void() old_idle15 =[ $old15, old_idle16 ] {}; void() old_idle16 =[ $old16, old_idle17 ] {}; void() old_idle17 =[ $old17, old_idle18 ] {}; void() old_idle18 =[ $old18, old_idle19 ] {}; void() old_idle19 =[ $old19, old_idle20 ] {}; void() old_idle20 =[ $old20, old_idle21 ] {}; void() old_idle21 =[ $old21, old_idle22 ] {}; void() old_idle22 =[ $old22, old_idle23 ] {}; void() old_idle23 =[ $old23, old_idle24 ] {}; void() old_idle24 =[ $old24, old_idle25 ] {}; void() old_idle25 =[ $old25, old_idle26 ] {}; void() old_idle26 =[ $old26, old_idle27 ] {}; void() old_idle27 =[ $old27, old_idle28 ] {}; void() old_idle28 =[ $old28, old_idle29 ] {}; void() old_idle29 =[ $old29, old_idle30 ] {}; void() old_idle30 =[ $old30, old_idle31 ] {}; void() old_idle31 =[ $old31, old_idle32 ] {}; void() old_idle32 =[ $old32, old_idle33 ] {}; void() old_idle33 =[ $old33, old_idle34 ] {}; void() old_idle34 =[ $old34, old_idle35 ] {}; void() old_idle35 =[ $old35, old_idle36 ] {}; void() old_idle36 =[ $old36, old_idle37 ] {}; void() old_idle37 =[ $old37, old_idle38 ] {}; void() old_idle38 =[ $old38, old_idle39 ] {}; void() old_idle39 =[ $old39, old_idle40 ] {}; void() old_idle40 =[ $old40, old_idle41 ] {}; void() old_idle41 =[ $old41, old_idle42 ] {}; void() old_idle42 =[ $old42, old_idle43 ] {}; void() old_idle43 =[ $old43, old_idle44 ] {}; void() old_idle44 =[ $old44, old_idle45 ] {}; void() old_idle45 =[ $old45, old_idle46 ] {}; void() old_idle46 =[ $old46, old_idle1 ] {}; void() old_thrash1 =[ $shake1, old_thrash2 ] {lightstyle(0, "m");}; void() old_thrash2 =[ $shake2, old_thrash3 ] {lightstyle(0, "k");}; void() old_thrash3 =[ $shake3, old_thrash4 ] {lightstyle(0, "k");}; void() old_thrash4 =[ $shake4, old_thrash5 ] {lightstyle(0, "i");}; void() old_thrash5 =[ $shake5, old_thrash6 ] {lightstyle(0, "g");}; void() old_thrash6 =[ $shake6, old_thrash7 ] {lightstyle(0, "e");}; void() old_thrash7 =[ $shake7, old_thrash8 ] {lightstyle(0, "c");}; void() old_thrash8 =[ $shake8, old_thrash9 ] {lightstyle(0, "a");}; void() old_thrash9 =[ $shake9, old_thrash10 ] {lightstyle(0, "c");}; void() old_thrash10 =[ $shake10, old_thrash11 ] {lightstyle(0, "e");}; void() old_thrash11 =[ $shake11, old_thrash12 ] {lightstyle(0, "g");}; void() old_thrash12 =[ $shake12, old_thrash13 ] {lightstyle(0, "i");}; void() old_thrash13 =[ $shake13, old_thrash14 ] {lightstyle(0, "k");}; void() old_thrash14 =[ $shake14, old_thrash15 ] {lightstyle(0, "m");}; void() old_thrash15 =[ $shake15, old_thrash16 ] {lightstyle(0, "m"); self.cnt = self.cnt + 1; if (self.cnt != 3) self.think = old_thrash1; }; void() old_thrash16 =[ $shake16, old_thrash17 ] {lightstyle(0, "g");}; void() old_thrash17 =[ $shake17, old_thrash18 ] {lightstyle(0, "c");}; void() old_thrash18 =[ $shake18, old_thrash19 ] {lightstyle(0, "b");}; void() old_thrash19 =[ $shake19, old_thrash20 ] {lightstyle(0, "a");}; void() old_thrash20 =[ $shake20, old_thrash20 ] {finale_4();}; //============================================================================ void() finale_1 = { local entity pos, pl, timer; intermission_exittime = time + 10000000; // never allow exit intermission_running = 1; // find the intermission spot pos = find (world, classname, "info_intermission"); if (!pos) error ("no info_intermission"); pl = find (world, classname, "misc_teleporttrain"); if (!pl) error ("no teleporttrain"); remove (pl); WriteByte (MSG_ALL, SVC_FINALE); WriteString (MSG_ALL, ""); pl = find (world, classname, "player"); while (pl != world) { pl.view_ofs = '0 0 0'; pl.angles = other.v_angle = pos.mangle; pl.fixangle = TRUE; // turn this way immediately pl.map = self.map; pl.nextthink = time + 0.5; pl.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; pl.solid = SOLID_NOT; pl.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; pl.modelindex = 0; setorigin (pl, pos.origin); pl = find (pl, classname, "player"); } // make fake versions of all players as standins, and move the real // players to the intermission spot // wait for 1 second timer = spawn (); timer.nextthink = time + 1; timer.think = finale_2; }; void() finale_2 = { local vector o; // start a teleport splash inside shub o = shub.origin - '0 100 0'; WriteBytes (MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, TE_TELEPORT); WriteCoordV (MSG_BROADCAST, o); sound (shub, CHAN_VOICE, "misc/r_tele1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); self.nextthink = time + 2; self.think = finale_3; }; void() finale_3 = { // start shub thrashing wildly shub.think = old_thrash1; sound (shub, CHAN_VOICE, "boss2/death.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); lightstyle (0, "abcdefghijklmlkjihgfedcb"); }; void() finale_4 = { // throw tons of meat chunks local float r, x, y, z; local vector oldo; local entity n; sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "boss2/pop2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); oldo = self.origin; z = 16; while (z <= 144) { x = -64; while (x <= 64) { y = -64; while (y <= 64) { self.origin_x = oldo_x + x; self.origin_y = oldo_y + y; self.origin_z = oldo_z + z; r = random(); if (r < 0.3) ThrowGib ("progs/gib1.mdl", -999); else if (r < 0.6) ThrowGib ("progs/gib2.mdl", -999); else ThrowGib ("progs/gib3.mdl", -999); y += 32; } x += 32; } z += 96; } // start the end text WriteByte (MSG_ALL, SVC_FINALE); WriteString (MSG_ALL, "Congratulations and well done! You have\nbeaten the hideous Shub-Niggurath, and\nher hundreds of ugly changelings and\nmonsters. You have proven that your\nskill and your cunning are greater than\nall the powers of Quake. You are the\nmaster now. Id Software salutes you."); // put a player model down n = spawn(); setmodel (n, "progs/player.mdl"); oldo = oldo - '32 264 0'; setorigin (n, oldo); n.angles = '0 290 0'; n.frame = 1; remove (self); // switch cd track WriteBytes (MSG_ALL, SVC_CDTRACK, 3.0, 3.0); lightstyle (0, "m"); }; //============================================================================ void (entity attacker, float damage) nopain = { self.health = 40000; }; //============================================================================ /*QUAKED monster_oldone (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) */ void() monster_oldone = { if (deathmatch) { remove (self); return; } precache_model2 ("progs/oldone.mdl"); precache_sound2 ("boss2/death.wav"); precache_sound2 ("boss2/idle.wav"); precache_sound2 ("boss2/sight.wav"); precache_sound2 ("boss2/pop2.wav"); self.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_STEP; setmodel (self, "progs/oldone.mdl"); setsize (self, '-160 -128 -24', '160 128 256'); self.health = 40000; // kill by telefrag self.think = old_idle1; self.nextthink = time + 0.1; self.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; self.th_pain = nopain; self.th_die = finale_1; shub = self; total_monsters++; };